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2TJ)e i&opl Historical anti arcfj&ologtcal Association
Efje Ifcilfcernijj Srdjaeological Societg
THE COUNCIL wish it to be distinctly understood that they do
not hold themselves responsible for the statements and opinions
contained in the Papers read at the Meetings of the Society,
and here printed, except as far as No. 26 of the Greneral Rules
of the Society extends.
AS in many recent Volumes of the Society's Journal,
most of the more important Papers published in
1897 belong to the domain of Prehistoric Archaeology
Mr. Coffey concludes the series of Papers in which he
deduces the origin of the earliest designs in Irish
Ornament from the East; by way of Scandinavia, at a
period many centuries before our era (pp. 28—52). He
answers some objections to details of his argument at
p. 248. Connected with this subject may be noted a
recently found Inscribed-stone from Slieve-na-Caillighe
(p. 427).
Early Stone Weapons are ably dealt with in Mr.
Knowles' Paper on " Survivals from the Palaeolithic
Age among Irish Neolithic Implements," with which
the Volume commences.
A recently found Bronze Dagger, of exceptional
interest from its retaining the original bone-handle, is
shown at p. 423. A Bronze Pot, of unusual form, and
very perfect, is figured on p. 437.
Mr. Westropp's important survey of the strangely
numerous Stone Forts of Northern Clare is completed
(p. 116). A number of prehistoric fortified islands in
lakes in Connemara are described by Mr. Layard
(p. 373 J. In connexion with the June Excursion is
a description of the prehistoric " City of Fahan "
(page 300), which, though happily well studied by
Du Noyer forty years ago, has attracted much less
attention than it deserved, until it fell into the hands
of those employed by the Superintendent of Ancient
Monuments, with doubtful results for the value of the
remains. At p. 316 is an account of the celebrated
Staigue Fort.
The kindred subject of Crannoges is well represented
by a careful study, by Dr. D'Arcy, of one found at
Killyvilla, near Clones (pp. 206 and 389). There is
also a brief notice of a Crannoge found near Currin,
Co. Tyrone (p. 254). Mr. Rotheram gives plan and
elevation of a Souterrain (p. 428).
Dr. Frazer's Papers on Gold Lunulce and other
ornaments (pages 53 and 359) might naturally find a
place here, did not the author's argument, that they
have been formed from the gold of Roman coins,
appear to remove them from the category of pre-
historic objects.
The subject of Ogham Inscriptions is represented
by a report, by the Rev. E. Barry, on newly-found
specimens in Co. Cork (p. 79); also by a contribution
by Mr. Macalister (p. 223), in which he re- discusses
the Kilkenny County Oghams, dissenting from some
of the readings proposed by Father Barry in his learned
Paper in a former Volume.
The Papers on Ecclesiastical Antiquities are less
numerous than usual. General Stubbs describes the
church remains at Dromiskin (p. 101) ; Rev. S. Williams
those of Durrow (p. 128); and Mr. Macnamara iden-
tifies a forgotten Co. Clare church, Cill-mic-ui-Donain
(p. 77). There is, however, no lack of descriptions of
church remains in the accounts of the Society's Excur-
sions, where there are notices or accounts of churches
at Drogheda (p. 98) ; Scattery (p. 273); Canons' Island
(p. 286) ; Kilmalkedar (p. 291) ; Gallerus (p. 298) ;
Skellig (p. 307); Cloyne (p. 334); Lismore (p. 356);
Finglas (p. 452); St. Doulough's (p. 457).
Many Castles, too, are noticed in connexion with
tiie Excursions, particularly : Rathbarry, Monkstown,
Co. Cork ; Reginald's Tower, Waterford ; and Lismore
Castle (pp. 324-349) ; Dunsoghly, Robs wall, and Mala-
hide (pp. 448-456).
In the province of Folk-lore, Mr. Macalister notes
a Kerry legend of Siobhan-na-Geela (p. 177). Mr.
Westropp sounds a warning note against the danger of
false or newly-born legends, borrowed from modern
sources, or coined for tourist use (p. 253) — a warning
which may well be a call to preserve what yet remains
pure among the Folk-tales rapidly dying, or becoming
Among Historical subjects, Miss Hickson traces the
origin of the noble family of Fitzmaurice. The Very
Rev. J. Fahey narrates the circumstances attending
the migration of the O'Flahertys to lar-Connacht in
the thirteenth century.
Dr. Stokes has supplied an important contribution
to Irish mediaeval history in the completion of his
Synopsis of the " Black Book of Archbishop Alan"
(pp. 164 and 404).
Recent finds of Coins are reported on pages 80
and 432.
Mr. Knowles illustrates (p. 114) an interesting find
of part of an ancient Harp obtained in connexion with
crannoge remains.
Mr. Kinahan (p. 184) offers suggestions as to the
supposed u Otter-traps" of which so remarkable a find
was recorded in the Volume for last year.
Mr. Kelly describes the Islands of Lough Corrib.
Colonel Vigors supplies a resume of the discussion
carried on in reference to the similar inscriptions at
Carew Castle, in South Wales, and at Fethard Castle
and Baginbun, in Co. Wexford. Mr. Macalister and
Miss Hickson (pp. 246—247) add notes on points which
arise in this connexion.
Accounts of the Summer Excursions of the Society
occupy a considerable part of the Volume. The Sea-
trip in June included some of the most interesting
places on the west and south coasts of Ireland (pp. 267-
358). The places in the North County Dublin, visited
in September, are described at pp. 445 seq.
The section " Miscellanea " records several finds of
interest, some of which are noticed above. Much room
still remains for increasing the value of the Journal by
a more, general practice of reporting new discoveries.
At page 82 is printed a Circular to Local Secretaries,
urging the importance of this course. When the
recommendations of the Circular are fully carried out,
the Volumes of the Journal will include, not only narra-
tives of many minor antiquarian investigations, but a
full record of the discoveries made during the year,
and a lasting repository of those scraps of Tradition
and Folk-lore which the conditions of modern life are
rapidly leaving behind in a forgotten past.
Survivals from the Palaeolithic Age among Irish Neolithic Implements. By
W. J. Knowles, M.R.I.A., Vice- President (Illustrated), . . . . 1
The Flight of the O'Flahertys, Lords of Moy Soela, to lar-Connaught. By the
Very Rev. J. Fahey, P.P., V.G., Local Secretary, South Galway, .. 19
Origins of Prehistoric Ornament in Ireland. By George CofFey, A.I.B.,
M. R.I. A., Fellow (Twenty-two Illustrations), .. .. ..28
On Gold Lunulae, with "Descriptions of those contained in the Royal Irish
Academy's Museum, and other Collections ; and on the Source of the
Gold employed to make Irish Gold Ornaments. By William Frazer,
F.R.C. S.I. , Vice- President (Four Illustrations), .. .. ..53
Notices of Books, . . . . . . . . . , . . 67
Miscellanea — Monument at Clonkeen, Co. Galway — Proposed Destruction of
Kilmallock Castle — Inismurray — Notes on the Irish Monasticons — Principal
Gateway, Merrion- square — Marhle Box — Monumental Inscriptions from
the Cathedral, Jamaica — Old Latin Poem— Identification of " The As-
cetic's Church," Leana, Co. Clare (Two Illustrations) — Ogham Inscription
in Co. Cork — Recent Find of Early Silver Coins, Co. Mayo — Irish Church
Plate — The Finner Cairn — Archaeology in Limerick, .. .. .. 71
Annual General Meeting, Duhlin, 12th January, 1897, .. .. ..84
Report of Council for 1896, . . . . . . . . . . 86
Evening Meeting, . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Excursion to Drogheda, . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Early Monastic History of Dromiskin, in the County of Louth. By Major-
General Francis William Stubbs, Fellow (Map and Five Illustrations), . . 101
Portion of a Harp and other Objects found in the Crannoge of Carncroagh, Co.
Antrim. By W. J. Knowles, M.R.I. A., Fellow (Three Illustrations), .. 114
Prehistoric Stone Forts of Northern Clare. By Thomas J. Westropp, M.A.,
M.B.I. A., Fellow (Ten Illustrations), .. .. .. ..116
The Old Graveyards in Durrow Parish. By Rev. Sterling de Courcy Williams,
M.A. (Ten Illustrations), .. .. .. .. .. ..128
Notes on Three Inscribed-stones. (1) At Baginbun Bay, Co. Wexford. (2) At
Fethard Castle, Co. Wexford. (3) At Carew Castle, Pembrokeshire. By
Colonel Philip D. Vigors (Five Illustrations), .. .. ..150
Calendar of the " Liber Niger Alani." By the Rev. G. T. Stokes, D.D.,
M.R.I. A. Part II., .. .. 164
Miscellanea — Siobhan na " Geela" — Cup-and-Rtng Sculptured Stones from the
County Donegal — Primitive Burial at Rylane, Co. Clare —The Stolen
Fountain and Rutland Monument of Merrion-square, Dublin — The Foun-
tain at Merrion- square — Prussia- street, Dublin— Mr. Samuel Guilbride —
Wooden Vessel found at "Doon," near Athlone — The Duke of Tetuan —
Kenagh (Co. Longford) Old Church — The Currans Ogham — Ancient Otter-
traps — Inscribed Pillar-stones, Co. Mayo (Two Illustrations) — Holed
Stones found in France — "The Kilkenny Museum" — Celtic Crosses-
Prehistoric Burial, Co. Wicklow — Cams in Co. Tyrone—" Spanish Armada
Chests" — Interesting Find in Moyntaghs, Co. Armagh — An Old School in
Galway— St. Patrick's Bells— Milk Adulteration— An Irish Easter Legend, 177
Notices of Books, 195
Second General Meeting, Kilkenny, 19th April, 1897, .. .. ..198
Auditors' Report for 1896, .. .. .. .. i .. .,200
Evening Meeting, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Excursion to Kells, Co. Kilkenny, . . . . . . . . 204
A Crannoge near Clones. By Dr. S. A. D'Arcy (Two Illustrations), . . 205
Notes on some of the Kilkenny Oghams. By R. A. S. Macalister, M.A., . . 221
Ardfert Friary and the Fitzmaurices, Lords of Kerry (concluded}. By Miss
Hickson, Hon.. Local Secretary, Kerry, . . . . . . . . 232
Miscellanea — Observations on the History of Holed Stones in France and
Ireland — Monumental Inscriptions in Jamaica — High Cross, Downpatrick
— The Baginbun Stone — The Dolmens of Ireland— Note on the Derivation
of the New Grange Spirals— Battle of Dysert O'Dea— Gurrin Crannoge—
Baginbun Inscribed-stone — Kilkenny Museum, Shee's Alms House, . . 243
Notices of Books, . . 256
Third General Meeting, Lismore,; 12th June, 1897, . . . . . . 261
Account of Summer Excursion (Four Illustrations), . . . . . . 265
Description of places visited : —
Clare Coast, Scattery and Canons' Island (Six Illustrations), . . . . 273
Kerry Coast, Kilmalkedar, Gallerus, and Fahan (Ten Illustrations), . . 290
Skellig Michael (Six Illustrations), . .... .. .. ..307
Staigue Fort (Two Illustrations) .. .. .. .. ..316
Co. Cork Coast, .. .. .. .. .. .. ..318
Cork Harbour (Three Illustrations), . . . . . . . . 321
Cloyne (Four Illustrations), . . . . . . . . . . 334
Waterford Coast (Two Illustrations), .. .. .. ..343
Lismore (Five Illustrations), . . . . . . . . . . 349
On Irish Gold Ornaments — Whence came the Gold and When ? — Article No. 2.
By William Frazer, F.R.C.S.L, Vice -President (Two Illustrations), .. 359
The Rangers of the Curragh of Kildare. By Lord Walter Fitz Gerald, Fellow,
Vice- President, . . .. .. .. .. .. ..371
Fortified Stone Lake-Dwellings on Islands in Lough Skannive, Connemara.
Communicated hy Edgar L. Layard, C. M. G. (Three Illustrations), . . 373
The Islands of the Corrih. By Richard J. Kelly, B.L., Hon. Secretarij for
North Galway, .. ".. ... .. .. .. .. 379
A Crannoge near Clones (Part II.). By Dr. S. A. D'Arcy (Two Illustrations), 389
Calendar of the " Liber .Niger Alani." Part III. By the Rev. G. T. Stokes,
D.D., M.R.I.A., .. .. .. .. .. ..404
Miscellanea — Bronze Dagger, with Original Handle, found near Castleisland,
Co. Kerry (One Plate) — Ironstone Chopper ,(0ne Illustration) — Find of
Scrapers— Slieve-na-Caillighe (Two Illustrations) — On a Cave recently
discovered near Oldcastle (Two Illustrations) — Irish Harvestmen in
England — The Fountain in Merrion- square — Note on the Dolmen at
Ballina, in the County of Mayo — Canoe Find, Co. Cork — Canoe Find,
Co. Roscommon— Colpoys of Ballycarr — Find of Coins in Co. Longford —
Prioiy, Kilcolman, Co. Kerry — The Rocking-stone, Dalkey Island — The
Abbey of Shrule, Co. Longford — A Refutation — Fethard Castle, in Wex-
ford — Interesting " Find" in the Montiaghs, Co. Armagh (One Illustration)
— Stone Crannog in Lough Bola, . . . . . . . . . . 423
Notices of Books, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Fourth Quarterly Meeting, Dublin, 28th September, 1897, . . . . 443
Excursions in connexion with September Meeting, . . . . . . 445
Descriptive Sketch of places visited :—
Finglas Wood (Two Illustrations), . . . . . . . . , . 446
Mulhuddart, ...... . . 447
Dunsoghly (Two Illustrations), . . . . . . . . 448
Finglas (One Illustration), . . . . . . . . . . 451
Kilbarrack, .. .. .. // t> , t mm 455
Malahide (One Illustration), . . . . . . . . . . 456
St. Doulough's (Two Illustrations), . . . . . . . . 458
Evening Meetings, . . . . 460
An asterisk prefixed indicates a Plate.
" Survivals from Palaeolithic Age among Irish Neolithic Implements" :
1- 6. Irish Neolithic Implements compared with those of Palaeolithic Age
(Scale, one-half linear), .. .. .. .. 3
7—14. Irish Neolithic Implements of Moustier type (Scale, half linear), . . 5
15-25. „ „ „ „ „ ..7
26-32. ,, ,, Solutrien „ „ „ ..9
33-40. ,, „ „ (Scale, f linear), .. 11
41-49. Arrow-heads from Co. Antrim, ,, ,, .. 13
50. Irish Spear-head, partly polished (full size), . . . . . . 15
" Origins of Prehistoric Ornament" :
87. Stone on King's Mountain, Meath, . . . . . . 34
88. Scribings from Mevagh, Donegal, . . . . . . 36
89— 90. Inscribed-stone near Loughcrew, .. .. .. 38,39
91- 93. Examples of Double Spirals, .. .. .. ..41
94. Map showing Distribution of the Spiral Ornament in Great Britain
and Ireland, . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
95. Details of Carvings from Sweden, . . . . . . 46
96. ,, „ Fiinen, .. .. .. . . ib.
97-101. „ „ .. ..48
102-105. Ornamented Celts, . . . . . . . . . . ib.
106. Sun Symbols, .. .. .. .. .. ..49
107,108. „ Loughcrew, .. .. .. ..50
Portion of Gold Lunula belonging to Sir M. Chapman, . . . . . . 54
Gold Lunula, Royal Irish Academy Collection, . . . . . . 55
Denarii of Julia Mammsea and Marcia Otacilia Severa, . . . . . . ib.
Facsimile of Monumental Inscription of Bishop Edmond Kelly, . . . . 71
Jamb of Door, Church of Cill-mic-Ui-Donain, .. .. .. ..78
Double Bullaun, „ ,, ,, .. .. .. ..79
St. Mary's Church and Millmount, Drogheda, .. .. .. ..99
St. Mochta's Oratory at Louth, .. .. .. .. ..104
Map of Parish of Dromiskin and places adjoining, . . . . ... 106
Round Tower, Dromiskin, Co. Louth, . . . . . , . . . . 107
„ „ Doorway, .. .. ..108
Cross at Dromiskin, Front and Back Views, . . . . . . . . 109
Portion of Harp found in Crannoge of Carncoagh, . . . . L14
Handle of Spear, with Bronze Butt, *•.,'' : .. .. .. .. 115
" Prehistoric Stone Forts of Northern Clare " :
1. Plan of Noughaval and Ballyganner, .. .. .. ..116
2. Cahercuttine, .. .. .. .. .. ..117
3. ,, Plan of Entrance, .. .. .. .. ib.
4. „ Steps and Gate, .. .. .. .. ..118
5. Plans of Forts near Noughaval, .. .. .. .. ..119
6. Caheraneden, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 120
7. Plans of Cahermacnaughten, Ballykinvarga, &c., . . . . . . 122
8. Ballykinvarga Caher, .. .. .. .. .. ..123
91 ,',' ,Y Gateway, .. .. .. .. ..124
10. „ Pillar-stone and chewux-de-frise, .. .. ..125
" Old Graveyard of Durrow Parish " :
1. Cross at Tihilly, .. .. .. .. .. ..131
2- ,, „ .. .. .. .. .. ..132
2. Tombstones at Tihilly, . . . . . . . . ib.
3. Cross on gable, Durrow Church, . . . . . . . . 134
4. De Renci Arms, .. .. .. .. .. .. 137
5. Tombstone, Durrow Church, . . . . . . . . 138
6. Aigide's Tombstone, . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7. Cathalan's „ . ; .. .. .. .. ..141
8-9. High Cross of Durrow and Details, .. .. .. 144-5
10. Interlaced Work, .. .. .. .. .. ..146
Baginbun Inscription, .. .. .. .. .. ..151
,, Inscribed-stone, .. .. .. .. .. .. 154
Fethard Castle Inscription, .. .. .. .. , . ..156
» » from Drawing by Du Noyer, .. .. .. 158
Carew Castle Inscription, .. .. .. .. .. ..161
Inscribed Pillar-stones, Co. Mayo, .. ;; .. .. ..186
Plan of Killy villa Crannoge, near Clones, . . . . . . . . 207
Objects found in Killyvilla Crannoge, near Clones, . . . . . . 214
Shaft of Killeany Cross, Aranmore Island, Co. Galway, . . . . 267
Crosses and Windows, Skellig Rock, Co. Kerry :
1, 2. Crosses at Larger Oratory,
3. High Cross near do.'
4. East Window of Smaller Oratory,
6- ,, St. Michael's Church,;
Plan of Souterrain, Cluttahina, Co. Waterford, .. .. ..271
Lismore Fort, Co. Waterford (Plan), . . . . 272
Plan of Hums, Scattery Island, Co. Clare, . . . . . . . . 277
Silver Brooches, „ „ .. .. .. ..281
Bound Tower, Oratory, and Cathedral, Scattery Island, Co. Clare, . . 283
Tombstone near. Temple Senan (Celtic), op bo TTloenach, &c., Scattery
Island, Co. Clare, .. .. .. .. .. .,285
Plan of Canons' Jsland Abbey, Co. Clare, .. .. .. .. 287
Canons' Island Abbey from North, . . . . . . . . . . 288
Arcade Column, Kilmalkedar, Co. Kerry, . . . . . . . . 292
Chancel Arch aj\d Plan, ,, „ .. .. .. ..293
Arcade and Window, ,, ,, .. . . .. .. 295
Alphabet Stone, „ ,, .. .. .. ..296
Oratory, Gallerus, Co. Kerry, . . . . . . 298, 299
General Plan of Forts, Fahan, Co. Kerry, .. .. .. ..301
Plans of Forts at Fahan and Ballyheabought, Co. Kerry, . . . . 303
Plans of Cloghauns, Fahan, . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
St. Michael's Church and Monastic Cells, Skellig Rock, Co. Kerry, . . 307
Plan, Skellig Rock, Co. Kerry, ,, ,, .. ..310
The Smaller and Greater Oratories, ,, ,, .. .. 312
General View of Monastic Cells from East, Skellig Rock (by T. J. Westropp), 314
Gateway, Staigue Fort, Co. Kerry, .. .. .. .. .. 315
General View ,, ,, .. ., .. .. ..316
Rathbarry Castle, Co. Cork (Four Views), .. .. .. ..324
Monkstown Castle, Co. Cork, . . . . . . . . . . 330
Old Lighthouse, Kinsale (taken down in 1848), . . . . . . . . 333
Plan of Cathedral, Cloyne, Co. Cork (after A. Hill), . . . . . . 336
Cathedral and Round Tower from N.E., Cloyne, Co. Cork, . . . . 337
Round Tower from Street, Cloyne, Co. Cork (by W. F. Wakeman), . . 340
,, Details of Door and Windows, ,, ,, .. .. 342
Dunbrody Abbey, Co. Wexford, from S.E., .. .. .. ..3-16
Reginald's Tower, Waterford, . . . . . . . . . . 347
Lismore Castle and Bridge, Co. Waterford, .. .. .. .. 349
,, the Gateway, .. .. .. .. .. 352
„ the Banqueting Hall, . . . . . . . . . . 353
Plan, .. .. .. .. .. ..354
Lismore Cathedral, Tombstones (Celtic), .. .. .. .. 357
Gold Rings, .. .. .. .. .. .. ..362
Ornamental Penannular Ring of Gold, . . . . . . . . 366
Lake-Dwellings, Lough Skannive, . . . . . . . . . . 374
,• 376
Crannoge of Killyvilla, near Clones :
Fragments of Pottery found, .. .. . .. .. 391
*Bronze Daggers, with Original Handles, .. .. .. to face 423
Chopper made from Fragment of Polished Celt, . . . . . . ... 425
Chopper and Disc from Slieve-na-Caillighe, .. .. .. .. 426
Inscribed-stone from Slieve-na-Caillighe, .. .. ,"£"*• 4 •• 4>27
Cave near Oldcastle, Plan, .. ..' .. .. .. ..428
„ ,, Vertical Section, .. .. .. .. ..429
Bronze Pot found in the Montiaghs, Co. Armagh, . . . . . . 437
Finglas Wood House, Doorway, .. .. .. . . .. 447
,, „ Plan of Entrance, .. .. .. ib.
Dunsoghly Castle, Co. Dublin, .. .. .. .. ..449
St. Margaret's Church, Dunsoghly, .. .. .. .. ..450
Finglas, Church of St. Canice, . . . . . . . . . . 453
Malahide Castle, .. .. .. .. .. .. ..457
St. Doulough's Church, . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Well, .. .. 459
Pages 3, 5, 7, and 9, in description of Plates I., II., III., and IV., for " one-fourth
size/' read " half linear."
Pages 11 and 13, in Plates V. and VI., for "two-fifths natural size," read "three-
fourths linear."
Page 15, for " one-fourth size," under figure 50, read " natural size."
Page 192, for " Trellan's Dublin Journal," fourth line from foot, read "Faulkner's
Dublin Journal"
THIS Society, instituted to preserve, examine, and illustrate all
Ancient Monuments of the History, Language, Arts, Manners, and
Customs of the past, as connected with Ireland, was founded as
Queen, on December 27th, 1869, was graciously pleased to order
CIATION OF IRELAND, and was further pleased to sanction the adoption
25th March, 1890.
The Society holds four General Meetings in each year, in Dublin
and in the several Provinces of Ireland, when Papers on Historical
and Archaeological subjects are read, Fellows and Members elected,
Objects of Antiquity exhibited, and Excursions made to places of
Antiquarian interest. The Council meets monthly, except in August,
at 7, St. Stephen's-green, Dublin. Evening Meetings of the Society
are also held monthly in Dublin during the Winter. Honorary
Provincial and Local Secretaries are appointed, whose duty it is to
inform the Hon. Secretary of all Antiquarian Eemains discovered in
their Districts, to investigate Local History and Traditions, and to
give notice of all injury likely to be inflicted on Monuments of
Antiquity, and Ancient Memorials of the Dead, in order that the
influence of the Society may be exerted to preserve them.
The PUBLICATIONS of the Society comprise the Journal and the
" Extra Volume " Series. The "Antiquarian Handbook" Series was
commenced in 1895.
The Journal, now issued Quarterly, from the year 1849 to 1897,
inclusive, forming twenty-seven Volumes (royal 8vo), with more than
2000 Illustrations, contains a great mass of information on the
History and Antiquities of Ireland.
( 3 .)
The following Volumes are now out of print: — First Series, Vols. I.
(1849-51) and III. (1854-55); New Series, Vols. I. (1856-57) and
III. (1860-61) ; Fourth Series, Vols. IV. (1876-78), VIII. (1887-88),
and IX. (1889). Of the remaining Volumes, those for 1870-1885
can be supplied to Members at the average rate of 10s. each. Odd
Parts, including some for the Volumes out of print, can be supplied
at an average of 2s. Qd. each. Part I. of the Fifth Series (1890) is
out of print ; the other Parts of this, the present Series, can be had
for 3s. each.
The Extra Volumes are supplied to all Fellows, on the roll at date
of issue, free, and may be obtained by Members, at the prices fixed
by the Council.
The Extra Volume Series consists of the following Works :—
1853. — " Vita S. Kannechi, a codice in bibliotheca Burgundiana extante Bruxellis
transcripta, et cum codice in bibliotheca Marsiana Dublinii adservato collata." Edited
by the Most Hon. John, second Mai-quis of Ormonde. 100 copies presented by him
to the Members of the Society. (Out of print.}
1855 and 1858.— Parts I. and II. of " Social State of S.E. Counties" as below.
1865-7. — " Observations in a Voyage through the Kingdom of Ireland: being a
collection of several Monuments, Inscriptions, Draughts of Towns, Castles, &c. By
Thomas Dineley (or Dingley), Gent., in the Year 1681." From the original MS. in
the possession of Sir T. E. Winnington, Bart., Stanford Court. Profusely illustrated
by fac-simile engravings of the original drawings of Castles, Churches, Abbeys,
Monuments, &c. Price of issue, £1 10s. (Out of print.)
1868-9.—" Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the
Sixteenth Century : being the Presentments of the Gentlemen, Commonalty, and
Citizens of Carlow, Cork, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wexford, made in the
Reigns of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth." From the originals in the Public Record
Office, London. Edited by Herbert F. Hore and Rev. James Graves, M.R.I. A. Price
of issue, £1. (Part I. out of print.) A few copies of Parts II. and III. still in stock.
Reduced price to Members, 3s. each Part.
1870—7. — "Christian Inscriptions in the Iiish Language." From the earliest
known to the end of the twelfth century. Chiefly collected and drawn by George
Petrie, Esq. With Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive Letterpress. Illus-
trated by 107 plates and numerous woodcuts. Edited, with an Introductory Essay, by
M. Stokes ; revised by the Rev. "William Reeves, D.D. 7 Parts in 2 Vols. Price of
issue, £3. (Out of print) except Part IV., containing 13 Illustrations and 23 Plates.
Reduced price to Members, 5s.
1888-9. — " Rude Stone Monuments of the County Sligo and the Island of Achill."
With 209 Illustrations. By Colonel Wood-Martin. Reduced price to Members, 7s. Qd.
1890-1.— "Account Roll of the Priory of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, 1337-46,
with the Middle English Moral Play, The Pride of Life." From the original in the
Christ Church Collection in the Public Record Office, Dublin. With fac-simile of
the MS. Edited, with Translation, Notes, and Introduction, by James Mills, M.R.I. A.
Reduced price to Members, 7s. 6d.
1892. — " Survey of the Antiquarian Remains on the Island of Inismurray." By
W. F. Wakeman, Hon. Fellow of the Society; Author of "A Handbook of Irish
Antiquities," &c. With a Preface by James Mills, M.K.I.A. 84 Illustrations. Price
7s. 6d.
1893—5. — " The Annals of Clonmacnoise" : being Annals of Ireland from the ear-
liest period to A.D. 1408, translated into English A.D. 1627, by Connell Mageoghagan,
and now for the first time printed. Edited by the Rev. Denis Murphy, s.j., LL.D.,
M.R.I. A., Vice-President of the Society. Price 10s.
1896-7. — "The Register of the Diocese of Dublin in the times of Archbishops Tre
gury and Walton, 1467-1483." Edited by Henry F. Berry, M.A. (In the Press.) 10s.
( 4 )
The following are in course of preparation as Extra Volumes : —
"The Journal and Accounts of Peter Lewys, 1564, Proctor of Christ Church
Cathedral, A.D. 1564." Edited by James Mills, M.R.I. A.
"A Collection of Original Irish Music." By P. W. Joyce, LL.D., M.R.I. A.
The foregoing may be had from the Publishers, Messrs. HODGES,
FIGGIS, & Co. (Ltd.), 104, Grafton-street, Dublin, or Messrs. WILLIAMS
& NOBGATE, London and Edinburgh, including the "Antiquarian
Handbook Series," of which No. 1, " Tara and Glendalough," price
6d., has been issued ; and No. 2, "The Western Islands" (Illustrated).
All who are interested in antiquarian research are invited to join
the Society; and may notify their intentions either to the Hon.
Secretary, 7, St. Stephen's-green, Dublin, to the Hon. Provincial and
Local Secretaries, or any Member of the Society.
Subscriptions to be paid to the Honorary General Secretary and
Treasurer, 7, St. Stephen's-green, Dublin, by Crossed Cheque or
Postal Order.
Annual Subscription of Fellows, . .£100
Entrance Fee of Fellows, . . . /- 2 0 0
Annual Subscription of Members, , . .* 0 10 0
Entrance Fee of Members, . . 0 10 0
Life Composition — Fellows, including
Entrance Fee, . ... 14 0 0
Life Composition — Fellows of Ten
years' standing, . . • , V, • . 8 0 0
Life Composition — Members, including
Entrance Fee, . ... . 700
Life Composition — Members of Ten
years' standing, .. -/ . , , . 500
FELLOWS wishing to designate their connexion with the Society
may use the initials — F.R. S.A.I.
(By order of Council),
31st December, 1897.
Hon. Gen. Secretary and Treasurer.
f ainw in CJief*
fmcrmg fmitet f0* 1897*
ittsitetti, 1897-4899,
WILLIAM FRAZER, F.R.C.S.I., M.R.I.A., Hon. F.S.A. (Scot.).
( 6 )
JKW. taeral Stetarg aidr
j|0»+ famxttw auto Jiteriaw, SwWm.
THE REV. H. W. LETT, M.A., M.R.I.A., Loughbrickland.
P. J. LYNCH, C.E., M.R.I.A. I., Architect, Limerick.
THE REV. CANON C. MOORE, M.A., Mitchelstown.
RBV. C. LAWRENCE, M.A., Lawrencetown, Co. Galway.
EDWARD MARTYN, D.L., Tillyra Castle, Ardrahan.
Antrim, Middle,
„ North,
,, South,
Belfast, City,
Clare, South,
„ North,
Cork, South,
,, North,
,, East,
„ West,
,, City,
Down, North,
,, South,
Dublin, South,
„ North,
„ City,
Galway, North,
„ South,
,, Town,
Kerry, South, ..
,, North, . .
Kildare, South, . .
,, North, . .
,, City, ..
King's County, . .
Limerick, East, . .
„ West, ..
„ City, ..
Londonderry, North,
,, South;
Mayo, South,
,, North,
Meath, South, . .
„ North, . .
Monaghan, , ,
Queen's Co.,
Tipper ary, South,
, , North,
Tyrone, West, ..
„ East, . .
IFaterford, East,
„ West,
„ City, . .
Westmeath, North,
,, South,
Wexford, North,
, , South,
Wicklow, South, . .
,, North,..
R. M. YOUNG, J.P., B.A., M.R.I.A.
W. H. HILL, F.R.I. B.A.
W. F. WAKEMAN (Hon. Fellow}.
WILLIAM C. STUBBS} M.A., Barrister-at-Law.
RICHARD J. KELLY, Barrister-at-Law, J.P.
M. M. MURPHY, M.R.I.A., Solicitor.
P. M. EGAN, J.P.
J. M. WILSON, M.A., J.P.
J. R. GARSTIN, M.A., F.S.A., M.R.I.A.
W. E. KELLY, C.E., J.P.
D. CAROLAN RUSHE, B.A., Solicitor.
GEORGE A. P. KELLY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law.
DR. G. E. J. GREENE, M.R.I.A., F.L.S., J.P.
31st December, 1897.)
The Names of those who have paid the Life Composition, and are Life Fellows, are
printed in heavy-faced type. (See Rules 3 and 7, page 40.)
Ahercorn, His Grace the Duke of, M.A. (Oxon.), K.G., C.B.
Earonscourt, Newtownstewart. (Honorary President, 1896.)
Agnew, Hon. Sir James Wilson, K.C.M.G. Hobart, Tasmania.
Allen, J. Eomilly, F.S.A. 28, Great Ormond-street, London,
ARMSTRONG, Robert Bruce, F.S.A. (Scot.), 6, Randolph Cliff,
Bagnall-Oakeley, Rev. William, M.A. (Oxon.). Newland, Cole-
ford, Gloucestershire.
BARTER, Rev. John Berkeley, M.R.I. A., F. R. G.S.I.,
F.R.Z.S.I. 23, Corso Oporto, Turin, Italy.
Barry, Rev. Edmond, P.P., M.R.I.A. Rathcormac, Co.
Beattie, Rev. A. Hamilton. Portglenone, Co. Antrim. •
Bigger, Francis Joseph, M.R.I.A. Ardrie, Belfast.
Browne, Most Rev. James, D.D., Bishop of Ferns. St. Peter's
College, Wexford.
Browne, John Blair. Brownstown House, Kilkenny.
Browne, William James, M.A. (Lond.), M.R.I.A., Inspector of
Schools. 5, Crawford-square, Londonderry.
Brownrigg, Most Rev. Abraham, D.D., Bishop of Ossory.
St. Kieran's, Kilkenny. (Vice-President, 1896.)
Buiek, Rev. Geo. Raphael, M.A., LL.D., M.R.I.A. The
Manse, CuUyhackey. (Vice President, 1892-98.)
BURTCHAELL, Geo. Dames, M.A., LL.B. (Dubl.), M.R.I.A.,
Barrister-at-Law. 7, St. Stephen' s-green, Dublin.
Carlingford, Right Hon. Lord, K.P., M.R.I.A., peril. C. Tisdnll,
J.P. Ravensdale, Co. Louth. (Vice-president, 1888-
Castletown, Right Hon. Lord, J.P., D.L. Grantston Manor,
Abbeyleix. (Vice-President, 1885-89.)
Cane, Major R. Claude, J.P. St. Wolstan's, Celbridge.
Clark, Stewart, J.P. Kilnside, Paisley.
Clarke, William Usher, Bridge House, Teddington, Middlesex.
CLOSE, Rev. Maxwell H., M.A.', M.R.I.A., F.G.S. 38, Lower
Baggot-strect, Dublin.
Cochrane, Sir Henry, J.P., D.L. Nassau-place, Dublin.
COCHRANE, Robert, F.S.A., F.R.I. B.A., M.R.I.A., Fellow
Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 17, Highneld-
road, Dublin. (Hon, Gen. Secretary, 1888.)
Coffey, George, B.A.I., M.R.I.A., Barrister-at-Law. 5, Har-
court-terrace, Dublin.
Colles, Ramsay, M.R.I.A., J.P. 1, Wilton-terrace, Dublin.
COLLES, Richard, B.A., J.P. Millmount, Kilkenny.
Colvill, Robert Frederick Stewart, J. P. Killester Abbey,
Cooke, John, M.A. 66, Morehampton-road, Dublin.
Cooper, Lieut. -Colonel Edward Henry, M.R.I.A., H.M.L.,
Co. Sligo. Markree Castle, Co. Sligo ; and 42, Portman-
square, London. (Vice-President, 1896.)
Copinger, Walter Arthur, LL.D., F.S.A. The Priory,
Costly, Thomas. 300, Lower Broughton, Manchester.
Corn-town, Right Hon. the Earl of, J.P., D.L. Courtown
House, Gorey, (Vice-President, 1886-87.)
COWAN, Samuel Wm. Percy, M.A., M.R.I.A. Craigavad,
Co. Down.
Crawley, W. J. Chetwode, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.G.S., F.G.S.,
F.R. Hist. S. 3, Ely-place, Dublin.
Crozier, Rigbt Rev. John Baptist, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, Ferns,
and Leighlin. The Palace, Kilkenny.
Cullinan, Henry Cooke, LL.B., Barrister-at-Law. 7, St.
Stephen' s-green, Dublin.
Dagg, Geo. A. de M. E., M.A., LL.B., D.I.R.I.C. Raphoe.
•Dames, Robert Staples Longworth, B.A. (Dubl.), M.R.I.A., J.P.,
Barrister-at-Law. 21, Herbert-street, Dublin.
Day, Robert, F.S.A., M.R.I.A., J.P. Myrtle Hill House, Cork.
(Vice-President, 1887-97.)
Dease, Edmund, M.A., J.P., D.L. Rath, Ballybrittas, Queen's
Desart, Rt. Hon. the Earl of, J.P., D.L. 75, South Audley-st.,
Devonshire, His Grace the Duke of, M.A. (Cantab.), D.C.L.,
K.G. Devonshire House, Piccadilly, London, W. (Hon.
President, 1897).
Dixon, Sir Daniel, J.P., D.L. Ballymenoch House, Holywood,
Co. Down.
Donnelly, Most Rev. Nicholas, D.D., M.R.I.A., Bishop of
Canea. St. Cronans, Bray.
DONNELLY, Patrick J. 136, Capel-street.
Doyle, Charles F., M.A., F.R. U.I. 19, Kildare- street.
Drew, Thomas, R.H.A., F.R.I.B.A., P.R.I. A.I. Gortnadrew,
Alma-road, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. (Vice-President,
1889-94,1897; President, 1894-97.)
Duignan, William Henry. Gorway, Walsall.
Eden, Rev. Arthur, M.A. (Oxon.) Ticehurst, Hawkhurst,
Egan, Patrick M., J.P. High-street, Kilkenny.
EVANS, Sir John, K.C.B., D.C.L. (Oxon.), LL.D. (Dublin),
D.Sc., F.R.S., F.S.A., Hon. M.R.I.A. Nash Mills, Hemel
EWART, Lavens Mathewson, M.R.I.A., J.P. Glenbank
House, Belfast. (Vice- President, 1892-97.)
EWABT, Sir William Quartus, Bart., M.A., J.P. Schomberg,
Strandtown, Belfast.
FFRENCH, Rev. James F. M., M.R.I. A. Ballyredmond House,
Clonegal. (Vice -President, 1897).
1894 Finlay, Ven. George, D.D., Archdeacon of Clogher. The
Rectory, Clones.
1889 FITZGERALD, Lord Frederick. Carton, Maynooth.
FITZGERALD, Lord Walter, M.R.I. A., J.P. Kilkea Castle,
Mageney. (Vice- President, 1895.)
Frazer, William, F.R.C.S.I., M.R.I.A., Hon. F.S.A. (Scot.),
F.R.G.S.I. 20, Harcourt-street, Dublin. (Vice- President,
Frost, James, M.R.I. A., J.P. 54, George -street, Limerick.
GARSTIN, JohnRibton, LL.B., M.A., B.D.,F.S.A., M.R.I.A.,
F.R.H.S., J.P., D.L. Bragganstown, Castlebellingham.
(Vice- President, 1885-95,)
Geoghegan, Charles, Assoc. INST. C.E.I. 89, Pembroke-road,
Gillman, Herbert Webb, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, J.P. Clon-
teadmore, Coachford, Co. Cork.
Goff, William G. D., J.P. Glenville, Waterford.
Gordon, John W. Mullingar.
Graves, Right Rev. Charles, D.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., M.R.I. A.,
Lord Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. The
Palace, Limerick. ( Vice-President, 1894-98.)
Gray, William, M.R.I. A. Auburn Villa, Glenburn Park, Belfast.
(Vice-President, 1889-96.)
Greene, George E. J., M.A. D.Sc. M.R.I.A., F.L.S., J P.
Greer, Thomas, M.R.I. A., F.R.G.S., J.P. Sea Park, Belfast,
and Grove House, Regent's Park, London, N.W.
Handcock, Gustavus F. Public Record Office, Chancery-lane,
London, W.C. -.
Hasse, Rev. Leonard. Fairfield College, Manchester.
Healy, Most Rev. John, D.D., LL.D., M.R.I. A., Coadjutor
Bishop of Clonfert. Mount St. Bernard, Ballymacward,
Ballinasloe. (Vice-President, 1890-98.)
HEWSON, George James, M.A. Hollywood, Adare.
Hickey, Rev. Michael P., M.R.I. A., Professor of Gaelic and
Lecturer on Irish Archseology. St. Patrick's College,
Hill, Right Hon. Lord Arthur Wm., M.P. 22, Chester- street,
London, S.W. ; and Bigshotte, Rayles, Wokingham, Berks.
(Vice- President, 1888-95.)
Holmes, Emra, F.R.H.S. Bon Accord Crescent, Aberdeen.
Houston, Thomas G., M.A. Academical Institution, Cole-
HOWDEN, Charles. Invermore, Larue.
Humphreys, Very Rev. Robert, M.A., Dean of Killaloe. The
Glebe, Ballinaclough, Nenagh.
Hurley, M. J. Abbeylands, Waterford.
Johnson, Edmond, M.R.I. A., J.P. Nullamore, Milltown, Co.
KANE, His Honor Robert Romney, LL.D., M.E.I. A., County
Court Judge. 4, Fitzwilliam-plaee, Dublin.
KELLY, Edward Festus. 15, Palace-court, London, "W.
Kelly, George A. P., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 129, Lower
Baggot- street, Dublin ; and Cloonglasnymore, Strokestown.
Kelly, William Edward, C.E., J.P. St. Helen's, Westport.
Kelly, William P., Solicitor. Shannonview Park, Athlone.
Kinahan, George Henry, M.R.I.A. Woodlands, Fairview.
Kirker, Samuel Kerr, C.E. Board of Works, Belfast.
KNILL, Sir Stuart, Bart, LL.D. The Crosslets in the Grove,
Blackheath, London.
Knowles, William James, M.R.I.A. Flixton-place, Ballymena.
(Vice- President, 1897).
Knox, Hubert Thomas, M.R.I.A. Beechen, Lyndhurst,
Langrishe, Richard, F.R. I.A.I., J.P. Noremount, Kilkenny.
(Vice-president, 1879-95.)
Latimer, Rev. William Thomas, B.A. The Manse, Eglish,
La Touche, J. J. Digges, M.A., LL.D., M.R.I.A. Public
' Record Office, Dublin.
Lawrence, Rev. Charles, M.A. Lisreaghan, Lawrencetown, Co.
LEWIS CROSBY, Rev. Ernest H. C., B.D. 36, Rutland-square,
Lillis, T. Barry. Janeville, Ballintemple, Cork.
Linn, Richard. 229, Hereford- st., Christchurch, New Zealand.
LOWRY, Robert William, B.A. (Oxon.), M.R.I.A., J.P., D.L.
Pomeroy House, Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone.
Lynch, Patrick J., C.E., M.R.I. A.I. 8, Upper Mallow-street,
Mac Ritchie, David, F.S.A. (Scot.) 4, Archibald-place, Edin-
Mains, John, J.P. Eastbourne, Coleraine.
Malone, Yery Rev. Sylvester, P.P., V.G., M.R.I.A. Kilrush.
Marsh, Frank S., LL.B. 35, Holies-street, Dublin.
Martyn, Edward, J.P., D.L. Tillyra Castle, Ardrahan. ( Vice-
President, 1897).
Mayhew, Rev. Samuel Martin, F.S.A. (Scot.). St. Paul's
Vicarage, 83, New Kent-road, London. V.-P. Archceological
Assoc. of Great Britain, &c.
Mayler, James Ennis. Harristown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford.
M'Cahan, Robert. Ballycastle, Co. Antrim.
McChesney, Joseph, Holy wood, Co. Down.
McCREA, Rev. Daniel F., M.R.I.A. Maghera, Co. Derry.
M'DONNELL, Daniel, M.A., M.D. 17, Cherrymount, Crumlin-
road, Belfast.
McGeeney, Very Rev. Patrick, Canon, P.P. Crossmaglen.
Mellon, Thomas J. Rydal Mount, Milltown, Co. Dublin.
Milligan, Seaton Forrest, M.R.I.A. 1, Malone-road, Belfast.
(Vice- President, 1895.)
Mills, James, M.R.I.A. Public Record Office, Dublin.
MOLLOY, William Robert, J.P., M.R.I.A. 17, Brookfield-
terrace, Donnybrook. T^t.
Moran, His Eminence Cardinal, D.D., M.R.I.A. Archbishop
of Sydney, New South Wales. ( Vice- President, 1888-96. )
Moran, John, M.A., LL.D. Imperial Hotel, Belfast.
Mullen, Ben. H., M.A., Curator, &c., Royal Museum. Peel
Park, Salford.
Murphy, J. H. Burke. The Agency, Cultra, Holywood, Co.
MUBPHY, Michael M., M.E.I.A. Troyes Wood, Kilkenny.
Norman, George, M.D., F.R.M.S. 12, Brock-street. Bath.
O'Brien, William, M.A., LL.D. 4, Kildare- street, Dublin.
O'Connell, John Robert, M.A., LL.D. 10, Mountjoy-square,
O'Connor, Very Rev. Daniel, P.P., Canon. Newtown Butler.
O'Conor Don, The Right Hon. The, LL.D., M.R.I.A., J.P.,
D.L. Clonalis, Castlerea. (Vice- President, 1886-97;
President, 1897-99.)
O'Donoghue, Charles, J.P. Ballynahown Court, Athlone.
O'Donovan, The, M.A. (Oxon.), J.P. Liss Ard, Skibbereen.
(Vice- President, 1890-94.)
O'Laverty, Rev. James, P.P., M.R.I.A. Holywood, Co. Down.
(Vice- President, 1896.)
O'Loughlin, Rev. Robert Stuart, M.A., D.D. Rectory,
O'Meagher, Joseph Casimir, M.R.I.A. 17, Wellington-road,
O'Neill, Jorge (Grand Officier de la maison du Roi). Pair du
Royaume, Lisbon.
O'NEILL, Hon. Robert Torrens, M.A. (Oxon.), J.P., D.L.
M.P. Tullymore Lodge, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.
O'EEILLY, The Rev. Hugh, M.R.I.A. St. Colman's Seminary,
O'Rorke, Very Rev. Terence, D.D., M.R.I.A., .P.P., Arch-
deacon of Achonry. Church of the Assumption, Collooney.
OBMSBY, Charles C., A.I.C.E.I. Ballinamore House, Kil-
timagb, Co. Mayo.
0' Shaughnessy, Richard, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, Commissioner
of Public Works. 3, Wilton-place, Dublin.
OWEN, Edward. India Office, Whitehall, London, S.W.
Palmer, Charles Colley, J.P., D.L. Rahan, Edenderry.
Perceval, John James. Slaney View, Wexford.
Perceval -Max well, Robert, J.P., D.L Finnebrogue, Down-
Phene, John S., LL.D., F.S.A., F.G.S. 5, Carlton- terrace,
Oakley-street, London, S.W.
Plunkett, George Noble, Count, M.R.I.A., Barrister -at -Law.
26, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin.
Plunkett, the Countess. 26, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin.
Poison, Thomas R. J., M.R.I.A . Wellington-place, Enniskillen.
Pope, Peter A. New Ross.
Power, Rev. Patrick. St. John's College, Waterford.
Prichard, Rev. Hugh, M.A., F.S.A. (Scot.) Dinam, Gaerwen,
Robinson, Andrew, C.E., Board of Works. 116, St. Laurence-
road, Clontarf.
Robinson, Rev. Stanford F. H., M.A. 2, Trevelyan-terrace.
Bath gar.
Rushe, Denis Carolan, B.A., Solicitor. Church-square,
RYLANDS, Thomas Glazebrook, F.S.A., F.R.A.S., F.C.S.,
M.R.I. A. Highfields, Thelwall, Warrington.
Scott, William Robert, M.A. (Dubl.). 25, Charleville-road,
Rath gar.
Shaw, Sir Frederick W., Bart., J.P., D.L. Bushy Park,
Sheehan, Most Rev. Richard Alphonsus, D.D., Bishop of Water-
ford and Lismore. Bishop's House, John's Hill, Waterford.
(Vice-President, 1896.)
Smiley, Hugh Houston, J.P. Drumalis, Larne.
SMITH-BARRY, the Right Hon. Arthur H,, J.P., D.L., M.P.
Fota Island, Cork, and Carlton Club, London. ( Vice-
President, 1897.)
Smith, Joseph, M.B.I. A. Rose Villa, Latchford, near War-
Smith, Worthington G., F.L.S., M.A.I. 121, High-street,
Dunstable, Beds.
Stevenson, George A., Commissioner of Public Works, Dublin.
Stoney, Rev. Robert Baker, M. A., D.D., Canon. St. Matthew's,
Stubbs, Major- General Francis William, J.P. 2, Clarence-
terrace, St. Luke's, Cork.
Stubbs, Henry, M.A., J.P., D.L. Danby, Ballyshannon.
Swan, Joseph Percival. 22, Charleville-road, N.C.R., Dublin.
Taylor, Rev. John Wallace, LL.D. Errigal Glebe, Emyvale.
Tenison, Charles Mac Carthy, M.R.I.A. Barrister-at-Law,
J.P. Hobart, Tasmania.
Tighe, Edward Kenrick Bunbury, J.P., D.L. Woodstock,
Trench, Thomas F. Cooke, J.P., D.L. MiUicent, Naas.
Thynne, Henry, M.A., LL.D., C.B., Deputy Inspector-General
R.I.C., Dublin.
Uniacke, R. G. Fitz Gerald, B.A. (Oxon.). Chelsham Lodge,
Whyteleafe, Surrey.
Upton, William H., M.A., LL.M. Walla Walla, Washington,
Vigors, Colonel Philip Doyne, J.P. Holloden, Bagenalstown.
(Vice-President, 1895.)
Vinycomb, John, M.R.I.A. Riverside, Holywood, Co. Down.
WALES, H.R. H. the Prince of, K.G., K.P., &c. Sand-
Walsh, Right Rev. William Pakenham, P.D., Bishop (Vice-
President, 1889-97.) Montebello, Killiney.
WARD, Francis Davis, M.R.I.A., J.P. Wyncroft, Adelaide
Park, Belfast.
Ward, John, F.S.A., J.P. Lenox Vale, Belfast.
Ward, Robert Edward, J.P., D.L. Bangor Cattle, Bangor,
Warren, the Rev. Thomas. Belmont, 29, Gipsey Hill, London,
Watson, Thomas. Ship Quay Gate, Londonderry.
WESTROPP, Thomas Johnson, M.A., M.R.I. A. 77, Lower
Leeson-street, Dublin.
Wigham, John R., M.R.I. A., J.P. Albany House, Monks-
WILSON, William W., M.R.I.A., M. INST. C.E. St. James's-
gate, Dublin.
Windle, Bertram C. A., M.A., M.D., D.Sc. (Dubl.). Dean of
the Medical Faculty, Mason College, Birmingham.
Wools, Cecil Crawford. 7, Dyke-parade, Cork.
WOOLLCOMBE, Robert Lloyd, M.A., LL.D. (Dubl.) ; LL.D.
(Royal Univ.); F.I.Inst., F.S.S., M.R.I. A., Barrister-
at-Law. 14, Waterloo -road, Dublin.
WRIGHT, Edward Perceval, M.D., M.A. (Dubl.) ; M.A.
(Oxon.) ; M.R.I.A., F.L.S., F.R.C.S.I., J.P., Professor
of Botany. 5, Trinity College, Dublin.
Young, Robert Magill, B.A., C.E., M.R.I.A., J.P. Rathvaraa
D'Arbois de Jubainville, EL, Editor of Revue Celtique. 84,
Boulevard Mont Parnasse, Paris.
Gilbert, Sir John T., LL.D., F.S.A., M.R.I.A., R.H.A. Villa
Nova, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
Hoffman, William J., M.D., Consulate of the United States,
Mannheim, Germany.
Lubbock, Right Hon. Sir John, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D.,
F.R.S., M.P. High Elms, Farnborough, Kent.
Meade, Right Hon. Joseph M., LL.D., J.P. St. Michael's,
AUesbury-road, Dublin..
Munro, Robert, M.A., M.D. (Hon. M.R.I. A.), Secretary of
the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 48, Manor-place,
Pigorini, Professor Luigi, Director of the Museo Preistorico-
Etnografico Kircheriano, Rome.
Rhys, John, M.A., Professor of Celtic, Principal of Jesus
College, Oxford.
Roberts, S. Ussher, C.B. 6, Clyde-road, Dublin.
Robertson, James George, Architect. 36, Sandford-road, Dublin.
Soderberg, Professor Sven, Ph. D., Director of the Museum of
Antiquities, University of Lund, Sweden.
Stokes, Miss Margaret, Hon. M.R.I. A. Carrigbreac, Howth,
Co. Dublin.
Wakeman, William Frederick. Knightsville, Blackrock, Dublin.
Total number of Fellows : —
Life, 38 \
Honorary (under old Rules, 3 ; new Rules, 10), .. 13 V 200
Annual, .. .... 149 /
(Revised 31st December, 1897.)
The Names of those who have paid the Life Composition, and are Life Members, are
printed in heavy-faced type. (See Rules 4, 8, and 9, pages 40, 41.)
Abbott, Rev. Canon, M.A. The Rectory, Tullow, Co. Carlow.
Acheson, John, J.P. Dunavon, Portadown.
Agnew, Alexander. Queen's Bridge Saw Mills, Belfast.
Agnew, Rev. J. Tweedie. The Manse, Tullamore.
Alcorn, James Gunning, Barrister-at-La\v, J.P. 2, Kildare- place, Dublin.
Alexander, Major Henry G-eo. Samuel, J.P. Gosford-place, Armagh.
Alexander, Thomas John, M.A. 1, Bellevue Park, Military- road, Cork.
Allen, James A. Cathedral Hill, Armagh.
Ailing-ham, Hugh, M.R.I.A. The Mall, Ballyshannon.
Airworthy, Edward. 117, Royal-avenue, Belfast.
Alment, Rev. William F., B.D. Castletown Rectory, Navan.
Alton, J. Poe (Felloiv, Inst. of Bankers}. Elim, Grosvenor-road, Dublin.
Anderson, Very Rev. James A., O.S.A. Limerick.
Anderson, Robert Hall, J.P. Sixmile- Cross, Co. Tyrone.
Anderson, William, J.P. Glenarvon, Merrion, Co. Dublin.
Andrews, James Thomas, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 36, St. Stephen's-green,
Annaly, The Lady. Sion, Navan.
Archdall, Right Rev. Mervyn, D.D., Bishop of Killaloe, &c. Claresford,
Archer, Rev. James Edward, B.D. 2, Gyrene Villas, Clifton Park-avenue,
Archer, Mrs. St. Mary's Vicarage, Drogheda.
Ardagh, Rev. Arthur W., M.A. The Vicarage, Finglas.
Ardilaun, Rt. Hon. Lord, M.A., M.R.I.A. St. Anne's, Clontarf.
Ashbourne, Right Hon. Lord, LL.D. 12, Merrion-square, Dublin.
Ashby, Newton B., United States Consul. 6, Sandycove, Kingstown.
Atkins, W. Ringrose. 39 South Mall, Cork.
Atkinson, Rev. E. Dupre, LL.B. (Cantab.) Donaghcloney, Waringstown.
Atkinson, George Mounsey, M.R.I.A. 28, St. Oswald's-road, West
Brompton, London, S.W.
Atkinson, Miss. Meadowbrook, Dundrum, Co. Dublin.
Babington, Rev. Richard, M.A. Omagh, Co. Tyrone.
Badham, Miss. St. Margaret's Hall, Mespil-road, Dublin.
Bagwell, Richard, M.A. (Oxon.), J.P., D.L. Marlfield, Clonmel.
Baile, Robert, M.A. Ranelagh School, Athlone.
Bailey, William F., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 62, Harcourt-street, Dublin.
Baillie, Captain John R. St. Patrick's, Dunfanaghy.
Baillie, Ven.. Richard JE., M.A., Archdeacon of Raphoe. Glendooen,
1897 Bain, Andrew, D.I., R.I.C. Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.
1885 Baker, Henry F. Hillview, Dalkey.
1897 Baker, Samuel. The Knowle, Howth.
1885 Balfour, Blayney ReyneU Townley, M.A. (Cantab.), M.R.I.A., J.P., D.L.
Townley Hall, Drogheda.
1896 BALL, Francis Elrington, M.R.I.A., J.P. Taney House, Dundrum.
1885 Ballard, Rev. John Woods. Kilbrogan Hill, Bandon.
1888 Ballintine, Joseph, J.P. Strand, Londonderry.
1890 Banim, Miss Mary. Greenfield, Dalkey.
1896 Bannan, E. J., B.A., District Inspector of Schools. Education Office,
Marlborough-street, Dublin.
1890 Bardan, Patrick. Coralstown, Killucan.
Barnewall, Thomas. Bloomsberry, Kells, Co. Meath.
1896 Barr, John, Tyrone Constitution. Omagh.
1893 Barrett, John, B.A. Mount Massey House, Macroom.
1889 Barrington, Sir Charles Burton, Bart., M.A. (Dubl.), J.P., D.L. Glenstal
Castle, Co. Limerick.
1889 Barrington, William, C.E. Riverside, Limerick.
1868 Barrington- Ward, Mark James, M.A., S.C.L. (Oxon.), F.R.G.S., F.L.S.
Thorneloe Lodge, Worcester.
1890 Barry, Rev. Michael, P.P. Ballylanders, Knocklong, Co. Limerick.
1877 Barry, James Grene, J.P. 90, George- street, Limerick.
1894 Battley, Colonel D'Oyly, J.P. Belvedere Hall, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
1891 Beard wood, Right Rev. J. Camillus, Abbot of Mount St. Joseph, Roscrea.
1894 Beattie, Rev. Michael. 6, Belvoir- terrace, University-street, Belfast.
1883 BEATTY, Samuel, MA., M.B., M.Ch. Craigatin, Pitlochrie, N.B
1888 Beaumont, Thos., M.D., Dep. Surg.-Gen. Palmerston House, Palmerston
Park, Upper Rathmines.
1892 Beazley, Rev. James, P.P. Tuosist, Kenmare.
1892 Beckley, F. J., B.A. (Cantab.). Secretary's Office, G. P. 0., London.
1891 Beere, D. M., M. INST. C.E. Auckland, New Zealand.
1893 Begley, Rev. John, C.C. Tournafulla, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.
1891 Bence-Jones, Reginald, J.P. Liselan, Clonakilty.
1896 Bennet, Mrs. Northern Bank, Kilrea.
1890 Bennett, Joseph Henry. Blair Castle, Cork.
1889 Beresford, Denis R. Pack, J.P., D.L. Fenagh House, Bagenalstown.
1884 Beresford, George De La Poer, J.P., D.L. Ovenden, Sundridge, Seven-
1895 Beresford, Rev. Canon, M.A. Inistioge Rectory, Co. Kilkenny.
1895 Bergin, William, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy. Queen's College,
1897 Bermingham, Patrick Thomas. Glengariff House, Adelaide-road,
1889 Bernal, John, T.C. Albert Lodge, Limerick.
1888 Bernard, Walter, F.R.C.P. 14, Queen-street, Deny.
1889 Berry, Henry F., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Public Record Office, Dublin.
1897 Berry, Rev. Hugh F., B.D. Fermoy.
1896 Berry, R. G. J. J., Army Service Corps. Stanhope Lines, Aldershot.
1897 Bestick, Robert. 5, Frankfort-avenue, Rathgar.
1890 Bewley, Joseph. 8, Anglesea- street, Dublin.
1897 Biddulph, Colonel Middleton W., J.P. Aunaghmore, Tullamore.
1896 Bigger, Frederic Charles. Ardrie, Antrim-road, Belfast.
1896 Blake, Mrs. Temple Hill, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
1891 Boland, Charles James. 6, Ely-place, Dublin.
1896 Bolger, Rev. David, C.C. The Manse, Wexford.
1893 Bellinger, Jacob, M.A., LL.D. Wexford School, Wexford.
1893 Bolton, Charles Perceval, J.P. Brook Lodge, Halfway House, Water-
1894 Bourchier, Henry James, R.M. Eversleigh, Bandon.
1889 Bourke, Rev. John Hamilton, M.A. Elm Ville, Kilkenny.
1896 Bowen, Chetwood H. Bangor, Co. Down.
1894 Bowen, Miss A. M. Cole. Bowen's Court, Mallow.
1889 Bowen, Henry Cole, M.A., J.P., Barrister-at-Law. Bowen's Court, Mallow.
Bowers, Thomas. Cloncunny House, Piltown.
Bowman, Davys. 14, Chichester-street, Belfast.
Boyd, J. St. Clair, M.D. 27, Victoria-place, Belfast.
Boyle, Kev. Joseph, C.C. Rossnakill, Letterkenny.
Braddell, Octavius H. Sarnia, Eglinton-road, Donnybrook.
Brady, Rev. John Westropp, M.A. Rectory, Slane, Co. Meath.
Bray, John B. Cassin. 72, Eccles- street, Dublin.
Brenan, James, R.H.A., M.R.I.A., School of Art. Leinster House, Kildare-
street, Dublin.
Brenan, Rev. Samuel Arthur, B.A. Knocknacarry, Co. Antrim.
Brereton, Fleet- Surgeon R. W. St. Nicholas' Rectory, Carrickfergus.
Brett, Henry Charles, B.E. Rosemary- square, Roscrea.
Brew, Thomas Foley, F.R.C.S.I. The Cottage, Ennistymon.
Bridge, William, M.A. Solicitor, Roscrea.
Brien, Mrs. C. H. 4, Palmerston Park, Upper Rathmines.
Briscoe, Algernon Fetherstonhaugh, J.P. Curristown, Killucan.
BRODIGAN, Mrs. Piltown House, Drogheda.
Brophy, Michael M. 48, Gordon-square, London, "W.C.
Brophy, Nicholas A. 6, Alphonsus-terrace, Limerick.
Bros, W. Law. Camera Club, Charing Cross-road, London, "W.C.
Brougham, Very Rev. Henry, D.D., Dean of Lismore. Lismore.
Brown, Charles, J.P. The Folly, Chester.
Brown, Miss. 5, Connaught-place, Kingstown.
Browne, Daniel F., B.A., Bavrister-at-Law. 28, CTpper Mount-st., Dublin.
Browne, Geo. Burrowes. Beechville, Knockbreda Park, Belfast.
Browne, James J. F., C.E., Architect. 23, Glentworth- street, Limerick.
Browne, Very Rev. R. L., O.S.F. Franciscan Convent, Liberty -street,
Brownlow, Rev. Duncan John, M.A. Donoghpatrick Rectory, Navan.
Brunskill, Rev. K. C., M.A. Carrickrnore, Co. Tyrone.
Brunskill, Rev. North Richardson, M.A. Kenure Vicarage, Rush.
Buckley, James. Primrose Club, St. James', London, S.W.
Buckley, Michael J. C. 10, St. John's-quay, Kilkenny.
Budds, William Frederick, J.P. Courtstown, Tullaroan, Freshford.
Buggy, Michael, Solicitor. Parliament-street, Kilkenny.
Burden, Alexander Mitchell, C.E., County Surveyor. Kilkenny.
Burgess, Rev. Henry W., M.A., LL.D. 16, Prince Edward-terrace,
Burgess, John, J.P. Oldcourt, Athlone.
Burke, John, J.P., Consul for Mexico and Uruguay. Corporation -street,
Burke, Very Rev. Edward W., P.P., V.F. Bagenalstown.
Burke, E. W. Heathview, Abbeyleix.
Burke, Rev. Thomas, P.P. Ballindereen, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway.
Burke, Rev. W. P. Catherine- street, Waterford.
Burnell, William. Dean's Grange, Monkstown.
Burnett, Rev. Richard A., M.A. Rectory, Graignamanagh, Co. Kilkenny.
Butler, Cecil, M.A., Barrister -at-Law. Milestown, Castle Bellingham.
Byrne, Edmund Alen, J.P. Rosemount, New Ross.
Byrne, Edward A. 21, Lower Water- street, Newry.
Byrne, James. Wallstown Castle, Castletownroche, Co. Cork.
Byrne, Miss. 19, Main-street, Blackrock.
Cadic de la Champignonnerie, M. Edward, F.R.U.I. 765, Upper Leeson-
street, Dublin.
Caffrey, James. 146, Rathgar-road, Dublin.
Caldwell, Charles Sproule, Solicitor. Castle-street, Londonderry.
Caldwell, William Hamilton, M.D. Coleraine.
Callary, Very Rev. Philip, P.P., V.F. Trim, Co. Meath.
Cameron, Sir Charles A., M.D., Hon. R.H.A. 51, Pembroke-road, Dublin.
Campbell, A. Albert, Solicitor. 6, Lawrence -street, Belfast.
Campbell, Frederick Ogle. Main-street, Bangor, Co. Down.
1891 Campbell, Eev. Joseph W. R., M.A. 14, Prince Edward-terrace,
1890 Campbell, Eev Richard S. D., M.A., D.D. The Rectory, Athlone.
1890 Campbell, Rev. William W., M.A., R.N. Maplebmy, Monkstown.
1895 Campbell, William Marshall. 12, Bedford- street, Belfast.
1893 Carey, William, Solicitor. 47, Grosvenor-square, Dublin.
1895 Carlisle, David. Home Avenue, Passaie, New Jersey, U.S.A.
1893 Carmody, Rev. William P., B.A. Cushendall, Co. Antrim.
1895 Carney, Thomas. Hibernian Bank, Cork.
1894 Carolan, John, J.P. 77, North King-street, Dublin.
1893 Carre, Fenwick, F.R.C.S.I. Letterkenny.
1888 Carrigan, Rev. William, C.C. Durrow, Queen's County.
1893 Carrigan, William, Solicitor. Thurles.
1889 Carroll, Anthony R., Solicitor. 47, North Great George' s-street, Dublin.
1893 Carroll, Rev. James, C.C. Howth.
1890 Carroll, William, C.E., M.R.I.A.I. Orchardleigh, West Wickham, Kent.
1894 Carter, Frederick. 44, Dame-street, Dublin.
1897 Caruth, Norman CM Solicitor. Flixton-place, Ballymena.
1895 Casson, George W., J.P. 25, Clyde-road, Dublin.
1893 Castle Stuart, Right Hon. the Earl of, J.P., D.L. Drum Manor, Cookstown.
1894 Chambers, Sir R. Newman. 15, Queen-street, Londonderry.
1893 Chapman, Maria, Lady. Carrig Brae, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
1890 Chapman, Wellesley Pole. 7, Mountjoy- square, Dublin.
1890 Charles, James, M.I.J. 42, Dawson-street, Dublin.
1891 Chatterton, Abraham T. 10, Clyde-road, Dublin.
1890 Chaytor, Joshua David, B.A. Marino, Killiney.
1893 Chearnley, Miss Mary. Cappoquin, Co. Waterford.
1891 Chestnutt, John, B.A., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Edin.) Derwent House,
Howden, East "Yorks.
1895 Christie, Robert William, F.I.B. 21, Elgin-road, Dublin.
1894 Clark, George W. O'Flaherty-, L.R.C.S.E. Down Asylum, Down-
1896 Clark, Miss Jane. The Villas, Kilrea, Co. Londonderry.
1889 Clarke, Mrs. Athgoe Park, Hazelhatch.
1896 Cleary, Rev. Robert, M.A. Galbally Rectory, Tipperary.
1890 Clements. Henry John Beresford, J.P., D.L. Lough Rynn, Leitrim.
1892 Clements^ William T., Asst. D.I.N.S. 1, Agincourt-terrace, Rugby-road,
1859 Clifden, Right Hon. Viscount, J.P., D.L. 19, Wilton-street, London.
1874 Clonbrock, Right Hon. Lord, B.A. (Oxon.), H.M.L. (Vice- President, 1885-
1896.) Clonbrock, Aghascragh.
1892 Coates, William Trelford, J.P. 7, Fountain- street, Belfast.
1893 Coddington, Lieut. -Colonel John N., J.P., D.L. Oldbridge, Drogheda.
1892 Coffey, Denis J., B.A., M.B., M.Ch. (R.U.I.), Assistant Professor of Physi-
ology, School of Medicine, Cecilia-street, Dublin.
1885 Coffey, Most Rev. John, D.D., Bishop of Kerry. The Palace, Killarney.
1888 Coleman, James. Custom-house, Southampton.
1893 Colgan, Nathaniel, M.R.I.A. 1, Belgrave-road, Rathmines.
1895 Colgan, Rev. P., P.P. St. Endas, Aran Islands, Galway.
1888 Colhoun, Joseph. 62, Strand-road, Londonderry.
1894 Colles, Alexander. 3, Elgin-road, Dublin.
1891 Collins, E. Tenison, Barrister -at -Law. 35, Palmer ston-road, Dublin.
1897 Commins, John. Desart N. S., Cuffe's Grange, Kilkenny.
1897 CONAN, Alexander. Mount Alverno, Dalkey.
1876 Condon, Very Kev. C. H., Provincial, O.P. St. Saviour's, Dublin.
1893 Condon, Frederick William, L.R.C.P. I., &c. Ballyshannon.
1894 Condon, James E. S., LL.D., Barrister -at -Law. 21, Royal Canal Bank
1896 Condon, Very Rev. John, O.S.A. New Ross.
1892 Conlan, Very Rev. Robert F., P.P., Canon. St. Michan's, Dublin.
1893 Connell, Rev. John, M.A. 3, Palace-terrace, Drumcondra.
1889 Connellan, Major James H., J.P., D.L. Coolmore, Thomastown.
1896 Connolly, Rev. Richard, O.S.A. New Ross.
Conway, M. Edward. Knightville, Seafi eld -avenue, Monkstown.
Cookman, William, M.D., J.P. Kiltrea House, Enniscorthy.
Cooper, Anderson, J.P. Weston, Queenstown.
Cooper, Austin Darner, J.P. Drumnigh, Baldoyle, Co. Dublin.
Coote, Rev. Maxwell H., M.A. Ross, Tullamore.
CORBALLIS, Richard J., M.A., J.P. Rosemount, Roebuck, Clonskeagh.
Corcoran, P. Abbey Gate-street, Gaiway.
Corish, Rev. John, C.C. Kilmyshall, Newtownbarry.
Corker, William Henning, Solicitor. 52, Grand-parade, Cork.
Cosgrave, E. Mac Dowel, M.D. 5, Gardiner' s-row, Dublin.
Cosgrave, Henry Alexander, M.A. 100, Pembroke-road, Dublin.
Costigan, William. Great Victoria-street, Belfast.
Coulter, Mrs. G. B. 21, University-square, Belfast.
Coulter, Rev. George W. S., M.A. 9, Upper Garville-avenue, Rathgar.
Courtenay, Henry. Hughenden, Grosvenor-road, Rathmines.
Courtney, Charles Marshall. Mount Minnitt, Ballybrood, Pallasgrean.
Cowan, P. Chalmers, B.Sc., M.!NST. C.E. 9, College Gardens, Belfast.
Cowell, Very Rev. George Young, M.A., Dean of Kildare. Kildare.
Cox, Michael Francis, B.A., F.R.C.P.I., M.R.I.A. 45, Stephen's-green,
Coyne, James Aloysius, B. A. , District Inspector of National Schools. Tralee.
Craig, Rev. Graham, M.A. St. Catherine's, Tullamore.
Crawford, James W. Chlorine House, Malone-road, Belfast.
Crawford, Robert T. Estate Office, Ballinrobe.
Creagh, Arthur Gethin, J.P. Carrahane, Quin, Co. Clare.
Creaghe, Philip Crampton, M.R.I.A. Hugomont, Ballymena.
Cromie, Edward Stuart, District Inspector of Schools. Killarney.
Crone, John S., L.R.C.P.I. Kensal Lodge, Kensal Rise, London, N.W.
Crossley, Frederick W. 24, Nassau-street, Dublin.
Crosthwait, Thomas P. Sherard, B.A., M.!NST. C.E. 38, Pembroke -road,
Cuffe, Major Otway Wheeler. Woodlands, Waterford.
Cullen, T. W., Manager, National Bank. Dingle.
Cullin, John. Templeshannnn, Enniscorthy.
Culverwell, Edward Parnall, M.A., F.T.C.D. The Hut, Howth.
Cummins, Rev. Martin, P.P. Clare Gaiway.
Cunningham, Miss Mary E. Glencairn, Belfast.
Cunningham, Miss S. C. Glencairn, Belfast.
Cunningham, Rev. Robert, B.A. Ballyrashane, Coleraine.
Cunningham, Samuel. Glencairn, Belfast.
Curran, James P., Manager, Munster and Leinster Bank. Maryborough.
Cussen, J. S., B.A., D.I.N.S. BaUymena.
Dallow, Rev. Wilfred. Upton Hall, Upton, Birkenhead.
Dalton, John P., M.A., D.I.N.S. 4, Roseberry Villas, Chichester Park,
Daniell, Robert G., J.P. Newforest, Co. Westmeath.
D'Arcy, S. A., L.R.C.P.I., L.R.C.S.I. Rosslea, Co. Fermanagh.
Dargan, Thomas. 9, Clifton Park-avenue, Belfast.
Davidson, Rev. John Henry, M.A. Rathregan Rectory, Batterstown, Co.
DAVIDSON, Rev. Henry W., B.A. Templemichael Glebe, Youghal.
Davidson-Houston, Rev. B. C., M.A. St. John's Vicarage, Sydney-parade.
Davies, D. Griffith, B.A. 200, High-street, Bangor, N. Wales.
Davis, Thomas. St. Margaret's, Foxrock, Co. Dublin.
Davy, Rev. Humphry, M.A. Kimmage Lodge, Terenure.
Dawkins, Professor W. Boyd-, F.S.A., F.K.S., F.G.S., &c. Woodhurst,
Fallowfield, Manchester.
Dawson, Joseph Francis, Inspector. Munster and Leinster Bank, Dame-
street, Dublin.
Dawson, Very Rev. Abraham, M.A., Dean of Dromore. Seagoe Rectory,
Deady, James P. Hibernian Bank, Navan.
Deane, Mrs. J. William. Longraigue, Foulksmill, Co. Wexford.
Delany, Eight Rev. John Carthage, Lord Abbot of Mount Melleray,
DE LA POEB, Edmond, J.P., D.L. Gurteen, Glensheelan, Clonmel.
De Moleyns, The Hon. Edward A., J.P. Dingle, Co. Kerry.
Denny, Francis Mac Gilly cuddy. Denny-street, Tralee.
Denvir, Patrick J. National Bank, Limerick.
D'Evelyn, Alexander, M.D. (Dubl.). Ballymena.
Devenish-Meares, Major-General W. L., J.P., D.L. Meares Court,
Ballinacargy, Co. Westmeath.
Diamond, Rev. Patrick J. Port Stanley, Falkland Islands.
Dickinson, James A. 8, Crosthwaite Park, Kingstown.
Dickson, Rev. William A. Fahan Rectory, Londonderry.
Digges, Rev. J. Garven, M.A. (Dubl.). Clooncahir, Loughrynn, Dromod.
Dillon, Edward Maxwell, M.A., LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple.
19, Albert -square, Clapham, London, S.W.
Dillon, Sir John Fox, Bart., J.P., D.L. Lismullen, Navan.
Dix, E. Reginald M'Clintock, Solicitor. 61, Upper Sackville-st., Dublin.
Dixon, Henry, Jun. 5, Cabra-terrace, Dublin.
Dodge, Mrs. Saddle Rock, Great Neck, Long Island, New York, U.S.
Doherty, George, J.P. Dromore, Co. Tyrone.
Donegan, Lieutenant- Colonel James H., J.P. Alexandra-place, Cork.
Donovan, St. John Henry, J.P. Seafield, The Spa, Tralee.
Dorey, Matthew. 8, St. Anne's-terrace, Berkeley-road, Dublin.
Dougherty, James B., M.A., Assistant Under- Secretary, Dublin Castle.
Douglas, M. C. Burren-street, Carlo w.
Dowd, Rev. James, M.A. 7, Swansea-terrace, Limerick.
Dowling, Jeremiah, Sen., M.D. Nelson-street, Tipperary.
Downes, Thomas. Norton, Skibbereen.
Doyle, Laurence, Barrister-at-Law. 4, Upper Pembroke -street, Dublin.
Doyle, Rev. Luke, P.P. St. Mary's, Tagoat, Wexford.
Doyle, M. J. N. S., Windgap, Co. Kilkenny.
Doyne, Charles Mervyn, M.A. (Cantab.), J.P., D.L. Wells, Gorey.
Drew, Mrs. Gortnadrew, Alma-road, Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
Drought, Rev. Anthony, M.A. Kilrnessan Rectory, Navan.
Dudgeon, Robert R. Ballynahatty, Omagh.
Dugan, Charles Winston, M.A. Florence-ville, Lurgan.
Duke, Robert Alexander, J.P., D.L. Newpark, Ballymote.
Duncan, George. 1, Cope-street, Dublin.
Dunn, Michael J., B.A., Barrister-at-Law. 42, Upper Mount-st., Dublin.
Dunn, Valentine. 30, Clarinda Park, E., Kingstown.
Dunne, Francis Plunkett, J.P. Balivor, Banagher.
Dunne, Very Rev. Martin K., P.P., Canon. Blackwater, Enniscorthy.
1893 Dunne, Robert H. Plunkett, J.P. Brittas, Clonaslie, Queen's Co.
Dunsany, Right Hon. Lord, M.A. (Cantab.), J.P., D.L. Dunsany Castle,
Durham, Dean and Chapter of, per C. Rowlandson. The College, Durham,
Dwan, Rev. John J., C.C. The Presbytery, Thurles.
Egan, Michael. 3, Pery-square, Limerick.
Elcock, Charles. Curator, Museum, Royal-avenue, Belfast.
.Elliott, Rev. Andrew. The Bar, Trillick.
Elliott, Rev. Anthony L., M.A. Killiney Glebe, Co. Dublin.
Elliott, Charles. 223, Amhurst-road, Stoke-Newington, London, N. E.
Elliott, Rev. John. Seven Houses, Armagh.
Ennis, Edward H., Barrister-at-Law. 42, Rutland-square, Dublin.
Ennis, Michael Andrew, J.P. Ardruadh, Wexford.
Entwistle, Peter. Free Public Museums, Liverpool.
Erne, Right Hon. the Countess of, care of Rev. J. H. Steele, Crom,Newtown
Esmonde, Sir Thomas Henry Grattan, Bart., M.P. Ballynastragh, Gorey.
Eustace, Captain Henry Montague, 1st Battalion Middlesex Regiment.
Sampford Grange, Braintree, Essex.
Evans, Kev. Henry, D.D., M.R.I. A. Howth, Co. Dublin.
Evatt, George Foster, J.P. Mount Louise, Smithborough, Co. Monaghan.
Everard, Rev. John, C.C. SS. Peter and Paul, Clonmel.
Everard, Major Nugent Talbot, J.P., D.L. Randlestown, Navan.
Fahey, Very Rev. Jerome, P.P., V.G. St. Colman's, Gort.
Fahy, Rev. "John G. Rectory, Waterville, Co. Kerry.
Fair, Richard B. Rosetta House, Rosetta Park, Belfast.
Fairholme, Mrs. Comragh, Kilmacthomas.
Falkiner, C. Litton, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 9, Upper Merrion-street,
Falkiner, Hon. Sir Frederick R., M.A., Recorder of Dublin. Inveruisk,
Falkiner, Rev. T. Doran. 4, Marine -terrace, Bray.
Falkiner, Rev. William F. T., M.A., M.R.I.A. Killucan Rectory, Co.
Fallen, Owen, D.I.R.I.C. Ardara, Co. Donegal.
Faren, William. Mount Charles, Belfast.
Fawcett, George. Montevideo, Roscrea.
Feeney, P. J. C. Hibernian Bank, Kilkenny.
Fegan, William John, Solicitor. Market Square, Cavan.
Fennell, William J., M.R.I.A.I. 11, Chichester-street, Belfast.
Fennessy, Edward. Ardscradawn House, Kilkenny.
Fenton, Mrs. St. Peter's Vicarage, 90, Westbourne-road, Birkenhead.
Field, William, M.P. Blackroek, Co. Dublin.
Field, Miss. Blackroek, Co. Dublin.
Fielding, Patrick J., M.P. S.I. 8, St. Joseph' s-place, Cork.
Fisher, Rev. John Whyte, M.A., Canon. The Rectory, Mountrath.
Fitz Gerald, William J., Clerk of the Crown and Peace, Co. Cork. Bank-place,
Fitz Gibbon, Gerald, M. INST. C.E. The White House, Heysham, Lancaster.
Fitz Patrick, P., D.I.N.S. Rathkeale.
Fitzsimons, John Bingham, M.D. Owen-street, Hereford.
Flanagan, James. Central Model Schools, Marlborough-street, Dublin.
Fleming, Hervey de Montmorency, J.P. Barraghcore, Goresbridge.
Fleming, James, Jun. Kilmory, Skelmorlie, Scotland.
Fleming, Very Rev. Horace Townsend, M.A. The Deanery, Cloyne.
Fletcher, Rev. Victor J., M.A. Malahide.
Flood, Rev. James. 52, Stirling-place, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
Flynn, Very Rev. Patrick F., P.P. St. Anne's Presbytery, Waterford.
Fogerty, Robert, C.E., Architect. Limerick.
Fogerty, William A., M.A., M.D. 61, George- street, Limerick.
Foley, John E., M.D. Frances-street, Kilrush.
Foley, J. M. Galwey, C.I., R.I.C. Ennis.
Forster, Sir Robert, Bart., D.L. 63, Fitzwilliam-square, Dublin.
Fortescue, Hon. Dudley F., J.P., D.L. Summerville, Dunmore East,
Foster, Rev. Frederick, M.A. Ballymacelligott Glebe, Tralee.
Fox, Captain Maxwell, R.N., J.P., D L. 14, Brock-street, Bath.
Franklin, Frederick, F.R.I. A. I. Westbourne House, Terenure.
Frazer, Henry. Lambeg N. S., Lisburn.
Frazer, Mrs. Finvoy Rectory, Ballymoney.
Frewen, William, Solicitor. Nelson-street, Tipperary.
Frizelle, Joseph. S%o.
Furlong, Nicholas, L.R. C.P.I., L.R. C.S.I., M.R.I.A. Lymington, Ennis-
Gallagher, Edward, J.P. Strabane.
Gallagher, William, Solicitor. English-street, Armagh.
Gamble, Major G. F. Mount Jerome, Harold's -cross.
Garvey, Toler R., J.P. Thorn vale, Moneygall.
Gault-Gamble, T. E., D.I., R.I.C. Adare, Co. Limerick.
Geoghegan, Michael. P. W. Hotel, Athlone.
Geoghegan, Thomas F. 6, Lower Sackville-street, Dublin.
Geoghegan, William P. Rockfield, Blackrock.
George, William E. Downside, Stoke Bishop, Clifton.
Gerish, W. Blythe. Ivy Lodge, Hoddesdon, Herts.
Gerrard, Rev. William J. The Rectory, Rathangan, Co. Kildare.
Gibson, Rev. Thomas B., M.A. Ferns.
Gilfoyle, Anthony Thomas, M.A., J.P. 23, Ailesbury-road, Dublin; and
Carrowellen House, Skreen, Co. Sligo.
Gill, Michael J., B.A. Roebuck House, Clonskeagh.
Gillespie, James, Surgeon. The Diamond, Clones.
GILLESPIE, William, M.R.I. A. Racefield House, Kingstown.
Gillman, Herbert Webb, B.A. (Dubl.), Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn),
J.P. Clonteadmore, Coachford, Co. Cork.
Gleeson, Gerald W. M. Athlone.
Gleeson, Paul. Kilcolman, Kingstown.
Gleeson, Michael, Crown Solicitor. Nenagh.
Glenny, James Swanzy, J.P. Glenville, Ardaragh, Newry.
Glynn, Patrick J. O'Connor. 10, Ulverton- place, Dalkey.
Glynn, Thomas. Meelick Villa, 87, Aden Grove, Clissold Park, London, N.
Glynn, William, J.P. Kilrush.
Godden, George. Phoenix Park, Dublin.
Goff, Rev. Edward, B.A. Kentstown Rectory, Navan.
Goldsmith, Rev. E. J., M.A. 1, De Vesci-place, Monkstown.
Goodbody, Henry P. Obelisk Park, Blackrock.
Goodbody, Miss. Obelisk Park, Blackrock.
Goodman, Peter. 44, Rutland -square, Dublin.
Goodwin, Singleton, B.A., M.IxsT.C.E. Tralee.
Goold, Graham Augustus, Solicitor. 42, Grand Parade, Cork.
Gordon, Samuel, M.D. 13, Hume-street, Dublin.
Gorman, Venerable VVm. Chas., M.A., Archdeacon of Ossory. Rectory,
Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny.
Gosselin, Rev. J. H. Prescott, B.A. Muff Parsonage, Londonderry.
Gough, Joseph. 88, Grosvenor- square, Rathmines.
Grant, Colonel George Fox, J.P. Hilton, Callan, Co. Kilkenny.
Gray, Robert, M.R.C.P.I., J.P. 4, Charlemont-place, Armagh.
GRAYDON, Thomas W., M.D. La Fayette Circle, Clifton, Cincinnati,
Ohio, U.S.A.
Greaves, Miss. 12, Rathgar-road, Dublin.
Griffin, J. J., M.D. Waterloo Villa, Greengate, Plaistow, London, E.
Greene, Herbert Wilson, M.A. Pembroke College, Oxford.
Greene, Mrs. J. Monte Vista, Ferns.
Greene, Mrs. T. Millbrook, Mageney.
Greene, Surgeon-Lieut. -Col. John J., M.B. 23, Herbert-place, Dublin.
Greene, Thomas, LL.B., J.P. Millbrook, Mageney.
Greer, Thomas MacGregor, Solicitor. Ballymoney.
Gribbon, Rev. John, C.C. Waterside, Derry.
Grierson, Rev. Frederick J., B.A. St. Bride's, Oldcastle, Co. Meath.
Grubb, J. Ernest. Carrick-on-Suir.
Guilbride, Francis, J.P. Newtownbarry.
Guinness, Howard. Chesterfield, Blackrock.
HADDON, Alfred Cort, M.A., F.Z.S. Inisfail, Hill's-road, Cambridge.
Hade, Arthur, C.E. Carlow.
Hales, Mrs. A. Belvedere, Crystal Palace Park, Sydenham, S.E.
Hall, Rev. Alexander, B.A. Drogheda.
Hall, Thomas. Derrynure House, Baillieborough.
Hallinan, Rev. D., D.D., P.P. St. Mary's, Limerick.
Hamill, Robert H. Bessbrooke House, Analore, Clones.
Hamilton, Everard, B.A. 30, South Frederick- street, Dublin.
Hamilton, "Eev. John G., B.A. Dromore, Co. Tyrone.
Hamilton S., M.B. 4, Ehondda-road, Ferndale," Glamorgan.
Hanan, Eev. Denis, D.D. The Eectory, Tipperary.
Handy, Eev. Leslie Alexander, M.A. Skryne Eectory, Tara, Co. Meath.
Hanna, John A. Paradise- street, Liverpool.
Hannay, Eev. James 0., M.A. Westport.
Hannon, P. J. Clifton House, Loughrea.
Hardy, William J., LL.B., Barrister-at-Law, D.I.E.I.C. Dunfanaghy.
Hare, Very Eev. Thomas, D.D., Dean of Ossory. Deanery, Kilkenny.
Harman, Miss Marion. Barrowmount, Goresbridge.
Harrington, Edward. 46, Nelson-street, Tralee.
Harris, Henry B., J.P. Mill view, Ennis.
Harrison, Charles William. 178, Great Brunswick-street, Dublin.
Hart, Henry Chichester, B.A., M.E.I.A., F.L.S., J.P. Carrabeagh, Port-
salon, Letterkenny.
Hartford, John P., Sessional Crown Solicitor, Kilkenny. 55, Lr. Dominick-
street, Dublin.
Hartigan, P. Castleconnell, Limerick.
Hartley, Eev. Frederic J., B.A., B.A.I. 2, Wellington-square, Kilkenny.
Harty, Spencer, M. INST. C.E.I. City Hall, Dublin.
Harvey, Eev. Alfred Thomas, M.A. Eectory, Athboy.
Hastings, Samuel. Church- street, Downpatrick.
Hayes, Eev. Francis Carlile, M.A. Eectory, Eaheny.
Hayes, Eev. William A., M.A. 2, Carlisle-terrace, Omagh.
Hayes, Thomas, C.I., E.I.C. 2, Eden-terrace, Limerick.
Headen, W. P., B.A. (Lond.), D.I.N.S. 32, Cabra-parade, Phibsborough.
Healy, George, J.P. Glaslyn, Clontarf.
Healy, Eev. John, LL.D., Canon. St. Columba's, Kells, Co. Meath.
Healy, Eev. William, P.P. Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny.
Healy, William, J.P. Donard View, Downpatrick.
Hearne, J. B. Chilcomb, New Eoss.
HEMPHILL, Rev. Samuel, D.D. Birr Eectory, Parsonstown.
Henderson, William A. Belclare, Leinster-road, West, Dublin.
Hennessy, Bryan. 21, South-street, New Eoss.
Henry, James, M.D. Swanpark, Monaghan.
Heron, James, B.E., J.P. Tullyvery House, Killyleagh, Co. Down.
Heron, James Mathers, M.D. Downpatrick.
Hewat, S. M. F., M.A. (Cantab). Abbeylands, Ballybrack, Co. Dublin.
Hewson, Eev. Edward F., B.A., Canon. Eectory, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny.
Hibbert, Eobert Fiennes, J.P. Woodpark, Scariff.
Hickey, Garrett A., M.D. Priory-street, New Eoss.
Hickson, Miss. Mitchelstown.
Higgins, Eev. Michael, C.C. Queenstown.
Higgins, Patrick. Town Clerk's Office, Waterford.
Higinbotham, Granby. 46, Wellington Park, Belfast.
Hill, William H., B.E., F.E.I.B.A. Audley House, Cork.
Hinch, William A. 77, Long Acre, London, W.C.
Hinkspn, Henry A., M.A. 107, Blenheim Crescent, London, W.
Hitchins, Henry. 144, Leinster-road, Dublin.
Hoare, Most Eev. Joseph, D.D., Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois. St.
Mel's, Longford.
Hobson, C. J. Benbury, Moy, Co. Armagh.
Hodges, Professor John F., M.D., F.C.S., F.I.C., J.P. Sandringham,
Malone-road, Belfast.
Hodges, Eev. John G. Tesaran Eectory, Banagher.
Hodgson, Eev. William, M.A. 32, Holford-square, London, W.C.
Hogan, Eev. Henry, B.D., Canon. All Saints' Vicarage, Phibsborough-
road, Dublin.
Hogg, Jonathan, D.L. 12, Cope-street, Dublin.
Hogg, Thomas P. Craigmore, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
Hoguet, Mrs. Henry L. 48, West 28th Street, New York, U.S.A.
Holding, T. H. 7, Maddox-street, London, W.
Holland, Joseph. Holland House, Knock, Co. Down.
Holmes, George, C.I., E.I.C. Cromwell's Fort, Wexford.
Hopkins, Rev. John W., B.A. Agherin Vicarage, Conna.
Horan, John, M.E., M. INST. C.E., County Surveyor. 8, Victoria-terrace,
Hore, Philip Herbert. Imperial Institute, London, S.W.
Houston, Eev. J. D. Craig, B.D. Hydepark Manse, Belfast.
Huband, Eev. Hugo E., M.A. (Cantab.). Killiskey Eectory, Ashford, Co.
Hudson, Eobert, M.D. Bridge House, Dingle.
Huggard, Stephen. Clonmore, Tralee.
Hughes, Benjamin. Independent Office, Wexford.
Hughes, Miss Helen. 185, Eathgar-road, Dublin.
Hughes, Eev. John. St. Augustine's, Coatbridge, N.B.
Humphreys, Eev. John, B.A. The Manse, Tullamore.
Hunt, Edmund Langley. 67, Pembroke-road, Dublin ; and 64, George-st.,
Hunter, Thomas. Post Office, Glenarm.
Hurley, Eev. Patrick, P.P. Inchigeela, Co. Cork.
Hyde, Henry Barry, F.S.S. 5, Eaton Eise, Ealing, London, W.
Ireland, William. 46, Arthur-street, Belfast,
Irvine, Charles E. E. A. Lisgoole Abbey, Enniskillen.
Irwin, Eev. Alexander, M.A. 2, Beresford-place, Armagh.
Irwin, William. Annagh House, Aughnacloy.
Isaac, Very Eev. Abraham, B.A., Dean of Ardfert. Kilgobbin Eectory,
Camp, E.S.O., Co. Kerry.
Jackman, Eichard H. Alverno, Thurles.
Jackson, J. F. Clifden Lodge, Strand-road, Merrion.
James, Charles Edward, M.B. Butler House, Kilkenny.
Jameson, Ven. Archdeacon, M.A. Killeshin Parsonage, Carlow.
Jeffares, Eev. Danby, M.A. Lusk, Co. Dublin.
Jefferson, Wood Gibson, M.A., LL.B., Barrister- at-Law. 3, Mount-street
Crescent, Dublin.
Jellett, Very Eev. Henry, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's. The Deanery,
St. Patrick's, Dublin.
Jellie, Eev. William, B.A. 44, Burlington-road, Ipswich.
Jennings, Ignatius E. B., C.I. E.I.C. Ballytruckle, Waterford.
Jephson-Norreys, Mrs. Atherton. The Castle, Mallow.
Johnston, James W., J.P. Newtownbutler.
Johnston, John W. Eossmore Agency Office, Monaghan.
Jones, Bryan John. 1st Leinster Eegiment, Lisnawilly, Dundalk.
Jones, Eev. David, M.A., Canon of Bangor Cathedral. Llandegai, N. Wales.
Jordan, Eev. William, M.A. St. Augustine's Moreland, Melbourne,
Joyce, Patrick Weston, LL.D., M.E.I. A. Lyre-na-Grena, Leinster-road,
Kane, Eev. Eichard E., LL.D. Christ Church Eectory, Belfast.
Kavanagh, Very Eev. Michael, D.D., P.P. New Eoss.
Keane, Lady. Cappoquin House, Cappoquin.$
Keane, Miss Frances. Glenshelane, Cappoquin.
Keane, Marcus, J.P. Beech Park, Ennis.
Keatinge, Eev. P. A., O.S.F. Franciscan Convent, Waterford.
Keene, Charles Haines, M.A. 19, Stephen's-green, and University Club>
Keene, Most Eev. James Bennett, D.D., Bishop of Meath. Navan.
Keith, James, Inspector of Schools. The Mall, Westport.
Kelly, Edmund Walshe. Summerhill, Tramore.
Kelly, Francis James, J.P. Weston, Duleek.
Kelly, Ignatius S. Provincial Bank House, Cork.
Kelly, Very Rev. James J"., P.P., Canon. St. Peter's, Athlone.
Kelly, Rev. John, C.C. Dalkey.
Kelly, Richard J., Barrister-at-Law, J.P. 21, Great Charles- street,
Kelly, Thomas Aliaga. 64, Upper Leeson-street, Dublin.
Kennan, Williams R. Villa Fragonaid, Arcachon, France.
Kennedy, John. Ardbana House, Coleraine.
Kenny, Patrick. Grace Dieu, Clontarf .
Kenny, Thomas Hugh. 55, George-street, Limerick.
Kenny, William F., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 10, Upper Pembroke-street,
Kermode, P. M. C., F.S.A. (Scot.). Hillside, Ramsey, Isle of Man.
Kernan, George. 56, Northumberland-road, Dublin.
Kernan, Rev. Richard Arthurs, B.D. The Rectory, Hillsborough.
Kerr, Rev. Win. Jobn B. 70, Wharf-road, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
Kiernan, Mrs. Leitrim Lodge, Dalkey.
Kiernan, Thomas. Leitrim Lodge, Dalkey.
Kilbride, Rev. William, M.A. Aran Island, Galway.
Killeen, John W., Solicitor. 32, Waterloo-road, Dublin.
KIMBERLEY, Kt. Hon. the Earl of, K.G. Kimberley House, Wymond-
ham, Norfolk.
King, Miss Kathleen L. 52, Lansdowne-road, Dublin.
King, Lucas White, LL.D., F.S.A., M.R.I.A. 52, Lansdowne-road,
King-Edwards, William, J.P. Dartans House, Castlederg.
Kinnear, Ernest A. Ballyheigue Castle, Co. Kerry.
Kirkpatrick, Robert. 1, Queen' s-square, Strathbungo, Glasgow.
Kirker, Gilbert, M.D., c/o S. K. Kirker. Board of Works, Belfast.
Knox, Miss K. Ennis, Co. Clare.
Latfan, P. M., L.R. C.P.I. Belper Hill, Tara, Co. Meath.
Laffan, Thomas, M.D. Cashel.
Lalor, M. W. Kilkenny Moderator Office, Kilkenny.
Langan, Rev. Thomas, D.D. St. Mary's, Athlone.
Langrishe, Mrs. Knocktopher Abbey, Co. Kilkenny.
Latimer, John. 11, Denny-street, Tralee.
Lavell, Rev. Edward, C.C. Tully, Letterfrack, Co. Galway.
Lawlor, Rev. Hugh Jackson, M.A., D.D. 50, Palmerston-place, Edin-
Lawson, Thomas Dillon. Bank of Ireland, Galway.
Lecky, Rev. Alexander Gourley, B.A. Feddyglass, Raphoe.
Ledger, Rev. William Cripps, M.A. The Rectory, Lisnaskea.
Ledger, Z. J. 27, George -street, Limerick.
Lee, Rev. Timothy, C.C. St. John's, Limerick.
Leech, Henry Brougham, LL.D., Regius Professor of Laws, Dublin. Yew
Park, Castle-avenue, Clontarf.
Leeson-Marshall, M. R., Barrister-at-Law. 6, King's Bench Walk, Temple,
London, E.G.
LeFanu, Thomas Philip, B.A. (Cantab.). Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin
Leonard, John. Lisahally, Londonderry.
Leonard, Mrs. T. Warrenstown, Dunsany, Co. Meath.
Lepper, Francis Robert, Director, Ulster Banking Co., Belfast.
L' Estrange, Rev. A. G. Gonna, Co. Cork.
Lett, B. A. W., J.P. Ballyvergan, Adamstown, Co. Wexford.
Lett, Rev. Henry Wm., M.A., M.R.I.A. Aghaderg Glebe, Lough-
Lewis, Professor Bunnell, M.A., F.S.A. Queen's College, Cork.
Lewis, Thomas White, M.D. Kingscliffe, Wansford, Northamptonshire.
Librarian. Public Library, Armagh.
Librarian. Belfast Library, Linen Hall, Belfast.
Librarian. Belfast Free Public Library, Belfast.
Librarian. Free Public Library, Liverpool.
Librarian. Public Library, Boston, U. S.
Librarian. Detroit Public Library, Micbigan, U. S., per B. F. Stevens,
4, Trafalgar-square, London.
Librarian. Astor Library, New York, U.S., per B. F. Stevens, 4, Trafalgar-
square, London.
Librarian. King's Inns Library, Henrietta-street, Dublin.
Librarian. Library of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Librarian, Limerick Institution. 99, George -street, limerick.
Librarian, Limerick Protestant Young Men's Association. 97, George-street,
Librarian. Public Library, Melbourne, per Agent-General for Victoria.
15, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W.
Librarian. Queen's College, Belfast.
Librarian. Queen's College, Cork.
Librarian. Queen's College, Galway.
Librarian. Berlin Koyal Library, per Messrs. Asher & Co., 13, Bedford-st.,
Covent Garden, London.
Librarian. Science and Art Department, London, S.W.
Lindesay, Rev. William O'Neill, M.A. Baronscourt Rectory, Newtown-
Lindsay, Dr. David Moore, L.R. C.P.I., &c. 373, Main-street, Salt Lake
City; Utah, U.S.A.
Lindsay, James A., M.D., M.Ch. 37, Victoria-place, Belfast.
Lindsay, Rev. Jobn Woodley, D.D. Athnowen Rectory, Ovens, Co.
Lindsay, Rev. Samuel, B.A. Prospect House, Dungarmon.
Lipscombe, W. H. Church-road, Malahide.
Listen, George, Solicitor. Kilmallock.
Little, Philip Francis, jun. 6, JS'ew Brighton, Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
Livingstone, Rev. Robert George, M.A. Brinkworth Rectory, Chippenham,
Lloyd, Mrs. Bloomfield, Mullingar.
Lloyd, William. 1, Pery-square, Limerick.
Lockwood, F. W., C.E., Architect. 16, Waring- street, Belfast.
Long, Mrs. 16, Appian-way, Dublin.
Longfield, Mrs. R. Curraglass Rectory, Tallow, Co. Cork.
Longfield, Thomas H., F.S. A., M.R.I. A. Science and Art Museum, Leinster
House, Dublin.
Longford, Right Hon. the Countess of. Pakenham Hall, Castlepollard.
Lopdell, John. Stamer Park, Ennis.
Lough, Thomas, M.P. 5, Newton Grove, Bedford Park, Chiswick.
Loughnan, Henry James, Barrister-at-Law. 39, Belvidere-place, Dublin.
Love, Hugh Thomas. Charleville-square, Tullamore.
Lovegrove, E. W., M.A., M.R.I. A. Friar's Cottage, Bangor, North Wales.
Lowe, William Ross Lewin. Middlewych, St. Alban's, Herts.
Lowndes, Thomas F., D. I.R.I. C. Woodford, Co. Galway.
Lowry, S. C. W., Manager, Ulster Bank, Downpatrick.
Lucas, Rev. Frederick John, D.D. 5, Breffni-terrace, Kingstown.
Lunham, Colonel Thomas Ainslie, M.A., J.P. Ardfallen, Douglas, Cork.
Lyle, Rev. Thomas, M.A. 89, St. Laurence -road, Clontarf .
Lynam, F. J., County Surveyor. Omagh.
Lynch, Rev. J. Fetherston, B.A. Cahirconlish Rectory, Pallasgrean.
LYNCH, J. J. Towanda, Pa., U.S.A.
Lynch, Patrick. Inland Revenue Office, Ballyshannon.
Lynch, Rev. Patrick. St. Wilfrid's, Hulme, Manchester.
Lyster, Rev. H. Cameron, B.D. Rectory, Enniscorthy.
Lyster, Thomas W., M.A. 10, Harcourt-terrace, Dublin.
Macalister, R. Alexander Stewart, M.A. 2, Gordon -street, London, W.C.
Macaulay, John, J.P., D.L. Red Hall, Ballycary, Belfast.
Macauley, Joseph, Solicitor, Donegall Chambers, Royal-avenue, Belfast.
MacCartan, Eev. Owen, P.P. Larne.
Mac Dermott, Miss Margaret, B.A. College Buildings, Dungannon.
MacDonnell, Charles R. A., J.P., D.L. Liscrona, Kilkee, Co. Clare.
Mac Gillycuddy, Daniel de Courcy, Solicitor. Day-place, Tralee.
Mac Gillycuddy, John, J. P. Aghadoe House, Killarney.
Mack, Rev. A. "William Bradshaw, B.A. St. Finian's, Swords.
Mackenzie, John, C.E. 7, Donegall-square, E., Belfast.
Mac Laughlin, Daniel, Solicitor. Coleraine.
MacMahon-Creagh, Mrs. Dangan, Kilkishen, Co. Clare.
Macmillan, Rev. John, M.A. 76, South Parade, Belfast.
Mac Mullan, Very Rev. Alexander, P.P., V.G. Ballymena.
Macnamara, George Unthank, L.R. C.S.I. Bankyle House, Corofin.
MacNeill, John Gordon Swift, M.A. (Oxon.), Q.C., M.P. 14, Blackhall-
street, Dublin.
Maconachie, Rev. James H., B.A. Erindale, Cliftonville- avenue,
Macray, Rev. Wm. Dunn, M.A., F.S.A. Ducklington, Witney, Oxon.
Mac Sheehy, Brian, LL.D. 35, Gardiner's-place, Dublin.
Mac William, Rev. John W. A. Belcoo, Blacklion, Co. Cavan.
M'Aleer, H. K. Beragh, Co. Tyrone.
M'Alister, James, B.A., D.I.N.S. Scoby House, Enniscorthy.
M'Arthur, Alexander, J.P. Knox's- street, Sligo.
M'Bride, Francis. 39, Grovesnor-square, Rathmines.
M'Bride, John. Granville House, Belfast.
M'Bride, Joseph M. Harbour Office, Westport.
M'Burney, James. Loughconnolly, N.S., Broughshane.
M'Call, Patrick J., T.C. 25, Patrick-street, Dublin.
M'Cann, David. National Bank, Kilkenny.
M'Carte, James. 51, St. George's Hill, Everton, Liverpool.
McCarthy, Alexander, Solicitor. Town Clerk, Cork.
McCarthy, Samuel Trant, J.P. Srugrena, Cahirciveen.
McCarthy, William P. Trant, Solicitor. Inch House, Killarney.
M'Clelland, William John, M.A. Collegiate School, Portarlington.
M'Clintock, Rev. Francis G. Le Poer, M.A. (Cantab.), Canon. Drumcar
Rectory, Dunleer.
M'Comiskey, Arthur W. S., M.B. Killough, Co. Down.
M'Connell, James. Annadale Hall, Belfast.
M'Connell, James. 48, Lower Sackville-street, Dublin.
M'Cormick, William, M.A. Ardnaree, Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
M'Cormick, H. M'Neile, Clerk of the Crown, Co. Antrim. Oramnore,
Craigavad, Belfast.
M'Creery, Alexander John. John-street, Kilkenny.
M'Crum, Robert G., J.P. Milford, Armagh.
M'Cully, Rev. William J., B.A. The Manse, Carlingford.
M'Cutchan, Rev. George, M.A. Rectory, Kenmare.
M'Donnell, Mrs. 68, Rathgar-road, Dublin.
M'Donnell, Rev. Patrick, P.P. Graignamanagh, Co. Kilkenny.
M'Elhatton, Rev. John, C.C. Strabane.
M'Enery, D. T., M.A., D.I.N.S. Salisbury House, Athy.
M'Enery, M. J., B.A. Public Record Office, Dublin.
M'Entire, Alexander Knox, Barrister-at-Law., J.P. 75, Merrion-square,
M'Fadden, Right Rev. Monsignor Hugh, P.P., V.G. Parochial House,
M'Farlane, James, J.P. Strabane.
M'Gee, Rev. Samuel Russell, M.A. The Rectory, Dunlavin, Co.
M'Gee, William, J.P. 18, Nassau-street, Dublin.
M'Glone, Rev. Michael, P.P. Rosslea.
M'llwaine, Robert. Grand Jury Secretary's Office, Downpatrick.
M'Inerney, Rev. John, P.P. Shinrone, King's Co.
M'Intosh, Robert. Drogheda Brewery, Drogheda.
M'Keefry, Rev. Joseph, C.C., M.R.I. A. Waterside, Deny.
M'Kenna, Rev. James E., C.C. St. Michael's Presbytery, Enniskillen.
M'Kenna, Very Rev. Edward Win., P.P., V.F. Cumber Claudy, Co.
M'Kenna, Very Rev. James, P.P., Canon. Brookeborough, Co. Fermanagh.
M 'Knight, John P. Nevara, Chichester Park, Belfast.
M'Larney, Rev. Robert, B.A., Canon. Banagher, King's Co.
M'Laughlin, John. Cart Hall, Coleraine.
M'Manus, Very Rev. Canon, P.P. St. Catherine's, Meath-street, Dublin.
M'Nally, Charles F., J.P. Grange, Tullow, Co. Carlow.
M'Neill, Charles. Hazelbrook, Malahide.
M'jSeill, John. Chancery Accounting Office, Dublin.
M'Nulty, Robert. Raphoe.
M'Quaid, Surgeon-Lieut-Colonel P. J., M.D., M.Ch. Garrison Station
Hospital, Hilsea, near Portsmouth.
M'Redmond, Most Rev. Thomas J., D.D., Bishop of Killaloe. Bishop's
House, Ashline, Ennis.
Madden, Right Rev. James, P.P., V.G. St. Lawrence, Tynagh, Co.
Gal way.
Madden, Rev. John, C.C. Cashel.
Maffett, William Hamilton, Barrister-at-Law. St. Helena, Finglas.
Magrath, Redmond. 53, Clanbrassil- street, Dundalk.
Mahaffy, William Irwin, Solicitor. Ward Villa West, Bangor, Co. Down.
Mahon, George Arthur, LL.B. Local Government Board, Dublin.
Mahon, Thomas George Stacpoole, B.A. (Oxon.), J.P., D.L. Corbally,
Quin, Co. Clare.
Mahony, Bernard P. J., M.R.C.V.S. Annefield, Maryborough.
Mahony, Daniel, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 8, Mount-street, Crescent,
Mahony, Denis M'Carthy, B.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1, Herbert-street.
Mahony, J. J. Fort Villas, Queenstown.
Mahony, Thomas Henry. Clonard, Blackrock-road, Cork.
Malcomson, John. 47, Pembroke-road, Dublin.
Manders, Miss H. G. 17, Waterloo-road, Dublin.
Mangan, Richard. 5, Brighton Villas, Cork.
Manning, Rev. James, P.P. Roundwood, Co. Wicklow.
Mannion, Rev. Patrick, P.P., Canon. The Presbytery, Elphin, Co. Ros-
Mara, Bernard S. Tullamore, King's County.
March, Henry Colley, M.D. (Lond)., F.S.A. Portesham, Dorchester.
Martin, R. T. Rosemount, Artane.
Mason, Thomas. 5, Dame-street, Dublin.
Mathews, Thomas. 2, Windsor Gardens, Belfast.
Mathewson, Lavens. Helen's Bay, Co. Down.
Matthews, George. Holly mount, Maguire's-bridge, Co. Fermanagh.
Maturin, Rev. Albert Henry, M.A. The Rectory, Maghera, Co. Deny.
Maunsell, William Pryce, B.A., Barrister-at-Law. 3, Neptune-terrace,
Sandy cove.
Mayne, Thomas, F.R.G.S.I. 9, Lord Edward-street, Dublin.
Mayo, Right Hon. the Earl of, J.P., D.L. Palmerstown House,
Straff an.
Meade, Right Rev. William Edward, D.D., Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and
Ross. The Palace, Cork.
Meagher, Jeremiah J. 116, Lower Baggot- street, Dublin.
Meagher, Very Rev. William, P.P., Canon. Templemore.
Meegan, Right Rev. Monsignor Peter, P.P. Lisnaskea.
Meehan, Rev. Joseph, C.C. Belhavel, Dromahaire.
Meehan, Patrick A. Maryborough.
Melville, Alexander G., M.D. Knockane House, Portlaw.
Metcalfe, George. Johnstown Cottage, Rathdowney, Queen's County.
Middleton, Shireff. 11, Lower Dominick-street, Dublin.
Micks, WiUiam L., M.A. 23, Rutland-square, Dublin.
MILLNER, Capt. Joshua Kearney. 4, Cross-avenue, Blackrock, Co.
Mitchell, William M., E.H.A., F.R.I. A.I. 5, Leinster- street, Dublin.
Moffatt, Rev. John E., M.D. 1, Palmerston Villas, Rathmines.
Molloy, Joseph, J.P. Main-street, Thurles.
Molony, Alfred. 24, Grey Coat Gardens, Westminster, S.W.
Molony, Henry G., M.D. Odelville, Ballingarry, Limerick.
Molony, James Barry. Bindon- street, Ennis.
Monahan, Rev. Daniel, P.P. Tubber, Moate, Co. Westmeath.
Monks, Thomas F., LL.D., Solicitor. 1(3, Bachelor's- walk, Dublin.
Montgomery, Archibald V., Solicitor. 12, Molesworth-street, Dublin.
Montgomery, James. 5, Carlisle -road, Londonderry.
Montgomery, John Wilson, Downpatrick.
Mooney, Morgan. 118, Pembroke -road, Dublin.
Moony, George M. S. Enraght. J.P. The Doon, Athlone.
Moore, Rev. Courtenay, M.A., Canon. Rectory, Mitchelstown.
Moore, Rev. H. Kingsmill, M.A., Principal, Training College, Kildare-
street, Dublin.
Moore, Hugh Stuart, M.A. 7, Fitzwilliam- square, Dublin.
Moore, John Gibson, J.P. Llandaff Hall, Merrion.
Moore, Joseph H., M.A., M. INST. C.E.I. 63, Eccles-street, Dublin.
Moore, William, Castle Mahon, Blackrock, Co. Cork.
Moorhead, Rev. Joseph, B.A. Broughshane, Co. Antrim.
Morgan, Arthur P., B.A. (Dubl.), D.I.N.S. Springvale, Tipperary.
Morgan, Very Rev. John, D.D., The Deanery, Waterford.
Morris, Rev. Wm. Bullen. The Oratory, South Kensington, London, S.W.
Morrison, Alexander Kerr. Maghera, Co. Derry.
Morton, John. Manager, Provincial Bank, Limerick.
Mulholland, Miss M.F. Eglantine, Hillsborough.
Mullan, Rev. David, M.A. Christian Union Buildings, Lower Abbey-street,
Mullan, Robert A., B.A. 9, Trevor-hill, Newry.
Mullen, Frank. 44 Room, Custom House, Thames- street, London.
Mullin, Charles, Solicitor. Omagh.
Mulqueen, John T., Inspector of Inland Revenue. Nairn, N.B.
Murdock, James. 10, Ponsonby-avenue, Belfast.
Murphy, Rev. Arthur William, P.P. Kilemlagh, Cahirciveen.
Murphy, Rev. James E. H., M.A., Professor of Irish, Dublin University.
Rathcore Rectory, Enfield, Co. Meath.
Murphy, Very Rev. Jeremiah, D.D., P.P. Macroom.
Murphy, Henry. Diamond, Clones.
Murphy, John J. Belvedere, Tramore, Co. Waterford.
Murphy, John J., H.M. Customs. Culgreine, Ballintemple, Cork.
Murphy, Rev. Joseph, P.P. St. Martin's, Ballycullane, Wexford.
Murphy, M. L. Ballyboy, Ferns.
Murphy, Miss. 77, Ulverton-road, Dalkey.
Murray, Archibald. Portland, Limerick.
Murray, J. W. Brady, LL'.B., J.P. Northampton House, Kinvara.
Murtagh, Mrs. 9, Raglan-road, Dublin.
Murtagh, Miss. 9, Raglan-road, Dublin.
Musgrave, Sir James, Bart., J.P., D.L. Drumglass House, Belfast.
Myles, Rev. Edward A., M.A. Solitude House, Banbridge.
Nash, Lieut. -Colonel Edward, J.P. 56, Sloane-street, London, S.W.
Nash, Richard G., J.P. Finnstown. House, Lucan.
Nason, William H., M.A. 42, Dawson- street, Dublin.
Neeson, Rev. Arthur J., C.C. Killyleagh, Co. Down,
Neill, Sharman D. 12, Donegall-place, Belfast.
Neligan, Major William John, J.P. Churchill, Tralee.
Nelis, John. Londonderry.
Newell, P., B.A., D.I.N.S. Ballaghadereen.
Nicolls, Rev. George A., B.A. The Rectory, Ballycumber, King's Co.
1893 Nixon, James H. F., F.R.G.S., J.P. Mount Brandon, Graignamanagh.
1889 Nolan, MichaelJ., M.D. Down District Asylum, Downpatrick.
1890 Nolan, Pierce L., B.A., Barrister-at-Law. 6, St. Stephen's-green,
1896 Nolan, "William R., B.A. Brookville, Simmonscourt-avenue, Donnybrook.
1894 Norman, Alfred, LL.D., SoHcitor. 68, Dame-street, Dublin.
1891 Norman, Conolly, F. E.G. P.I. Richmond Asylum, Dublin.
1896 Nowlan, Rev. J. A., O.S.A. St. John-street, West, Dublin.
1893 Nugent, Yen. Garrett, M.A., Archdeacon of Meath. Trim.
1893 O'Brien, James J. 1, Charlemont-terrace, Cork.
1889 O'Brien, Rev. Lucius H., M.A. The Rectory, Adare, Co. Limerick.
1871 ' O'Brien, Robert Vere, B.A. (Oxon.), J.P. New Hall, Ennis.
1896 O'Byrne, Count Edward A. Corville, Roscrea.
1890 O'Callaghan, Mrs. Maryfort, Tulla.
1894 O'Callaghan, Rev. Joseph. 59, Eccles-street, Dublin.
1890 O'Callaghan-Westropp, Captain George, J.P. Coolreagh, Bodyke.
1897 O'Connell, Rev. Daniel, B.D. 81, Quay, Waterford.
1893 O'Connor, Charles A., M.A., Q.C. 50, Upper Mount-street, Duhlin.
1897 O'Connor, M. J., Solicitor. 2, George-street, Wexford.
1895 O'Connor-Morris, Miss L. Gartnamona, Tullamore.
1890 O'Connor, Rev. T. C., M.A., Canon. Donaghmore, Baltinglass.
1892 O'Connor, Thomas P., B.A., D.I.N.S. Longford.
1896 O'Dea, Rev. Denis, C.C. Kilkee.
1890 O'Doherty, Rev. Philip, C.C., M.R.I. A. St. Columb's Presbytery,
1890 O'Donnell, Rev. Patrick, P.P. Doon, Pallasgrean.
1892 O'Donoghue, David J. 3, Bedford-row, Dublin.
1874 O'Donoghue, Rev. Denis, P.P., M.R.I.A. Ardfert, Tralee.
1894 O'Donoghue, The. 10, Gardiner's-place, Dublin.
1894 O'Donoghue, Thomas Griffin. 3, Bedford-row, Dublin.
1897 O'Duffy, John, Dental Surgeon. 54, Rutland-square, Duhlin.
1892 O'Farrell, Edward P., L.R.C.S.E. 21, Rutland-square, Dublin.
1895 O'Halloran, Patrick M. Corofin, Co. Clare.
1866 O'Hanlon, Very Rev. John, P.P., M.R.I.A., Canon. 3, Leahy-terrace,
Irishtown, Dublin.
1889 O'Hanrahan, Timothy Wm., J.P. Parliament-street, Kilkenny.
1890 O'Hara, Rigbt Rev. John M., Monsignor, P.P., V.F. Crossmolina.
1896 O'Hennessy, Bartholomew. Kilkee.
1889 O'Keefe, Stephen M., B.A. , Barrister-at-Law, J.P. Delville, Glasnevin.
1889 Olden, Rev. Thomas, M.A., M.R.I.A. Ballyclough, Mallow.
1891 O'LEARY, Kev. Edward, P.P. Balyna, Moyvalley.
1888 O'Leary, John. Lonsdale, St. Lawrence-road, Clontarf.
1892 O'LEARY, Eev. John, P.P. Kilmalchedor, Ballyferriter, Dingle.
1884 O'Leary, Patrick. Main-street, Graig-na-Managh, Co. Kilkenny.
1870 O'Loghlen, John. 59, Bromley -street, Commercial-road, London, E.
1896 O'Mahony, Florence M'Carthy. Munster and Leinster Bank, Cork.
1897 O'Malley, Joseph, B.E. 10, Glentworth-street, Limerick.
1894 O'Malley, Middleton Moore, J.P. Ross, Westport.
1891 O'Malley, Thomas, Secretary, Waterford, Dungarvan, and Lismore Railway
Company. Tramore, Waterford.
1897 O'Meara, Rev. Eugene H., M.A. The Vicarage, Tallaght.
1891 O'Meara, John J., Solicitor, T.C. 211, Great Brunswick- street, Dublin.
1894 O'Morchoe, The. Kerrymount, Foxrock.
1891 O'Morchoe, Rev. Thomas A., M.A. Kiltermm Rectory, Golden Ball.
1890 O'Mulremn, Richard J., M.A. 6, Carlisle-street, S. C. Road, Dublin.
1896 O'Neill, Charles. 37, Great James's-street, Londonderry.
1892 O'Neill, Rev. James, M.A. 5, College-square, E., Belfast.
1889 O'Neill, Michael. Imperial Hotel, Kilkenny.
1863 O'Neill, Very Rev. Patrick, P.P., Canon. Clontarf, Dublin.
1891 O'Neill, William P., M.R.I.A. 58, Great Charles-street, Dublin.
1896 O'Reilly, James. Dromore, Co. Tyrone.
1897 Penny, Eev. James. Wispington Vicarage, Horncastle, Lincolnshire.
Pentland, Augustus Tichborne, M.A. 2, Tower Hill, Dalkey.
O'Reilly, Patrick J. 7, North Earl-street, Dublin.
Oldham, Miss Edith. 33, Upper Leeson-street, Dublin.
O'Riordan, Rev. John, C.C. Cloyne.
OEMONDE, Most Hon. the Marquis of, K.P. The Castle, Kilkenny.
Orpen, Ve*n. Raymond d'A., M.A., Archdeacon of Ardfert. Rectory,
Orpen, Goddard H., B.A., Barrister-at-Law. Erpingham, Bedford Park,
Chiswick, London.
Orpin, John. 47, St. Stephen's -green, Dublin.
Orr, Jacob, J.P. Cranagill, Loughgall.
O'Shee, N. Power, J.P., D.L. Garden Morris, Kilmacthomas.
0' Sullivan, Very Rev. Archdeacon, P.P., V.G. Holy Cross, Kenmare.
Oulton, Rev. Richard C., M.A., D.D., Glynn Rectory, Glynn, Belfast.
Overend, Trevor T. L., LL.B. 12, Ely-place, Dublin.
Palmer, J. E. Roselawn, Ballybrack.
Palmer, Mrs. Carrig House* Lower Road, Cork.
Panton, John. 45, St. Andrew- street, Dublin.
Parke, Robert H., LL.B., Solicitor. Monaghan. . .
Parker, J. A. Post Office, Wexford.
Parkinson, Miss. Westbourne, Ennis.
Patterson, Mervyn S. Tullyard, Dungannon.
Patterson, William Hugh, M.R.I. A. Garranard, Strandtown, Belfast.
Patton, Alexander, M.D. Farnham House, Finglas, Co. Dublin.
Pentland, George Henry, B.A., J.P. Black Hall, Drogheda.
Perry, James, M.E., M. INST. C.E., County Surveyor. Well Park,
Gal way.
Persse, Mrs. Ormonde View, Ballycrissane, Ballinasloe.
Peter, Miss. Cron Bryn, The Hill, Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
Phelps, Ernest James. Water Park, Castleconnell.
Phibbs, Owen, J.P., D.L. Seafield, Sligo.
Phillips, James J., C.E., Archt. 61, Royal-avenue, Belfast.
Piatt, Arthur Donn, Vice-Consul, U.S.A. 204, Great Brunswick-street
Pirn, Miss Gertrude. Glenageragh House, Kingstown.
Pirn, Miss Mary E. Greenbank, Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
Pirn, Miss Miriam. 2, Belgrave-square, S., Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
Pitt- Rivers, General A. H. Lane-Fox, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. 4, Grosvenor
Gardens, London, S.W., and Rushmoro, Salisbury.
Plummer, Rev. Richard, D.D. Ashfield Glebe, Cootehill.
Plunkett, Ambrose, B.A., Solicitor. 29, Lower Leeson-street, Dublin.
Plunkett, Thomas, M.R.I. A. Enniskillen.
Poe, Lieut. -Colonel Wm. Hutcheson, C.B., J.P., D.L. Heywood, Bal-
Pounder, Festus Kelly, B.A. Slaney-place, Enniscorthy.
Powell, Frederick York, M.A. Professor, Christ Church, Oxford.
Powell, Rev. William H., D.D. Rathclarin Rectory, Kilbrittain.
Power, Ambrose William Bushe. Glencairn Abbey, Lismore.
Power, Rev. George Beresford, B.A. Kilfane Glebe, Thomastown.
Power, Rev. John, P.P. Kilteely, Pallasgrean, Co. Limerick.
Power, Laurence John, J.P. Parade, Kilkenny.
Pratt, Rev. John, M.A. (Dubl.). Rectory, Durrus, Co. Cork.
Pratt, Rev. Philip C., R.N. Woodview Cottage, St. Anne's Hill, Co.
Prendergast, Rev. John, C.C. Windgap, Kilkenny.
Preston, Captain John, R.M. The Moorings, Athlone.
Price, J. Spencer. Waterhead House, Ambleside, Westmoreland.
Purdon, Henry Samuel, M.D. 60, Pakenham-place, Belfast.
Purefoy, Rev. Amyrald D., M.A. 3, Park-place, Island Bridge.
1891 Quail, Rowland, J. Downpatrick.
1890 Quan- Smith, Samuel A. Bullick Castle, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.
1889 Quin, James, J.P. 70, George -street, Limerick.
1896 Quinn, John A., Solicitor. Dungannon.
1891 Quinn, J. Monsarrat. 25, Lower Beechwood-avenue, Ranelagh.
1893 Quinn, Rev. Bartholomew, Adm. Tourlistrane, Tubbercurry.
1890 Quinn, Very Rev. Edward T., Canon, P.P. Ballybrack.
1896 Rankin, Rev. R. B., B.A. All Saints, Newtown- Cunningham.
1880 Raphael, George. Galgorm House, Ballymena.
1891. Rapmund, Rev. Joseph, C.C. Sallymount, Clogher, Co. Tyrone.
1891 Revelle, Samuel J. 37, Chelmsford-road, Dublin.
1891 Reynell, Miss. 22, Eccles-street, Dublin.
1893 Riall, Commander Arthur G., R.N. Chantilly, Shankill.
1890 Rice, Mrs. Grange Erin, Douglas, Cork.
1881 Rice, Lieut. -Colonel Richard Justice, J.P. Bushmount, Lixnaw, Co.
1897 Rice, Thomas. 5, Carlisle-street, Dublin.
1895 Richardson, Miss Anna H. Craigentemple, Portrush-.
1892 Ridgeway, William, M.A. Fen Ditton, Cambridge.
1893 Ringwood, William, J.P. Tullyvolty, Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny.
1897 Roberts, Edward, M.A., H.M. Inspector of Schools. Plas Maesinda,
1890 Roberts, George C., J.P. Summer Hill, Enniscorthy.
1896 Robertson, John. 1, Rostrevor-terrace, Rathgar.
1894 Robinson, John 0' Carroll. United States Hotel, Beach-street, Boston,
Mass., U.S.A.
1891 Robinson, Thomas. Drogheda.
1897 Roche, H. J. The Mailings, Enniscorthy.
1871 Roche, Patrick J. The Makings, New Ross.
1892 Rock, Thomas Dennis. 62, Leadenhall-street, London, E.G.
1890 Roe, Rev. John, C.C. Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny.
1892 Rogers, William E. Belfast Banking Company, Portaferry.
1896 Roice, Bernard Herron. Churchtown House, Tagoat.
1892 Rolleston, Thomas WiUiam, B.A. 104, Pembroke-road, Dublin.
1889 Rooke, Rev. George W., M.A. Precentor, St. Canice's Library, Kilkenny.
1896 Rooney, Rev. Thomas J., C.C. Banbridge.
1894 ROTHEKAM, Edward Crofton. Belview, Crossakiel, Co. Meath.
1896 Russell, John, C.E. 16, Waring- street, Belfast.
1897 Russell, William, c/o Forster Green & Co., Ltd., High-street, Belfast.
1890 Ryan, Very Rev. Arthur, President, St. Patrick's College, Thurles.
1889 Ryan, Rev. James J., V.-P. St. Patrick's College, Thurles.
1890 Ryan, Rev. Martin, C.C. Cullen, Tipperary.
1897 Ryan, Thomas V., Solicitor. 46, St. Stephen's-green, Dublin.
1893 Ryder, Arthur Gore, M. INST. C.E. 2, St. John's-terrace, Dolphin's Barn.
1895 Ryder, Mrs. A. G. 2, St. John's-terrace, Dolphin's-barn.
1891 Ryland, Richard H., B.A. 26, Herbert-place, Dublin.
1895 Salazar, The Cavaliere Lorenzo. Director of the Bibliotheca S. Martino,
1891 Salmon, John. 122, Ellenborough-terraoe, Belfast.
1897 Sandford, Rev. Herbert M., M.A. St. Peter's Rectory, Drogheda.
1889 Sankey, Lieut. -General Sir Richard H., K.C.B., M.li.I.A, 6, Lowndes-
square, London, S.W.
1894 Sayers, Rev. George, Canon. The Glebe, Upper Ballinderry, Lurgan.
1889 Sceales, A. E., F.F.A. 48, Castle-street, Liverpool.
1894 Scott, Anthony, Archt. 16, William-street, Drogheda.
1879 Scott, Rev. Charles, M.A. St. Paul's Parsonage, Belfast.
1892 Scott, Conway, C.E. 15, Wellington Park, Belfast.
1891 Scott, John William, J.P. Roslevan, Ennis.
1892 Scott, Samuel. Inland Revenue Office, Elgin, N.B.
1894 Scott, "William A., Archt. 16, William- street, Drogheda
1891 Scriven, Eev. Rowland, M.A. (Cantab.), M.R.I. A. 33, StephenVgreen,
1891 Scully, Very Rev. Alex. F., Canon, P.P., V.F. Hospital, Co. Limerick.
1890 Seale, Mrs. Ardenza, Foxrock, Co. Dublin.
1892 Semple, Rev. R. H., M.A. 26, Barrington-street, Limerick.
1891 Sexton, Sir Robert, J.P., D.L. 70, Harcourt-street, Dublin.
1897 Shackleton, Abraham. 23, Garville-road, Rathgar.
1896 Sbackleton, George. Anna Liffey House, Lucan.
1892 Shackleton, Mrs. J. F. Anna Liffey House, Lucan.
1891 Shannon, Patrick, D.I.N.S. 10, Patrick-street, Kilkenny.
1897 Shaw, Rev. George Bell. Claggan Manse, Cookstown.
1895 Shaw, His Honor Judge, M.A. 69, Pembroke-road, Dublin.
1896 Sheridan, Mrs. 26, North Earl-street, Dublin.
1896 Sheridan, Rev. N. T., President. St. Peter's College, "Wexford.
1895 Sherlock, David, J.P., D.L. Rahan Lodge, Tullamore.
1896 Shore, Colonel the Hon. Frederick, R.A. Ballyduff, Thomastown, Co.
1896 Shore, The Hon. Mrs. Ballyduff, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny.
1894 Simmons, John, Solicitor. Dungannon.
1890 Simms, James. Abercorn Arms, Strabane.
1895 Simms, Robert A. Lisdoron, Ballymena.
1895 Simpson, Mrs. "West Church Manse, Ballymena.
1892 Simpson, William J. 10, Cornmarket, Belfast.
1887 Simpson, William M. 15, Hughenden-terrace, Belfast.
1893 Skeffington, Joseph Bartholomew, M.A., LL.D., D.I.N.S. Waterford.
1888 Sloane, Mrs. Moy Hill, Co. Tyrone.
1893 Small, John F., Solicitor. 3 7, 'Hill- street, Newry.
1895 Small, Miss M. J. Hill-street, Newry.
1892 Smith, Christopher, D.I.N.S. Woolahara, Cork.
1892 Smith, Frederick William. 13, College Gardens, Belfast.
1894 Smith, Rev. George Nuttall, B.A. Abbeyleix.
1887 Smith, Owen. Nobber, Co. Meath.
1890 Smith, Rev. Canon, D.D. St. Bartholomew's, Clyde-road, Dublin.
1895 Smith, Thomas J., D.I., R.I.C. Ballinrobe.
1893 Smith, William Joseph, J.P. 9, George-street, Waterford.
1889 Smithwick, Edmund, J.P. Kilcrene House, Kilkenny.
1893 Smyth, Edward Weber, J.P. 6, St. Stephen's -green, Dublin.
1895 Smyth, Mrs. E. Weber. 73, St. Stephen's -green, Dublin.
1894 Smyth, John, B.A. The Crescent, Galway.
1896 Smyth, Rev. Thomas A. Clogherney Manse, Beragh, Co. Tyrone.
1894 Smyth, Richard O'Brien, C.E., Archt. 2, Ken il worth-square, Dublin.
1895 Smyth, Robert Wolfe, J.P. Portlick Castle, Athlone.
1897 Smyth, Thomas. 2, Lower Ormond-quay, Dublin.
1894 Smyth, Victor E. 7, Uxbridge-terrace, Dublin.
1892 Somerville, Bellingham Arthur. Clermont, Rathnew.
1891 Somerville-Large, Rev. William S., M.A. Carnalway Rectory, Kilcullen.
1897 Spaight, Colonel William F. Union Hall, Leap, Co. Cork.
1892 Sparrow, Robert, D.I. R.I.C. Gort.
1897 Speth, George William, F. R. Hist. S. La Tuya, Edward-road, Bromley,
1890 Stack,Rev. C. Maurice, M.A. Derryvullan Rectory, Tamlaght, Enniskillen.
1892 Stacpoole, Mrs. Edenvale, Ennis.
1895 Stacpoole, Miss. Edenvale, Ennis.
1889 Stanford, Rev. Bedell, B.A. (Dubl.). 19, Stamer- street, Dublin.
1893 Stanley, Rev. William Francis, C.C. St. Mary's, Latchford, Warrington.
1879 Stawell, Jonas W. Alcock, J.P. Kilbrittain Castle, Bandon.
1890 Steede, John, LL.D., D.I.N.S. Dundalk.
1894 Steele, Charles W. 18, Crosthwaite Park, Kingstown.
1895 Steele, Rev. William B., B.A. Levally Rectory, Enniskillen.
1892 Stephen, Miss Rosamond. Godmanchester, Huntingdon.
1891 Stephens, Pembroke Scott, Q.C. 18, Parliament- street, Westminster,
Stephens, Samuel. Martello-terrace, Holywood, Co. Down.
Stewart, Eev. Harvey, M.A. 17, Warrington-place, Dublin.
Stirling, William, F.E.I. A. I., C.E. 7, Grafton-street, Dublin.
Stirrup, Mark, F.G.S.L. High Thorn, Bowden, Cheshire.
Stoker, Mrs. 72, Eathgar-road, Dublin.
Stokes, Michael B. The Square, Tralee.
Stokes, Miss. Victoria-place, Athlone.
Stokes, Eev. George Thomas, D.D., M.E.I. A., Professor of Ecclesiastical
History. All Saints' Eectory, Blackrock ; and 28, Trinity College,
Stoney, Colonel Francis (late E.A.), J.P. The Downs, Delgany.
Stoney, Sadleir, J.P., Barrister- at-Law. 42, Dawson-street, Dublin.
Stonham, Eev. Frank, M.A. (Oxon.), Fermoy College, Co. Cork.
Stoyte, William James, J.P. Glendoneen, Ballinhassig, Co. Cork.
Strangeways, William N. Breffni Villa, Eglinton-road, Donnybrook.
Stubbs, William Cotter, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 28, Hatch-street, Dublin.
Sullivan, Sir Edward, Bart., B.A. 32, Fitzwilliam-place, Dublin.
Swan, Percy S. Manager, Bank of Ireland, Tipperary.
Swanston, William. 4A, Cliftonville-avenue, Belfast.
Sweeny, Eev. Patrick, M.A. Ballinacourty Eectory, Annascaul K.S.O.,
Co. Kerry.
Synnott, Nicholas J., B.A. (Lond.), Barrister-at-Law. 1, Garden-Court,
Temple, London, E.C.
Tallon, Thomas, T.C. Drogheda.
Tarleton, Mrs. The Abbey, Killeigh, Tullamore.
Tate, Alexander, M. INST. C.E.I. Eantalard, Belfast.
Taylor, Edward. The Clothing Factory, Limerick.
Teague, Bernard. St. Michael's Schools, Enniskillen.
Telford, Eev. William H. Eeston Manse, Berwickshire.
Tempest, William, J.P. Douglas-place, Dundalk.
Ternan, Obadiah, M.D. Enniskillen.
Thomas, W. J. Mullingar.
Thompson, Mrs. Lismalin, Ballingarry, Thurles.
Thunder, Francis P. Municipal Buildings, Cork-hill, Dublin.
Tivy, Henry L. Barnstead, Blackrock, Cork.
Tobias, Matthew, Solicitor. Cozy Lodge, Sandymount.
Tohill, Eev. John, Adm. Holy Family Presbytery, Newington, Belfast.
Toler-Aylward, Hector J. C., J.P., D.L. Shankill Castle, Whitehall, Co.
Toler, Hector E. G., J.P., D.L. Durrow Abbey, Tullamore.
Toner, Eev. Joseph. St. John's, Monaca, Beaver Co., Pa., U.S.A.
TOREENS, Thomas Hughes, J.P. Edenmore, Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim.
Townsend, George C. Cordangan Manor, Tipperary.
Townsend, Very Eev. William C., D.D., Dean of Tuam. Tuam.
Townshend, Thomas Courtney, B.A. (Dubl.). 23, South Frederick-street,
Traill, William A., M.A., C.E. Giant's Causeway, Bushmills.
Trelford, William J. 23, Lin coin -avenue, Belfast.
Trench, John Townsend, J.P. Lansdowne Lodge, Kenmare.
Tresilian, Eichard S. 9, Upper Sackville- street, Dublin.
Trouton, Edmund. Eversham, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
Truell, Henry Pomeroy, M.B., J.P., D.L. Clonmannon, Ashford, Co.
Tuite, James, M.P. 14, Greville-street, Mullingar.
Turner, Eobert. English -street, Armagh.
Turtle, Frederick Locke. The Villa, Aghalee, Lurgan.
Twigg, Eev. Thomas, D.D., Canon. Vicarage, Swords, Co. Dublin.
Upton, Henry A. S., J.P. Coolatore, Moate, Co. Westmeath.
Ussher, Eichard John, J.P. Cappagh House, Cappagh E.S.O., Lismore.
Vanston, George T. B., LL.D., Barrister-at-Law. Hildon Park, Terenure-
road, Rathgar.
Vaughan, Joseph, J.P. Mount View, Athlone.
Venables, "William J. Gortalowry House, Cookstown.
Vincent, Rev. Marshall Clarke, M.A. South Hill, Nenagh.
Wade, William Richard. Tullamore.
Wakely, John, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 6, Harcourt- street, Dublin.
Walby, James, Engineer. Post Office Telegraph Department, Belfast.
Waldron, Laurence A., M.R.I. A. 24, Anglesea- street, Dublin.
Walker, Charles Francis. Kilmore-quay, Wexford.
Wallungton, Miss, M.A., LL.D. Edenvale, Strandtown, Co. Down.
Wall, Walter Saunders, J.P. Errislanan, Clifden, Co. Galway.
Wallace, Charles John, M.A., J.P. Belfield, Booterstown.
Wallace, Major Robert H. Downpatrick.
Walpole, Thomas, C.E., M. INST. N.A. Windsor Lodge, Monkstown, Co.
Walsh, John Edward, M.A. (Dubl.), Barrister-at-Law, J.P. Greenoge,
Fahan, Londonderry.
Walsh, John Francis. Wexford.
Walsh, Rev. James H., D.D., Canon. 44, Upper Mount-street, Dublin.
Walsh, Rev. Robert, D.D. St. Mary's Rectory, Donnybrook.
Walsh, Thomas Arnold, Kilmallock.
Walsh, Rev. Tobias R., P.P. Freshford, Co. Kilkenny.
Ward, Alexander. 35, Upper Mount-street, Dublin.
Ward, C. H., B.A. (Cantab.). 51, Belgrave-square, Dublin.
Ward, H. Somerset. 6, Carlisle-terrace, Malahide.
Wardell, John. Old Abbey, Shanagolden.
Warren, Sir Augustus R., Bart., J.P., D.L. Warrenscourt, Lisardagh,
Co. Cork.
WEBB, Alfred. Shelmalier, Orwell Park, Rathgar.
Webb, Thomas Henry. Ardfallen, Dalkey.
Webber, William Downes, J.P. Mitchelstown Castle, Co. Cork.
Webster, Henry, M. INST. C.E., Co. Surveyor. Belvidere House, Wexford.
Wedgwood, Rev. George R. 4, Crosthwaite Park, Kingstown.
Weir, Henry Crichton, LL.B. (Dubl.), Solicitor. Downpatrick.
Weir, John S., J.P. Carrickbrack, Convoy, Co. Donegal.
Welch, Robert. 49, Lonsdale-street, Belfast.
Weldon, Sir Anthony Crosdill, Bart., J.P., D.L. Kilmoroney, Athy.
Weldrick, George. University Press, Trinity College, Dublin.
Welply, W. H., Inspector of National Schools. 1, Devon-place, Galway.
Westmeath, Right Hon. the Earl of, J.P., D.L. Pallas, Tynagh, Co. Galway.
Westropp, Miss. Deer Park, Clonlara, Limerick.
Westropp, Miss F. 1, Raglan-road, Dublin.
Westropp, Ralph H., B.A. Springfort, Patrick's Well, Limerick.
Westropp, Lieut. -Colonel William Keily, M.R.I. A. 6, Shorncliffe-road,
Wheeler, Francis P. C. 64, Hatton Garden, London, E.G.
Wheeler, Mrs. G. H. 22, Calender-street, Belfast.
Whelan, Rev. Percy Scott, M.A., Warden, St. Columba's College, Rath-
White, Very Rev. George Purcell, M.A., B.D., Dean of Cashel. Cashel.
White, Rev. Hill Wilson, D.D., LL.D., M.R.I.A. Wilson's Hospital,
Multifarnham, Co. Westmeath.
White, James, L.R.C.P.S.E., J.P. Walkin- street, Kilkenny.
White, Major J. Grove, J.P. Kilbyrne, Doneraile, Co. Cork.
White, John, M.A. (Oxon.), Q.C. 3, Paper Buildings, Temple, London.
White, John Newsom, M.R.I.A., J.P. Rocklands, Waterford.
White, Very Rev. P., P.P., V.G., Dean of Killaloe. Nenagh.
WHITE, Eev. Patrick W., B.A. Stonebridge Manse, Clones,
WHITE, Richard Blair. Ashton Park, Monkstown.
White, Robert. Scotch Rath, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.
White, Eev. T. S. Joyner. Atlantic Lodge, Galway.
"White, W. Grove, LL.B., Crown Solicitor for Co. Kildare. St. Helen's,
Lucan, Co. Dublin.
Whitty, Eev. Thomas J., C.C. Glenbrook, Arklow.
Whyte, Chas. Cecil Beresford, J.P., D.L. Hatley Manor, Carrick-on-
Wigham, Mrs. J. R. Albany House, Monkstown.
"Wilkinson, Arthur B. Berkeley, B.E. Drombroe, Bantry, Co. Cork.
Willcocks, Rev. Wm. Smyth, M.A., Canon. Dunleckney Glebe, Bagenals-
Williams, Alexander, R.H.A. 4, Hatch-street, Dublin.
Williams, Edward Wilrnot, J.P., D.L. Herringston, Dorchester.
Williams, Rev. Sterling de Courcy, M. A. Durrow Rectory, Tullamore.
Williams, W. D., C.E. 4, Bellevue-terrace, Waterford.
Williams, Mrs. W. Parkside, Wimbledon.
Willis, Rev. J. R., B.A. Moyne Rectory, Rathdrum.
Willoughby, John, High- street, Kilkenny.
Wills, Rev. Percival B., B.D. Durrow, Queen's County.
Willson, Frederick, M. INST. C.E.I., County Surveyor. Prospect Hill,
Wilmot, Henry, C.E. 22, Waltham -terrace, Blackrock.
Wilson, James Mackay, M.A., J.P. Currygrane, Edgeworthstown.
Wilson, John Killen. Inch Mario, Marlborough Park, Belfast.
Wilson, Robert C. Tops, Raphoe.
Wilson, R. H. 23, Cromwell Crescent, London, S.W.
Wilson, Walter H., C.E. Cranmore, Malone-road, Belfast.
Windisch, Professor Dr. Ernst, Hon. M.R.I. A. Universitats Strasse, 15,
Woodburn, Rev. George, M.A., F.R.U.I. 2, College-avenue, Londonderry.
Woodside, William J. 104, Corporation- street, Belfast.
Woodward, Rev. Alfred Sadleir, M.A. St. Mark's Vicarage, Ballysillan,
Woodward, Rev. George Otway, B.A. St. John's Vicarage, Hillsborough.
Woollright, Capt. Henry H., 1st Battalion Middlesex Regiment. North
Camp, Aldersbot.
Workman, Rev. Robert, B.D. Newtownbreda Manse, Belfast.
Wray, Thomas. Hanover-place, Coleraine.
Wright, Rev. Wm. Ball, M.A. East Acklam, Malton, Yorkshire.
Wybrants, W. Geale, M.A., J.P. 45, Raglan-road, Dublin.
Wynne, Ven. George R., D.D., Archdeacon of Aghadoe. Killarney.
Wynne, Owen, J.P., D.L. Hazelwood, Sligo.
Wyse, Captain L. W. Bonaparte, J.P. Manor of St. John, Waterford.
Younge, Miss Katherine E. Oldtown House, Rathdowney.
Total number of Fellows, ... 200
,, „ Members, . . . 1160
Total, 1360
(Life and Hon. Fellows, 51.
(Life Members, 22.)
N.B. — The Fellows and Members of the Society are earnestly requested to
communicate to the Secretaries, 7, St. Stephen's -green, Dublin, changes of address,
or other corrections in the foregoing lists which may be needed.
Names removed from the Roll in 1897 : —
Deceased (28).
FELLOWS (6).— R. W. Cochran-Patrick, LL.D., 1889; The Earl of Dartrey, K.P.,
1873, Vice- President, 1886-88 ; Rev. John Hammond, D.D., LL.D., 1890 ; Deputy
Surgeon- General King, M.B., M.A., M.R.I.A., Member, 1883 ; Fellow, 1886 ; Most Rev.
Lord Plunket, B.D., Archbishop of Dublin, Member, 1886 ; Fellow, 1888 ; Very Rev.
A. F. Smyly, M.A., Dean of Derry, 1888.
MEMBERS (22).— John Cornwall Brady, J.P., 1888 ; Miss Edith Brown, 1891;
Very Rev. Dean Byrne, M.A., 1868 ; Rev. W. Crook, D.D., 1889; Rev. J. Crowe,
1889; John Dillon, 1880; William Gilmour, 1892 ; Samuel Guilbride, 1886; Alfred
Henshaw, J.P., 1888; R. J. Hewitt, M.D., 1890; Francis McGlade, J.P., 1890;
William A. Mahony, 1865; Rev. D. B. Mulcahy, M.R.I.A., 1870; Thomas F.
O'Connell, 1893; Thomas O'Hanlon, 1895; Very Rev. Thomas O'Meara, P.P.,
1895; The Earl of Roden, 1893; Edmund F. Ryan, J.P., 1870; William Spillane,
J.P., D.L., 1889; Rev. J. W. Stubbs, D.D., S.F.T.C.D., 1890; P. J. Tuohy, 1890;
Miss Wade, 1895.
Resigned (62).
FELLOWS (5).— J. G. Wandesford Butler, Member, 1888 ; Fellow, 1894 ; W.
MacNeile Dixon, D. LIT., 1S89; Major E. C. Hamilton, J.P., 1890 ; J. W. Slattery,
M.A., LL.D., 1891 ; John Stevenson, 1893.
MEMBERS (57). — Thomas Arnold, M.A., 1894; Rev. James Adams, 1891;
Lieut. -Colonel C. M. Alexander, J.P., 1896 ; The Earl Annesley, J.P., D.L., 1893 ;
Rev. J. H. Bibby, 1895 ; Rev. 0. Brighton, M.A., 1892 ; Mrs. Waldegrave
Brodie, 1897; Samuel Burke, 1891; W. H. Caldwell, M.D., 1890; R. R. Cherry,
LL.D., Q.C., 1891 ; C. G. F. Chute, M.A., 1888 ; Rev. S. E. Cooney, M.A., 1891 ;
Ven. Archdeacon Daly, M.A., 1893 ; H. T. Daunt, J.P., 1892 ; Rev. M. Day,
M.A., 1891; John Duncan, 1896; Rev. R. Eubank, B.D., 1890; Rev. J. A.
Fanning, D.D., 1890 ; Rev. R.McC. Gilmour, 1895 ; Mrs. James Godley, 1892 ; R. A.
Gray, M. INST. C.E., 1858 ; J. W. Gunnis, C.E., 1892 ; Walter Hare, 1893 ; R. M. Hill,
B.A., 1892 ; Rev. James Kenny, C.C., 1896 ; J. G. Keogh, 1877 ; Miss King, 1892 ;
Miss Leecb, 1895 ; T. E. Lloyd, 1895 ; N. C. Macnamara, 1893 ; Rev. J. D. Madden,
1893 ; Rev. H. Magee, D.D., 1891 ; Rev. P. F. Mahon, 1894 ; Rev. C. W. O'H.
Mease, M.A., 1894 ; Rev. F. Meredyth, M.A., 1889 ; Very Rev. Dean Monahan, D.D.,
1890 ; G. M. Moore, 1890 ; Rev. Canon Morris, M.A., 1891 ; W. J. Morrison, 1892 ;
Rev. R. F. Mullins, 1889 ; G. L. O'Connor, 1895 ; Major P. O'Leary, J.P., 1896 ;
Miss Payne-Townshend, 1890 ; Joseph Pigott, 1877 ; R. L. Praeger, M.R.I.A., 1891 ;
G. O'C. Redmond, M.D., 1884; J. Ilingwood, M.D., J.P., 1893; J. W. Robb, 1894;
L. H. Roberts, 1896; F. W. Smith, 1892; J. F. Smithwick, J.P., 1889; Mrs.
Stone, 1890; R. J. Sullivan, 1896; G. B. M. Swifte., J.P., D.L., 1891; J. Todhunter,
M.D., 1889; Rev. J. Warren, M.A., 1895; Rev. P. S. Weldon, 1895; Mrs. A. S.
Woodward (Miss Steen), 1894.
Eellows and Members who are now two years in arrears and up-
wards : —
Elected £ s. d.
1892 Taylor, Rev. J. W., LL.D., .. .. .. 1896-1897 ..200
1892 Upton, W. H., .. .. .. .. 1895-1897 ..300
1891 Anderson, Very Rev. J. A., O.S.A., .. .. 1896-1897 1 0 0
1885 Baker, H. F., .. .. .. .. 1896-1897 ..100
1889 Fahy, Rev. J. G.. .. .. .. 1896-1897 1 0 0
1892 Fitz Gerald, W. J., .. . .. 1896-1897 1 0 0
Hanna, J. A.,
Hannay, Rev. J. 0... M.A.,
Hinkson, Henry A., M.A., .,
Irwiri, William,
Jefferson, W. G-., M.A.,
La veil, Rev. Edward, c.c.,
Molloy, Joseph, J.P.,
Moorhead, Rev. Joseph, B.A.,
O'Neill, W. P., M.R.I.A.,
Orr, Jacob, J.P.,
Sankey, Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. H., K.C.
Sceales, A. E.,
Stokes, Michael B.,
Tobias, Matthew, . .
Wakely, John, M.A.,
Walker, Charles F.,
Warren, Sir A. R., Bart., ..
Whitty, Rev. T. J.,
1896-1897 ..
I 0
1896-1897 ..
L 0
1896-1897 ..
I 0
1896-1897 ..
L 0
1896-1897 ..
3 0
1896-1897 ..
L 0
1896-1897 ..
I 0
1896-1897 ..
L 0
1896-1897 ..
L 0
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
1896-1897 ..
The following Fellows and Members (32) owing, at the commence-
ment of the year 1897, upwards of two years arrears, which have not
since been paid, have been taken off the Roll : —
1890 Atkinson, Henry J,, Michigan, U.S.A.,
1894 Clancy, John, T.C., Dublin, ..
1894 De Courcy, William, J.P., Urlingford,
1894 Egan, The Rev. S., c.c., Rush,
1891 Gallagher, P. M., Donegal,
1893 Goldon, J. W., M.D., Parsonstown, ..
1893 Hamilton, Captain J. D., Lagos, West Africa,
1890 Harris, John, Galway,
1893 Johnston, Miss Anna, Belfast,
1893 Johnston, Robert, Belfast, ..
1890 Lynch, The Rev. P. J., c.c., Monaghan,
1893 MacDermot, C. E., B.A., Dublin,
1892 M'Cartan, M., M.P., Ulster Buildings, Belfast,
1895 M'Girr, The Rev. P., Adm., Westport,
1893 M'Grath, Rev. T., P.P., Clogheen, ..
1892 Mercer, Rev. W. Wilson, Stradbally , Queen's Co. ,
1889 Nash, Ralph, Limerick,
1890 Nolan, Rev. C. P., Dublin,
1883 0' Carroll, F. J., B. A., Hazelhatch, ..
1893 O'Mahony, John, Dublin, ..
1884 Orr, Cecil, Blackrock,
1892 Purcell, M., Solicitor, 41, Lr. Sackville-st., Dublin,
1892 Roe, W. E., Moutrath,
1891 Sealy, J. H., J.P., Kilbrittain,
1890 Shanley, Michael, M.D., Athlone,
1893 Smith, Rev. Charles, M.A.,
1892 Smyth, T. J., LL.B., Barrister, 28, Goldsmith-
street, Dublin,
1893 Sullivan, Herbert, B.A., J. P., Charleville,
1890 Sutherland, P. F., Municipal Buildings, Cork
Hill, Dublin,
1889 Taylor, The Rev G. B., LL.B., Clontarf,
1892 Ward, F. E., Belfast,
1890 Whayman, Horace W., Bellevue, Newport, Ken-
tucky, U.S.A. (Fellow],
s. d.
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FOR 1897.
American Antiquarian Society, "Worcester, Mass., U. S. A.
American Philosophical Society, 104, S. 5th Street, Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A.
Antiquary (Editor of), 62, Paternoster-row, London.
Belfast Naturalists' Field Club : Rea's Buildings, Belfast.
Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society : Rev. "William Bazeley, M.A., Hon.
General Secretary, The Museum, Gloucester.
British Archaeological Association : Hon. Secretary, 32, Sackville -street, London, "W.
Byegones (Editor of) : Care of E. Woodall, Esq., Wingthorpe, Oswestry, England.
Cambridge Antiquarian Society : Dr. Hardcastle, Downing College, Cambridge.
Cambrian Archaeological Association: Charles J. Clark, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields,
London, W.C.
Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society : John Hewitt, Hon .
Librarian, Grosvenor Museum, Chester.
Cork Historical and Archaeological Society : care of Messrs. Guy & Co., 70, Patrick-
street, Cork.
Director, Geological Survey Department of Canada: Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Esq.,
LL.D., F.R.S., Sussex-street, Ottawa.
Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club : Rev. 0. P. Cambridge, Blox-
worth Rectory, "Wareham.
Folk Lore (Editor of), 270, Strand, London, W.C.
Glasgow Archaeological Society : W. G. Black, Secretary, 88, West Regent-street,
Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire: The Secretary, Royal Institution,
Her Majesty's Private Library : The Librarian, Windsor Castle, London.
Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland: Hon. Secretary, 35, Dawson-street,
Irish Builder (Editor of), 42, Mabbot-street, Dublin.
Kent Archaeological Society: George Payne, Esq., F.S.A., Rochester, Hon.
Secretary, Kent
Kildare Archaeological Society : care of Sir Arthur Vicars, F.S.A., Ulster King of
Arms, Bermingham Tower, Dublin Castle.
National Library of Ireland, Kildare-street, Dublin.
Numismatic Society : The Secretaries, 22, Albemarle-street, London, W.
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia : S. E. Cor. Twenty-first-
street and Pine-street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.
Palestine Exploration Fund (Secretary of), 24, Hanover-square, London, W.
Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist (Editor of): J. E. Allen, Esq., F.S.A.,
28, Great Ormond- street, London, W.C.
Eoyal Institute of British Architects : The Librarian, 9, Conduit-street, Hanover-
square, London, "W.
Eoyal Institute of The Architects of Ireland : Albert E. Murray, Hon. Secretary,
37, Dawson-street, Dublin.
Eoyal Institution of Cornwall: The Hon. Secretary, Museum, Truro, Cornwall.
Royal Irish Academy : Ed. Perceval Wright, M.A., M.D., Secretary, 19, Dawson-
street, Dublin.
Eoyal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland : Mill Stephenson, Esq.,
F.S.A., Secretary, 20, Hanover-square, London, W.
Eoyal Society Club, St. James' -street, London, W. C.
Societe d'Archeologie de Bruxelles : 63, Eue de Palais, Bruxelles.
Societe des Bollandistes, 14, Eue des Ursu^ines, Bruxelles.
Societe Eoyale des Antiquaires du Nord : Messrs. "Williams and Norgate, 14,
Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, London.
Society of Antiquaries of London : W. H. St. John Hope, M.A., Assistant Secretary,
Burlington House, London, W.
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland : The Curator of the Museum of Antiquities, Eoyal
Institution, Edinburgh.
Society of Biblical Archaeology : "W. Harry Eylands, F.S.A., Secretary, 11, Har-
street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.
Smithsonian Institution (Wm. Wesley, 28, Essex-street, Strand, London) : Washing-
ton, D. C., U.S.A.
Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society : William Bidgood, Taunton
Castle, Taunton.
Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. The Librarian, Athenaeum, Bury St. Edmunds.
Surrey Archaeological Society: Hon. Secretary, 8, Danes' Inn, Strand, London, W.C.
Sussex Archaeological Society : Care of Hon. Librarian, The Castle, Lewes, Sussex.
The Copyright Office, British Museum, London.
The Library, Trinity College, Dublin (5 & 6 Viet. c. 45).
The University Library, Cambridge (5 & 6 Viet. c. 45).
The Bodleian Library, Oxford (5 & 6 Viet. c. 45).
The Advocates' Library, Edinburgh.
Waterf ord and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society : Honorary Secretary,
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society: The Secretary, Devizes.
Yorkshire Archaeological Society.
Revised at the Annual Meeting, 1896.)
1. The Society is instituted to preserve, examine, and illustrate all Ancient Monu-
ments and Memorials of the Arts, Manners, and Customs of the. past, as connected with
the Antiquities, Language, and Literature of Ireland.
2. The Society shall consist of FELLOWS, MEMBERS, ASSOCIATES, and HONORARY
3. FELLOWS shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Society, each name having
been previously submitted to and approved of by the Council, with the name of a
Fellow or Member as proposer. Each Fellow shall pay an Entrance Fee of £2, and an
Annual Subscription of £1, or a Life Composition of £14, which includes the Entrance
Fee of £2.
4. MEMBERS shall be similarly elected, on being proposed by a Fellow or Member,
and shall pay an Entrance Fee of 10s. and an Annual Subscription of 10s., or a Life
Composition of £7, which shall include the Entrance Fee of 10s.
5. ASSOCIATES may be elected by the Council, on being proposed by a Fellow or
Member, for any single Meeting or Excursion of the Society at a Subscription to be
fixed by the Council ; but they shall not be entitled to any privileges of the Society
except admission to such Meeting or Excursion.
6. All Fees due on joining the Society must be paid either before or within two
months from the date of Election. Fellows and Members failing to pay shall be
reported at the next General Meeting after the expiration of this period.
7. Any Fellow who has paid his full Annual Subscription of £1 for ten consecutive
years may become a LIFE FELLOW on payment of a sum of £8.
8. Any Member who has paid his full Annual Subscription of 10s. for ten conse-
cutive years may become a LIFE MEMBER on payment of £5.
9. Any Member who has paid his Life Composition, on being advanced to the rank
of Fellow, may compound by paying a sum of £7, which sum includes the Entrance
Fee for Fellowship.
10. A Member paying an Annual Subscription of 10s., on being elected to Fellow-
ship, shall pay an admission Fee of 30s., instead of the Entrance Fee of £2 provided
for in Rule 3.
11. All Subscriptions shall be payable in advance on 1st day of January in each
year, or on election. The Subscriptions of Fellows and Members elected at the last
Meeting of any year may be placed to their credit for the following year. A List of all
Fellows and Members whose Subscriptions are two years in arrear shall be read out
at the Annual General Meeting, and published in the Quarterly Journal of the Society.
12. Fellows shall be entitled to receive the Journal, and all extra publications
of the Society. Members shall be entitled to receive the Journal, and may obtain
the extra publications on payment of the price fixed by the Council.
13. Fellows and Members whose Subscriptions for the year have not been paid
are not entitled to the Journal ; and any Fellow or Member whose Subscription
for the current year remains unpaid, and who receives and retains the Journal,
shall be held liable for the payment of the full published price of 5s. for each quarterly
14. Fellows and Members whose Subscriptions for the current year have been paid
shall alone have the right of voting at all General Meetings of the Society. Any such
Fellow present at a General Meeting can call for a vote by orders, and, in that case,
no resolution can be passed unless by a majority of both the Fellows and of the Mem-
bers present and voting. Honorary Fellows have not the right of voting, and are
not eligible for any of the Offices mentioned in Rules 15 and 16, nor can they be
elected Members of Council. In cases where a ballot is called for, no Candidate for
Fellowship or Membership can be admitted unless by the votes of two -thirds of the
Fellows and Members present, and voting.
15. The Officers of the Society, who must be Fellows, shall consist of a
Patron -in-Chief, Patrons, President, four Vice-Presidents for each Province, a
General Secretary, and a Treasurer. All Lieutenants of Counties to be ex-offieio
Patrons on election as Fellows.
16. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected at the Annual General
Meeting in each year. The nominations for these offices must be received at the Rooms
of the Society on or before the first day of December preceding the Annual General
Meeting, addressed to the General Secretary, and endorsed " Nomination of Officers."
Each Nomination Paper must be signed by seven or more Fellows or Members as pro-
posers ; and in the case of a Candidate who has not held such office before, his
Nomination Paper must be accompanied by an intimation under his hand that he will
serve in that office if elected. In case the number of persons so nominated shall
exceed the number of vacancies, a printed Balloting Paper, containing the names of
all such Candidates arranged in alphabetical order, distinguishing those recommended
by the Council, shall be sent by post to every Fellow and Member whose name is on
the Roll of the Society, directed to the address entered on the Roll, at least one week
before the day of election. Each person voting shall mark with an asterisk the name
of each Candidate for whom he, or she, votes. The Voter shall then return the
Balloting Paper to the General Secretary, on or before the day preceding the Election,
in an addressed envelope, which is to be supplied, sealed, and marked Balloting Paper,
and signed outside with the name of the Voter : the Balloting Paper itself must not be
signed. In case a Voter signs the Balloting Paper, or votes for more Candidates than
the number specified thereon, such vote shall be void. The Balloting Papers shall be
scrutinized on the day of election by at least two Scrutineers appointed by the Council,
who shall report the result at the General Meeting held on the evening of that day.
The Treasurer shall furnish the Scrutineers with a List of the Fellows and Members
whose Subscriptions have been paid up to the day preceding the Election, and who are
consequently qualified to vote at such Election. Those Candidates who obtain the
greatest number of votes shall be declared elected, subject to the provisions of Rule 17,
provided that, when there appears an equality of votes for two or more Candidates, the
Candidate whose name is longest on the books of the Society, shall be declared elected.
The President shall be elected for a term of three years, and the same person shall
not be elected for two consecutive periods. The four senior or longest elected Vice-
Presidents in each province shall retire each year by rotation, and shall not be eligible
for re-election at the General Meeting at which they retire. The Council may
submit to the Annual General Meeting the name of a Fellow, Hon. Fellow, or
Member, who will act as Hon. President, and the Meeting may adopt the name
submitted, or may elect another by a majority of votes, such Hon. President to hold
office for one year, and shall not be elected for two consecutive periods.
17. The management of the business of the Society shall he entrusted to a Council
of Twelve, eight of whom at least must be Fellows (exclusive of the President, Vice-
Presidents, Honorary General Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall be ex-officio Mem-
bers of the Council). The Council shall meet on the last Wednesday of each month,
or on such other days as they may deem necessary. Four Members of Council shall
form a quorum. The three senior or longest elected Members of the Council shall
retire each year by rotation, and shall not be eligible for re-election at the Annual
General Meeting at which they retire. In case of a vacancy occurring for a Member
of Council during the year, the Council shall at its next Meeting co-opt a Fellow or
Member, to retire by rotation. A Member of Council who has failed to attend one-
third of the ordinary Meetings of the Council during the year shall forfeit his seat
at the next Annual General Meeting. The vacancies caused by the retirement by
rotation of Members of Council shall -be filled up in the manner prescribed for the
election of President and Vice -Presidents in Rule 16.
18. The Council may appoint Honorary Provincial Secretaries for each Province,
and Honorary Local Secretaries throughout the country, whose duties shall be de-
nned by the Council, and they shall report to the Honorary General Secretary, at least
once a year, on all Antiquarian Remains discovered in their districts, to investigate
Local History and Tradition, and to give notice of all injury inflicted, or likely
to be inflicted, on Monuments of Antiquity or Ancient Memorials of the Dead, in
order that the influence of the Society may be exerted to restore or preserve them.
19. The Council may appoint Committees to take charge of particular departments
of business, and shall report to the Annual General Meeting the state of the Society's
Funds, and other matters which may have come before them during the preceding year.
They may appoint an Hon. Curator of the Museum, and draw up such rules for its
management as they may think fit. The Hon. General Secretary may, with the
approval of the Council, appoint a paid Assistant Secretary; the salary to be deter-
mined by the Council.
20. The Treasurer's Accounts shall be audited by two Auditors, to be elected at the
Annual General Meeting in each year, who shall present their Report at a sub-
sequent General Meeting of the Society.
21. All property of the Society shall be vested in the Council, and shall be disposed
of as they shall direct. The Museum of Antiquities cannot be disposed of without the
sanction of the Society being first obtained.
22. For tbe purpose of carrying out the arrangements in regard to the Meetings and
Excursions to be held in the respective Provinces, the Honorary Provincial Secretaries
may be summoned to attend the Meetings of Council ex-officio. Honorary Local Secre-
taries of the County or Counties in which such Meetings are held shall be similarly
23. The Society shall meet four times at least in each year on such days as tbe
Council shall ascertain to be the most convenient, when Fellows and Members shall
be elected, Papers on Historical and Archaeological Subjects shall be read and discussed,
and Objects of Antiquarian Interest exhibited. Excursions may be arranged where
24. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in Dublin in the month of January ;
one Meeting in the year shall be held in Kilkenny ; the other Meetings to be held
in such places as the Council may recommend. A List of such Meetings shall be
forwarded to each Fellow and Member.
25. No Paper shall be read to the Society without the permission of the Council
having previously been obtained. The Council shall determine the order in which
Papers shall be read, and the time to be allowed for each. All Papers listed or Com-
munications received shall be the property of the Society. The Council shall deter-
mine whether, and to what extent any Paper or Communication shall be published.
26. All matter concerning existing religious and political differences shall be ex-
cluded from the Papers to be read and the discussions held at the Meetings of the
27. The Proceedings and Papers read at the several Meetings, and where approved
of by the Council, shall be printed in tbe form of a Journal, and supplied to all Fellows
and Members not in arrear. If the funds of the Society permit, extra publications
may be printed and supplied to all Fellows free, and to such Members as may sub-
scribe specially for them.
28. These Rules shall not be altered or amended except at an Annual General
Meeting of the Society, and after notice given at the previous General Meeting. All
By-laws and Regulations dealing with the General Rules formerly made are hereby
29. The enactment of any new Rule, or the alteration or repeal of any existing
one, must be in the first instance submitted to the Council ; the proposal to be signed by
seven Fellows or Members, and forwarded to the Hon. Secretary. Such proposal being
made, the Council shall lay same before a General Meeting, with its opinion thereon ;
and such proposal shall not be ratified unless passed by a majority of the Fellows and
Members present at such General Meeting subject to the provisions of Rule 14.
I MAY say, by way of preface, that certain objects which I have
described as the " Older Flint Implements of Ireland" will not
be referred to in the following Paper. I shall deal only, as regards
Irish Implements, with those which are acknowledged by everyone
to be Neolithic.
We find among the stone implements in various countries, sometimes
separated very widely in perhaps both time and space, many specimens
which show a considerable degree of resemblance. This has been remarked
by several observers. On pp. 14, 15, of " Reliquiae Aquitanicaj" are
compared implements of the Esquimaux with those of cave-dwellers in
Perigord ; and polished implements from British India, England, South
America, France, and the Solomon Islands are placed side by side to show
that they have a considerable degree of likeness to each other in shape and
finish. Sir John Lubbock, in " Prehistoric Times,"1 points out that flakes
and some implements in flint and obsidian are often very much alike in
different countries. Professor Boyd Dawkins has shown that a likeness
exists between the implements and artistic products of the cave-dwellers
1 5th ed., pp. 89-92 et seq.
in England and France and those of the Esquimaux, and MM. G. and A.
de Mortillet, in " MuseePrehistorique," figure implements from England,
Ireland, America, and elsewhere, to show that they are of nearly similar
shape to the Paleolithic implements found in France. I have myself
seen implements among those discovered by Schliemann at Hissarlik
which I could match in Ireland ; and I have observed arrow-heads
figured in " Materiaux,"1 from Finistere, which resemble implements of
the same class in my own Irish collection. Although the likeness between
Irish and American arrow-heads is not general, yet there are some kinds
of these implements found in both countries that show a great degree of
resemblance. I have some small scrapers from the south of Africa like
others of the same class obtained from our Irish sandhills. I have also
implements from various other countries like those found in Ireland, and
could therefore increase the list to an indefinite extent. I believe that
all these cases of resemblance show relationship, and that it will be the
task of future archa3ologists to trace the paths along which those widely
separated sets of implements will find a common origin.
I have for several years past observed a considerable degree of resem-
blance between Irish Neolithic flint implements and those of the cave-
dwellers in the south of France of Palaeolithic age, and have referred to
the subject more or less in papers contributed to learned societies ; but I
shall now go more fully into the subject, and shall show and describe
some plates of Irish implements which I consider have a resemblance to
others of Palaeolithic age. As I cannot figure the two sets of imple-
ments side by side except in one instance, I shall, refer to well-known
works accessible to archaeologists in which figures of Palaeolithic imple-
ments having a likeness to Irish objects are to be found ; as, for example,
" Reliquiae Aquitanicae," " Musee Prehistorique," Evans' " Stone Imple-
ments and Ornaments," and Worthington Smith's " Man, the Primeval
Savage." In PL I., figs. 1 and 2, I am able to show figures of a Palaeo-
lithic implement from Warren Hill, England, and a Neolithic implement
found in a bog near Glarryford, about five miles from Bally men a. It
will be seen that the Irish implement is slightly larger than the Palaeo-
lithic one, but the shape and workmanship are very similar. Front and
side views in both cases are shown. Compare also figs. 18 and 19, PL II.
Evans' " Stone Implements and Ornaments." Figs. 3, 30 show front and
side views of an implement which has a great resemblance to some of the
Palaeolithic implements of the River Drift. See fig. 450, p. 520, of
Evans' " Stone Implements and Ornaments," which is about the same
size as the implement I have figured. It is made of basalt, and was
found near dough, County Antrim. We find many rudely chipped
and unpolished Neolithic axes in Ireland, but they are usually longer
and less pointed than the example figured. It does not look like a
1 Vol. for 1880, pi. viii.
[Pj.ATK I.
Irish Neolithic Implements compared \vith those of Palaeolithic Age. (One-fourth size.)
spoiled object, but seems to be a complete implement of its kind. No. 4
is a large pointed implement of flint, with heavy butt for holding in the
hand, found near the banks of the River Eann, in the neighbourhood of
Portglenone. It is fully an inch in thickness, and has been trimmed
first coarsely, and then with more minute flaking, round the pointed
portion. The under surface is undressed, and in all respects it resembles
a large implement of the Moustier type. Fig. 5 is a thick and coarse
implement from the same place as No. 4. It is about 1£ inches thick
in the centre, and is equally convex on both sides. Implements of
Palaeolithic age of nearly similar shape, though perhaps larger in size,
may be seen in " Musee Prehistorique," " Stone Instruments and Orna-
ments," and "Man, the Primeval Savage." Fig. 6, 6a is a large flake,
dressed round the edges on one side and undressed on the other. It is of
the Moustier type, and can be compared with fig. 61, PI. xi., in
"Musee Prehistorique," and fig. 461, p. 538, of " Stone Implements
and Ornaments." PI. II. shows a series of implements of Moustier type,
dressed round the edges on one side and plain on the other. I show the
reverse and undressed sides in two instances (see figs. 7 and 8), after the
manner of MM. de Mortillet in " Musee Prehistorique" ; but the sides,
which are not shown, of the other figures, from 9-14, are in a similar plain
and undressed state. Plates xi. and xii., " Musee Prehistorique," and
Plates A. xxxvii. and xl., " Reliquie Aquitanicae," may be consulted for
corresponding examples. In PI. III. I show uracloirs," or side-scrapers,
(see figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, and 23). They may be compared with those
on PI. xiii., " Musee Prehistorique." I show also two double scrapers,
figs. 21 and 24, which can be compared with fig. 120, pi. xix., " Musee
Prehistorique." and figs. 10, 11, 13 of PI. A. xxiv. of " ReliquiaB Aquita-
nicae." The long flakes, figs. 19 and 20, may be compared with similar
long flakes with scraper-ends in " lleliquiaB Aquitanicse " (see PI. A. VII.).
Figs. 25 and 25« show the two sides of an object excavated by myself
from the Neolithic old surface at Whitepark Bay, county Antrim. It
seems to resemble other objects found in a Paleolithic surface by
Mr. Worthington Smith, in the sharp edge and the working of a
small portion of the reverse side (see figs. 20, 21, pp. 118, 119, "Man,
the Primeval Savage.") PI. IV. shows seven examples of Solutrien
type. The reverse side of 26 is shown in 26#, and this example can be
compared with 106, 106 fos., PL xviii., "Musee Prehistorique." The
likeness of the two implements seems to be very close both in shape and
workmanship. The other examples, in PL IV., though much smaller
than many of the best examples found in France, yet show the same
outline. There is the same pointed base and the sides inclining inward
near the point. The same form, giving an almost six-sided outline,
is observed in some of our Irish leaf-shaped arrow-heads. Compare
PL xvii. of «< Musee Prehistorique." PL V. shows, in figs. 33, 34 and 35,
points of flint from Culbane, near Portglenone, which resemble figs. 115,
Irish Neolithic Implements of Moustier Type. (One-fourth size.)
116, 117, PL xviii., of " Musee Prehistorique." The Irish examples are
very thin flakes, fig. 33 being dressed on one side, and figs. 34 and 35 on
both sides, into fine needle-like implements. Pig. 36 may be compared
with 112, and 37 with figs. 109 and 1 1 1, of " Musee Prehistorique." Fig.
37 is not so much notched as the French examples of the same kind,
but the workmanship over the one side with the other remaining
undressed, or only very slightly dressed, at the point, shows a considerable
degree of resemblance.
We have a series of examples in Ireland of the type of fig. 40, but
some much longer, which, from their knife-like character, would seem to
have taken the place, in Neolithic times, of the pointer a cran from
the French caves. The object I have referred to as fig. 40, in PL V.,
may be compared, as to size and shape, with fig. 133, PL xx., " Musee
Prehistorique." We have also among our flint knives in Ireland some of
the type of figs. 10 and 11, PL xxii., of M. Piette's beautiful Supplement
to IS Anthropologie, No. 4, 1896. The objects referred to are from Mas
d'Azil, in the Pyrenees, and from a bed which M. Piette says is inter-
calated between the last bed of the Reindeer Age and the first of the
Neolithic period. Examples are shown in figs. 38 and 39, PL V., of a
small class of arrow-heads found in the north of Ireland, with the point
short and placed at the broad end. As shown on the plate, the point is
downwards. Compare with them fig. 104, PL xviii., "Musee Prehisto-
rique." A series of finely worked and lozenge-shaped arrow-heads from
county Antrim is shown in PL VI. , some of which vary slightly from
original types. Lightness and thinness seem to have been characteristics
of the laurel-leaf and lozenge-shaped implements of the French caves,
and it is among the same class of objects in Ireland that these characters
are most shown. The thinness of some of the Irish specimens makes them
almost .transparent, so that our admiration and wonder are often excited
as to how such objects could have been made so fine and slender by
mere chipping. The making of these implements fine and thin would
seem to have been an inherited art, which descended to the Neolithic
inhabitants of Ireland from their Paleolithic ancestors, In some cases we
have large spearheads ground and polished on both faces — the result,
probably, of a desire for thinness in a particular class of implement.
These flint lance, or spearheads, with their faces ground and polished, are
not, I believe, found out of Ireland. I show one example on page 15,
somewhat varied in shape from the original "pointes en feuille de laurier."
The objects I have figured are all from my own collection, and are
only a few out of many examples of similar kinds. Besides the various fliut
implements there are other objects of Paleolithic and Neolithic age that
resemble each other. There are the stones with pits on either one or
both faces. Both kinds of these objects are found around the hut-sites in
the sandhills of the North of Ireland, as well as in the rock-shelters of
the South of France. The hammer-stones, the pieces of rubbed and
Irish Neolithic Implements of Moustier Type. (One-fourth size.]
scraped haematite, and some, though not all, of the hone pins, in the one
place, have a resemhlance to those found in the other. On referring to
my note-hook which I used when visiting the St. Germain Museum a
few years ago, I find I have noted a great many things having a likeness
to Irish objects in my own collection. In the same way on examining
the implements of Palaeolithic age in the Musee Wiertz in Brussels, my
remarks were to the effect that I could match a great number with Irish
objects found in the old prehistoric surface at Whitepark Bay, county
Antrim, Portstewart, county Deny, and other similar sites in the north
of Ireland. I therefore hold that there is a relationship between the
implements of Palaeolithic Age in England, France, and Belgium, and
those of Neolithic Age in the North of Ireland which we must endeavour
to trace.
It is held generally among archa3ologists that the Palaeolithic
and Neolithic Ages do not merge into each other. That the men of the one
age had as their companions a number of animals such as the mammoth
and the woolly -haired rhinoceros, which are now extinct, together with
others such as the hippopotamus and the reindeer which are now not
found in this country, but are confined to warmer or colder regions,
while those of the other came in with a fauna practically the same as that
now living in these countries. Professor Boyd Dawkins says, in re-
ference to the hiatus between the two ages, that the contrast between
the Paleolithic and Neolithic wild fauna " implies a zoological break of
the first magnitude which could only have been brought about by a series
of changes going on through long periods of time."1 The interval separat-
ing the Pleistocene (Palaeolithic) from the Prehistoric (Neolithic) period
" could not have taken place in a short time, and when we reflect that
comparatively little change has taken place in this country during the last
2000 years, it is obvious that the one period is separated from the other by
the lapse of many centuries."2 Sir John Evans, speaking of this break,
says there appears, in this country at all events, to be a complete gap
between the River Drift (Paleolithic) and the Surface (Neolithic) Stone
periods " so far as intermediate forms are concerned, and here at least the
race of men who fabricated the latest of the Palaeolithic implements may
have, and in all probability had, disappeared at an epoch remote from
that when the country was again occupied by those who not only chipped
out but polished their flint tools."3 Sir Henry H. Howorth says : —
" At all points, therefore, the evidence is complete that man and his
companions in the Mammoth age differed completely from man in the
succeeding period; differed in habits, in tastes, in art, and in the animals
which were his companions. This difference is everywhere acknowledged.
. . . What is much more important is the startling fact that the two
1 Journal Anthropological Institute, vol. xxiii., p. 246.
2 "Early Man in Britain," p. 263. 3 "Ancient Stone Implements," p. 618.
Irish Neolithic Implements of Solutrien Type. (One-fourth size.]
sorts of men, their remains, and their animal companions are sharply and
definitely separated by a complete gap. There is nowhere on record a well
certified instance in either the Europasian or the Mediterranean region in
which the remains have been found mixed. Upon this subject there is a
concurrence of opinion among the best judges."1 Dr. James Geikie says that
the Old Stone age did not graduate into the New Stone age. "The records
of the latter epoch are separated very markedly from those of the former.
No sooner do we pass from the uppermost deposits of the Pleistocene age
to the more modern accumulations, than we find ourselves in another
world. The hyaenas and lions, the rhinoceroses and mammoths have
disappeared, and we are now face to face with a group of animals that
we recognize as being the common indigenous European forms of our own
day. Palaeolithic man has likewise vanished, and his place is supplied by
races considerably farther advanced on the road to civilization."2 Sir
Charles Lyell gives a similar opinion, "that between the newer and the
older divisions of the Stone Age there was evidently a vast interval of
time — a gap in the history of the past into which many monuments of
the intermediate date will one day have to be intercalated."3
Mr. J. Allen Brown, in a Paper read before the Anthropological
Institute, which appears in their "Journal," vol. xxii., p. 66, shows
reason for the gap or hiatus between the two ages, being bridged " by
the discovery of implements of later Palaeolithic types, and of others
which from their form may be regarded as of transition or intermediate
age in some combes or dry valleys, associated with deposits of chalk and
flint rubble in parts of Sussex."4 Again he says : — " Among them are
specimens which, if form is to govern their classification, may properly
be described as intermediate between the later Palaeolithic and the
period of polished stone".5 He gives several illustrations of his inter-
mediate forms which he names " Mesolithic." Mr. Worthington Smith
believes that a mesolithic series of implements exist, and states that he
has found some himself in situ,e though I should think he believes in a
break of some kind, as he says : — " At some period prior to the forma-
tion of the English Channel, and the separation of Great Britain from
the Continent of Europe, this country appears to have been, as regards
man, temporarily depopulated."7 Mr. J. Allen Brown, in support of his
argument, refers to caves in the Pyrenees which have been inhabited by
successive peoples, and which appear to show a continuity between the
two stone periods,8 but there may have been a continuity, or at least a
close succession in the Pyrenees, whilst there may be a break in the
south of England. Professor Boyd Dawkins, in a Paper in the same
"Journal," vol. xxiii., replies to Mr. J; Allen Brown: — "That the
1 " The Mammoth and the Flood," p. 246. 2 " Prehistoric Europe," p. 118.
3 ''Antiquity ot Man," p. 373. 4 Page 67.
5 Ibid., p. 73. c " Man, the Primeval Savage," p. 299.
7 Ibid., p. 8. « Anthrop. Jour., vol. xxii., p. 88.
Irish Neolithic Implements of Solutrien Type. (Two-fifths natural size.)
evolution of the Neolithic from the Palaeolithic stage of culture in some
part of the world may be accepted as a high probability;"1 hut concludes
after reviewing the whole evidence that "the progress of discovery has
not yet bridged over the abyss separating the Palaeolithic age of the
Pleistocene period, from the Neolithic age of the Prehistoric period in
any part of the world."2
With the exception of Mr. J. Allen Brown, and perhaps Mr.
Worthington Smith, it will be seen that there is general agreement
among the eminent scientific men I have mentioned, that there is a
break between the older and newer divisions of the Stone age, and many
of the most eminent French and Continental archaeologists hold similar
views regarding the gap between the two ages. But whilst there is
general agreement that there is a break, there is a want of harmony in
the explanations given for the cause of such break. Professor Boyd
Dawkins assumes that Palaeolithic man may have been driven out of
Europe by the Neolithic invaders. That " there were the same feelings
between them as existed in Hearne's time between the Eskimos and
Red Indians — terror and defenceless hatred being on the one side met
by ruthless extermination on the other."3 But this would surely imply
that the Neolithic invader occupied the land as soon as Palaeolithic
man had left it, and would leave the zoological break unexplained. Sir
H. H. Howorth has given a vast amount of evidence to show that the
fauna in Pleistocene times, together with Paleolithic man, were
exterminated by a flood of great magnitude. Whilst I am not convinced
that the fossil bones found in the river gravels of England, and equiva-
lent beds on the Continent, are the result of sudden drowning, yet the
case laid down by Sir H. H. Howorth, in the " Mammoth and the Flood,"
requires careful consideration by those opposed to him, as the accidental
drowning of individual animals, or even of occasional herds, would not
account for the vast numbers of dead animals which are found in either
Europe or Siberia. He shows how carnivorous, as well as herbivorous,
animals, and young as well as those of mature age, have died together,
and are often found buried in stiff clay, far from river courses. He
states that "however paradoxical it may seem, animals which are now
limited to cold and hot countries respectively lived strictly contempo-
raneously in England and France, and lived together all the year
round."4 He concludes "that the extinction of the mammoth in the
old world was sudden, and operated over a wide continental area, involv-
ing a wide-spread hecatomb, in which man as well as other creatures
perished ; that this catastrophe forms a great break in human continuity,
no less than in biological records of animal life, and is the great Divide
where history really begins."5
1 Page 243. 2 page 25i. 3 » Early Man in Britain," p. 243.
4 Op. cit., p. 132. * Ibid., p. 256.
Arrow-heads from Co. Antrim. (Two-fifths natural size.)
Dr. James Geikie states that man was an occupant of our Continent
during glacial and interglacial times ; that when the meridian of the
last interglacial epoch was attained, a climate approximating to that of
Pliocene times characterised our Continent. More humid than the
present, it was at the same time much more equable. The British
Isles were united to themselves and to the Continent. A bridge of
land connected Italy and Malta, through Sicily, to the coasts of Tunis;
and Spain, in like manner, was joined to Barbary. " Such were the
geographical conditions of Europe when the southern mammals — the
hippopotamus, the elephant, the rhinoceros, and their associates —
advanced northwards to commingle with the denizens of temperate
latitudes. . . . Southern and temperate forms ranged together from the
Mediterranean region up to the north of England."1 But " by-and-by the
climate began to change, 'and the succession was reversed. The winters
became colder. . . . The tender southern species of plants now com-
menced to retreat from Middle Europe, and to creep farther and farther
south, and a like migration of the fauna ensued."2 " The great pachy-
derms of southern habitats vanished from our Continent, and the temperate
forms eventually took possession of the Mediterranean region. All these
changes came about in a gradual manner, and hence each zone of latitude
became in succession the head- quarters of the arctic and northern fauna
and flora in their advance towards the south. Thus, Paleolithic man
must have hunted the reindeer in southern England, Belgium, and
northern France for many generations before the increasing severity of
the climate compelled both to retreat. Step by step, however, man was
driven south ; England and Belgium were deserted ; perhaps even
Germany, down to the foot of the Alps, was left unoccupied, until, at
last, the Paleolithic race or races reached the south of France."3 Dr,
Geikie then goes on to show that Paleolithic man did not survive the last
glacial epoch; and he takes note of one objection urged by some English
geologists. " They tell us that Paleolithic implements occur in certain
deposits that overlie the great chalky boulder-clay in Norfolk and other
places ; and these deposits are recognized by them as of post-glacial
age, simply from the fact that they rest upon boulder-clay. Now this
conclusion would be inevitable if it were true that the great chalky
boulder-clay had been laid down during the last glacial epoch. If that
were the case, no one could dispute their contention that Paleolithic
man lived in England in post-glacial times. . . . We know now, however,
that, during the glacial period, arctic -and genial climates alternated, and
that the great chalky boulder-clay is not the moraine prof onde of the last
glacial epoch, but belongs to a much earlier stage in the series."4 He
says there is evidence that tumultuous floods occurred towards the close
of the Paleolithic period, the mud and loam from which overlie the-
1 Op cit., p. 349. 2 Ibid., p. 350. 3 Ibid., p. 354. 4 Ibid., p. 360.
gravels containing Palaeolithic relics. This is in harmony with the
fact that, in many caves in England
and the Continent, the Palaeolithic beds
are covered with a more or less con-
tinuous thick cake of stalagmite, which
points to a long lapse of time, during
which the caves remained unvisited by
man or beast ; and he comes to the con-
clusion that the Palaeolithic age came to
a close with the last glacial epoch.
1 have quoted from Dr. Geikie at con-
siderable length ; because, if his contention
can be upheld, we are able to find a satis-
factory explanation of the break between
the two divisions of the Stone age. If
man was post-glacial, as is held by the
majority of the eminent geologists I have
referred to, it is not easy to see any reason
for the one set of men, and the fauna
associated with them, dropping suddenly
from the scene, and, after "the lapse of
many centuries," the succeeding people,
with the newer fauna, coming as suddenly
on. If, on the other hand, Palaeolithic
man was inter-glacial, and he was com-
pelled to retreat southwards during the
last glacial epoch, then the gap would re-
present the time between his departure and
return. That only a small portion of the
South of England yields Palaeolithic re-
mains shows, I think, that during the time
this small portion was occupied, the north
of England, Scotland, and Ireland were
uninhabitable ; and, therefore, there ap-
pears to be good grounds for Dr. Geikie' s
theory. I am sorry I cannot agree with
Dr. Geikie in what he says regarding
Neolithic man. He states that there is no
proof, either direct or indirect, that Neo-
lithic man was the descendant of his
Palaeolithic predecessor. " On the con-
trary, all the evidence points in quite an
Opposite direction." He also Says " that V1I-~ Irish Spear-head, partly polished.
the beautifully shaped and highly polished
specimens of stonework must be assigned to some advanced stage of the
Neolithic epoch admits of little doubt."1 Yet it is just such a set
which he exhibits as types of Neolithic implements.2 I do not for a
moment hint that there is any intention to deceive ; but it is generally
the case that the objects or particular arts that contrast well are dwelt
on when showing the difference between the Palaeolithic and Neolithic
implements. I believe, myself, in there being a gap between the two
ages ; but it should not be made wider than it is. At Whitepark Bay,
county Antrim, where about 5000 manufactured objects, of flint and
other stone, have been obtained — and, if we count flakes artificially pro-
duced, twenty or thirty times that amount — only three or four polished
implements have been found, and these only of a very poor description. I
am convinced that, if a full series of such poor implements of everyday use
as are found at Whitepark Bay could be contrasted with the implements
from the old floors of caves of Paleolithic age in the south of France,
that the points of likeness would be nearly as striking as those of differ-
ence. I believe, from the likeness of the Neolithic implements to those
of the later Palaeolithic age in the south of Prance, that the arts of
polishing stone implements and making pottery were acquired in some
southern country in the long interval during which these islands were
depopulated ; and that, when the climate became again suitable for
occupation, Neolithic man, descended from the older race, came with
these new arts, but with many of the preceding age still surviving.
It is stated in " Early Man in Britain" that the Neolithic people
appear as farmers after Britain had become an island,3 that they crossed
in canoes, with their cattle and household stuff from the nearest shores
of the Continent to Britain, and from Britain to Ireland,4 whilst Dr.
Geikie says that before the reappearance of the North Sea, Neolithic
man had entered Europe and crossed into Britain.5 The latter view
would seem to me to be the more correct one, as at Whitepark Bay, which
is still noted as a good fishing district, there is almost an entire absence
of fish-bones in the old surfaces, whilst there is an abundance of remains
of shell fish such as could be obtained between high and low watermark.
At Portstewart the conditions are similar. The Bann, which is a good
fish river, runs past the sites of the Neolithic encampments, yet fish-bones
are very rare, though shell fish are abundant. This would lead me to
believe that the people had not the means of fishing in the quiet bays and
rivers, and I am, therefore, doubtful, whether the earliest Neolithic
population of this country were acquainted with the use of canoes.
If man and beast were driven out of England by the severity of the
climate, and compelled to remain away for a long lapse of centuries, a ques-
tion arises as to what was happening in the south of England during their
absence. Had the river valleys been entirely excavated, and the gravels
1 Op. cit., p. 364. 2 md) pL c. facing p. 372. 3 Page 266.
4 Page 282. * Op. cit., p. 555.
all formed before man's retreat southward? The proofs of his contem-
poraneous occupancy are his implements which are included in the gravels,
and the proofs of the fauna being present are their bones, which are also
included in the gravels. Some leg-bones, and other parts of the skeleton,
are occasionally found in their natural position, which would go to prove
that the animals had- been buried in the gravels shortly, after death.
But suppose Siberia, with its many entombed animals — some embedded
in frozen clay with the flesh still intact — were elevated 200 or 300 feet,
and carved into river valleys, we might expect to find gravels with
fossil bones and many leg-bones and other parts of the skeleton in
their natural position, and yet perhaps not one of these bones would belong
to an animal which lived at the time the valleys were being excavated.
Sir H. H. Howorth, in enumerating the various causes which might
bring about the death of animals, makes mention, among others, of a
severe winter. I think he does not dwell sufficiently on this cause, as I
can easily conceive how an early winter, with deep snow and great cold,
-coming on perhaps suddenly, would prevent many animals of all kinds
from escaping southwards, and cause them to perish of cold and hunger.
In this way in the south of England we could account for young and
fully matured, as well as different species, being found together. Besides
the implements found in the gravels are weathered, which would show
that they had been exposed for a considerable time to the air, as weather-
ing would not take place if implements were dropped into water or
lost through iceholes while fishing on a frozen river. I think it more
probable that man abandoned his implements in escaping southwards,
and when floods afterwards swept them along, they would, with the
heavier stones, fall first to the bottom, the position in the gravels where
the implements are usually found. I have been much impressed with
the sections showing Paleolithic floors and implement-bearing beds in
^Ir. Worthington Smith's " Man, the Primeval Savage." He gives a
section at p. 66, showing an old surface where he found heaps of rough
flints which had been collected by Paleolithic people for the purpose of
their manufacture, besides many flakes, cores, and implements already
made. He states that he has replaced more than 500 flakes from this
floor either on to other flakes or on to implements and cores. These
implements, flakes, and material for further workmanship were evidently
abandoned by the owners, the increasing cold having probably driven
them away. The contorted drift on top of this section, and also that on
top of the implementiferous sands, shown in the section given as fig. 140,
p. 209, as well as the contortion of the old floor itself, as shown in fig. 139,
indicate, I think, that the country had been subjected to great severity
of climate after these old surfaces were abandoned.
From the various considerations I have mentioned, I am not con-
vinced that Palaeolithic man with the associated fauna was living in the
south of England during the entire time of the excavation of the river
valleys, and I believe that Fome, at least, of the work of excavation
was accomplished during the time he was absent.
The locality, where the evolution of the Neolithic from the Palaeolithic
stage of culture took place, cannot as yet, I think, be donned. If the
hiatus between the older and newer Stone age is bridged by the dis-
coveries of M. Piette, in the cavern of Mas d'Azil, then it may have
occurred in the neighbourhood of the Pyrenees, but M. de Quatrefages
says that M. Hamy has met with skulls in the Canary Islands, uthe
ethnical relation of which, with the old man of Cro-Magnon, is beyond
discussion," l and, therefore, the evolution in question may as readily have
been effected in North or Noi'th-West Africa. It is probable that when
the climate began to get milder and the glaciers to disappear there would
be a movement from that place of evolution, wherever it was, towards the
north. The artistic tribes, with the reindeer and its associates, would
probably proceed first, whilst others might be delayed till the temperate
flora had occupied the place of the glaciers, and probably the advance,
like the retreat, would be gradual. The theory that the artistic cave-
dwellers are represented by the Esquimaux involves an interesting
question. Did they develop their taste for an arctic climate while
hunting the reindeer in the south of France, or did they come there
originally with the arctic fauna and return with it to their northern
home ? It is also a subject of inquiry whether any of the artistic folk
came to Britain. From the finding of harpoons, as for example in Victoria
Cave, Yorkshire, as described by Professor Boyd Dawkins,2 and at Oban,
Scotland, as lately reported in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries,
Scotland, by Dr. Joseph Anderson,3 1 suspect that some may have followed
the reindeer whose descendants have lingered to a comparatively recent
date in Scotland. However these questions may be answered, I am con-
\7inced, from a comparison of our Irish implements with those of newer
Palaeolithic age in France and elsewhere, as detailed above, that a good
contingent of those tribes who used the Mousterien and Solutrien types
of implements came to the British area, and that the best examples of
their surviving art and skill are to be found among the flint implements
of the North of Ireland.
1 " Human Species," p. 335. 2 " Cave Hunting," pp. Ill, 112.
3 Vol. v.,3rdSer., p. 211.
the fifth century the chieftains of Muintur Murchada were lords
of the fertile plains of Moy Soela.1 Their tribe name was derived
from Morough, the son of Maonach, Prince of Moy Soela, who died A.D.
891. This Morough was a descendant of Eochy, monarch of Ireland,
through Duagh, the " sweet-tongued," who is referred to as the "third
Christian king of Connaught."
In later years the lords of Moy Soela took the name of O'Flaherty,
and for a considerable period held a position of pre-eminence amongst
the chieftains of the "Western Province. They were near kinsmen of the
O'Connors. The O'Hallorans, lords of Clan-Feargail, the MacConrys, and
the clans of Dealbna Feadha beyond the Corrib, were their relatives, and
seem to have ruled those districts as subordinate chieftains. Hence we
find that, in the tenth century, and after, the O'Flahertys are frequently
styled Chieftains of lar Connaught, as well as Lords of Moy Soela. Our
annalists record the death of Archad, son of Murchad, chief of Moy
Soela, A.D. 943, but we find that he is also styled "Lord of lar Con-
naught." But though exercising a paramount influence over their
kindred chieftains in the adjoining territories, the territory of Moy
Soela, over which they were recognized lords, was by no means exten-
sive. It extended from the village of Clare Galway to Tuam ; and from
near Athenry to the shores of the Corrib. The entire district, according
to the learned editor of "lar Connaught,"2 would only measure an area
of 10 miles in length by 6 in breadth. But the district was exceedingly
interesting. Several of the localities included within this area have
been long memorable in our annals: Abbey Knockmoy is one of the
oldest of our venerable Cistercian abbeys. Clare Galway and Ross-
errilly are, even in their ruins, striking evidence of the splendour of
our Franciscan monasteries before the Reformation period. And the
ecclesiastical remains at Kilursa and Annaghdown recall the still earlier
period, when the religious and monastic life of Ireland was the light of
Northern Europe.
The battlefield of Knock Tuagh has its memories of valour and
heroism, but, alas! of profuse and profitless bloodshed also. And just
as those venerable ruins of churches and monasteries recall the religious
history of Moy Soela, so, too, the ruined castles which stand out in the
1 O'Flaherty's " lar Connaught," ed. Hardiman, pp. 2-3. - Ibid., p. 148.
landscape, weather-stained and roofless, speak to us of the conquerors
who wrested the supremacy of the territory from the grasp of the
0' Flaherties.
The territory of Clanfeargail was adjoining,1 and extended from
Clare Gal way to the sea ; it lay east of the Corrib and the Gal way river,
and included twenty-four battys, in which Galway, Clare, and Roscani
were situated. The O'Hallorans, who were kinsmen of the O'Flahertys,
were the Dynasts of this small territory. But we have at so remote a
period as the reign of Cathal 0 ' Conor cle.ar evidence that the O'Flahertys
were, at least, paramount lords of the district. It is recorded2 that the
chief of Muintur Murchada, with the consent of Cathal, King of Con-
naught, made a present of the town of Lismacaun, in Clan-Feargail, to
the abbot and convent of Knockmoy. The erection of an O'FLtherty
castle in Galway,3 in the early part of the twelfth century, may be re-
garded as an additional evidence that the authority of the chiefs of Moy
Soela extended southwards to the sea. In addition we have the fullest
historical evidence that the 0' Flaherty territory was co-extensive with
the Diocese of Annaghdown, in which we know the town of Galway was
Though the O'Hallorans seem never to have attained military fame,
yet it is their privilege to claim some of the most eminent of our Irish
saints as kinsmen. St. Finbar of Cork and St. Aileron "the Wise" are
regarded as members of this ancient tribe. It should be remembered
that the O'Hallorans of Clan-Feargail are entirely distinct from the
Munster family of the same name who claim descent as a branch of the
"We think it pretty certain that the authority of the O'Flahertys was
also recognized by the chieftains of Gno-more and Gno-beg in the
remote districts of lar Connaught from an early period. Mr. Hardinian
regards this opinion as probable, though he does not consider it can be
supported by " direct evidence."
But the important part which they took in the warfare of the period
would be consistent with this opinion. In the early part of the twelfth
century they frequently supported the growing power of their kinsmen
the O'Connors against the Princes of Munster. In 1117 the son of
Dermot O'Brien and his brave Dalcassians were " defeated with great
slaughter," by the sons of Cathal O'Connor and by Brian O'Flaherty.
And when a few years after, Dermot O'Brien and his armies would wipe
ont the disgrace of their defeat, by an invasion of Connaught, it was to
suffer a still more crushing repulse at the hands of Cathal O'Connor and
O'Flaherty. King Turlough O'Connor received a loyal and continuous
support from Mureadhach O'Flaherty, prince of lar Connaught, against
1 0' Flaherty's "lar Connaught," ed. Hardiman, p. 232.
2 " History of Galway," p. 3. 3 4i lar Connaught," p. 232.
O'Brien. At the battle of Ardfinnan O'Connor was defeated, and
O'Flaherty, with many others of his bravest followers, slain. But Connor
O'Brien soon carried the warfare into the enemy's country. The castle
of Gal way was destroyed, and soon after the entire territory of the
O'Flahcrtys was devastated by Turlough O'Brien.
But this loyal alliance was not destined to last between the O'Connors
and their powerful kinsmen. We find that " Cathal, the son of Hugh
O'Flaherty, was slain by Mortagh-Midhe-O'Connor." We find the
English invaders then upon the scene, and constantly allied to some
one of the ambitious aspirants to the Connaught crown ; in whose
wretched ambition all other interests were lost sight of, whether of
country or of kindred. We find accordingly that Roderic O'Flaherty,
lord of " West Connaught," was taken prisoner by Cathal Crovedearg,
" who delivered him over to the English, by whom he was put to
death." And in the year 1204, when the authority of Crovedearg was
still more firmly established as sovereign of Connaught, he expelled
Hugh O'Flaherty from Moy Soela only to confer the territory on his
own son.
Richard De Burgo had obtained royal grants of the entire Province
of Connaught. And in 1225 the Earl Marshal of Ireland was ordered
by Henry III. to " seize" the whole country of Connaught, and deliver
it to Richard De Burgo. Hugh O'Connor lent De Burgo his royal aid to
carry this decree into effect in Moy Soela. By their combined forces
Hugli O'Flaherty, lord of Moy Soela, was deprived of the islands of the
Corrib, and obliged to take refuge in his strong castle of Gal way. Here,
after a spirited defence against these unnatural allies, he was obliged
to capitulate in A.D. 1232. " Hugh O'Flaherty and his people crossed
Lough Orbsen, and took possession of these western districts, to which
the name of lar Connaught had been exclusively given."1
No sooner was De Burgo master of the Castle of Galway, than he
" built several additions to it,"2 and made it his chief residence. From
it he was able to hold undisturbed possession of the plains of Moy
Soela, on which several strong castles were soon after erected by his
kindred and descendants. As many as thirty-three castles were erected,
by them in this district from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century.
And as De Burgo seized the territory of the O'Flahertys, so also he
appropriated the lands of Clan-Feargail, and drove its chiefs, with their
kinsmen, into lar Connaught.
This district, designated 'flar," or ''Western" Connaught, was also
known by other names, which perhaps more clearly indicate its position.
It was called Dealbna Feadha and Tir da Locha — the country of the
L\\ro lakes — which were, we assume, Lough Orbsen and Lough Lurgan.
It was also known as Conmhaicne of the Sea (Mara), now familiarly
1 " Jar Connaught," p. 380. » " History of Galway," p. 48.
anglicised Connemara, and was described in 1586 as a territory of about
20 square miles. lar Connaught, interesting though it is in many
respects, is by no means the most picturesque portion of Western
Galway. The mountain and lake scenery, which even in our own day
charm the traveller by their beauty, belong chiefly to the still more
remote districts of Ross and Ballinahinch, which were of old the homes
of the Joyces and O'Malleys. Yet the lar Connaught districts present
many charming pictures of hill and dale, of lake and open sea.1
For the most part the country slopes gently to the sea. Its
highest hills do not reach a greater altitude than 700 feet ; while three-
fourths of the district is not 100 feet over the sea-level. The weird and
wooded lakes, the charming bays, the mountain gorges over which the
hills reach an altitude of 2000 feet, belong to the more remote districts
of Ross and Ballinahinch. And though much of the lands of lar Con-
naught was comparatively unproductive, many of the plains which skirt
the Corrib are very fertile.
We have seen that the expulsion of the clans of Moy Soela and Clan-
Feargail was effected in the opening of the thirteenth century. Hugh
O'Flaherty was on the occasion chief of his name. On migrating beyond
the Corrib with his tribe, and his kindred of Clan-Feargail, he seems to
have, without opposition, asserted his authority over the districts hitherto
held by the MacConrys and O'Heyneys, the chiefs of Gno-more and Gno-
beg ; and Hugh O'Flaherty might therefore be regarded as the first of
his name who could be, strictly speaking, regarded as chief of lar Con-
naught. His new territory, which extended from the shores of the
Corrib to Kilkieran Bay, was then comparatively unknown.2 Indeed, it
may be said to have remained unexplored by the English till towards
the close of the reign of Henry VIII. Yet Richard De Burgo felt him-
self insecure as long as the ex-chiefs of Moy Soela and Clan-Feargail
could maintain their independence even in the " Wild West." Until
the chieftain of lar Connaught was completely subdued, the astute
Norman felt insecure in his newly acquired territory.
In 1235 he accordingly organized an expedition for perilous ser-
vice in lar Connaught. But Hugh O'Flaherty, finding himself aban-
doned by the O'Connors and others to whom he might have looked for
protection, entered into a treaty of peace with his powerful enemy, against
whom he considered himself powerless to struggle alone. Though the
O'Connors had been his faithless allies, they were still his kings; he must
have felt that he still owed them allegiance, notwithstanding their petty
strifes and ambitions. Yet he entered into an alliance with De Burgo in
violation of his fealty to his king. •' This," says Hardiman, " was the
last and the only disgraceful act of his life."
In 1244 King Henry III. was engaged in his Scotch campaigns. He
lar Connaught," p. 8. 2 Ibid., p. 383.
considered the support of the chief of lar Connaught of sufficient impor-
tance to solicit it by letters under his seal.1 But before the Lord rof
lar Connaught could have led his clansmen to his Majesty's aid, terms of
peace were arranged with Scotland. But they supported Henry in his
expedition to Wales, under Felim O'Connor,2 " whence they returned
victorious," says Hardiman.
. On this occasion the O'Flahertys endeavoured to utilise their claims
on his Majesty's good will, for the purpose of regaining their ancestral
possessions in Moy Soela. They represented truly to his Majesty that
they had been "unjustly expelled from their territory " ; but they also
represented with absolute untruth, "that their ancestors and themselves,
though mere Irish, always showed their fealty to him and his predecessors
by assisting the English to reduce the Irish. They had notwithstanding
been unjustly expelled from their territory to which they humbly prayed
to be restored."3 This appeal was made conjointly by Morogh O'Flaherty
and his brother Roderic ; and we doubt if history supplies at this early
period, on the part of any Irish chieftain, greater evidence of base
recreancy to the Irish cause. The astute monarch replied through the
Lord Justice of Ireland to this appeal to the Royal clemency, in a manner
calculated to natter their selfishness. His Majesty informed the Lord
Justice, in Latin more courtly than classical, that if those O'Flahertys
and their ancestors had always supported the English cause, they could
not then be justly deprived of their possessions, even though they were
Irish* The king's reply may perhaps be regarded as an evidence of his
willingness that some protection should be extended to such recreants.
41 But," says Hardiman, in his valuable appendix to " lar Connaught,"
" the O'Flahertys derived no benefit from the Royal Mandate." On the
contrary, their new territory was again invaded by Walter De Burgo,
as if in defiance of it, and was plundered by the English. In 1248,
Walter De Burgo marched against them with an army, but was defeated
with considerable slaughter ; he soon after made another excursion against
Roderic O'Flaherty, plundered his territory of Gno-more and Gno-beg,
now called the barony of Moycullen, and seized on Lough Orbsen with
its islands. The persecuted chief was at length forcibly expelled from
his territory, but his expulsion was only temporary. It was the old
struggle which their ancestors had fought out on the plains of Moy Soela,
and now as of old, fortune favoured the invaders.
But it did not suit the De Burgos to continue the struggle for the
wild districts of the west, and so the O'Flahertys were soon after able
to return to their territory. And from the close of the thirteenth to the
fifteenth century, they continued practically undisturbed as chiefs of
lar Connaught. Their wise abstention from interference in contem-
1 " lar Connaught," p. 389. 2 Ibid., p. 380.
3 Ibid., p. 381. * Ibid., p. 381.
porary struggles outside of their territory, and the friendly relations
which they cultivated with the O'Malleys and Joyces of the more remote
regions of Connemara, also helped to give for a period additional security
to their authority. NOT have we any reason to justify the assumption
that their assertion of authority over Gno-more and Gno-beg met with any
opposition from the friendly chieftains of those districts.
O'Duggan tells us, in his "Topographical Poem," who the chief-
tains of those districts were until their territories were seized by the
O'Flahertys :—
" Mac Conry, mark, you shall find
Over Gno-more of smooth callows ;
O'Heyney over Gno-beg lasting,
A nest not poor nor transient."
We are informed by Hardiman, in his valuable notes to "Jar Con-
naught,"1 that Conry was the first chief of Gno-more. In the course of
centuries, the tribe migrated westward and settled in a district on the;
seacoast, which received from them the name of Bally in aconry. It is
interesting to know on the same authority that the English rendering of
the name as "King" (as if the Irish were Mac an Kigh) is entirely
incorrect. The name seems to have been also anglicised as Mac Enry.
Those districts of Gno-more and Gno-beg over which the O'Elahertys
and O'Hallorans had asserted a kind of joint occupation were also known
as Moycullen, i.e. the plain of Ullin. O'Flaherty and others derive the
name from Ullin, the grandson of Nuad, monarch of Ireland. On this
plain Ullin slew Orbsen, a famous merchant, also known as Manannan
Mac Lir, who had his principal residence on the Isle of Man. From this
event, the place was designated the " Magh " or plain of Ullin, i.e., Moy
Cullin ; or to use O'Flaherty' s words, " therefore from Ullin Moycullen
is named — to wit, Magh Ullin, the field of Ullin." The name is still
preserved as the designation of the barony, which comprises the terri-
torial divisions already referred to, of Gno-more and Gno-beg. It extends
from the Corrib to the sea. It has the baronies of Ross and Ballina-
hinch on its northern and north-western borders. And we are told by
O'Flaherty that " Lough Orbsen,"2 and the river of Galway were the
eastern boundary.
The principal residences of the chiefs of lar Connaught were at Ein-
voyle, Bunowen and Aghenure, "where the salmon comes under the
castle on a river not far from the west side of Lough Orbsen." The site
of Aghenure on the shore of the Corrib, must have derived considerable
attractiveness from the ancient yews which grew around it, and from
which the picturesque site derived its name Aghenure, i.e. " Field of the
Yews." But these ancient trees from which Aghenure had derived its
1 " lar Connaught," p. 281. - Ibid., p. 52.
name had nearly all perished when the author of lar Connaught lived.
One alone had remained, and that, which was showing evidences of decay r
was reputed to be over a thousand years old.
The Castle of Aghenure with 500 acres was, by Eoyal grant created
a manor by James I. on the 25th June, 1618, in favour of Hugh
O'Flaherty, father of Roderic, author of "lar Connaught " and " Ogygia,"
who writes of Moy Cullen as his patrimony1 : — " This is my natal soil
and patrimony, enjoyed by my ancestors time immemorial. There was a
manor exempted by a patent from all taxes ; it likewise enjoyed the
privilege of holding a market and fairs, and was honoured with a Sene-
schal's Court to determine litigations. But having lost my father at the
age of two years, I sheltered myself under the wings of royalty, and paid
the usual sum for my wardship. But before I attained the proper age
for possessing my fortune, I was deprived of the patronage of my
guardian by the detestable execution of my king. Having completed
my nineteenth year, and the prince half a year younger, then I was com-
pelled to take refuge in a foreign clime."
Even at the present day the ruins of the Castle of Aghenure at Moy-
cullen are amongst the most striking in the West of Ireland.
Bunowen JUanor was another of the chief residences of the O'Flahertys.
It occupied a picturesque situation an the shores of the beautiful lake of
Ballinahinch, three miles from Irosbeg, and outside the borders of lar
Connaught proper. It was overshadowed by some of the loftiest peaks
of the " pins" of Bunnabeola. The hill of Duin stood near, which gave
its name to the surrounding parish of Ballindown in which St. Flannan
of Killaloe was venerated as patron. The Castle of Bunowen is described
by Hardiman as an " extensive fortress." Donell na Chogaidh O'Flaherty,
so called from his warlike proclivities, was owner of the castle in the
sixteenth century. In the compositions under Elizabeth in 1585, we
find that the " Castle of Bunowen and six quarters of land next adjoin-
ing the same was conferred on Donell' s sons, Owen and Morogh, as a
free demayne for ever." After the death of Owen, who was slain,
Morogh became sole claimant of the Bunowen estates. He was known
as Morogh an Maor (the Steward.) On the 25th May, 1618, King
James I. made a grunt by letters patent to Morogh, of " the Castle of
Bunowen, with numerous lands in the barony of Ballinahinch, and
thereby created the manor of Bunowen to contain 1300 acres in de-
mesne ; gave a power to create tenures, hold courts, leei and baron ; a
Monday market at Bunowen, and a fair there on St. Laurence's Day and
the day following."
These were very important Royal favours ; and before Morogh passed
away in 1626, he was justly regarded as equal in prominence and influence
to his kinsmen at Moycullen. He was succeeded by his son Morogh na
1 " lar Connaught " — " Ogygia," p. 27.
Mart (of the beeves) in the lordship of Bunowen, who was regarded on
his accession as the most powerful of the western O'Flahertys."1
The Lord Deputy did him the honour of paying him what seemed to
be a visit of ceremony in his remote mountain fortress. But the favours
of Wentworth (" Black Tom") were open to grave suspicion. Though
the chieftain was away on some military raid, the representative of royalty
patiently awaited his return, and his stay was honoured by profuse and
lavish hospitality ; and so pleased did his lordship seem to be with the
hospitable chieftain, that he conferred upon him the honour of knighthood
on his departure. We are told, however, that Wentworth carefully
utilised his stay for the purpose of exploring the intricate passes of the
district, and of ascertaining the exact extent of O'Flaherty's property.
But whatever the Deputy's designs may have been, it is certain that Sir
Morogh experienced in his own person one of those sad vicissitudes but
too frequent at that period. He was robbed of his property in the name
of law, and died A.D. 1666 in abject poverty.
On the 15th May, 1678, his castle of Bunowen, and the " adjoining
lands," were conferred on Edmond Geoghegan, the son of Art Geoghegan,
of Castletown in Meath, a forfeiting proprietor.2
Early in the seventeenth century we find the O'Flahertys extending
themselves still further to the north-west, and acquiring there from their
kinsmen, the O'Hallorans, some additional territory and the strong castle
of Rinvyle. This castle stood on Rinvyle headland, which runs into
the sea opposite the Island of Boffin. Some say that this castle was
erected by the Joyces, though it is difficult to say on what authority.
We know with certainty that, in A.D. 1594, this castle was the property
of Dermott Duff O'Halloran of Bearna, who sold it to Edmond O'Halloran,
a Galway merchant.3 The deed of assignment or transfer, which is a
curious one, is preserved by Hardiman in his appendix to "lar Con-
naught." And we also find that, in October, 1638, this same castle and
lands of Rinvoyle were transferred to Edmond O'Flaherty by Theo.
Eremond, the son of Edmond O'Halloran.
From some other deeds of sale made by the O'Hallorans to their
well-beloved lord, Morogh na Moyer O'Flaherty of Bunowen, it is certain
that the Edmond O'Flaherty referred to was the second son of Sir Morogh,
by whom the castle was held in 1642, whose opposition to the English at
that period was active and continuous.
The castles of O'Hery and Bearna, with extensive lands, were in
the possession of the O'Hallorans at the close of the sixteenth century.4
O'Hery Castle occupied a picturesque situation on an island in Lough
Lonan, now known as the Lake of Ross. It was therefore in dangerous
proximity to the castle of their " well-beloved lord," Morogh na Doe at
1 " lar Connaught," p. 83. 2 Ibid., p. 108.
3 Ibid., p. 255. * Ibid., p. 84.
Aghenure. In 1585 it was in the possession of Lonick O'Halloran. In
that year he was driven out by Morogh " of the Battle-axes," who
appropriated both the castles and lands of his kinsmen. The castle of
Bearna was the chief residence of the O'Hallorans. It was situated
by the seashore about three miles west of Galway. In 1594, we find
that Dermott Duff O'Halloran of Bearna, who had transferred his Rin-
voyle castle and property to Edmond O'Flaherty, was still proprietor of
Bearna. On the 28th November, 1638, we find that " Stephen Lynch
obtained a decree in Chancery against Edmond O'Halloran of Bearna in
£410 1 9s. 8^."1 With reference to this judgment Hardiman adds : "This
decree is supposed to have led to the transfer of the Bearna estates to
the Lynches, by whom it is possessed to this day."
1 "lar Connaught," p. 255.
Itv <1KOH<;I': rnl'KKY, A.I.I!., M.U.I. A., Fi:imu
(Continued from payo 69, /W. /'/., 1890.)
iK main argument oft he pal ferns has been brought to a close, but}
I IK- inquiry would bo incomplete) if we did not consider (he bearing
of the evidence collected in the preceding sections on the question of
eii|) mid cup-and-riug sculpt urrs. Much has lieen written mi the suh-
jcct, :iinl various theories have been proposed to explain Iheir meaning.
They have been supposed to be sacrificial altars, Hie cup cavities being
designed to receive the blood of the victims (Nilsson); archaic maps of
circular curups and cities (Ureonwell, Wilkinson, (jruves); a means of
recording events, the explanation bring handed down by oral t radii ion
(Keller, Dixon) ; dials, astronomical and astrological diagrams, tables for
games, boundary marks (various writers). No substantial evidence has
been produced in favour of any of these theories, and they ha\e been
generally discarded. The prevailing opinion is that these mysterious
markings, found so frequently on rude stone monuments, erratic block,-
and rock surfaces, are symbols expressive of some religious conception.1
A theory pnt forth by Mr. Itivett-Carnac, that these symbols repre-
sent the powers of generation in nature has won many adherents.
-Briefly summarised, his argument is as follows : —
Two and a-half miles south of 'Dwara-llath, and twelve miles
north of the military station of Kanikhet, in Kumaoii, Central India,
is a narrow gorge, at the mouth of which is a temple, locally known
by the name of Chamleshwar, sacred to Mahadeo. About two
hundred yards south of the temple arises a rock at an angle of forty-
live degrees, upmi \\hidi, in a space measuring fourteen feet by twelve
feet, more than two hundred cups are sculptured. They vary fn>m an
inch and a-half to six inches in diameter, and from half an inch to one
inch in depth. They are arranged in groups of approx imatcly parallel
rows. The illustration given in the Taper under notice shows 'J
cups; in two instances the cups are enclosed by a single ring.
1 A Nummary «>l tho loading \u-\\s mi thr Mihjcrt will !>•• I'niiiul in Sir ,1 . Sim
"Archaic Sculpt mrs," AM-.; mid nu>iv ivrrntiv in "Observations on ( 'np-
and otlici 1 .apidari.m Sculptures in the Old World and in Anu-iicu," by Charles K.m,
" U.S. <i. and <i. Sm \t y of the lux ky Mountain Ke:;h«n, ( 'onl rihul ions to IS'ortli
American Kthnology," vol. v. (1881).
From the villagers and from the old priest at the temple, no informa-
tion W08 to be obtained of the or igiii of these markings, beyond, "thai
they were so old that tin- oldest man in the village had no knowledge
pf who had made them, nor had they been made in UK- time of their
lathers' lathers, hut, they were most probably the work of -iants or (he
goolas ( herdsmen) in days gone by."
On visiting the temple of (Ihandesh war, Mr. Kivett-Carnac was striirk
by t,he resemblance of many of its shrines to tin- rock-markings. He says,
the better class Muhadoo is represented by an upright stone, hut the
"poorer type is without the upright, and ifl apparently a conventional
rendering or sketch of these symbols roughly cut on the stone, the inner
circle ivpre-.eiiting the. Mahadeo, the outer circle the Yoni, the line or
lines the gutter by which the libations and offerings are drained (.If from
this, as Well as the more elaborate class of Mahadeos." Four of the
poorer shrines are figured. They consist of flat stones with — (1) Two
concentric, im-ised rings, witli a groove or gutter leading from the outer
rin;; to the edge of the stone ; (2) a cup, surrounded by a single ring,
from which a gutter leads to the edge of the stone; (3) a single rin-,
with :i -utter from it to the edge of the stone. The fourth shrine
M.\po of No. 2) shows cup-marks in addition to the symbol, but as,
Mr. Kivett-Carnae states, "the cups were in all probability on the
•-Ia!i before it, was split oil' from the rock, and made to do service ull f,|M.
top of the shrines, no particular significance can be claimed for this
The resemblanee of these symbols to the (jup-und-ring markings in
Great Britain and Ireland cannot be denied ; and Mr. llivett-Carnac draws
the conclusion 'hat the latter are of the same class.
In support of this argument, it should be stated, Mr. llivett-
Caniac points to the r< •--.- •mblanee of tumuli, surrounded by circles of
stones, on some of which nip-marks are found, in Central India, to monu-
ments of the same class in Europe, and to the further parallel to bo
drawn between the menhirs of Carnac in Brittany and the Siva embh m>
of India. With the addition of this evidence, he concludes, that "the
jcoiiii e..\ ion between, the marks in India and Europe" may " be considered
tolerably complete."1
Sun worship and associated forms of worship of tin powers of gene-
ration arc so widely distributed amongst primitive peoples that it is
probable an underlying correspondence will be found in nianv in lances
between the symbols and customs of widely separated countries. But
we must not assume that such re.>emblam-e implies the identity of either
DM symbol or its meaning.
It will be observed that then- are M \eral \\eak points in Mr. Kivett-
-Carnac's argument. In the first place, neither the priest nor the
1 Jouni.il Asiiitir Society of Uengu vol. 46 (1H77) ; and vol. 48 (1879).
villagers at Chandeshwar associated the cup-marks on the rock-surface-
in the gorge with the emblems in the temple, or with Siva worship.
The answer given was of the usual kind, such as peasants give in
Europe concerning pre-historic remains. Further, out of 219 cup-marksr
two only are ringed, so that the resemblance of tlie cups on the rock-
surface to the Siva symbols at the temple is not very definite.
The cup-marks on the tumuli stones, none of which are ringed, and on
the rock-surface at Chandeshwar, appear to be pre-historic, and as far as
the Indian evidence goes, there is nothing to show that there, is any
original connexion between them and Siva worship.
Cup-marks are widely distributed in Europe. They have been
recorded from France, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Denmark,
Sweden, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Yet, with the exception of
a few instances, cup-and-ring, or concentric circle sculptures, have not
been recorded in Europe, outside Sweden, Great Britain, and Ireland,
The exceptions referred to are — a cupped stone near Bunsoh, Holstein,
showing twenty-seven cups, three of which are surrounded by single
rings * ; a cupped stone, stated to bave existed near Mels, St. Gall,
Switzerland, unfortunately destroyed, one of the cups of which was
enclosed by two rings2; some examples of cup-and-ring and cross-in-
circle markings, in association with cup-marks, on rock- surf aces in the
Eringerthal, Yalais, Switzerland 3 ; an example of concentric rings on a
rock-surface in the Meraviglie, Mentone 4 ; and two or three examples
on a surface in Galicia.5
The last two instances do not appear, from associated forms, to be
strictly of the class under consideration. The Holstein examples are
within the Scandinavian area, so that the instances in Switzerland would
seem to be the only outliers from the north-western group. When we
take into consideration how widely spread cup-marked stones are in
Europe these facts become of first-rate importance.
This narrow distribution of cup-and-ring cuttings is emphasised by the
fact that cup-and-ring marks with radial gutters are absolutely confined
in Europe to Great Britain and Ireland. To establish, therefore, for the
purpose of Mr. Hivett-Carnac's argument, a connexion between cup-
marks, cup-and-ring, and cup-ring with gutter marks, it is necessary to
pass at a step from India to Britain (where they are found associated),
skipping the Continent. This is an insuperable objection to the theory
of a common origin for the Siva emblems of India, and the ring-and-
gutter cuttings of Great Britain and Ireland ; and it is evident that a
1 In a letter from Miss Mestorf, Rau, /. c., note, p. 24.
2 Rau, I.e., p. 22.
similar meaning cannot be assumed for the latter symbols until inde-
pendent evidence has been produced for the British and Irish examples.
Now let us see what light the Irish evidence throws on the subject.
At New Grange there are numerous examples of cup-markings ; for
instance, stone No. 6, right side of passage, on which are a number of
irregularly-spaced cups from two to four inches iu diameter (there are no
other markings on this stone). The curiously ribbed stone at end of
passage on same side has a large cup below the ribs, and four smaller
cups along the edge. Stone No. 5 in ch amber, and stone a outside may
be also mentioned. But whilst cup-marks are numerous at New Grange,
in no instance, except in the case of the cartouche-like figures, and con-
centric curves on stone a (fig. 62), is any attempt made to combine them
with the incised patterns. As previously stated concentric circles are
not represented at New Grange, and necessarily cup-and-circle marks are
absent. But it is important to note that cup and spirals are likewise
absent. That is, there is no example of a spiral, the centre of which is
sunk in the form of a cup-cutting.
At Dowth single spirals and the debased form, concentric circles, are
well represented. As at New Grange many examples of plain cup-marks
occur, but here we find in addition several examples of concentric circles
with cup centres. No examples, however, of a spiral with cup centre
is found.
Lough crew takes us a step further. Here we have the full series,
with numerous intermediate forms. Some of the stones may be de-
scribed as pitted with small cup-marks. Thus Con well mentions a
stone standing outside cairn N, upwards of 6 feet above the surface, in-
scribed with forty-eight cup-hollows, and one in cairn o, with thirty-nine
cups varying from half an inch to three quarters of an inch in diameter,
and about a quarter of an inch in depth. Other stones show large well-
defined cup-marks, as for instance, stone d, Cairn T. Single spirals and
concentric circles, as already stated, are well represented. Also transi-
tional forms, spirals with concentric circle centres, concentric circles with
spiral centres, and concentric circles and tangents. But further, spirals
and concentric circles are frequently combined with cup-marks. Thus
we have the spiral with cup-centre, stone d, Cairn T, spiral with cup-and-
ring centre, stone a, Cairn H. Concentric circles occur with three, four,
and more circles (stones c, Cairn i,j, Cairn u, d, Cairn w), and likewise
descend to two, and if one can say so, single circles (stones/*, Cairn i, m,
Cairn L). Similarly, cup-and-ring marks are found descending from
many rings or circles to three, two, and single rings (Cairn L, view of
chamber, stones ^and#, Cairn T, etc.) : in some instances these figures are
Taking the evidence of Loughcrew with that of New Grange, the
inference appears to be forced upon us that the cup is the oldest symbol,
using the term for convenience of description, and that it was not yet
associated with the spiral or concentric circle at the period of the erection
of the latter monument, or at least was not associated in the tradition
which governed the inscribed markings of New Grange.
The general evidence from the Continent appears to support this view.
Cup-marks are recorded from France (Brittany, Pyrenees, Rhone Yalley,
Lozere), Portugal, Switzerland (French cantons, Zurich, Saint Gall),
Germany (Schleswig, Holstein, Prussia, Saxony, Silesia), Austria
(Bohemia, Moravia, Lower Austria), Denmark, and Sweden. Up to the
present, cup-marks do not appear to have been recorded from southern
Germany, Italy, and the more eastern part of Europe, but we may con-
fidently expect that further researches will extend the area of their dis-
It has been shown that the spiral did not travel westward across the
€oritinent. Concentric circles, the debased spiral, are represented on
bronze remains from the western lands of the Continent, but for the
most part they pertain to a late period, and become increasingly numerous
in the early Iron Period, when inscribing by compass came into general
use. We should expect to find cup-and-spiral and cup-and-circle mark-
ings along the track of the spiral to the north, but spirals and con-
centric circles do not appear to have been transferred to rocks or
megalithic structures along this route, and cup-marks have not as yet
been recorded further south than Lower Austria. In Sweden, where
rock-sculptures are numerous, in addition to many cup-cuttings, we have
some examples of the spiral, and many examples of concentric circle and
•cup-and-ring markings. In some instances the latter appear to represent
shields held by armed men (Holmberg, Pis. 10 and 13).
But other instances, for example, the stone figured by Simpson,
PI. xxxi., from Halland, inscribed with six concentric circles, and
examples of cups surrounded by single rings (Holmberg, Pis. 2 and
22-23), would appear to be true cases of concentric circle and cup-and-
ring markings.
In Britain and Ireland, where the spiral and concentric circle were
transferred to megalithic structures and rock-surfaces, the combination
of cup-marks with the spiral and concentric circle, imperfectly represented
by cup-and-ring marks in Sweden, is illustrated by numerous examples.
The occurrence, as at Loughcrew, of the spiral and concentric circles in
company with free cup-marks, and also (especially the spiral examples)
combiped with cup-marks, seems to disclose the stages of a local combi-
nation of the spiral and derived concentric circles with the cup-mark.
I suspect that this combination was largely induced by the prevalence of
circle-and-dot forms in the later Scandinavian Bronze Age.
In this connexion, the tendency in concentric circle ornament to
1 Ran, L 6-., p. 98. Allen, Proc. Soc. Ant., Scot., vol. xvi., pages 122-143.
" Cartuilhac, Ages Prehistoriques de 1'Espagne et du Portugal."
emphasise the centre may be noted. In metal work there is a further
tendency to simplification, and the centres are frequently developed as
bosses, when in relief, or deep sinkings, when incised. This may be
observed in Mycenae gold work, and in the later Bronze Age of Scandi-
navia examples are numerous. From this point of view, it is possible to
regard the combination of the cup-and-circle as falling within a general
tendency, the representatives of which are to be looked for on the Con-
tinent in metal work. We have not as yet taken into consideration
the important class of cup-and-circle markings which are characterised
by radial grooves or gutters leading from the central cup through the
•enclosing circles. I have left this class of markings aside for the
purpose of massing together the evidence regarding the combination of
the spiral and concentric circle with the cup-mark. But before entering
on the question of cup -and- gutter markings, it is desirable to examine
the distribution of spiral and cup-and-circle cuttings in Ireland, and the
relation of the rock-markings there to the tumuli series.
So far the spirals observed in Ireland are confined to sepulchral
monuments, with the exception of "a rude carving of a short portion
of a spiral," noted on a stone in a fence in the county Kerry, by
Dr. Graves, Bishop of Limerick.1 In addition to the examples on the
Boyne and Loughcrew tumuli, the following are recorded. Some two
miles east of the Loughcrew hills, on an eminence called " King's
Mountain," is a large flagstone set on end as a rubbing stone for cattle ;
it measures 7£ feet by 3 feet by 6 inches. One side is incised with
spirals, the other shows no trace of carving. Conwell states that up to
a few years before he visited it, a tumulus stood on its present site,
" which the proprietor of the field caused to be carried away for top-
dressing ; and in the centre of the mound this stone was found, covering
in a chamber of smaller flagstones, and filled with bones, all of which
have disappeared, the covering stone alone excepted."3 An illustration
of this stone is given here from a photograph, kindly taken for me by
Mr. E. C. Eotheram (fig. 87). The spirals, it will be observed, are of
better work than those of the Loughcrew series, and may be classed
with those at New Grange.
Wright, in u Louthiana," describes a sepulchral chamber on Killing
Hill, near Dundalk. He states that on the principal stones of the
"altar and cell of this temple," as he calls it, he "observed a rude
sort of carving in the form of a spiral or volute." A spiral is figured
which is evidently a true example of an archaic punched spiral
(Book iii., p. 13, PI. vi.). Killing Hill I have identified with a hill at
Killin or Killeen, about three miles north of Dundalk. A pond shown
in Wright's drawing has been drained, and has now little water in it,
1 Parish of Kilchrohane, Trans., R.I. A., xxiv., p. 46.
3 "OllamhFodhla," p. 14.
but the old water line can still be traced. Mr. Bell, the proprietor,
informed me when I lately visited this site, that his predecessor had
quarried the top of the hill for limestone, and that the rude stone
structures on the top had then been completely cleared away. He
showed me one of the slabs in his garden ; this has no markings on its
exposed face. Another slab is at the forge close by. This he remem-
bers was for some time used as a gate post, and one of its faces was
Fig. 87.— "
utfiin," Meath.
covered with markings. It has since been used for bending hoops, and
the incised markings have been almost completely rubbed away. One
of the cuttings appeared to have been spiral, and another spiral or
concentric circles; some short lines of a branch-like form are also visible.
The markings are, however, too indistinct to be worth transcribing.
At TCnockmany, county Tyrone, a sepulchral chamber is inscribed
with cup-and-ring, and other markings more or less of the Loughcrew
class; they include a few spiral forms.1
1 Last year the owner, Mr. F. P. Gervais, kindly had one of the fallen stones of
this monument raised for me. The under surface was found to be richly carved with
arc-hair; markings. I hope shortly to publish a full description of this monument. The-
At Castle Archdall, county Fermanagh, the stones of a sepulchral
chamber, described and illustrated by "Wakeman, are inscribed with
markings very similar, in general character, to the Loughcrew mark-
ings.1 Two single spirals occur on one of the stones. On another
stone, circles joined tangentially, are, no doubt, debased spirals. A
third carving consists of two lozenges arranged like the figure 8. At
Clover Hill, county Sligo, spirals are incised on the slabs of a sepulchral
chamber, described and illustrated by Mr. Wakeman.2
In Glencolumbkille, county Donegal, a rude stone structure, appa-
rently sepulchral, also described by Mr. Wakeman, shows traces of
inscribed markings, among which spiral forms and a lozenge cun be
distinguished .3
The examples of spiral sculptures are, as stated, with the exception
of the Kerry instance, confined to sepulchral monuments. The Kerry
spiral is too indefinite to weigh in the argument. It is described as " a
rude carving of a short portion of a spiral." It is in a district which
has yielded an extensive series of cup-and-ring markings, but no other
example of the spiral. Moreover, no examples of plain concentric
circles have been found in the locality.
Putting aside, therefore, the Kerry stone, we may state that spiral
sculptures do not extend to rock-surfaces or boulder-stones in Ireland.
In agreement with this distinction is the fact that plain concentric
circles, common in the tumuli series, are extremely rare on rock-surfaces
and detached stones. On a rock-surface at Ballybawn, county Cork, are
five single circles, and an example of two concentric incomplete circles.4
One example of concentric circles and a few single rings are shown in
Mr. Kinahan's figure of the rock surface at Mevagh, county Donegal 5
(fig. 88). There may be a few other instances, but they are quite excep-
tional. In the extensive series of cup-and-ring markings, published by
Dr. Graves, from Kerry, there is not a single example of plain concentric
circles. Again, among numerous examples of cup-and-ring cuttings on
" St. Patrick's Chair," county Mayo, there is not a case of plain con-
centric circles.6 The same is the case at Rhyfad, county Fermanagh.7
The spiral which, as we have seen, is found as far north as Donegal,
has not been found south of the Boyne line.
Ireland has not been as thoroughly explored as Scotland and Eng-
land ; many tumuli remain to be excavated, and possibly spiral markings
general relation of the carvings appears to ine to belong to the later Scandinavian
Bronze Age.
1 Journal, R.H.A.A.L, 4th Ser., vol. v., pp. 546-551. 2 Ibid., p. 552.
3 Journal, R. S.A.I., oth Ser., vol. i., p. 265.
4 Journal, R.H.A.A.L, 3rd Ser., vol. i., p. 91.
5 Ibid., 4th Ser., vol. viii., p. 429. Several single rings occur on the under side of
the cap-stone, and on the inside of a supporting stone of a cromleach at Rathkenny,.
county Meath. — Proc. R.I.A., vol. ix., plates x. and xi.
6 Kinahan, Proc. R.I. A., SS., vol. ii., p. 17.
7 Wakeman, Journal, R.H.A.A.L, 4th Ser., vol. iii., p. 453.
D 2
will eventually be found to extend to the southern counties. Neverthe-
less, it is remarkable that the examples hitherto recorded fall within the
northern half of the island. This remark may be extended to inscribed
tumuli generally. Although cup-and -circle markings are found on
detached stones and rock-surfaces in the south of Ireland, no example of
an inscribed tumulus chamber has up to the present been recorded south
of the Boyne.
Fig. 88. — Mevagh, Donegal.
It may be well to state here that the argument I seek to establish
does not depend on the possibility of being able to show absolute lines
of demarcation between the different classes of markings. It is possible
that the spiral may yet be found to extend to rock-surfaces in Ireland,
and that, as stated, the area of distribution may be enlarged. The
practice of cutting markings on sepulchral and other stones lasted no
doubt over a considerable period, during which continuity of tradition
was preserved to a greater or less extent. We have also to take into
account movement of population and change of settlement. We should,
therefore, expect to find earlier forms occasionally reappearing among
later forms, and stations detached exceptionally from the areas of distri-
bution. The argument is hased, not on an absolute association of
particular forms with a particular class of monuments, but on pre-
ponderance of association. The evidence is not exhaustive, but it is
sufficient to establish the preponderance relied on.
Cup-marks and cup-and-circle markings have been recorded from many
parts of Ireland, and range the entire length of the island from north
to south, Donegal to Kerry. Unlike the spiral, they are not confined
to sepulchral monuments, but are found also on detached stones and
rock surfaces. Plain concentric circles — that is, without central cups —
occur with cup-and-circle markings, but, except in the tumuli series,
they are extremely rare. Tn the great majority of examples on detached
stones and rock-surfaces the central cup is present.
Concentric half circles are not known outside the Loughcrew series,
and one example at Knockmany. The cross in circle, several examples
of which are found at Dowth and one at Loughcrew, is found also on a
rock-surface at Mevagh, Co. Donegal. The latter examples are well
and firmly cut, and suggest at first sight a direct lodgment from Sweden,
where the cross in circle is frequently found on rock-surfaces. But the
presence also of cup-and-circles with radial grooves, a form unknown in
Scandinavia, renders it doubtful that this is so.
We come now to the cup-and-circle with radial groove. This
remarkable form of marking is found at Mevagh, Co. Donegal ; at Muif,
Co. Donegal l ; a fine example was recently discovered by Mr. E. C.
Rotheram, built into a fence in the neighbourhood of Loughcrew, Co.
Meath (now in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin). I am indebted
to the late Dr. Y. Ball, Director of the Museum, for permission to have
this stone photographed by magnesium light (fig. 89). The manner in
which the symbol is displayed in centre of the stone, and garnished
round with other markings, is very remarkable. This is seen better in
the drawing (fig. 90), inserted as a key to the photograph, which I have
prepared from rubbings, with constant reference to the stone itself. An
important example was found at Youghal, Co. Cork.2 Numerous
examples have been published from the Co. Kerry by Dr. Graves.3
We thus see that this remarkable form of marking has been found
from the north to the south of Ireland. Other examples will, no doubt,
be discovered ; but those already recorded are sufficient to show how
widely it is distributed.
The first fact to note about this form of marking is its absence from
the tumuli series. There is one doubtful case, Knockmany. The large set
1 Journal, R.H.4.A.L, 4th Ser., vol. iv., p. 293.
2 Ibid., vol. vii., p. 604.
3 Trans. R.I. A., vol. xxiv. The substance of this Paper, and the illustrations,
are reprinted in the Journal, JR. If. A. A. L, 4th Ser., vol. iv.
of concentric rings on the upper part of the stone figured by Mr. Wakeman
has a short radial groove. It is not shown in Mr. Wakeman's drawing1 ;
he does not seem to have regarded it as part of the figure, though it
shows strongly in photographs of the stone. It does not, however, enter
the central cup, and does not cut the outermost ring, and as there is
some indication of a flaw at this part of the stone, I regard the case as
doubtful. On the stone recently raised at this grave (see note, p. 34)
there is a cutting of rings, showing a radial line left in relief. Here
Fig. 89. — Near Loughcrew, Meath.
again, I am not sure that this marking is strictly of the class under
consideration. My general impression is that the markings at Knock-
many, as also at Clover Hill, Sligo, are late in the series ; but I hope
to discuss these examples in detail at a future date when publishing the
stone lately discovered at Knockmany.
The cup with radial groove has been found on cist stones and sepul-
chral chambers in Scotland and England,2 and it is not improbable that
1 Journal, R.H. A.A.I., 4th Ser., vol. iv., p. 99.
2 Simpson, p. 27, and pi. xiv.
it will yet be found in Ireland in association with sepulchral remains.
We do not know whether the stone from the Loughcrew district and
that from Youghal were sepulchral or not.
This does not impair, however, hut increases the significance of the
fact that this particular [form is absent, or, at most, represented by a
single monument, in the tumuli series. In the chambered tumuli of
Dowth, New Grange, Loughcrew, Clover Hill, Castle Archdall, and
Glencolumbkille, we have^a^sufficient body of evidence to feel on sure
These monuments, extending from Meath to Donegal, embrace
counties in which the cup-and-circle with radial duct is found. The
form is found associated with sepulchral remains in Scotland and
England, so that there is apparently no reason pertaining to this parti-
cular symbol for its exclusion from tumuli in Ireland. It appears to
me to be inconceivable that
if this very definite form
had been in use in the period
during which the majority
of the tumuli were erected,
it would be practically ab-
sent from the markings on
them .
Moreover, the fact of the
absence of this particular
form does not stand alone.
The evidence of the tuinuli
series presents us with the
following argument : —
At New Grange the cup- Pi0. 90.
mark had not yet been com-
bined with the spiral and degenerate spiral, concentric circles. At Lough-
crew this combination has taken place, the cup-mark is adopted as a centre
for spirals and concentric circles, and the cup-and-ring mark, with one or
more concentric circles enclosing the central cup, is firmly established.
Outside the great groups of the Boyne and Loughcrew we still find the
spiral associated with the chambered tumuli in company with the cup-
and-circle. But the spiral does not extend to rock-surfaces and detached
stones, and, further, it is to be noted that plain concentric circles, the
representative of the spiral, common in the tumuli series, are extremely
rare on rocks and detached stones. On the latter, the cup-and-circle,
with or without radial grooves, is the predominant form.
We thus seem led to the conclusion that the cup-mark, which pro-
bably takes us back to the Stone age, was brought into combination with
the spiral and concentric circle by the tumuli builders (in whose period
the spiral was introduced into Ireland) ; that the tendency of the spiral
to be replaced by concentric circles led to the disappearance of the spiral,,
and the general prevalence of cup-and-circle markings ; that from the
tumuli the custom of incising cup-and-circle markings spread to rock-
surfaces and detached stones, - many of which were probably already
cup-marked ; and, lastly, that it was not until the practice of cutting
cup-and-circle markings on rock-surfaces and detached stones was estab-
lished that the cup-and-circle with radial groove appeared.
The evidence from Scotland and England supports these conclusions.
Take first the distribution of the spiral. If we tabulate the localities-
*from which spiral sculptures are recorded in Scotland and England, we
find that they are confined to the following shires : —
Elginshire — Strypes (Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, iii.,
p. 41).
Argyleshire — Aughnabreach (Simpson, pi. xxiii.).
Ayrshire — Coilsfield (Simpson, pi. xiii.); Blackshaw (Proc. S.A.S.r
xxi., 143).
Wigtonshire — Camerot Muir, Kirkdale (Simpson, p. 33, note).
Dumfriesshire — Hollows Tower, Eskdale (Proc. Berwickshire
Naturalists' Club, x., 346).
Peeblesshire — La Mancha (Simpson, pi. xvi.).
Cumberland — Mauganby (Simpson, pi. v.) ; Old Park, Kirkoswald
(Trans. Cumberland and Westmoreland Ant. and Arch. Society,
1895, p. 389).
Lancashire — Calderstones, near Liverpool (Simpson, pi. vi.).1
Northumberland — Morwick (Proc. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club,
x., 343) ; Lilburn Hill Farm (Archseologia JEliana, N.S., x.,
In addition to the preceding, two localities occur in Orkney, Edday
and Frith (Simpson, pi. xix.), and one in Llanbedr, on the coast of
Merionethshire, North Wales (Simpson, pi. xxvi.).
The majority of the examples given above are associated with con-
centric circles, cup-and-circle, and plain cup- markings. They occur
chiefly on megalithic structures, but in a few instances on cist covers and
The most interesting monument to us in the preceding list is the
Calderstones. On these stones, in addition to cup-marks, there are
two examples of the single spiral, and ten sets of concentric circles without
central cups, and one cup surrounded with a single ring.2 The markings
are thus seen to be closely in line with the Loughcrew series.
The manner in which the spiral in association with sepulchral monu-
1 These stones are illustrated in greater detail by J. Romilly Allen, Journal British
Archaeological Association, vol. 39, p. 304.
2 Allen, ibid., p. 305.
merits is extended on the west coast, from Argyleshire to Lancashire, sug-
gests Irish influence. The spirals at Morwick show a couple of examples
of single spirals joined S-wise (fig. 91). The example lately discovered
in Elginshire, by Mr. Hugh "W. Young, consists of two
beautifully formed single spirals, also joined S-wise
(fig. 92). Moreover, it is in the north-east of Scotland —
Elgin, Aberdeen, and Eorfar — that the most important
examples of the stone balls incised with spirals have
been found.1 The S-joined spirals in Northumberland
and Elginshire seem to represent a more direct tradi-
tion than the general run of examples in Scotland and
England ; and it is, I think, probable that the spiral
has entered Elgin and Northumberland directly from
Scandinavia. The occasional occurrence of the spiral
amongst the rock-sculptures of Sweden has been in-
stanced in section viii. The example there referred
to (Holmberg, pi. viii.) may be supplemented by three
examples on a rock-surface in Scania.2 One of these
consists of two single spirals joined S-wise, similar to those at Morwick
and Strypes. A further point of relation may be noted. Among the
sculptures at Mevagh is a form resembling the volutes of the capital of
an Ionic column (fig. 88). This form is also found on the Hollows
Tower stone, Northumberland, and similar forms are figured for Sweden
by Holmberg, plates 18-19, and 22-
23 (fig. 93).
The probabilities of the case are,
perhaps, reconciled by the sugges-
tion that Scotland and the north of
England has been the meeting ground
of a direct wave of influence from
Scandinavia and a return wave from
Fig. 91. — Morwick.
Fig. 92.
Fig. 93.-
The inference that the spirals
on the west coast of Great Britain,
extending from Argyleshire to Lan-
Tower, and Sweden, cashire, for the most part associated
with megalithic structures, represent an extension of the Irish group
gains force when considered in connexion with the distribution of the
1 In a cist, with cremated remains, at Ardkeiling, Elginshire, two stone balls were
found, " with eight projecting knobs on each, and well-formed grooves between them.
Each of the six faces of the halls presented four knobs when looked at separately"
(Hugh W. Young, Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, vol. iii., p. 45). These
balls, which appear to be within the Bronze Period, may^he set against the Late Celtic
bronze ball, by which the Scotch stone balls have been hitherto dated.
2 " Cong. Prehist.," Stockholm, vol. i., p. 479. See also Hildebrand, single and
double spirals at Ekensberg, " Antiqvarisk Tidskrift for Sverige," vol. ii., p. 428, and
pi. 3.
spiral in Ireland. The spirals within the area from the Boyne line to
Argyleshire may be regarded as a single group, the centre of which is to be
placed in Ireland. The influence of Scandinavian Bronze Age ornament
appears to have made a deeper impression on Ireland than on Scotland
or England. This is to be inferred not only from the fact that more
Fig 94. — Map showing the Distribution of the Spiral in Great Britain and Ireland.
important examples of the spiral are found in Ireland than in Scotland or
England, but also from the evidence at Loughcrew of continuity of
influence extending into the later Bronze Age of Scandinavia. The
centre of activity of the group appears, therefore, to lie in Ireland.
The examples in Orkney, on the sea-way between Scandinavia and
Ireland, present no difficulty. The isolated example in Merionethshire,
•on the coast of North Wales, is no doubt an outlier from the Irish
Other members of the Irish series are extremely rare in Scotland and
England. Concentric half-circles are represented by a single example
•at Black shaw, Argyleshire. A horse-shoe form ut Morwick, Northumber-
land, consisting of two concentric cuttings, with a border of pittings, or
cup-marks, round the outer circumference of the figure, maybe, however,
of this class. Lozenge markings are represented by three examples : —
( 1 ) Five concentric lozenges on a loose slab found in a cist at Carnban,
Argyleshire (Simpson, pi. xiii.). (2) Three concentric lozenges, with
•central cup and groove, at Westbank, Northumberland (Simpson, pi. ii.).
This latter example is important as showing the combination of the
lozenge with the cup-mark, analogous to the combination of the spiral
and concentric circle Avith the cup. (3) A cross-hatched lozenge on one
of the stones of a cist discovered at Aspatria, Cumberland (Archceologia,
x. 112). The cross in circle also occurs on this stone, and appears to be
the only example of that form recorded from Great Britain.1
"We may now consider the classification and associations of forms.
It is true that the spiral occurs on rock-surfaces at Aughnabreach,
Argyleshire, Blackshaw, Ayrshire, and Morwick, Northumberland. At
the two former stations it is exceptional ; at Morwick it is the prevailing-
feature. But though these exceptions are to some extent disturbing,
the association of the spiral with sepulchral monuments in Scotland and
England is very marked, and, when we bring into view concentric
circles, this association becomes significant.
The definite cases of the sepulchral association of the spiral are —
•Coilsfield, Ayrshire, on a cist cover ; Maughanby, Cumberland, on one of
the stones of a circle enclosing a barrow and cist — an urn was found in
the latter — this example consists of a spiral joined tangentially to a
group of concentric circles; Old Parks, Kirkoswald, Cumberland, several
rude spirals on stones in a tumulus, associated with urns ; Lilburn,
Northumberland, rude spirals on stone in grave with cremated inter-
To these may be added, as probably sepulchral, La Mancha, Peebles-
shire, a spiral and concentric circle on a broken slab, found near other
stones, and considered by Simpson as possibly sepulchral ; Calderstones,
Lancashire, spirals and concentric circles on stone circle.
The spiral recorded from Camerot Muir, Wigtonshire, is stated to
1 Fergusson, in "llude Stone Monuments," relies on the statement that a skeleton,
with iron sword, &c., was found in this cist, as proving that the tomb is as late as the
Vikin- Age. On referring to the original account of the discovery of the cist, it
appears that the description is secoad-hand, by a Mr. Rooke, from information given
by Mr. lligg, the proprietor of the land, who was not present himself when the grave
was opened. Hearsay evidence of this kind is worthless. Objects found near each
other are frequently slated to have been found together. It was possibly a case of
•a secondary interment.
have been on a standing stone, no longer in existence. The examples at
Hollows Tower, Dumfriesshire, are on a stone now used as a door-sill.
It thus appears that, with the exception of the three rock-surfaces
previously mentioned, examples of archaic spirals in Scotland and England
are associated with sepulchral monuments, or with megalithic structures,
as distinguished from rocks and boulder-stones. When we include con-
centric circles, and can thus extend the number of examples, this associa-
tion becomes, as I have said, significant.
Cup-and-circle markings, with and without radial grooves, are
numerous on rock-surfaces and erratic boulders in Scotland and England;
but plain concentric circles are extremely rare. I have failed to find a
single example without the central cup in the large volume of plates of
"Incised Markings on Stone," published under the direction of the late
Duke of Northumberland. Again, in Simpson's plates, the only example
of plain concentric circles on a rock-surface or a boulder-stone is one of
two concentric rings on a rock at Berwick. The remainder of the
surface is covered with cup-and-circle markings, the majority of which
have radial grooves. A series of cup-and-ring markings, recently pub-
lished from Kirkcudbrightshire, numbering thirty-four figures, and
embracing probably over two hundred examples, includes but four cases
of plain concentric rings.1
I may have overlooked some instances, but it will be seen from the
preceding statements how extremely rare plain concentric circles are on
this class of monuments. When we turn to the incised cist stones we
find that the contrary is the case.
On a cist cover at Cragie Hill, Linlithgowshire, there are carved nine
groups of concentric circles. Of this number two show cups — one is
doubtful — and in the centres of the remaining six there are no cup-
At Caerlowrie, Edinburgh shire, a cist cover was found incised with
"three series at least of concentric circles," each set composed of five
concentric circles. It is not stated whether these had central cups
or not.3
At Carnwath, Lanarkshire, a cist cover is incised with three groups
of plain concentric circles, and some triangular cuttings.4
At Cunninghar, Tillicoultry, near Stirling, a cist cover was found,
incised with several groups of plain concentric circles. In the cist was a
richly decorated urn, of the " food- vessel" type. The interment is ascribed
to the Bronze Age. This example is, therefore, important as an indepen-
dent check on the period in which concentric circle markings are to be
At High Hucklow, Derbyshire, a fragment of a slab, probably an
1 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xxix. 2 Simpson, p. 7, pi. xv.
3 Simpson, p. 28. 4 proc< goc ^nt. gcoti> Vol. x., p. 62.
5 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xxix., p. 190.
urn cover, has cut on it a group of seven concentric circles without central
cup.1 Two slabs found in a tumulus at Came Down, Dorsetshire,
associated with an urn and calcined bones, had a group of concentric
circles cut on each of them, also without central cups.2
Cist stones and urn covers are very rarely sculptured in any way.
They have been occasionally found with cup and cup-and-circle markings,
in some in stances with radial grooves (Simpson, pp. 27-31). But, though
rare as a class, the preceding examples show that in proportion to the
number of examples, plain concentric circles are common on cist stones,
where;) s. as already stated, they are extremely rare on rock-surfaces and
Taking this fact in connexion with the association in so many cases
of the spiral with sepulchral and megalithic structures, and the associa-
tion of the spiral with concentric circles on the Maughunby stone and the
(Jalder stones, we can say that the spiral and concentric circles are to be
expected on tumuli and cist stones, but are to be regarded as exceptional
on rock-surfaces and boulder-stones.
There appears to be no reason to believe that the prevailing associa-
tion of the spiral and concentric circles with megalithic structures, as
distinguished from rocks and boulder-stones, is due to the appropriation
of those forms of markings to a particular class of monuments. The co-
existence of spirals, concentric circles, cups, and cup-and-circles, on the
Calder stones ; the presence of cup-and-circle markings in company with
plain concentric circles on cist stones ; and the occasional occurrence of
the cup-aud-circle with radial groove, in association with interments; as
also the presence of the spiral on rock-surfaces, shows that no strict
division of types can be made according to class of monument.
The evidence, though less clear than in Ireland, seems to tend to
similar conclusions : namely, that the spiral and concentric circle were
introduced into Scotland and England in the Bronze Age, and are to be
associated, in the first instance, with the sepulchral monuments of that
period ; that the concentric circles on the cist stones represent the tradi-
tion of the spiral ornament or symbol ; and that, some time after the
introduction of the spiral and concentric circle, when the custom of com-
bining the circle with the cup-mark, or of emphasising the centres of
circles by the cup-mark, had become general, the practice of incising
these markings was extended to rock-surfaces and boulder-stones; lastly,
that the cup-and-circle, with gutter or radial grooves — a type common
on rocks and boulder-stones, but rare on sepulchral stones — is probably
the latest of the series.
Concerning the origin of the type of the cup-and-circle with gutter
leading from the cup, I have not succeeded in finding a satisfactory clue.
1 Simpson, p. 62. 2 Warne's " Celtic Tumuli of Dorset," p. 36. Simpson, pi. xii.
Isolated cups are frequently joined by channels or gutters, and in many
instances several cups are connected together by a system of gutters,
without any apparent definite plan or purpose. This is also the case-
with cup-and-circle markings.
The grooves or gutters from
the cups of the hitter fre-
quently connect with other
cup - and - circles, sometimes
with complex ramifications.
The cup with concentric
circles and single radial groove
leading out from the cup is,
however, definite in form, and
is, apparently, the key to the
question. In some instances
Fig. 95. — (After Holmberg.)
two or more radial grooves-
occur ; as, for example, at
Mevagh, county Donegal ; l and, in some other instances, the enclosing
circles are stopped or gapped along a radius ; so that the groove to the-
cup is replaced by what may be described as a path.
Some remarkable cup-and-ring sculptures at Ilkley, Yorkshire, have
recently been published by Mr. Romilly Allen.2 They show two grooves
proceeding, in most cases, from one of the inner rings surrounding the
cup — rarely from the cup itself. These grooves are prolonged beyond
the outer ring, and the space between them is barred across like a ladder-
This type has not been observed in Ireland.
Mr. Allen seeks to connect this and the usual gutter type with
certain conventional or symbolical representations of men in the rock-
sculptures of Sweden. Fig. 95, after Holmberg, indicates the line of
Mr. Allen's inquiry. The figures can be related to figures of men with
rayed heads, in ships, on the small bronze knives found in women's
graves in Denmark ; and Mr.
Allen draws the deduction that
"the cup-and-ring is the symbol
of some deity, perhaps the Sun-
god, who is indicated by substi-
tuting a cup-and-ring for his
This is, I think, the most sug-
Fig. 96. — Fiinen.
gestive line of inquiry that has as yet been opened concerning the so-
mysterious markings. Mr. Allen further illustrates a figure from
Ilkley, which seems " to have been suggested by a cord following a
winding path round a series of fixed pins." It takes the form of a sort
1 Kinahan, L c., fig. 3.
2 The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, vol. ii., p. 65.
3 Ibid., p. 82.
of curved swastica. This and allied forms are found on Mycenaean and
Danish metal work, and an almost identical figure occurs on a rock
at Tossene, Sweden (Holmherg). It is remarkahle how the evidence-
seems closing in for Bronze Age relations between Scandinavia and
Great Britain and Ireland.
There is a series of Scandinavian patterns which it is desirable to
notice in this connexion. These patterns are found chiefly on bronze
vases from the old Danish lands of the later Bronze Age. Pig. 96
appears to be derived from the spiral, but the connecting lines have
ceased to be tangential ; figs. 97-101 show the influence of other
motives.1 In all these examples we see the tendency to terminate the
free lines of the pattern by concentric circles. This suggests the pos-
sibility that many of the -lines connecting groups of concentric circles,
and the branching systems of these sculptures on rock-surfaces, as also on
some of the Loughcrew stones, represent the rude execution of the same
Tli is idea is helped out by a form of ornament frequently found on
celts, with more or less quadrangular sockets, found in Great Britain and
Ireland (figs. 102-105). These celts belong to the end of the Bronze
Age. Thus we see the analogies of form for the cup -and- circle with
radial groove, fall in with the evidence of the monuments, pointing to
the late appearance of this form of sculptures.
The subject of symbolism has been avoided in the preceding sections.
Patterns and forms have been considered solely with regard to the con-
ventionalisation of ornament, and diffusion by copies and copies of copies.
It is desirable, in bringing this essay to a close, that the question of
symbolic meaning should be briefly discussed, more by way of caution
than of exposition.
The lotus, Professor Flinders Petrie states, " was not a sacred plant'*
in Egypt.2
This statement seems to be at variance with the views of Maspero and
other writers, who regard the lotus as symbolical of life, resurrection,
and immortality. Apart from the disputed question of the definite
symbolism of the lotus, the discussion of which would take us too far, it
may be claimed that the frequent representation of lotus offerings, lotus
sceptres, lotus amulets, the association of the flower with the solar disc,
the representations of the sun rising from a lotus, and other analogous
uses of the flower, imply a sacred adoption of the flower which cannot
be explained on decorative principles, though it may not be always easy
to distinguish between its religious and its decorative use.
1 For references, see Montelius, " Manadsblad," 1881, p. 69.
2 "Egyptian Decorative Art," p. 106.
Fig. 97.— Scania.
Fig. 98.— Scania. Fig. 99.— Smaland.
Fig. 100.— Jutland.
Fig. 101.— Fiinen.
Fig. 102.— R.I.A. Fig. 103.— R.I. A. Fig. 104.— Yorkshire. Fig. 105.— R.I. A.
(Half-size.) (Half-size.) (After Evans.) (Petrie Coll.) (Half size.)
The intimate association of the lotus and the spiral, which forms so
prominent a feature in the decoration of the XVIII. -XIX. Dynasties,
was not preserved in the spread of spiral patterns to the north of Europe.
I have "been able to discover only one example in Scandinavia in which
the survival of the lotus motive can be traced (fig. 44). The spiral has
become the ruling feature of the patterns. To this the spread of the
earlier JGgean spiral system of the scarabs may have contributed.
No definite symbolic meaning can be alleged for the Bronze Age
spiral, but it is not improbable that some talisman ic power was attributed
to it. The combination of three spirals is confidently recognised by some
archaeologists as the solar symbol known as the triskele. But as there is
no evidence that the tetraskele or svasticar the solar significance of which
has been established,1 and of which the triskele is a variant, had reached
the north in the spiral period, I do not see that the spiral triskele rests
on any surer ground than a resemblance of form. The filling of a
triangular space by six spirals may be instanced in fig. 44, and the reduc-
tion of the spirals to three seems fully accounted for by decorative fitness
without calling in the aid of symbolism.
There is no reason to doubt that the cross
in circle is a sun smbol. As Count Goblet f , J
^^^ __
, J (•) \^J,
*£\ l\\ '• • \
£ \ I \ ,*
d'Alviella tells us — " Amongst the Assyrians
themselves the equilateral cross, as denoting
the main directions in which the sun shines,
became also the symbol of the luminary, and Fig- 106.
consequently here, again, of the god who
governs it. It was the same with the Chaldeans, the Hindus, the
Greeks, the Persians, and, perhaps, with the Gauls, and the ancient
civilizers of Northern America."2
It must not be supposed from this that all crosses are solar symbols.
But the union of the cross with the solar disc, in the cross in circle,' and
the fact that the centre of these specialised forms of symbolism lies to
the south-east of the Mediterranean, and from thence spread northward
and westward through Europe, along lines followed, it would seem, more
tardily by the swastica, is sufficiently conclusive as to the meaning of the
cross and circle in Northern ICurope. With the latter are to be associated
various wheel, star, and rayed forms. But to decide as to the distinctions
of meaning which may have been attached to these different forms, we
have not, I think, at present evidence.3
The rayed cup-and-circle as found at Loughcrew (fig. 79) is no doubt
a solar symbol. The solar disc with rays proceeding downwards is a
well-known Egyptian sign for the sun and light4 (fig. 106). With these
1 Goblet d'Alviella, " Migration of Symbols." 2 Ibid,
3 The cross in circle occurs on pre-Mycenaean pottery. It goes back to the Stone
Age in Scandinavia (Peterson, "Mem. Soc. R. des Antiq. du Nord.," 1877, p. 330),
but it is not found in general use until the later. Bronze Age.
4 Champollion, " Dictionnaire Egyptienne."
.TOUR. U.S. A. I., VOL. VII., VT. I., 5TH SER. E
examples may be compared (fig. 107) from Loughcrew,1 and simplified
forms (fig. 108), also from Loughcrew.2
These instances seem to suggest that the cup-and-circle is a solar
symbol. But the inference cannot be narrowed so clo§ely. It is true
that Worsaae accepts concentric circles as a sun
sign, but in Europe concentric circles represent
for the most part the spiral. Until, therefore,
some agreement has been arrived at concerning
w the question of the symbolism of the spiral, it
/ jf £* 1*1*^* cannot be assumed that concentric circles have,
* 9 l\ 1 • in all cases, a solar meaning. Moreover, the cup-
* •* mark itself, extending behind the spiral and
p-^ 1()7 Loughcrew. concentric circle, has to be explained. It thus
appears that whereas rayed cup-and-circles, and
in many instances the cup-and-circle, may be correctly explained as sun
signs, it by no means follows that all cup-and-circles are to be so
Further we cannot venture at present with safety. At the same time
it is difficult to escape from the impression that some scheme of association
underlies the markings on some of the stones at Loughcrew, pertaining
to religious myth, or the life stories of the persons who were buried
there. A comparison is suggested with petroglyphs and pictographs of
America, so exhaustively illustrated by Colonel Mallery in the "Tenth
Annual Report, Bureau of Ethnology," Washington.
Concerning cup-marks, Dr. Charles Rau has brought together a number
of superstitions in relation to cupped stones still in vogue among the
peasantry of different European countries. In Sweden cupped stones
are called elfstenar, or elfstones. Offerings of a trifling nature — a
button, a coin, a flower, or a ribbon — are deposited in the cups. In cases
of sickness some object worn by the sick person is deposited. A
Swedish proprietor who had caused an elfstone to be transported to his
park, found a few days afterwards small sacrificial gifts lying in the cups.
In the church of
Voanas, Ain, is a large ' • * ^-^ ^ Q
stone, called La Pierre ',@x ~, VT^ $!> **» /&
de Saint - Loup, into ' *
which sick and impo- Fig. 108.— Details, Loughcrew.
tent persons grind holes
and drink the pulverised matter, which, as they believe, cures fevers and
renews the vital strength. Another stone, known as La Pierre de Saint-
Clement, same department, is used for the same purpose. A cupped stone,
called the JBischofs- Stein, near Niemegk, Brandenburg, Prussia, is visited
1 Stone on Patricksto-wn Hill.
2 Cairn T, stones x, d, h, b ; Cairn s, stone d; Cuirn i, stone c.
by patients and quack doctors, who rub it with grease in order to bring
about cures. Cup-marks are found on many churches in Germany, Swit-
zerland, and Sweden. Sometimes they are partially executed on the
mortar, showing that they were made after the erection of the churches.
Healing properties are generally attributed to them. Fever-sick persons
blow, as it were, the disease into the cavities, or patients swallow the
powder produced in grinding out the cups. In a few instances the inside
of cups on German churches exhibited traces of grease. On the other
hand, in Posen a tradition refers the cups to the souls of the damned,
who during lifetime never had visited the churches. They ground out
the cavities during the night, and left them as tokens of despair.1
Cartailhac mentions that in the department of Ain, when young
women and widows make a pilgrimage to the ancient chapel of Saint-
Blaise, they pass by Thoys, near a small erratic bearing sixty cup-sculp-
tures, at which they practise certain ceremonies to obtain marriage
within the year.2
The preceding folk-superstitions are interesting in themselves, but it
is doubtful if they furnish any evidence as regards the original meaning
of cupped stones. In some instances they appear to lend colour to
Eivett-Carnac's theory ; but the fact that cup-sculptures are found in
-all sorts of positions, horizontal and vertical, and again in closed tumuli
where access was not possible, renders any inference from cup offerings
or the anointing of cups of slender value. In handling folk-traditions
much caution is necessary. Prehistoric remains are almost invariably
-endowed by the peasantry with supernatural and magic powers. Stone
celts are thunderbolts, flint arrow-heads elf -darts. As such they are
potent charms. Thus, as Rau remarks, " what was originally an object
•employed in daily life, became in course of time a charm."
On the subject of cup sculptures in America, Colonel Mallery writes : —
" Inquiries have often been made whether the North American Indians
have any superstitions or religious practices connected with the markings
under consideration, e.g., in relation to the desire for offspring, which
undoubtedly is connected with the sculpturing of cup depressions and
furrows in the eastern hemisphere. No evidence is yet produced of any
such correspondence of practice or tradition relating to it."3
In America several groups of cup-and-ring markings have been re-
corded, resembling closely British and Irish types, notably in Georgia,
1 Rau, I.e., pp. 86-89.
2 "La France Prehistorique," p. 247. Superstitions, more or less similar, are
recorded for Scotland, Proc. Soc. Ant., Scot., vol. xviii., p. 126 ; and see references in
note, vol. xxvii., p. 452 ; also for Ireland, Wakeman's " Inismurray," p. 121 ;
Stone of St. Hugh, of Rahue (Journal, U.S. A. I., 5th Ser., vol. vi., p. 332). No
attempt has yet been made to collect the superstitions connected with cupped-stones
in Ireland.
3 Picture-writing of the American Indians : " Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,"
Smithsonian Institution, 1888-1889, p. 199.
Maryland, California, Venezuela, and Brazil. They include examples
with radial and connecting grooves. The spiral is also frequently pre-
sent. Little progress has as yet been made in elucidating the meaning
of these markings. It is possible that working from the known elements
of picture-writing in America, an explanation may be discovered in par-
ticular instances. Such explanations, if forthcoming, could not, however,
be considered as evidence for European examples. Until a connexion
can be shown independent of resemblance of form, similarity of meaning
must not be assumed.
I cannot more, fitly conclude the present Paper than by quoting
Colonel Mallery's conclusions on this point. Summarizing the result of
his studies upon American petroglyphs as distinct from other forms of
picture-writing, he writes : — " Perhaps the most important lesson learned
from these studies is that no attempt should be made at symbolic inter-
pretation unless the symbolic natiire of the particular characters under
examination is known, or can be logically inferred from independent
facts. To start with a theory, or even an hypothesis, that the rock
writings are all symbolic, and may be interpreted by the imagination of
the observer, or by translation either from or into known symbols of
similar form found in other regions, were a limitless delusion." l
Loc. tit., p. 768.
TPiETAiLED descriptions of gold lunulae, of which the Museum of the
Royal Irish Academy contains an unrivalled collection, have not
yet appeared in the pages of this Journal. Examples are also preserved
in the British Museum, and in the National Museum of Antiquities,
Edinburgh ; there is one in the Belfast Museum, three at least remain in
private collections, and two are recorded found in France. They are termed
in Irish tales, *' Minn-oir," or " Minds " ; the}* are composed of thin plates
of hammered gold, of crescentic shape — the borders usually decorated by
linear or angular patterns, forming various figures, triangles, squares,
and decussations, arranged to produce symmetrical designs ; similar
ornamentation is repeated on the cornua of these crescents, arranged
transversely and corresponding on either side. The bordering lines, and
longer markings were produced by a sharp graving tool, whilst those of
smaller extent are formed by chisel-shaped punches, for the depressions
so caused are perceptible as distinct elevations on the reversed side of
the metal plate. One of the specimens preserved in the Royal Irish
Academy Museum differs from the rest in its decorations, which consist of
numerous small circular-punched markings, arranged to produce definite
patterns ; this is exceptional, for in all other instances the ornamenta-
tion was formed by combinations of straight lines, more or less prolonged.
No two lunulaj are alike, they differ in weight, in the height of the
crescent, its transverse breadth, and the size of the inner cavity, which
is more or less circular in outline : such measurements, being liable to
variation, are recorded hereafter when describing the separate lunulae.
The ornamental patterns, whilst preserving a certain general art
resemblance, vary in details, and are essentially different in their arrange-
ment and execution. At either extremity the crescents terminate in
small flat appendages of rounded or discoid form, placed at right angles
with the plane of the lunula, approximating to the size of a sixpence.
In several of the lunulge curved lines are engraved along the borders of
the crescents with such precision that they must have been formed by
skilful workmen, with the assistance of a guiding outline, or some similar
arrangement to direct the course of the graver's tool, for the curves are
drawn with remarkable accuracy ; some display the highest style of
ornamentation; others are less elaborate, having patterns made by small
punched indentations, and a very few are without markings. Regarded as-
a whole, the style of decoration employed represents a class of ornament
that must be considered distinctive, and which was accepted at the time
as correct and fashionable for such golden coronets ; somewhat like the
present custom of ornamenting the back of watch cases with an engine-
turned pattern, more a conventional matter of taste than dependent on
any possible utility, or referable to any special aesthetic development of
the race of people who wore them.
An inspection of the illustrations given will explain better than
mere description the character of these gold lunula?, and their style of
Bishop Pococke, in 1773, was the first person who applied the term
From Gold Lunula belonging to Sir Montague
Chapman, Bart.
lunulae to these objects (see " ArchaBologia,"
vol. ii., p. 36) ; he there stated : tl Many such
have been found in Ireland, some flat and
plain, others crimpled and like a fan"; the
latter portion of his statement is explained
by Sir William Wilde, who remarked, such
" crimpling was caused by the spoiler when
concealing them, or the finder wlio wished to lessen their bulk for
convenient carriage."
An early reference to the wearing of lunulae by women is pre-
served in the Book of Leinster (see Professor Atkinson's Introduction,
p. 51). It is the legend of the Robber Gorman Mac Bomma Licce, who
in spite of severe enactments against theft, and during the "Truce of
God," at the Feast of Teamair, stole the queen's golden diadem from
the Royal Palace, and carried it off to Inber Slaine, in the south-west of
Ireland. The king's name was Cathair-Mor, who was slain A.D. 177.
The same story is found in the Books of Ballymote and of Lecan, so that
it may claim the respectable antiquity of transmission in legendary form
for about one thousand years before the earliest of those books was
Lunula No. 32.
Royal Irish Academy Collection. Found 1890, in Co. Wi-stmeath.
Xo. 1.
Denarius of Julia Miinnn;ea.
No. 2.
Denarius of Marcia Otacilia Severa.
We can refer to the " Silva Gadelica," of Standish H. O'Grady, for
those who are not Irish scholars, upon the employment of gold ornaments
by females for their head-dress. Thus, in the often quoted legend of the
two Queens of King Dermot, one of them being Maireen, who is also
sui named " Mael," or Bald, and the other Mughair, a daughter of
Conchraid, son of Duach (of the men of Munster), the latter, who is
represented as jealous of Maireen, bribed a female jester to remove from
Maireen's head her gear of gold, and presumably with it some artificial
hair which she habitually wore .to conceal her defect, whereupon
Maireen cried, " God and St. Kieran help me at this need," and forth-
with "glossy convoluted golden -sheeny hair" fell down to her very
shoulders. Whatever else this story tells us we obtain from the mention
of the saint, Kieran, the Carpenter's Son, a date of some importance for
working out the history of these ornaments. The saint was born in
A.D. 515, and his death is recorded as having taken place about A.D. 548 ;
and the king represented is Diarmid, son of Fergus Cearbhall, who was
slain at Rathbeg, county Antrim, in A.D. 565.
Another story, that of Prince Cano, contains references to the use of
these " Minns "; this can be consulted in O'Curry's "Manners and
Customs of the Ancient Irish," vol. iii., p. 620. It brings down the
date of their being worn to A.D. 620.
Again, in the wooing of Becfola, in the reign of Dermot, Aedh
Slaine's son (see "Silva Gadelica"), mention is made of "Three Dia-
dems of Gold that I left in keeping"; here we obtain an additional
date, for the death of King Dermot (the second), son of Aedh Slaine
the Second, took place from the Plague called " Buide Connaill," which
happened, as stated in Rev. J. F. Shearman's "Loca Patriciana," in the
year A.D. 665 or 666.
Superficial erroneous comparisons have sometimes been suggested
between these golden crescents and the coronas around the heads of
saints, and the aureolae of Byzantine mediaeval painters. The latter are
obviously drawn around the head of the personage intended to be repre-
sented, or placed behind it for supernatural addition, neither belonging
to the dress itself, nor attached to the body of the individual saint, whilst
lunulae are portions of ornamental attire, appropriated to decorate the
hair of the possessor, and so far as we can judge, restricted to females of
position, for we have no account of men having worn them.
Their use can be illustrated by comparing representations of a similar
class of crescentic ornaments worn by Roman Empresses, such as are
figured on the denarii of Julia Mamma3a, wife of Alexander Severus, who
was assassinated A.D. 235 ; or of Marcia Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip
the Elder, who died subsequent to the year A.D. 249 : nor was their
employment restricted to this period of Roman history, for we find
similar lunulae represented on some of the family denarii preceding
the Caesars, such as a coin of L. Buca, probably Quaestor under Sulla,
tmd on one belonging to the Didia Gens, of P. Fonteius Capito, which
•displays the veiled head of the goddess Concordia wearing a crescent
head-dress. rThese references are sufficient to show that golden decora-
tions of similar shape were worn by females in Italy as well as in
The only recorded analysis of a gold lunula is that which Mr. J. W.
Mallet has given in the Trans. R.I.A., vol. xxii. It yielded —
Gold, 87-67. Silver, 11-05. Copper, 0-12.
The specific gravity was 17-528. This result which he obtained differs
materially from the analyses and specific gravity of genuine specimens
of county t Wicklow gold, which appears to have a very definite composi-
tion. The specific gravity closely agrees with my determination of a
lunula belonging to Sir M. Chapman, Bart., which I ascertained to be
91-00 7-
S. A Ichorn, Mint Master in London in 1 796 Gold. Silver,
(see Phil. Trans, for that year), cal-
culated from analysis of a penny-
weight which he examined,
Professor Forbes in 1869, . . 91-01 8'85
Professor Church, . . . 92*36 6-17
J. W. Mallet, 92-32 6-17
| Copper and j
\ iron traces. )
Silica, 0-14
Iron, 0-76
Next to a chemical analysis, the specific gravity of gold affords useful
•data for estimating its purity, particularly in the absence of heavy
metals, such as platinum, which are not present in the Irish gold of
-county Wicklow.
Molesworth, in 1796, ascertained that Wicklow gold was sp. gr. 12 ;
•compared to sterling gold, sp. gr. 18.
Dr. Kirwan at the same time gave a ratio of 13 ; compared to sterling-
gold, 18.
Forbes, in 1869, found its density range from 14-34 to 15-07.
With this closely agree the results I obtained from careful estima-
tion of two small nuggets in my possession; they were sp. gr. 15*01 and
The fine nugget of Wicklow gold, weighing 336 grains, in posses-
sion of T. H. Longfield, Esq., has sp. gr. 15-51.
It is possible that the specimens examined by Molesworth and Kirwan
were either porous, as native gold often is, or contained an appreci-
able amount of included silica or oxide of iron. Whether we consider
the results of analysis, or the ascertained specific gravity, both are
opposed to our attributing the lunula examined by Mallet to native gold
obtained from the "Wicklow mines.
All gold ornaments found in Ireland may be satisfactorily arranged
into three well-marked groups, which differ in relative purity of metal as
follows: — Class No. 1, yielding gold mixed with 18 to 23 per cent, of
silver; No. 2, with about 10 to 12 per cent, of alloy, chieliy silver ; and
No. 3, consisting of nearly pure metal.
The specimens falling under the first and third classes are few in
number, whilst lunulae, penannular rings of all kinds, and those fine
objects with expanded cup-shaped extremities which, collectively, form
the great bulk of our antiquities, belong to the second class, and have a
remarkably definite composition.
As for the first class, it approximates to the native alloy of gold and
silver called electrum, first coined about 500 years before our era in
Asia Minor, from gold ore obtained in the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and
which gradually extended as a circulating medium through Lydia and the
Greek settlements of Asia Minor westwards, until reaching Sicily it was-
issued by Agathocles for coin in that island, and finally spread to Gaul,
and the Kentish shores of Britain before the descent of Caesar, B.C. 55 ;.
where coins struck from electrum appear to have circulated previous to
the striking of a true gold coinage. According to Kenyon, the earliest
British coins were made 150 B.C., and were debased copies of pieces struck
by Philip of Macedon.
There are two important analyses by Mallet of fragments of gold
torques from the collection of the Koyal Irish Academy, with the
following results : —
Gold. Silver. Copper. Sp. Gr.
No. 1, . . 71-54 23-67 4-62 15-377
No. 2, . . 79-48 18-01 2-48 15-444
Another analysis recently made by Mr. E. A. Smith (Proa. R. I, A.,
May, 1896) agrees so closely with No. 1 of Mallet, that it would
appear to be made from another portion of the same fragment of a
AVe have in the -'Book of Leinster" a poem in praise of the Palace-
of Ailinn, county Kildare.
deuipc 6ip a cipib gall. (H2 18, f. 27, a. b.)
(" The Torques of Gold from foreign lands.")
O'Curry (vol. iii., p. 182), terms this a remarkable passage " because-
its authority states that the articles there mentioned were of foreign
manufacture." Mallet, as the result of his researches on Irish gold
ornaments generally, admits it as " conceivable " the gold may have been
found here, " though its quantity would seem to indicate foreign com-
merce as the more likely channel by which it was procured." Substituting
foreign raids for commerce, of which we have little or no evidence, and
putting aside the exact composition of the metal found in these "torques"
for future investigation, I believe it can be established that the principal
source whence our gold was derived for making personal ornaments was
the plunder of Roman Britain during its successive recorded devastations
by Irish invasions, and the metal already standardised and coined into
Roman aurei of definite weight, was subsequently converted into rings
and other decorative objects. As coin, it would be useless in Ireland where
money never circulated until small silver pieces were struck about the
tenth century, by the Danish princes, and none subsequently until this
country was invaded by the Anglo-Normans. If hereafter clear evidence
is obtained that these torques of gold, which are found not only in Ireland
and Britain, but in many parts of the Continent, are formed from electrum
gold similar to those examined by Mallet, then it will follow that they
are referable to an earlier date than other gold ornaments of purer
composition. This will demand future investigation for its definite
acceptance. At all events the great amount of gold that was obtained
by Brennus from the Roman Senate is the first historic record of its
being acquired by northern races in sufficient quantity to account for its
subsequent distribution amongst them, from Pannonia possibly to Gaul
and the south-east of Britain where it circulated as money previous to the
invasion of Julius CaBsar.
Class No. 2. — Th<3 next series of analyses made by Mallet correspond
with that of the lunula he examined in the relative amounts of gold and
silver —
Gold. Silver. Copper. Lead. Sp. Gr.
Thin gold plate, . 88*72 10-02 Ml 17-332
Boss of diadem, . 81-10 12-18 5-94 0-28 15-306
Thin ring, . 81-72 12-14 1-16 17-258
„ . 85-62 12-79 1-47 16-896
It is from gold of this description that Irish ornaments appear to have
been fabricated, with few exceptions. It agrees closely with the coins
issued by Alexander the Great and his successors, and was of the accepted
standard for purity subsequently adopted by the Romans, which univer-
sally replaced the electrum coins of earlier fabrication and those of almost
pure gold made by Darius and by Philip of Macedon.
It is difficult to obtain analyses of Irish gold ornaments, for that
process necessitates the destruction of at least some portion of a valuable
article. In its absence we find the specific gravity a matter of impor-
tance, as it depends on the results of simple accurate weighing. I
append a list of those densities of the metal contained in several gold
rings, and made with great accuracy : —
Weight — grains.
Sp. gr.
Penannular Rings,
do. do.
do. do.
do. do.
130, in E.I.A.
3, ,,
604 grains.
Lunula of Sir M. Chapman,
This list can be compared with the specific gravities of some Roman
aurei in my possession, determined by Professor O'Reilly, M.R.I. A. : —
Valentinian II.
Theodosius II.,
Constantius II.,
Leo, .
Justinian, .
Sp. gr.
Emperor of the West, A.D. 383.
Assassinated, 392.
With Gratian, 379. Died, 395.
Emperor of West, 395. Died 423.
Augustus, 333. Died, 351.
Emperor of East, 457. Died, 474.
Sole Emperor, 528. Died, 565.
Except the above there are few determinations recorded of the
specific gravity of Roman aurei. Those described are of purer metal
than we find in Irish gold ornaments, which might be explained by the
ease with which gold^ on re-melting, can be debased by the addition of
a small portion of silver, with profit to the working goldsmith. Still
the list is too limited for accurate results, and the special coins which it
is desirable to estimate, these, of Diocletian and his successors, are not in
my possession. As the outcome of these investigations, I can assert,
after examining a large number of gold articles of all descriptions, that
they are, without exception, derived, as to weight, from aurei of 72 or
.70 grains each, such as were current from the reign of the Emperor
Diocletian to the fall of the Eastern Empire, the heavier articles being
usually simple multiples of aurei, and the smaller ones either of similar
weight, or obtained from the fabrication, two or more, from a given
amount of coined metal.
This is consonant with the ordinary practice of manufacturing gold-
smiths at all times, for it was easier to melt down coin of known weight
tmd purity, than to work with metal in the form of ore; and the laws of
all countries abound Avith restrictions, of little avail, to prevent the
conversion of current gold coin into other forms for ornaments.
Class No. 3. — In the following instances the articles examined con-
sisted of nearly pure gold, the first analysis was made by Mallet, the
second by Mr. E. A. Smith : —
Gold. Silver. Sp. Gr.
(Mallet), twisted gold wire, . 96'90 2'49 (trace of copper) 18-593
(Smith), fillet from sword, . 98-02 1-98 19-103
Objects made from gold of this exceptional purity are rare. The
fine chains of thin twisted wire, such as that found attached to the
Tara brooch and similar articles, which resemble fine Indian workman-
ship, are probably almost pure gold.
1. — 7f inches across, 5^ inches clear in the inner circle, 7£ inches
high, and 2£ inches deep in the broadest portion. Weight,
1 oz. lOdwt. 11 gr. Purchased from a dealer.
2. — 9 inches across, 5-f- inches in clear of hollow, part of which is a
perfect circle; 2-|- inches deep in widest portion at top.
Weight, 3 oz. 2 dwt. 3 gr. Perfect, with the exception of
slight tear at upper and inner edges. Gold of paper thin-
•Believed to belong to the Academy's original collection.
Presented by Lord Kenmare in 1778, and described in
" MS. Minute Book of Committee of Antiquities," vol. i.,
p. 50. Said to have been found near Killarney.
For description • and woodcut, see Wilde's "Catalogue of
Gold Antiquities," p. 11 ; it is also photographed.
3. — Wants terminal cross-plates, 8|- inches broad by 8 inches high,
6£ inches across inner circle, 2 inches deep in broadest part.
Weight, 2 oz. 2 dwt.
From the Daw son Collection. Ornament figured in " Gold
Catalogue," p. 15.
4. — Half of a small lunula, measuring 6£ inches in height. Weight,
'10 dwt. 11 gr. Ornament figured in " Gold Catalogue,"
p. 15,
Found with JSTos. 8, 9, and 15, in hard gravel, apparently
the remains of au ancient togher or road through a boggy
field, in the parish of Dunfierth, barony of Carbury, cpunty
Kildare. Near it were found a quantity of bones of large
5. — The largest and most ornamented lunula in the Collection ; perfect,
but in seven fragments; measures 111 inches broad by lOf
inches high, and is 4 inches deep in the widest portions, remark-
ably small in the clear, which is only 5f inches across. Weight,
4 oz. 3dwt. 21 gr. Ornament figured in "Gold Catalogue,"
p. 17.
Found near Athlone, county Roscommon, in 1842. Pre-
sented hy Earl de Grey, Lord Lieutenant. The square ter-
minal plates were subsequently purchased.
6. — Perfect, beautifully decorated, having oblong terminal plates in-
stead of circular, 7 inches high, 6£ inches across, 5-|- inches
in the clear, and If inches deep at widest part. Weight,
18 dwt. 2gr. Figured in "Gold Catalogue," p. 14. Got
with the Dawson Collection.
7. — Perfect, 7-f inches wide by 7 inches high, 5% inches in the
clear, and If inches deep. Weight, 13 dwt. 9 gr. Pattern
figured in "Gold Catalogue," page 16. Purchased from a
8. — Found with Nos. 4, 9, and 15, in county Kildare. Perfect. It
was torn across at the widest part, and the second portion was
not procured for many months after the first. A small portion
had been cut out of the upper edge of one fragment by the
finder to make a ring for a pig's snout, fancying it was com-
posed of brass.
8|- inches wide by 8^ inches high, 6f inches in the clear, and
2f inches deep at top. Weight, 2 oz. 4dwts. 14 gr. See
"Gold Catalogue," figure, p. 16.
9. — Left limb of a small narrow lunula, 7-| inches long, and 1 inch
broad in the widest part. Weight, 4 dwt. 2 gr. Ornament
figured in " Gold Catalogue," p. 15. Found with Nos. 4, 8,
and 15.
10. — Perfect, 7f inches wide, 7|- inches high, and If inches broad in
widest portion, broad in lateral diameter of cut-out portion,
and also wide in the opening at terminal plates. Ornament
figured in "Gold Catalogue," p. 16. From the Sirr Collec-
tion, stated to have been found in county Galway. Weight,
1 oz. 3 dwt.
11. — Perfect, 7-f- inches broad by 7-J- inches high, 5^ inches in the clear,
and 2£ inches deep in the widest portion. Weight, 1 oz.
7 dwt. 5gr. Pattern figured in "Catalogue," p. 16. Pur-
chased in 1852.
12. — Complete, torn across centre, without ornament, terminal plates
oblong, 7i inches wide, 5^ inches clear in the opening, and
2£ inches deep in the widest portion. Weight, 18 dwt. Pur-
chased from a dealer in 1853. When obtained it was crumpled
up as if to lessen the bulk.
13. — Both limbs % highly ornamented but deficient in centre; has a
peculiar punched ornamentation ; shown in " Gold Catalogue,"
p. 16. 8 inches in width and depth, 6 inches wide in the clear
of opening. Weight, 14 dwt. 3 gr. Analysed by Mr. J. W.
14. — Perfect; very small ; unornamented ; wide in the opening, which
appears to have been stretched ; 5f inches across, 6 inches high,
4i inches in the clear, and 1£ inches broad at widest part.
Weight, 15 dwt. 16 gr. From the Dawson Collection.
15. — Left limb of an ornamented luimla, wanting terminal plate, length
9 inches, 1-J- inches wide at broadest part. Pattern figured in
p. 15 of "Gold Catalogue." Weight, 7 dwt. 19 gr. Found
with Nos. 4, 8, and 9 in county Kildare.
End of Lunulae in Sir W. Wilde's " Catalogue of Irish Gold
16. — Greatest width, 7| inches. Weight, 1 oz. 10 dwt. 2 gr. Got
with Nos. 17 and 18 at Banmore, parish of Kilmoylic, barony
of Clanmorris, Kerry.
17. — Greatest width, 6f inches, in two pieces. Weight, 1 oz. 7 dwt. 1 gr.
Got with Nos. 16 and 18.
18.— Greatest width, 7-J- inches. Weight, 19 dwt. 16gr. In two
pieces. Got with Nos. 16 and 17.
19. — A fragment weighing 2 dwt. Bought in 1868. Measures 3^
inches long.
20.— Greatest width, 6f§- inches. Weight, 1 oz. 6 dwt. 8 gr.
"21. — In two pieces. Greatest width, 8-|- inches. Weight, 1 oz. 18 dwt.
11 gr.
•22.— Greatest width, 6f inches. Weight, 1 oz. 1 dwt. 1 gr.
123.— Greatest width, 8i inches. Weight, 1 oz. 2 dwt. 14gr. Found
in a bog near Newtown, Crossdoney, county Cavan, at a depth
of 6 feet, between two oval slabs of oak, which were saturated
with moisture, and have contracted considerably by drying.
Bought April, 1884.
24. — Greatest width, 7-f inches ; height, 8i inches. Weight, 1 oz.
10 dwt. 17gr. Found on a mountain near Trillick, county
Tyrone, near one of the so-called " Danish Forts," under a
large rock which was being broken up. Purchased in
25. — Greatest width, 8f inches; breadth, 2| inches. Weight, 1 oz.
10 dwt. Said to have been found before 1820, near Mullingar.
Bought from Rev. Mr. Burton, Bective Glebe, Cavan, in
26.— Greatest width, 8f inches. Weight, 2 oz. 5 dwt. 12 gr. Found
in a, bog at Carrowduff, three .miles fronLEnnistynion, county
Clare, May, 1877.
27.— -Greatest width, 7f inches ; breadth at widest part, 3 inches.
Weight, 1 oz. 13 dwt. 5 gr. Bought, with No. 28, from Mr.
Perry, Newtown Park, county Dublin, in July, 1881.
28. — Bought with No. 27, Greatest width, 61f inches ; breadth, If
inches. Weight, loz. 2 dwt. 12 gr.
29. —Greatest width, 8-£- inches. Weight, 1 oz. 8 dwt. logr. Bought
with the Petrie Collection.
30.— Greatest width, 7-f- inches; height, 7£ inches. Weight, 1 oz. 7 dwt.
' 20 gr. Said to have been found May, 1886, at Trenta, between
Carrigans and St. Johnston, six miles from Derry, on the slope
of a rocky mountain, beneath a great boulder recently blasted
together with a large flint arrow-head.
31. — Greatest width, 8f inches. Weight, 1 oz. 11 dwt. 19 gr. Found,
in 1848, near Athlone. Bought January, 1893, being No. 143
of the "Bateman Collection."
32. — Greatest width, 8 inches; height, 7^ inches ; breadth of widest
part 2i inches in the clear. Weight, 1 oz. 7 dwt. 17 gr. Found
in ploughing in the townland of Ross, barony of Kilkenny
West, county Westmeath, near the shores of Lough Ree, about
half-a-mile from a ruined castle named Ballincliffs. Purchased
March, 1896, from Mr. Edmpnd Johnson, Grafton-street.
1. — Weighing loz. 19 dwt. 5 gr. Measures 9-^V inches wide/ Ob-
tained from Carnarvonshire.
2. — Weighing 1 oz. 17 dwt. 6 gr. 9 inches wide., Found in county
Kerry, at Mangerton, under bog. Formerly in possession of
Sir Thomas Tobin.
3. — Weighing 1 oz. 1 1 dwt. 4 gr. 8-j4r inches wide. From Co. Cavan.
4. — Weighing 11 dwt. 3 gr. A fragment 5 inches long. From
county Cork.
5. — Weighing 1 oz. 6 dwt. 6 gr. 8i inches wide. Obtained from
6.— Weighing 2 oz. 4 dwt. 4 grs. 7f inches' wide! From Penwith,
Cornwall. Described in Minutes of the Society of Anti-
quaries, 1783.
7.— Weighing 2oz. 1 dwt. 19 gr. 8 inches wide. From Ireland.
8,77- Weighing 2 oz. 12 dwt. 4 gr. 9^ inches wide ; also from Ireland.
' . 9. — Weighing 1 oz. 6 dwt. 5 gr. 7^ inches wide. ' No history.
"10. — Weighing 13 dwt. 14 gr. 7 inches' wide. Do.
11. — Weighing 1 oz. 8 grs. 6f inches wide. Do.
1F.E. — Weighing 1 oz. 8 dwt. 13 grs. Figured in "Catalogue."
Ornamented only with incised lines and double row of
punctures along its borders. From Southside, near Coulter,
2F.E. — A considerable portion .of one side wanting. Ornamented
with parallel and angular lines. Found ' near Fochabers,
Elginshire, in 1873.
3 F.E. — Weighing 4 oz. 1 dwt. 5 gr. Ornamented with incised lines
and double row of punctures. Deposited by His Grace the
lute Duke of Buccleugh. Found at Auchentaggart, Dum-
1 F. F. — Weighing 1 oz. 15 dwt. With finely executed ornamenta-
tion of bands of triangles filled with parallel lines. Found
in Ireland, and purchased with the " Bell" Collection.
Greatest width, 7£- inches; height, 7 inches; 1-f inches deep in
widest part at top. Weight not recorded. Measured from a
tracing by W. H. Patterson, Esq., J.P., Belfast. Obtained
from the Benn Collection.
1. — In possession of Sir Montague Chapman, Bart., Killua Castle,
county Westmeath. Greatest width, 7f inches; height, 7f
inches. Measurement of widest part at top slightly in excess
of 2 inches. Weight, 1 oz. 6 dwt. Through the kindness
of its owner I was enabled to determine the specific gravity ;
it is 17-34.
2. — Belonging to Robert Day, j. p., Cork. This was recently
exhibited by his permission to the Royal Society of Anti-
quaries, Ireland. I am unable to give its dimensions. It
weighed 1 oz. 12 dwt.,- and was found at Bally bay, county
3. — Another specimen in Mr. Day's collection. Found near Enniskillen
under twenty feet of peat. Weight, 1 oz, 1 dwt. 10 gr.
It is desirable to place on record certain lunulae imperfectly known,
-some of which may possibly be now in public collections, and others
seem to have disappeared : —
1. — Found at Dungiven, county Londonderry, in removing a tree,
March, 1814. 7 to 8 inches in height, and at widest part 1£
inches broad. Figured in Mason's "Statistical Account of
Ireland," vol. i., p. 304. *
2.— Co. Sligo. Found in a bog, March, 1847. Weight, 1 oz. 6dwL
1 1 grs. Represented in Mr. Windele's Sketches in Library
K.I. A., volume ''Miscellanea," p. 206.
3. — Co. Cork. Got in 1867. 8£ inches wide, 7f inches high, and
2f inches broad at top. Shown in a drawing by the late-
Mr. Brash in a scrap-book of Mr. Clibborn's in It. I. A. Library.
4. — Co. Cork. Specimen shown in a drawing in same book.
5. — Co. Donegal. Shown with Lord Londesborough's Collection at
Dublin Exhibition, 1872. The plate of gold about 2£ inches-
at its greatest width. ''Engraved with borders of small
chevrons with lines between, on inner and outer edge, and
towards the ends six transversal lines, with hatched triangular
ornaments." In "Miscellanea Graphica," said to have been
found at Ardaragh.
6. — Co. Antrim, townland of Cuirnlochran, parish of Maheramesk.
Three crescents turned up, rolled together, at a depth of about
5 feet, in removing a fallen cromlech stone. One of them
weighed 4£ ounces. See Dublin Penny Journal, volume 4,
p. 295.
7. — Co. Clare ; found in a ditch at Keyhole. (See Gough's "Carnden,"
vol. iv., p. 230, referred to in Ulster Journal of Archeology,
vol. ix., p. 46.)
8. — Co. Tyrone; found in a bog. Recorded in Campbell's "Philos.
Survey of Ireland," and Ulster Journal of Archceology.
9. — A small lunula, in Piltown Museum in 1845, weighing 16 dwt.
15 gr. It measured 6£ inches across, and 1£ inches in height.
(See volume of " Miscellanea," in Koyal Irish Academy
Library, by Mr. Windele.)
1. — Found at St. Cyr in 1805, between Valogues and Montebourg,
It was melted down, but a drawing was made and figured in
" Mem. de la Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie" (1827-
1828) ; also see " L'Anthropologie," t. v., No. 2, for 1894.
2. — Discovered at Saint Potan, Cotes du Nord. Weight, 194-70
grammes. Found, in 1890, by quarrymen, and sold to-
M. Paul du Chatelier.
[NOTE. — Those marked * are by Members of the Society. ,]
* Lambert, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, as an Engraver of Book-Plates. By
J. Yinycomb, M.E.I.A. (Newcastle-on-Tyne : A. Reid & Co., Ltd.,
THIS work, reprinted from the "Journal " of the " Ex Libris " Society —
revised and considerably extended — has, we may say at the outset, one
most serious fault; its issue is limited to 150 signed and numbered
copies. This we may suppose unavoidable, but we regret that so many
enthusiasts, in the gentle and artistic paths of book-plate collecting,
should be debarred from possessing this dainty little volume. The
author, Mr. John Yinycomb, who is a Member of Council of the "Ex
Libris" Society, carries great weight in all questions of seals, heraldry,
and similar examples of engraving. Asa Fellow of our Society, besides
less direct help and advice, he gave us a learned Paper on the original
device upon the Seal of the Deanery of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin,
published in our Journal, 1890-91, p. 228; and later on (1893, p. 69)
an interesting article on the ancient Seals of Carrickfergus.
Even to those who do not collect book-plates, especially to admirers
of Bewick's engravings, this book will be of much interest. The charming
"tail-pieces" of Bewick's " Natural History " are vividly recalled by
some of Lambert's plates, notably those on p. 15, and plates 7, 16, 17,
19, and 31 ; while for comparison, both with Lambert's work and the
"Natural History," Bewick's book-plate of J. B. Dale, on p. 23, is
" Mark Lambert was one of Bewick's apprentices, but, unlike so many
pupils of that great master," he "was not led away by the new art" of
revived wood-engraving, but continued to work at copperplate and silver-
engraving, founding one of the largest engraving and printing establish-
ments in the North of England.
Tn 1807 Lambert commenced business on his own account; he died
in 1855 ; his son, partner, and namesake dying so lately as 1893.
The volume contains 58 selected examples of book-plates, with
biographical memoranda relating to 124 plates engraved by Lambert,
which cannot fail to be of interest, especially to the North of England
families referred to.
We have watched with interest the revival of this (perhaps) the
youngest branch of heraldry, and believe that the work of Mr. Vinycomb
and his colleagues has done much to improve the sterile, tasteless school
of book-plates, so much in vogue in this country during the last forty years.
Nothing that tends to improve taste in this very practical generation can
be despised, and a work like Mr. Viny comb's is a valuable corrective at
once of the symbolic complexities of some of the modern examples, and
of the dry bones of heraldry in some of the older types of book-plate. —
T. J. W.
* The Story of an Irish Sept : their Character and Struggle to maintain
their Lands in Clare. By a member of the Sept (N. C. Macnamara).
(London: Dent & Co., 1896.)
THE study of tribal history has received much less attention in Ireland
than its importance in relation to the general history of the country
merits. With very many clans the amount of material at hand is not
encouraging to the student. This is not the case with the tribe whose
story is told in these pages.
The Ui Caisin, or Clan Choilen, whose chiefs took the name of
Mac Conmara, and ultimately Mac Namara, formed the second division
of the great Dal Cais family. When the present county Clare was
conquered by the Dal Cais in the fourth century after our era, the
Ui Caisin settled in the newly- acquired country, giving their tribe-name
to a district. To its chief, as head of the most important tribe, belonged
the privilege of inaugurating the King of North Munster. The place of
inauguration, a mound still known, has been illustrated by Mr. T. J.
Westropp in our pages ; and his view is reproduced in this book.
The Clan Choilen, as the clan was now more usually called, followed
their king in his wars, taking part with Brian at Clontarf. After the
Norman invasion they supported O'Brien against the invaders. In the
following century, when a war of succession arose among the O'Briens,
the Clan Choilen was the principal supporter of Tuiiough, while the
Normans aided his rival.
This prominence of the clan seems to have excited the jealousy of
other neighbouring tribes. Several of them united, and, though for-
bidden by O'Brien, the provincial king, attacked and defeated the Clan
Choilen, with the natural result of again encouraging their Norman
enemies, and restoring, for a time, their supremacy in Clare. The
Irish allies of the Norman leader, De Clare, were overthrown in 1318,
and the last stronghold of the Normans, Bunratty, was captured by
Mac Namara in 1332.
After the overthrow of their enemies the power of the clan increased,
and its territory extended over much of Eastern Clare. Following the
example of the Normans, they built numerous castles, many of which
still stand. Greater power and territory, however, brought internal
dissensions, and before the end of the fourteenth century the clan had
divided under two chiefs, who fought each other vigorously.
For two centuries following there is little light on the history of the
district. In the interval their tribal state had come to an end, and, at
the end of the sixteenth century, the Mac Namaras appear as landed
proprietors of a modern type, strongly resisting the claims of the
O'Briens to any superiority. This position was maintained until the
Cromwellian confiscations reduced their property to fragments of its
former importance. The subsequent story relates to prominent indi-
viduals of the family.
Mr. Macnamara has produced a book which can be read with
interest, and which fairly illustrates many points of Irish history. It
fails, however, to realise the main purpose of a tribe history. We read
only of the doings of the chiefs, with no attempt to trace the life of the tribe
at large, except by generalising from outside sources. In common with
too many Irish local histories, it gathers its matter mainly from already
well-known published works, and lacks the local colour and the light
which the study of local antiquities, traditions, and writings should
bring to explain and illustrate the work of the general historian and
chronicler. Mr. Macnamara gives us views of castles, but he does not
tell us of their age or builders ; he refers to ancient deeds, rent-rolls,
and inquisitions, but does not attempt to deduce from them any evidence
which they may contain of the great change, the most important in the
history of the tribe, by which the patriarchal chief, dwelling in his rath,
developed into the quasi-feudal landlord in his castle.
In matters of detail the book needs much revision. The spelling of
Irish names is very uncertain and inconsistent. Thus the name usually
written in English Donogh, appears also as Donough, Donchadh, and
Donchardh, the last absurd form being used deliberately and most often.
One cannot help sympathising with the poor English compositor, whose
efforts to set up the name Domhnall were left uncorrected, and lead to
such results as " Dunhual," " Dunknal," " Dornhuall." After this we
cannot wonder that Vallancey, Betham, Campion, and Stamer, are con-
verted into Yallaney, Bentham, Champion, and Stain er ; nor that Ferns
is described as the capital of Meath. Unhappily too many similar
errors might be pointed out.
The book is very well turned out, and is illustrated with a number
of views of antiquities, and some good reproductions of miniature
portraits. — J. M.
The Book-Plate Annual and Armorial Year-Boolc, 1897. Edited by
John Leighton, F.S.A., Yice-President, " Ex Libris" Society.
Royal 4to. Price 2s. 6d. (London : A. & C. Black, Soho-square, W.)
THIS Annual, now in its fourth year of issue, is not devoted entirely
to the investigation of matters connected with book-plates. It has a good
deal of useful information on subjects relating to libraries, books, and
bindings, and there is much in it which will be highly prized by book-
buyers, lovers of literature, and collectors generally. There are two
excellent portraits of Lord Leighton and Sir John E. Millais. There are
also copies of the heraldic achievements of both of these distinguished
painters, and the book-plate of Lord Leighton is given, as also one etched
by Millais in 1854. There is a portrait of George du Maurier by himself,
as well as a characteristic achievement of that artist and author.
Adverting to the achievement of Lord Leighton, his arms has supporters
— horses of Helicon: they are highly appropriate propositions; and
Lord Leighton, we are informed, declined the supporters suggested by
the Heralds' College, and was designing them for himself at the time of
his death ; thus these additions have never been confirmed.
A very interesting and suggestive Paper is that on " Jewish Coats of
Arms," and it is well illustrated. European heraldry only became
systematised in the thirteenth century ; but long prior to that date
the Jews, in common with other nations of antiquity, had used family
and tribal emblems. The antiquity of heraldic devices among the Jews
is shown by a verse from the Pentateuch (Numbers ii. 2), in which
"every man of the children of Israel" is instructed to "pitch by
his own standard, the ensign of their father's house." There are
several other fascinating chapters all lavishly illustrated.
Monument at Clonkeen, Co. Gal way. — Mr. "Wakeman forwards a
rubbing, and a reduced drawing of an inscription, both of which refer to
a much neglected monumental effigy of a bishop, now lying in the
•cemetery of Clonkeen, near Tiaquin, Co. Galway. He writes : —
"In Brady's 'Episcopal Succession,' vol. ii., the following notice
occurs: — '1718, Edmond Kelly succeeded " per mortem ultimi illius
COD EoroonD Keay
SoPbonne FopmePLLy Dean
ty 1J leap GenePaLLoF qoioc
COUP t oF "bienni vLate
Lopo bishop oFQonFepl
Episcopi." His Brief was dated in February, 1718. He wrote to
Propaganda on the 14th of May, 1718, to announce his consecration,
which had been performed in Dublin, with three bishops assisting. His
faculties as bishop were granted on the 15th November, 1718. In April,
1733, Clonfert was vacant.' "
Proposed Destruction of Kilmallock Castle.— At a meeting of
the Council of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, it was proposed by
Mr. George Coffey, M.R.I. A., seconded by J. J. Digges La Touche, LL.D.,
and passed unanimously : — " That the Council of the Royal Society of
Antiquaries of Ireland has heard with regret that a Presentment has been
passed by the Presentment Sessions for the Liberties of Kilmallock for the
purpose of taking down the King's Castle at Kilmallock.
" The Council is surprised at the contemplated act of vandalism, inas-
much as the preservation and protection of ancient and historic monuments
is recognised as a matter of great public interest, and trust that now
public attention has been directed to the subject, the presentment will
not be proceeded with.
" The Council would further suggest that steps be immediately taken
to place this interesting monument in charge of the Board of Works for
protection under the 'Ancient Monuments Protection Act.' "
The attention of Council was called to this important matter by letters
from Dr. Joyce and Mr. J. G. Barry of Limerick, the latter enclosing
cuttings from a local paper detailing the proceedings that have taken
place. He is in communication with the landlord on the subject, and
will oppose the confirmation of the presentment by the Grand Jury.
Dr. Joyce describes the King's Castle, the old city gate, which it is
proposed to demolish, as " one of the most characteristic remains of the
old Geraldine days."
[The Grand Jury has rejected the presentment.]
Inismurray. — It having been reported to the Council of the Royal
Society of Antiquaries that an inscribed stone among the antiquarian
remains on the Island of Inismurray has been recently removed, the
Council have requested the Board of Works to investigate the circum-
stances, and beg to suggest that Mr. Michael Waters, one of the principal
residents on the island, or some other suitable person, be appointed
caretaker of the remains.
In a letter to Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Michael Waters reports that " some
tourists have taken away a slab from the altar."
Notes on the Irish Monasticons and the Rev. Mervyn Archdall. —
From the "Anthologia Hibernica," 1794, I find that the Archdall family
is descended from John Archdall, of Norsom Hall, in the county of Norfolk,
who came over to Ireland temp. Queen Elizabeth, and settled at Castle
Archdall, in the county of Fermanagh, about 1600, having purchased an
estate from Sir John Neale. The family must, therefore, have been in
wealthy circumstances.
The author of the " Monasticon " was born in Dublin, April, 1723. He
passed with reputation through the Dublin University. He always
showed a turn for archaeology, especially for inquiry into the monastic
history of Ireland. He made the acquaintance of Harris, the editor of
"Ware's Antiquities," C. Smith, the county historian, Thomas Prior,
and Archdeacon Pococke, When the latter became Bishop of Ossory he
bestowed on Mr. Archdall the living of Attanagh, his domestic chap-
laincy, and a prebend. This made a comfortable provision for him, and
enabled him to pursue his antiquarian studies in ease and retirement*
His generous patron and friend, Dr. Pococke, died in 1765. Mr. Arch-
•dallhad by this time prepared records of our monastic foundations to the
extent of about two folio volumes. These records had reference to the
original donors of lands and buildings, and to the present grantees of these
at a subsequent period from the Crown, which included more than a third
of Ireland. This was the outcome of a labour of forty years, and then,
invaluable as these records were, Mr. Archdall found no one patriotic or
generous enough to aid him in the publication. He was, therefore,
obliged to abridge his collections into one volume quarto, and thus
appeared the " Monasticon Hibernicum," first published by subscription
in 1785, 4to, Dublin, Luke "White. In the preface to this great work
Mr. Archdall explains the necessity for thus epitomising his work, and
says : — " The public are certainly losers by the defalcation; for scarce a
family of note in England or Ireland who may not at some period trace
their pedigree in the subscriptions to our monastic charters and donations,
and find remains of their property, both before and after the dissolution
of these societies." What has become of the remainder of the invaluable
manuscript ?
Mr. Archdall's next work was an edition of "Lodge's Peerage of
Ireland," published in 1789, in seven volumes, 8vo. There is a story told
that Mr. Lodge had left numerous additions to his work in MS., but
written in a cipher inexplicable to every one ; and so about to be
given up in despair, until Mrs. Archdall applied herself to their decipher-
ment, and happily discovered the key. These valuable notes were thus
brought into use, and greatly enriched the new edition.
Previous to Archdall's time several notices of the Irish monastic
establishments appear. In Dugdale's "Monasticon Anglicanum" we
find references to thirty -five regular houses in Ireland with some of their
foundation charters.1 Ware,2 in his " Monasteriologia," gives an outline
of the abbeys and monasteries, noting the places, founders, times,
assignees, and grantees of the several establishments. In Harris's
edition are given eighteen fine copper-plates illustrating the religious
and military habits of the different orders.
In 1690 M. Allemande collected and arranged materials for a monastic
history which was published in 12mo at Paris in that year under the
title " Histoire Monastique d'Irlande." This work was translated and
enlarged chiefly from Colgan, Wadding, Ware, &c., by Captain John
I'.CUIF. tic p.llnl <«', in one volume, 8vo, London, 1722, under the
title "Monasticon Hibernicum." Both works are now scarce. This latter
is also illustrated with eight plates of costumes, and contains an excellent
clearly printed map of Ireland "by Herman Moll, Geographer," giving all
the principal towns, roads, distances from town to town, archbishoprics,
bishoprics, boroughs, &c. The matter of the book is arranged according
to the respective religious orders.
Archdall's "Monasticon" is arranged geographically, and has
eighteen plates of costumes the same as those in Harris's " Ware " ; they
1 Vide end of vol. ii., " Monasticon Anglicanum."
2 Harris' " Ware," vol. ii., pp. 262 et seq.
were probably printed from the copper-plates of the latter re-
A splendid edition of this "Monasticon " by the Most Rev. Dr. Moran
appeared in 1873 (Kelly, Dublin) in 3 volumes. 4to, embellished with
many full-page illustrations of churches and monastic ruins, with chro-
moliths in gold and colours of the costumes of the Orders, by Marcus
Ward. The text is verbatim from Archdall, but the very valuable copious
notes by the editor and other distinguished antiquaries much exceed the
bulk of the original. It is really a grand work, and the manner of its
production as to paper, type, and illustration, is highly creditable to
Irish workmanship. I have the five Monasticons now before me, viz. : —
Dugdale's, folio ; Ware's (Harris), folio ; Allemande's (Stevens), 8vo ;
Archdall's (original), 4to ; and Archdall's (Moran), 4to, and can have no
hesitation in stating that the last is in all respects the best. The notes
give a vast amount of antiquarian information on the subject of the
work, both historical and topographical. The learned editor corrects
many errors on these points which appear in the original. My copy of
the 1786 edition belonged to the late Mr. Cooke, of Birr, a well-known
antiquary ; it has numerous marginal notes by him giving corrections
and additions, with several etymologies.
It is a curious coincidence that the first edition of the " Monasticon
Hibernicum" was prepared under the fostering care of a Protestant
Bishop of Ossory, and nearly a century afterwards the last edition ap-
pears with loving care from the hands of a Roman Catholic Bishop of the
same diocese. — C. WINSTAN DUGAN.
Principal Gateway, Merrion-square. — Mr. P. Kenny writes : —
" I beg to submit a note from a very intelligent man who takes a great
interest in the doings of our Society. Would it not be possible that a
communication from the Press would stir up the Commissioners of that
square to take action in this matter, and have the inscription freshly
coloured, and the shrubs removed at very little cost to themselves ? —
' ' ' Could anything be done to preserve those beautiful stone carvings over the
ancient gateway into Merrion-square, west side ? They are really beautiful. Perhaps
if you called attention to the matter, something could be done that would prevent
their being altogether destroyed. They are decaying a little.'
" There is an inscription in Irish characters on a mural slab close to
the doorway of Dalkey churchyard. Would it not be worth while
having copy and translation made."
Marble Box. — I have in my possession an old marble box — probably a
relic box — got some years ago from Mr. Cooke's (Birr) Collection. It is of
solid white marble beautifully inlaid with coloured marbles, the arched
top also inlaid in a curious manner. It is about 8 inches square, with a
marble lid inside. Mr. Cooke considered it a great treasure, and his son
said it was found in the river Brosna, near Roscrea. — C. W. DUG AN.
Monumental Inscriptions from the Cathedral, Jamaica. — The four
inscriptions given below were copied and sent to me by my brother
Lord George Fitzgerald, who is Private Secretary to Sir Henry Blake,
Governor of Jamaica. They are to be found on monuments in the
Cathedral of St. Catherine, at Spanish Town, which was the old capital
of Jamaica ; and as they relate to natives of Ireland, they may be of
interest to the descendants of the families named on the slabs.
Black marble. Arms : Party per pale indented, two spears' heads
erect. Crest, a goat's head erased. Motto — " Tout ou Bien."
Below the Inscription, Arms : argent ; three chevronels, or.
YEAR 1633
Arms : three hautboys, between as many cross crosslets.
On a black stone. Crest, an unicorn's head couped, bridled ; on his
breast a crescent. Motto — "Dare."
ON THE 27™ OF MAY 1808.
AGED 80 YEARS NOV 12™ l8lO.
Old Latin Poem. — Having purchased some time ago a portion of
the library of the late Mr. Thomas Gooke, of Birr, a well-known anti-
quary, I found in one of the books an old quarto manuscript poem in
Latin. It occupies fifteen pages, having a total of 468 lines, and
is written in a seventeenth-century hand. The following is the
title :—
" Hyberniae Sub Cromwello
Tyranno Ingemiscentis
The first line—
•' Ilia ego Christicolae non ultima portio gentis."
The last line—
" Carle veni, prohibet plura referre dolor."
The poem contains several references to the Stuarts, Cromwell and
his generals, their cruelties, &c. The MS. is in a very cramp hand, and
bears much similarity to the Latin poems of Lynch, author of " Cam-
brensis Eversus." Can any of your readers give me information relative
to this old poem ? — C. W. DUGAN.
Identification of " The Ascetic's Church," Leana, Co. Clare. — In
the description given in the " Caithreim Thoirdhealbhaigh," of the
march of Dermot (son of Turlogh) O'Brien, and Maccon (son of Loch-
lain) Macnamara, with their followers, to "break" the battle of
Oorcomroe (A.D. 1317) upon Donogh O'Brien, grandson of Brian Roe,
and his adherents, it is stated by John Mac Rory Magrath, who wrote
circa 1350, that the army halted, after the first day's march, at Coradh-
mic-Dalhoireann,1 and there encamped for the night. Next morning
they tramped over Bothar-na-mac-Righ* across Mullach-Gaoil* through
u Leana? s* rich dairylands," past Cill-mic-Ui-Donain, the Ascetic's
Church, on through Crioch-mhailf until they arrived at the Abbey of
Corcomroe, where they put up, in anxious expectation, doubtless, of
the morrow's battle.
For some years I had been searching for this old church of Cill-mic-
Ui-Donain, but to no purpose. I knew that its ruins, if existing,
should be somewhere between Leana and Crughwill. However, in
1 Coradh-mic-Dabhoireann = the weir of the son of Davoren, now ' ' Kells Bridge "on
the 6 -inch Ordnance Map. It was generally known until recent times as Curravick-
burrion. At this place the waters of the Fergus disappeared underground, before the
drainage diverted the river into another channel.
2 Bothar-na-mac-liigh (= the road of the King's sons), between Corofin and the old
Church of Kilnaboy.
3 Mullach-Gaoil, now a rough limestone hill in the townland of Eunnagat South,
north of the old church of Kilnaboy.
4 Leana, Ordnance Survey, Sheet 17, in parish of Kilnaboy.
5 Crioch-mhail — Crughwill, parish of Carran, barony of Barren.
July, 1896, it came to my ears that there was a curious stone at Leana,
with a human face carved upon it. I visited the place on the 27th of
the same month, and found what convinced me that I had at last
discovered the " Ascetic's Church," mentioned in the " Caithreim
It is now known as Coulnamraher,1 and is marked, but not named,
on the 6-inch Ordnance Map. About 5 feet high of the walls were
standing forty or fifty years ago, and were pulled down, soon after that
time, by the tenants, for the purpose of making boundary walls. They
did their work only too well, not
leaving a stone upon a stone, their
only excuse being that they did not
know it was a church.
From people who saw it I learned
that its dimensions were about 20
feet by 15 feet, and that its orienta-
tion was somewhat south of due east.
Built into the fences of the field in
which the old church stood, are
numerous stones, cut and uncut,
which once belonged to it. Among
these are seven well-cut jamb-stones,
each with a scotia moulding 6 inches
wide in one angle. A similar stone
is built into another wall in a field
more to the west. This latter has a
human head carved in alto-relievo at
top of the scotia ; and three of the
others have a more or less conical
ornament, also at the top of the
moulding. All the cut stones have
practically an equal " rake," which,
when in position, would give jambs
with an incline from the perpen-
Inclined jamb of door. dicular of H inches to the foot. I
could not discover any evidence of burials either in the church or its
vicinity ; but the whole place has been tilled many times. There is not a
single cut arch-stone among the debris, but, of course, there may have been
one or more arches in the building made of rough hewn stones. The
character of the jambs, however, incline me to the belief that all the
opes had probably horizontal lintels. Two of the stones are better cut,
and have the moulding shallower (6 x £ inch) than the rest. These are
1 Coulnamraher — Cabhal-na-mfirathar = " The ruined house of the Friars." CabJtal
is a word commonly used in Clare to denote a house of any kind in ruins.
the one with carved head, and another with plain scotia ; which,
undoubtedly, correspond, and are shown in tne accompanying sketch.
The other stones are more coarsely cut, and have the scotia deeper
(6 x 1-|- inches). The three of the latter style, with conical ornament,
formed at least part of three jambs, for they are all top-stones, and none
of them could have formed a base. They are evidently parts of the
inclined jambs of door, window, or chancel.
Mr. T. J. "Westropp, who visited the place recently, fully agrees
with me that it can be no other than the " Ascetic's Church."
About 250 yards N. E. of the site of the church are the much
dilapidated remains of a roughly-built house,
now locally known as Teach-na-mBrathar, or
"The House of the Friars," where, probably,
the priests who officiated in Cill-mic-Ui-Donain
once resided. It measures on outside 30 feet
by 20 feet, and has rounded quoins. The
walls are 2 feet thick ; and the doorway, about
3 feet wide, is in the western wall about its
centre. Some 80 feet N.W. of this ruin is a
very curious "bullan," with two well-cut cir-
cular hollows, and part of another. There are
also, on two or three large boulders to the S.W.,
some artificial cup-shaped hollows, a few inches
in diameter. The "bullan" would appear to have been useful for the
purpose of bruising corn, or nuts, into coarse flour ; and the cups on
the rocks would be extremely handy for cracking hazel-nuts, which, in
the season, are very plentiful in these parts.
I brought the existence of the ruins tinder the notice of the
Ordnance Survey, the officers of which took great pains in having them
correctly named and located. — GKORGE U. MACNAMAUA, Local Secretary
for North Clare.
Ogham Inscription in Co. Cork. — The Rev. Edmond Barry, P.P.
(Hon. Local Secretary for East Cork] writes from Rathcormac : — "On
the 29th of November, 1896, in searching for Ogham inscriptions at
Rathcanning, in the parish of Dungonrney, barony of Imokilly, and
county of Cork, the Rev. James Green, B.D., c.c., Dungourney, Mr. John
B. O'Higgins, of Boston, U.S.A., and myself, examined two clayslate
flags that, for eighty years, have served as entrance pillars to a Mr. John
Colbert's car-shed ; and on one edge of one of these stones I found
Ogham characters.
" The inscribed stone is 5 feet 10 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches broad, and
10 inches thick ; and is only a lower or an upper fragment of its former
self. Similarly the inscription, which is only 22 inches long, breaks off
in the middle of the second word, read downwards, or of the first word,
read upwards. The inscription is : —
which may he read downwards, as ILUNA MUC[OI ....],' [the headstone]
of Illann, son of [...]'; or upwards, as [. . .]su MAQU DI, ' To [. . .]sa,
*on of Dia.' "
Recent Find of Early Silver Coins, Co. Mayo.— About the beginning
of last October a countryman brought to Dublin a canvas bag, contain-
ing about fifty silver coins of the kings, &c., named below. He stated
to my informant that he had found them in the bag, within a box,
buried in a bog, in this county ; but any further particulars of the
locality I was unable to ascertain. He also stated that nothing else had
been found with them, but that his brother had discovered more coins
near the same place about twenty years since.
The box in which the coins and bag were found he described as " a
real old one." They consisted chiefly of groats and half-groats, and
were all in a very good state of preservation : —
Edward II. — A penny of Canterbury.
Henry VI. — (Cantor), Archbishop Morton's initial — M.
Edward IV. — A groat, " Dorninus Hifcc^ftiae."' (See A. Smith,
No. 76.)
,, , „ ,, (London) ; M. M. 1 a sun.
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, a pierced cross.
,, ,, „ (Dublin).
„ „ „ (Drogheda). (See A. Smith, No. 40.)
,, ,, ,,3 crowns, in pale. (See A. Smith, No. 70.)
Eio.hard III. — % groat (Irish) ; Kildare arms.
Henry VII.— £ groat (York).-
,, ,, ,, Cantor. Arched crown.
,, ,, Groat (Dublin) ; tressure all round ; M. M. a ^.
(See A. Smith, No. 29.)
Henry VIII. — ^ groat; M. M. a pomegranate, and letter K, for
Katherine of Arragon. (Archbishop Warehani.)
,, ,, M. M. Lys. First coinage, the head of his father,
Henry VII., being used.
Elizabeth. —Id. (Irish) of 1601 ; M. M. a star. .
P. D. V.
1 M. M. (Mint mark).
Irish Church Plate.— I am now engaged in collecting, for publica-
tion, particulars of the Church-plate in use in this country, in the
churches of the various denominations, and I shall feel much obliged for
any particulars that may be sent to me concerning the same. Verbatim
copies of any inscriptions, descriptions of " Hall" and other marks on the
several articles, and information as to whether they are silver, plated,
brass, or pewter, with height and diameter, and, if possible, weight ;
as well as sketches or photographs of flagons and chalices, will be most
thankfully received.
The constant sale of ancient Church-plate, and its loss, from one
cause or another, make it very desirable that such a list as I propose
making, should be prepared and printed. — PHILIP D. VIGORS, Colonel,
F.R.S.A.I., Holloden, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow.
P.S. — It is particularly requested that an account of any Church-
plate in possession of families may be sent to me.
The Firmer Cairn. — Parliamentary language, especially the dialect
spoken by officials in reply to unpleasant questions, appears to be admir-
ably adapted to its purpose. Ordinary language, we are told, was given
to man to conceal his thoughts : the patois spoken by Under-Secretaries
of State seems to have been given — certainly it is sometimes used — for
the misrepresentation of facts. A youthful officer, laying out a rifle-range
for Thomas Atkins, proceeds to destroy a prehistoric cairn at Firmer,
county Donegal (which would, in no way, have interfered with the flight
of Thomas's bullets). Questioned on the subject by an Irish Member
of Parliament, the Tinder-Secretary of State for War replies that there
was no cairn in the place at all. There was only a " natural limestone
formation," from which twelve cubic feet of loose stones had been
taken. However, there was a thing there called " Muldoon's Grave,"
which was not in the way, which had not been " touched" (and about
which, let us add, he had not been asked for information).
We understand that the local Press has spoken out freely on the
subject, and that local antiquaries have even succeeded in teaching the
officer in charge of the range — whose motto appears to be "rien n'est
sacre a un Sapeur" — that a sepulchral cairn, of great antiquarian
interest, is not a ''natural limestone formation of loose stones." Our
contemporary, the Donegal Independent, quotes the following passage
from Colonel Wood-Martin's "Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland,"
page 160 :—
"About two miles from Bundoran, on the Ballyshannon side, and in
the townland of Finner, there are the remains of a cairn with exposed
and circle of upright stones. A. W. Foot, M.D. (who on this
occasion accompanied the writer), ventured into the chamber, and
emerged bearing with him several human hones. A few years ago
Colonel F. J. Folliott, of Hollybrook, had given directions for the
erection of a wall on this portion of his estate, and the workmen
employed utilised the materials of this cairn. After some time they--
came upon a large stone, which they smashed to pieces, when the cist
became exposed to view. It contained a large quantity of human bones,
amongst which were several skulls in fine preservation. Before, how-
ever, any intelligent person had been made aware of the discovery, the-
place was invaded by a number of treasure-seeking roughs from Bally -
shjinnon, who broke the crania in pieces, and scattered the other
The following circular letter has been addressed to each of the Hon.
Provincial and Local Secretaries of the Society : —
" DEAR SIR, — I have the honour to inform you that you have
been nominated Hon. Local Secretary for the year 1897. I am desired
by the Council to direct your attention to Rule 18 of the General Rules.
The Society relies on your carrying out, to the best of your ability, the
duties as therein denned, and that you will the more particularly give
me timely notice of the discovery of any Objects of Antiquity in your
neighbourhood, and of injury done to, or likely to be done to, Ancient
" It is further suggested that [as far as possible] the Local Secretaries
should make themselves acquainted with the Folk-lore and Folk-Customs
(for instance, May-day, Harvest, Funeral Customs, &c.) of their respective
Districts, and note particulars not previously published. The distribution
of customs is also of archaeological interest, and it is important to record
new localities for customs already published for other counties or
" Paragraphs of Historical and Archaeological interest, Notices of
Finds, &c., frequently appear in the local daily and weekly newspapers,
and these may be cut out and forwarded with note thereon, and verifi-
cation where necessary. A means will thus arise for preserving the
information in the pages of the Journal for the benefit of Antiquaries,
which otherwise would be lost.
" It is not desirable that Hon. Provincial and Local Secretaries should
make official communications to the Press, or summon Local Meetings, &c.,.
without first obtaining the permission of the Council through the Hon.
General Secretary.
" The favour of your reply is requested before 8th March next, and
if you are unable to act for the Society, you might be good enough
to suggest the name of a Member likely to undertake the duty for the
current year.
" Yours faithfully,
"24th February, 1897."
RULE 18. — The Council may appoint Honorary Provincial Secretaries
for each Province, and Honorary Local Secretaries throughout the country,
whose duties shall be denned by the Council, and they shall report to the
Honorary General Secretary, at least once a year, on all Antiquarian
Remains discovered in their districts, investigate Local History and Tra-
dition, and give notice of all injury inflicted, or likely to be inflicted, on
Monuments of Antiquity or Ancient Memorials of the Dead, in order that
the influence of the Society may be exerted to maintain and preserve
Archaeology in Limerick. — In a report of the Annual Meeting of the
Limerick Naturalists' Field Club, published in the Limerick Chronicle, we
observe with great satisfaction that a proposition of Mr. J. Grene Barry,
seconded by Mr. J. Frost, for the establishment of an Antiquarian section
of the Club, was carried unanimously. It will be called " The Limerick
Historical and Archasological Society," its objects will be the examination,
preservation, and illustration of the ancient monuments of the city and
county ; "the diffusion of valuable information regarding the past of the
county and city ; the collection of manuscripts and printed records of the
past ; and of oral traditions which survive and are becoming scarcer day
by day." The section will be affiliated to the Club, will meet quarterly,
and publish a Journal, which the Photographic section will aid in illus-
trating. Under the able guidance of Messrs. Barry and Frost, and with
the material which Limerick abundantly supplies, the new section will,
we are confident, soon rival Cork in the production of good work. We
trust that similar movements will be made in other counties — abo^e all,
in Clare.
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Society for the year 1897 was
held (by permission) in the Royal Dublin Society's House, Kildare-
street, Dublin, on Tuesday, 12th January, 1897, at 4 o'clock, p.m. ;
COLONICL PHILIP D. VIGORS, Vice-President, and subsequently THOMAS
DKEW, R.H.A., F.R.I.B.A., President, in the Chair.
The following took part in the proceedings : —
Felloivs : — William Frazer, F.H.C.S.I., M.U.I.A., Vice- President ; S. F. Milligan,
M.U.I. A., V ice- President ; Robert Cochrane, F.S.A., M.R.I. A., Hon. General Secretary
and Treasurer; G. D. Burtchaell, M.A., M.R.I. A. ; J. G. Wandesford Butler;
George Coffey, B.A.I., M.R.I. A. ; John Cooke, M.A. ; the Rev. J. F. M. ffrench,
M.R.I.A. ; John R. Garstin, M.A., B.D., F.S.A., M.R.I. A. ; George A. P. Kelly, M.A. ;
G.Henry Kinahan, M.R.I.A. ; Deputy Surgeon -General King, M.A., M.B., M.H.I. A. ;
W. J. Knovvles, M.U.I. A. ; Richard Langrishe, F.R.I. A.I. ; J. J. Digges La Touche,
.M.A., LL.D., M.R.I.A. ; T. J. Mellon ; James Mills, M.R.I.A. ; W. R. Molloy, M.R.I.A. ;
M. M. Murphy, M.R.I.A.; Count Plunkett, M.R.I.A.; Countess Plunkett ; J. G.
Robertson, Hon. Fellow ; the Rev. Canon Stoney, D.D. ; Major- General F. W.
Stubbs ; T. J. Westropp, M.A., M.R.I.A. ; Robert Lloyd Woollcombe, LL.I>., M.R.I.A. ;
E. P. Wright, M.D., M.A., M.R.I.A.
Members : — The Rev. William F. Almeut, B.D. ; Newton B. Ashby, United States
Consul; F. Elrington Ball, M.R.I.A. ; the Rev. John Woods Ballard ; H. F. Berry, M.A. ;
0. H. Braddell; J. B. C. Bray; M. J. C. Buckley; the Rev. R. A. Burnett, M.A. :
the Rev. J. W. R. Campbell, M.A. ; the Rev. W. W. Campbell, M.A., R.N. ; John
Carolan; Anthony R. Carroll; James Charles, M.I.J. ; R. W. Christie; M. Edward
Con way ; Henry A. Cosgrave, M.A. ; the Rev. George W. S. Coulter, M.A. ; Miss M.
Cunningham; Miss S. C. Cunningham; E. R. M'C. Dix ; Mrs. Drew ; the Rev.
Anthony L. Elliott, M.A. ; Frederick Franklin ; Major G. F. Gamble ; Surgeon
Lieutenant-Colonel Greene, M.B. ; Thomas Greene, LL.K. ; Mrs. Thomas Greene ; A.
C. Haddon, F.L.S. ; the Rev. Denis Hanan, D.D. ; the Rev. John Healy, LL.D. ; W.
A. Henderson ; Henry Hitchins ; Miss II. Hughes ; the Very Rev. Henry Jellett,
D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's; the Rev. Canon Keene, D.D. ; Patrick Kenny ; Miss K.
L. King; the Rev. H. W. Lett, M.A., M.R.I.A.; the Rev. William O'N. Lindesay,
M.A. ; the Rev. F. J. Lucas, D.D. ; the Rev. H. C. Lyster, B.D. ; the Rev. A. B. W.
Mack, M.A. ; Francis M'Bride ; P. J. McCall ; the Rev. George McCutchan, M.A. ;
Miss 11. G. Manders ; Morgan Mooney ; Joseph H. Moore, M.A. ; D. J. O'Donoghue;
Patrick O'Leary ; William P. O'Neill, M.R.I.A.; P. J. O'Reilly; Miss Peter ; the
Rev. A. D. Turefoy, M.A. ; Miss Reynell ; the Rev. J. J. Ryan, v.r. ; Mrs. J. ¥.
Shackleton; William J. Simpson; E. Weber Smyth; Mrs. E. W. Smyth; V. E.
Smyth ; Bedell Stanford, B.A. ; Mrs. Stoker ; the Rev. Professor Stokes, D.D.,
M.R.X.A. ; F. P. Thunder; H. P. Truell, M.B., D.L. ; J. Walby ; Charles J. Wallace,
M.A. ; the Rev. George R. Wedgewood; the Rev. S. de Courcy Williams, M.A.
The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and confirmed.
The following Candidates, recommended by the Council, were
declared duly elected: —
Clarke, William Usher (Member, 1889), Bridge House, Teddington, Middlesex:
proposed by G. D. Burtchaell, M.A., M.K.I. A., Fellow.
Crawley, W. J. Chetwode, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.R. HIST. s. (Member,
1894). 3 and 4, Ely-place, Dublin: proposed by G. D. Burtchaell, M.A., M.R.I.A.,
Hickey, the Rev. Michael P. (Member, 1894), Professor of Gaelic and Lecturer on
Irish Archaeology, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth : proposed by G. D. Burtchaell,
M.A., M.U.I.A., Fellow.
Marsh, Frank S., B.A. (Dubl.), 35, Holies-street, Dublin, and Brown's Barn,
Co. Kilkenny : proposed by Richard Langrishe, F.R. I.A.I., Fellow.
Mellon, Thomas J., Architect, Rydal Mount, Milltown, Co. Dublin: proposed by
Robert Cochrane, F.S.A., Fellow, Hon. Gen. Sec.
Murphy, J. H. Burke, The Agency, Cultra, Holy wood, Co. Down: proposed by
Edward Allworthy.
McGreeney, Very Rev. Patrick, Canon, P.P.. Crossmaglen, Co. Armagh:
proposed by S. K. Kirker, Fellow.
O'Neill, "William Purcell, C.E., Eden Vale, Conyngham-road, Dublin : proposed
by Charles C. Ormsby, Felloiv.
Warren, the Rev. Thomas (Member, 1890), Belmont, 29, Gipsey Hill, London,
S.E. : proposed by T. J. Westropp, M.A., M.R.I.A., Fellow.
Brodie, Mrs. Waldegrave, Ballmahinch, Tulla, Co. Clare : proposed by Thomas
J. Westropp, M.A., M.R.I. A., Fellow.
Byrne, Miss, 19, Main-street, Blackrock : proposed by W. F. Wakeman, Hon.
Conan, Alexander, Mount Alverno, Dalkey : proposed by Henry F. Baker.
Courtney, Charles Marshall, Mount Minnitt, Ballybrood, Pallasgreen : proposed
by Jnmes Grene Barry, J.P.
Cunningham, Miss S. C., Glencairn, Belfast: proposed by Seaton.F. Milligan,
M.R.I.A., Vice- President.
Dixon, Henry, jun., 5, Cab ra- terrace, Dublin: proposed by George Coffey,
K.A.I., M.U.T.A., Fellow.
Dowling, Jeremiah, sen., M.D., Nelson -street, Tipperary : proposed by the Rev.
Denis Hanan, D.D.
Elliott, Rev. Andrew, The Bar, Trillick : proposed by Seaton F. Milligan, M.K.I.A.,
/ 'ice - Presiden t.
Faren, William, Mount Charles, Belfast : proposed by Seaton F. Milligan, M.R.I.A.,
Vice- President.
Field, William, M.P., Blackrock, Co. Dublin : proposed by W. F. Wakeman,
Jfun. Fellow.
Field, Miss, Blackrock, Co. Dublin : proposed by W. F. Wakeman, Hon. Fellow.
Goddeu, George, Phoenix Park, Dublin : proposed by the Rev. A. D. Purefoy.
Gore, John, 58, Rutland-square, Dublin : proposed by E. Reginald M'C. Dix.
Goodbody, Henry P., Obelisk Park, Blackrock: proposed by the Rev. Professor
Stokes, D.D., M.K.I. A.
Goodbody, Miss, Obelisk Park, Blackrock : proposed by the Rev. Professor
Stokes, D.D., M.K.I. A.
Goodman, Peter, 44, Rutland-square, Dublin : proposed by the Very Rev. Canon
Greaves, Miss, 12, Rathgar-road, Dublin : proposed by "W. F. "Wakeman, Hon.
Griffin, J. J., M.D., Waterloo Villa, Greengate, Plaistow, London, E. : proposed
by John Cooke, M.A., Fellow.
Hall, Rev. Alexander, B.A., Drogheda: proposed by the Rev. W. T. Latimer, B.A.,
Hemphill, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Birr Rectory, Parsonstown : proposed by the Rev.
Denis Hanan, D.D.
Henderson, William A., Belclare, Leinster-road West, Dublin: proposed by
E. Reginald M<C. Dix.
Higgins, Patrick, Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Waterford : proposed by
G. D. Burtcliaell, M.A., M.R.I. A., Fellow.
Julian, James, Lismore House. Tralee : proposed by Miss A. M. Rowan.
Keith, James, Inspector of National Schools, The Mall, Westport : proposed by
W. H. Welply.
Lucas, Rev. Frederick John, P.D., 5, Breffni-terrace, Kingstown : proposed by
S. A. Quan- Smith.
Lynch, Rev. James Fetherston, B.A., Cahirconlish Rectory, Pallasgrean : pro-
posed by James Grene Barry, J.P.
M'Ciill, Patrick J., T.C., 25, Patrick -street, Dublin : proposed by D. J.
Meehan, Rev. Joseph, c.c., Belhavel, Dromahaire, Co. Leitrim: proposed
by the Rev. James O'Laverty, P.P., M.R.I.A., Vice-President.
Musgrave, James, D.L., Drumglass House, Belfast: proposed by G. D. Buitchaell,
M.A., M.R.I. A., Fellow.
O'Malley, Joseph, B.E., 10, Glentworth-street, Limerick: proposed by Michael
O'Meara, the Rev. Eugene H., Incumbent of Tallaght, The Vicarage, Tallaght,
Co. Dublin: proposed by the Rev. J. F. M. ifrench, M.R.I.A., Fellow.
Ryan, Thomas V., Solicitor, 46, St. Stephen's-green, Dublin : proposed by E.
Reginald M'C. Dix.
Sandford, Rev. Herbert JE., M.A., Drogheda: proposed by the Rev. Dr. Healy.
Speth, George William, F.R. HIST, s., La Tuya, Edward Road, Bromley, Kent:
proposed by W. J. Chetwode Crawley, LL.D., D.C.L.
Tallon, Thomas, T.C., Drogheda : proposed by Anthony Scott.
Tuite, James, M.P., 14, Greville-street, Mullingar: proposed by Patrick J.
Wallace, Major Robert H., Downpatrick : proposed by M. J. Nolan, M.D.
The Report of the Council was then brought forward, and read as
follows : —
During the year 18U6, 137 new names were added to the Roll of the Society.
Deducting the names of those who have died, resigned, or been struck off for non-
payment of Subscriptions, the Roll now contains the names of 200 Fellows, and
1146 Members — in all 1346 names, being 36 more than at the close of the preceding
The deaths of six Fellows were reported during the year : — Francis Edmund
Currey, J. p., William John Gillespie, the Most Rev. Dr. Gregg, Lord Primate ; the Earl
of Limerick, K.P. ; the Rev. Denis Murphy, s.j., Vice - President ; and the Right
Rev. Dr. Wynne, Bishop of Killaloe.
The death of the Rev. Denis Murphy has deprived the Society of one of its most
-active and useful Members. He was elected a Member in 1878, and a Fellow in
1890, and, at the same time, a Member of the Council, of which he continued an
•ordinary Member until elected, a Vice -President in 1894. A Memoir and Portrait
have been published in the Journal for 1896, p. 181. The following Papers by him
have appeared in the Journal : —
" Mungret Abbey, Co. Limerick " (1889), " The Wogans of Rathcoffey " (1890),
" The Castle of Roscommon " (1891), " The Shrine of St. Caillin of Fenagh " (1892),
" On the Ornamentation of the Lough Erne Shrine" (1892), " The College of the
Irish Franciscans at Louvain " (1893), "Notes on Tara" (1894), in conjunction
with Mr. Westropp, and " The De Verdons of Louth " (1895). He also edited " The
Annals of Clonmacnoise," issued last year as an Extra Volume.
Mr. Carrey was for forty years a Member of the Society, having been elected in
1855 ; he was advanced to a Fellowship in 1871. A Paper by him on " St. Bridget's
Church, Britway, Co. Cork," was published in the Journal for 1894.
The deaths of twenty Members have been reported, and the resignations of four
Fellows and twenty-nine Members have been accepted. As many as forty-one names
are liable to be removed from the Roll in consequence of owing more than two years'
subscriptions, and seventy-four Members have not paid any subscription for 1896.
The Quarterly Meetings for the year 1897 have been fixed as follows : — The
Annual General Meeting in Dublin, on Tuesday, the 12th of January ; the Second in
Kilkenny on Easter Monday, 19th April; the Third in Mnnster in June or August;
and the Fourth in Dublin in September. In connexion with these Meetings there
will be an Excursion to Drogheda on 13th January, the day following the Annual
General Meeting, and excursions will be arranged in connexion with the other
Meetings. A sea-trip, the particulars of which are given hereafter, has been arranged
for the Munster Meeting.
On the 1st of December the following nominations were duly made for the
honorary offices now falling vacant, in accordance with the Rules of the Society : —
For President— Tli e Right Hon. The 0' Conor Don, M.R.I.A. For Vice- Presidents —
Thomas Drew, K.H.A. (retiring President), for Leinster; W. J. Knowles, M.H.I. A., for
Ulster; the Rev. J. F. M. ffrench, M.B.I. A., and the Right Hon. A. H. Smith-Barry,
M.P., for Munster ; and Edward Martyn, D.L., for Connaught. For seats on the Council
—Deputy Surgeon -General King, M.A., M.B., M.R.I.A., Fellow; W. R. Molloy, M.R.I.A.,
Fellow, and J. J. Digges LaTouche, M.A., LL.D., M.R.I.A, Fellow. Also as Honorary
President— His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., Fellow. As the nominations
have not exceeded the number of vacancies, no Ballot will be necessary.
The Rev. Canon Courtenay Moore, who was elected a Member of the Council at
the last Annual General Meeting, finding that it would not be possible for him to give
a constant attendance, resigned his seat on the 12th of February, which was filled, on
the 26th of February, by the co-option of the Rev. Professor Stokes.
During the year 1896 the Council met twelve times, and the Members attended as
follows:— Mr. Cochrane (Hon. Secretary], 12; Mr. Coffey, 9; Mr. Westropp, 9;
Dr. Wright, 9 ; Mr. Mills, 8 ; Dr. Joyce, 8 ; Mr. Drew (President), 7 ; Mr. Cooke, 7 ;
Mr. Kelly, 7 ; Mr. Moore, 6;. Mr. Langrishe, 5 ; Rev. Dr. Healy, 4; Rev. Professor
Stokes, 4 ; Rev. Mr. ffrench, 3.
The financial condition of the Society is satisfactory. Messrs. Cooke and Robertson
have been nominated as Auditors of the Treasurer's Accounts for 1896, and their Report
will be laid before the Second Quarterly Meeting, in accordance with the Rules.
Adjourned Meetings have been held in Dublin in connexion with the last
Quarterly Meeting of the Society, for the purpose of reading and discussing Papers
unavoidably held over from the Ordinary Meeting. These have proved most success-
ful, and it is proposed to pursue the same course during the winter.
The Council hope to have the active co-operation of the Hon. Local Secretaries who
will be appointed for 1897, in reporting to the Hon. General Secretary upon all
Antiquarian finds in their districts, and on the state of monuments of antiquity in
their several localities, with a view to having those structures, so requiring it, brought
within the provisions of the Ancient Monuments Acts.
Names removed from the lloll in 1896 : —
Deceased (26).
FELLOWS (6).— F. E. Currey, Member, 1855; Fellow, 1871; W. J. Gillespie,
Member, 1873; Fellow, 1888; The Most Rev. R. S. Gregg, D.D., Lord Primate,
Member, 1875; Fellow, 1889; The Right Hon. the Earl of Limerick, K.P., Fellow,
1877 ; The Rev. Denis Murphy, B.J., LL.D., Member, 1878 ; Fellow, 1890; The Right
Rev. F. R. Wynne, D.D., Bishop of Killaloe, Eilfenora, Clonfert and Kilmacduaghr
Fellow, 1894.
MEMBERS (20).— Rear Admiral Alexander, 1892; C. H. Brien, 1890; J. F.
Calderwood, J.P., 1895; John Campion, 1889; M. J. Clery, J.P., 1889; Henry
Edwards, 1892 ; The Dowager Lady Fitz Gerald, 1889 ; John M. Fitz Gibbon, 1894 ;
The Rev. Professor Goodman, M.A., 1880; C. A. Johnstone, L.B.C.P.I., 1891; The
Rev. J. J. Keon, P.P., 1891; J. J. Laffan, 1890; J. V. Legge, 1892; Denis
M'Cormack, 1878; Arthur M'Mahon, J.P., 1889; Miss May, 1890; John R. Mus-
grave, D.L., 1890; The Very Rev. Francis O'Brien, P.P., M.U.I.A., 1885; The Very
Rev. Canon E. O'Neill, 1894 ; Edward Tipping, J.P., 1895.
Resigned (33).
FELLOWS (4).— J. G. Barton, Fellow, 1894 ; His Honor Judge Fitz Gerald,,
Fellow, 1893; F. M. the Right Hon. Viscount Wolseley, K.P., G.C.B., Fellow, 1891 ;
W. E. Wilson, Member, 1888 ; Fellow, 1889.
MEMHERS (29).— Miss Honor Brooke, 1892; the Very Rev. T. Btmbury, D.D.,
1889 ; the Very Rev. F. Burke, M.A., 1891 ; James Caverhill, 1895 ; Miss Chamney,
1895; the Rev. J. H. Cole, B.A., 1890; the Rev. W. Colquhoun, M.A., 1896; the
Rev. J. W. Coulter, B.A., 1895; Alderman John Coyle, 1889; T. C. Dickie, 1889;
the Rev. F. S. Gardiner, M.A., 1891 ; J. E. Geoghegan, 1894 ; R. H. Geoghegan,
1894; Mrs. T. G. Houston, 1890; John Langan, 1889; the Newberry Library,
Chicago, U.S.A., 1892 ; H. V. Macnamara, D.L., 1894 ; the Rev. F. H. J. M'Cormick,
1889 ; the Rev. J. H. Mervyn, M.A., 1891 ; Andrew Moore, 1890 ; James O'Connor,
1895 ; M. W. O'Connor, J.P,, 1891 ; the Rev. J. J. O'Grady, 1889 ; the Rev.. L. A.
Pooler, M.A., 1892; J. H. Robinson, 1893, the Rev. R. Caledon Ross, 1895; Miss
Rowan, 1888; the Rev. P. R. Staunton, P.P., 1891 ; J. H. Weldon, J.P., 1889.
The following Members, being upwards of two years in arrear, have
been taken off the list of those receiving the Society's Publications, but
will be reinstated on payment of the amount due : —
1890 Atkinson, Henry J., Michigan, U.S.A., .. 1894-1896
1893 Brew, T. F., F.R.C.S.I., The Cottage, Ennistymon, 1895-1896
1894 Clancy, John, T.C., Dublin, . . . . . . 1895-1896
1894 DeCourcy, William, J.P. , Urlingford, .. 1895-1896
1889 Dixon, W. MacNeile, D. LIT., Mason College,
Birmingham, ..
1894 Egan, The Rev. S., c.c., Rush,
1891 Gallagher, P. M., Donegal,
1893 Goldon, J. W., M.D., Parsonstown, ..
1893 Hamilton, Captain J. D., Lagos, West Africa,
1890 Harris, John, Gal way,
1888 Hudson, Robert, M.D., Dingle,
1890 Langan, The Rev. T., D.D., Athlone,
1895-1896 ..
1895-1896 ..
1895-1896 ..
1895-1896 ..
1895-1896 ..
1894-1896 ..
1895-1896 ..
1895-1896 ..
Lynch, The Rev. P. J., c.c., Monaghan,
.. 1
Mac Dei-mot, C. E., B. A., Dublin,
.. 1
MacNeill, J. G. S., Q.C., M.P., Dublin,
.. 1
M'Cartan, M., M.P., Ulster Buildings, Belfast,
.. 1
M'Girr, The Rev. P., Aum., Westport,
.. 1
M'Grath, The Rev. T., P.P., Clogheen,
.. 1
M'Kenna, Very Rev. E. W., P.P., V.F., Cumber
Claudy, Co. Derry,
.. 1
Mercer, Rev. W.Wilson, Stradbally, Queen's Co.,
.. 1
Nash, Ralph, Limerick,
.. 1
Nolan, Rev. C., c.c., 82, Summer-hill, Dublin,
.. 1
0' Carroll, F. J., B.A., Hazelhatch,
.. 2
O'Connor, C. A., M.A., Q.C., 50, Upper Mount-
street, Dublin,
.. 1
Orr, Cecil, Blackrock,
.. 1
Powell, F. Y., M.A., Prof., Christ Church, Oxford,
.. 1
Power, Rev. G. B., B.A., Kilfane Glebe, Thomas-
.. 1
Pure ell, M., Solicitor, 41, Lr. Sackville-st, Dublin,
.. 1
Ridgevvay, W., M.A., Feu Ditton, Cambridge,
.. 1
Roe, W. E., Mountrath,
.. 1
Sealy, J. H., J.P., Kilbrittain,
.. 1
Shanley, Michael, M.D., Atlilone,
.. 1
Smith, Rev. Charles, M.A.,
.. 1
Smith, Christopher, 3, Bellevue- place, Clonmel,
.. 1
Smyth, T. J., I.L.B., Burrister, 28, Goldsmith-
street, Dublin,
.. 1
Sullivan, Herbert, J.P., Charleville, ..
.. 1
Sutherland, P. F., Municipal Buildings, Cork
Hill, Dublin,
.. 1
Taylor, The Rev. G. B., LL.B., Clontarf,
.. 1
Ward, F. E., Belfast,
.. 1
Whayman, Horace W., Bellevue, Newport, Ken-
tucky, U.S.A., ..
.. 1
The following publications were received during the year, the
donors, where not specifically named, being the Councils of the
respective Societies: —
American Antiquarian Society Journal, vols. x. and xi., Part 1 ; Anthropological
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, vol. xxv., Parts 3-5; L'Anthropo-
logie, tomes iii.. iv., v., vi., vii. ; and " Colonies du Mas d'Azil ; Association for the
Preservation of Memorials of the Dead in Ireland, Report and Index, 1895 (Col. P. D.
Vigors); Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, Report, vol. iv., Part 3; Bristol and
Gloucester Archaeological Society, Transactions, vol. xix., Part 1 ; Cambrian Archaeo-
logical Association, Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1896, Part 50; Cambridge Antiquarian
Society, Proceedings, vol. ix., 1894-95; list of Members, 1896; Chester Architec-
tural, Archaeological, and Historical Society, vol. v., Part 4; Cork Historical and
Archaeological Society, Journal, 1896; Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion, Transact ions,
1894-5; Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society, Transactions;
Geological Survey of Canada, Report, vol. viii., with maps, catalogue, 1893; Geolo-
gical Depaitment United States of America, Report, 1892-3, Monographs xxiii., xxiv.,
Bulletins 118-122; Historical State Society of Wisconsin, Report, December, 1895;
Institute of Civil Engineers of Ireland, vols. xxiii.-xxv. ; Kildare Archaeological
Society, Journal, 1895; Numismatic Society Journal, 1895, Series iv., vol. xv., Parts
60-63; Revue Celtique, vol. xvi., No. 4, vol. xvii., Nos. 1-3; Royal Archaeological
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. liii., Nos. 209, 210 ; Hoyal Dublin Society,
Scientific Transactions, August, 1894, September, 1895 ; Proceedings, vol. viii., Parts
3 and 4 ; Royal Institute of British Architects, Series iii., vol. iii., Nos. 1-20; vol.
lii., and Calendar, 1896-97 ; Royal Institute of Cornwall, vol. xii., Part 2, xiii., Part
1; Royal Irish Academy, Transactions, 1896; Proceedings, Series iii., vol. iii., No. 4,
The Irish Nennius; St. Albans Architectural and Archaeological Journal, 1893-4;
Sheffield Naturalists Club, Report, 1895; Smithsonian Institution, Reports, 1883,
1889-90, 1890-91, 1893; List of Publications, 1894; Monographs, xxiii., xxiv. ;
Bulletins 118, 122; Chinook texts ; Siouan tribes ; Ancient quarry ; Investigations on
the rivers James and Potomac; Societe d'Archeologie de Bruxelles, Annuaire Tome
vii. x.; livraison 1-4 to January, 1896; Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord,
Memoire, Nouvelle Serie, 1895; Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic,
1895-6; Foreningen til Nordisk Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring, 1844-94; 1892-3;
1893-4 ; Nonneseter Klosterruiner, Kunst og Haanverk; Society of Antiquaries of
London, Proceedings, vol. xv., Nos. 1-3 ; Archaeologia, Series ii., vol. iv. ; Society of
Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Proceedings, vii., 21-22, 26-34; Archaeologia
Aeliana, vol. xviii., Parts 46-48, Programmes, &c. ; Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland, Proceedings, 1894-5 ; Society of Architects, New Series, vol. i., Nos. 8-10,
vol. iii., 3-10, vol. iv., 1 ; Society of Biblical Archaeology, xvii., No. 8; xviii., Nos. 1-
7; Surrey Archaeological Society, vol. xiii., Part 1; "Watcrford and South -East of
Ireland Society, Journal, vol. ii., 7-9 ; "Wiltshire Archaeological Society, Magazine,
vol. xxviii., Nos. 84, 85 ; Abstracts of Inquisitions, &c. ; Catalogue of Museum, 1896;
Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Parts LIII., LIV., Excursion, September, 1896 ; The
Artist, January, 1896 (A. Constable & Co) ; Le Comte de Chambord, Le musee
sociale (President de Foffice Irnperiale des Assurances a Berlin) ; British and American
Archaeological Society of Rome, vol. ii., No. 5. (Secretary) ; " Castellani de Santelmo
su document! inediti," by Cavaliere Lorenzo Salazar ; " Storia della famiglia Salazar,"
by same (The Author) ; County records of the surnames of French, &c., by A. D.
Weld ffrench, Esq. (The Author) ; History of Irish Almanacks and Directories
(Peter Roe, Esq.) ; The Irish Builder for 1896 (Peter Roe, Esq.) ; The Irish Theo-
sophist, May, 1896 ; Influence of Literature on Architecture, reprinted from Journal,
R. I. B. A., by A. T. Boltou (The Author) ; Through the Green Isle, by M. J. Hurley
{The Author) ; Guide to Youghal and the Blackwater, by David Comyn (Messrs. Purcell
& Co.) ; Youthful exploits of Fionn, translated from the Psaltair of Cashel by David
Comyn (M. H. Gill) ; The Reliquary, vol. i., No. 3 ; Folk -Lore : Royal Society of
Literature of the United Kingdom, 1891. The permanent photographs given to the
Society, during the year 1896, appear in the Report on the Photographic Survey in
our Journal, December, 1896.— T. J. W.
On the motion of Count Plunkett, Fellow, seconded by Mr. Garstin,
Fellow, the Report was unanimously adopted.
The following nominations having been received by the Hon. General
Secretary for the offices falling vacant in accordance with Nos. 16 and 17
of the General Rules of the Society, the Elections were declared as
follows : —
THE RIGHT HON. O'CoxoR DON, P.C., LL.D., Member, 1869 ; Hon. Provincial
Secretary for Connaught, 1876; Fellow, 1888; Vice- President, 1886;
Patron, 1896.
WILLIAM JAMES KNOWLKS, M.R.I. A., Member, 1872; Fellow, 1886 ; Hon.
Local Secretary, Antrim, South.
THOMAS DREW, U.K. A., F.R.I.B.A., Member, 1888; Felloiv, 1889; Vice-
President, 1889-94 ; President, 1894-97.
THE REV. J. F. M. FFRENCH, M.R.I.A., Member, 1876 ; Fellow, 1889 ; Member
of Council, 1894; Hon. Local Secretary, Wicklow, South.
EDWARD MARTYN, D.L., Member, 1891 ; Fellow, 1896 ; Hon. Local Secretary
for Galway, 1892 ; Hon. Provincial Secretary for Connaught, 1894.
WILLIAM R. MOLLOY, j. p., M.R.I. A., Member, 1870; Fellow, 1871; Member
of Council, 1892-94.
DEPUTY SURGEON-GENERAL KING, M.A., M.H., M.R.I. A., Member, 1883 ;
Fellow, 1888; Member of Council, 1891-96.
JOHN J. DIGGES LA TOUCHE, M.A., LL.D., M.R.I. A., Fellow, 1889 ; Member of
Council, 1892-96.
Lord President of the Council ; Vice-President of the British Archaeo-
logical Association, Fellow, 1872 ; Patron, 1895.
The Rev. Professor Stokes moved, and Deputy Surgeon-General King,
Felloic, seconded the following Resolution, which was passed unani-
mously : —
" That the Society regrets to have heard of the death of the RKV. DR. STUBBS,
Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, who was a regular attendant at all its
Meetings and Excursions, and requests the Rev. Canon Stoney, the Rev. Mr.
ffrench, and Dr. Frazer, to represent the Society at his funeral to-morrow."
The Rev. Canon Stoney said that as the Giant's Causeway was an
antiquity of Ireland, and an attempt was being made to close it and
keep it from the people of Ireland, he would like to know if it would be
in the power of the Council to vote a sum of money towards the project
for keeping opt-n this interesting monument. Similar grants had
been made in England.
The President said it was his belief that it would be in the power of
the Council to vote a small sum for the purpose, if there was a strong
expression of opinion that such a thing should be done. It would, he
was sure, be a national misfortune if the Giant's Causeway were filched
from them.
The Rev. Canon Stoney then proposed a resolution directing the
attention of the Council to the desirability of subscribing a sum, to be
agreed upon, towards the movement for having the Giant's Causeway
kept open to the public.
Dr. Frazer, who seconded the motion, said he thought that this
would be a proper step for the Council to take. He thought the gentle-
men in .Belfast who had kindly undertaken to fight this battle on behalf
of the public were deserving of the cordial thanks of this Society. They
should all strongly protest against any restrictions of the rights of the
public in connexion with the Giant's Causeway.
The motion was carried.
The following Papers were read, and referred to the Council : —
By MR. KNOWLES — " On portion of an Ancient Harp from the Crannoge of
Carncroagh, Co. Antrim."
By DR. FRAZER— " Irish Gold Ornaments."
By the REV. MR. LETT—" The Dorsey, Co. Armagh."
By MAJ ou- GENERAL STUBBS, R.A. — " On the Monastic History of Dromiskin,.
Co. Louth."
The Meeting adjourned at 5.30 p.m.
The Members of the Dinner Club, with several other Members of
the Society, to the number of 41, dined together, at the Shelbourne
Hotel, at 6 o'clock.
• .-;.
After Tea, in the Council Room of the llo\ al Dublin Society, the
Society again met at 8 o'clock, p.m. ;
THOMAS DREW, K.H.A., F.K.I.B.A., outgoing President, in the Chair.
The following Papers were read, and referred to the Council.
By the REV. STERLING DE COURCY WILLIAMS — "The History of Durrow, King's-
County." Illustrated with Lantern Slides.
By COLONEL VIGORS — "Notarial Signs Manual."
By MR. KNOWLES — " Survivals of the Palaeolithic Age among Irish Neolithic
The Meeting then adjourned to "Wednesday evening, the 24th of
1'ebruary, at 8 o'clock.
An adjourned Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday
•evening, 24th February, 1897, in the Royal Dublin Society's House
(by permission), Kildare- street, at 8.15 p.m. ;
The President, THE RIGHT HON. O'CoNon DON, in the Chair.
The following Vice-Presidents, Fellows, and Members were
present : —
Fellows :— Rev. J. F. M. ffrench, M.K.I. A., rice - President ; Lord Walter Fitx
Gerald, Vice- President ; Thomas Drew, PV..H.A. Vice- President ; Col. Philip D. Vigors,
J.P., V ice- President ; llobert Cochrane, Hon. General Secretary ; Robert Lloyd Wooll-
combe. LL.D., M.K.I. A.; Thomas J. Westropp, M.A., M.R.T.A. ; Henry King, M.A.,
M.B., M.U.T.A. ; E. P. Wright, M.D., M.U.I. A. ; Wm. R. J. Molloy, J.P., M.K.I. A. ;
James Mills, M.R.I. A. ; George Coffey, B.E., M.R.I. A. ; Judge Kane, LL.D., M.R.I.A. ;
G. A. P. Kelly; Andrew Robinson, C.E. ; R. Langrishe, J.P., Kilkenny; P. J,
Lynch, C.E., Limerick; J. G. Robertson, Architect; Dean of St. Patrick's ; J. J.
Digges La Touche, LL.D.
Members : — H. F. Berry, M.A. ; Joseph H. Moore, C.E. ; Miss K. L. King ; Francis
P. Thunder ; Richard J. Kelly, B.L. ; Valentine Dunne ; Richard J. Dunne ; J.
Charles; Rev. W. W. Campbell, M.A. ; Mrs. Shackleton; William C. Stubbs : H. A.
Cosgrave; Mrs. E. W. Smyth; A. H. Braddell ; Frederick Franklin; M.Edward
Conway ; J. Robertson ; Newton B. Ashley ; S. A. Quan-Smith; John Carolin, J.P. ;
J. B. Cassin Bray; Miss Edith Oldham ; D. J. O'Donoghue ; P. J. M'Call, T.C. ;
J. Poe Dalton; C. J. M'Neill ; Joseph Gough, &c.
There was a large attendance of Visitors.
0' Conor Don, on taking the Chair, said : —
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, — My first duty this evening must be the very
agreeable one of thanking you for the honour you have conferred on me
in unanimously electing me as your President. This duty ought
probably to have been performed at an earlier date, but other engage-
ments left it out of my power to be present at your Annual Meeting
when my name was first brought before you. The compliment paid to
me by this selection was as unexpected as 1 fear it was undeserved ; for
although I have been a Member of this Association for over a quarter of
a century, circumstances have hitherto prevented my taking that active
part in your proceedings and deliberations which I should have wished
to do, and which might have entitled me to be thought of when
the time had arrived for the election of a new President. Having
thus no personal claim to the high position in which you have placed me
I must look for some other reason for my selection, and I may find it in
the fact that I have been, for many years, one of the representatives on
your governing body of the distant province of Connaught, and that in
selecting your Presidents yOu desire to show that the Society now
embraces every portion of this country. As we all know, this Associa-
tion was originally founded mainly in connexion with the city and
county of Kilkenny; it next extended to the south-eastern portion of
Ireland, and subsequently, within a very few years, it took within its
influence and labours the whole of our country. Notwithstanding this,
naturally, for many years the majority of its Members were connected
with that portion of Ireland where the Association was founded, and
your first Presidents, and the acting Members of your Council were
mainly taken from residents in the eastern and south-eastern districts.
The Society has, however, now become a national one. You have, I
believe, Members from every county in Ireland, and the interest in your
work is propagated and maintained in every portion of the island,
through the provincial meetings and excursions which annually take
place. I may then safely assume that in selecting your President on
this occasion from the ancient kingdom of Connaiight you desire to show
the extent to which your Association has become national, and the
compliment you have paid to me I willingly accept on behalf of my
native province. Apart altogether from the merits or demerits of the
individual whom you may select, there is, however, one disadvantage
connected with the selection of your President from a distant portion
of the country, and that is, that his attendance at your Meetings cannot
be of that regular and constant character which the head of an Associa-
tion like this ought to give. I feel this particularly in my own case.
My other avocations, and the fact that I reside so little in Dublin will
prevent me, I fear, from taking part in your proceedings, and presiding
at your Meetings as often as your President ought to do, and I must in
the very beginning prepare you for this, and ask for your forbearance.
It would give me the greatest pleasure to attend here regularly, and I
know that I should find the pursuit and study of your archasological
investigations most engrossing; but circumstances will not permit this,
and I fear that whilst your President hails from Connaught, he must be
represented by deputy at many of your Meetings ; but whilst absent in
person I can assure you that he will be with you in spirit, and that any
assistance he can render to the Association will most willingly be given.
When notified that I had been elected as your President my first
thoughts turned towards my duties on taking the chair, and I hoped to
have been able, in an Inaugural Address, to have laid before you a short
account of this Association since its infancy, of the progress it had made,
of the good work which it had accomplished, of its objects, and how
they had been attained. This, perhaps ambitious, programme I have
been obliged for the present to lay aside. Probably a more fitting
opportunity may soon be given for its realisation.
Just now, beyond returning you my thanks, I shall be very brief in
my observations. I would, however, ask you to remember the objects
for which this Association was formed. They were clearly defined in
the beginning, and have been ratified repeatedly since then. They were
threefold, viz. : — To preserve, examine, and illustrate all ancient monu-
inents of the history, language, arts, manners, and customs of our
I will not now stop to examine, in detail, how these objects can be
best accomplished. T wish to deal merely with one of the most effective
means towards obtaining the end which we have in view, and that is the
dissemination of knowledge amongst the peasantry and ordinary popula-
tion of the country, in regard to those ancient monuments. I regret to
say that I fear such knowledge, instead of increasing, is on the wane.
It may be true that at the top of the social and literary ladder archaeo-
logical knowledge has made, and is making, great strides, and that
amongst learned men more is known of the origin and true use of the-
ancient monuments scattered over the land than in former days, but
amongst the population at large I fear the reverse of this is the case.
Strange as it may seem, education, popularly so called, seems to be
driving out all local traditions and all local knowledge of the different
interesting and wonderful remains connected with the past history and
manners and customs of the former inhabitants of this island. Some
generations ago every child in a parish knew of the existence of the old
forts and raths and crornleachs, of the ruined castles and abbeys, within
that parish. Some history, some legend, some tradition, or some fairy
tale was attached to each. To every generation, as it grew up, the
traditions of the past were handed down, mixed up, no doubt, with
fabulous and mysterious stories, but still traditions with some ground-
work of truth — traditions that kept alive an interest, a wondering
respectful interest, in these ancient remains. In the long winter
evenings the children, gathered round the fires in the humble cottages
of the people, were entertained with marvellous stories of the past, with
histories of the giants of former ages, and of the wars and battles waged
in their own particular locality — histories and stories often intermingled
with the sayings and doings of the fairies, or the " good people," and all
connected in some shape or form with the tangible ruins and remains
within the district. Such stories, or such gossip, containing more poetry
than prose, yet kept alive ancient traditions, and preserved a local
knowledge which unfortunately is now fast dying out. At the present
day, in some parts of Ireland, 1 may say there is scarcely any knowledge
even of the existence of those ancient monuments in the localities where
they are to be found.
Our country almost everywhere is studded over with most interesting
landmarks of its past history, either forts, or raths, or pillar- stones, or
ancient castles, or ruined churches, beautifully carved crosses, towers, or
sepulchral remains, yet if a stranger were to ask the present generation
of the inhabitants of some of these districts where he could find a par-
ticular monument which he wished to examine, he would obtain little or
no guidance from them. The child every day passes these monuments
going to and coming from his national school, he never gives a thought to
them, lie hears nothing of them at school, and he knows more about the
situation of the rivers in South America, or the mines in Western
Australia, than he does of the national monuments existing within a few
hundred perches of his father's door. The evenings are now spent in
preparing the school work for the next day. The teachers, as a rule,
know nothing about the remains of the past, and the national school
children, that is to say the whole rural population, are now growing up
in absolute ignorance of the very existence of any monument requiring
explanation. The children, no doubt, see these forts and raths and
sepulchral remains and ruins, but they see nothing in them to inquire
about. They pass them as they would pass a field of grass, giving as
little thought to their origin as they give to the wonderful mystery of
how the grass grows, or the trees and shrubs put forth buds and leaves
in the spring and early summer. All the old stories and traditions and
history of the past are dying out, and local knowledge of the local events
of even two or three centuries ago is almost gone. Well, I cannot help
thinking that this is a great misfortune, and that through it one of the
most potent means of preserving, examining, and illustrating our ancient
monuments is fast slipping out of our hands. Cun we do anything to pre-
vent this, and if so, might not some of our energies be usefully employed
in the attempt ? We have heard a great deal lately of all that may be
learned by watching sharply and imitating the example set by the Danes.
Denmark has been represented as a country very much like Ireland in
regard to the avocations of the people, and Danish butter and Danish
bacon have been driving our produce out of British, and even out of Irish,
markets. It is not alone with regard to agricultural pursuits that we
may learn something from our northern neighbours. Pig-sticking and
milk -skimming are not the only pursuits in which apparently their example
may benefit us. I was much struck lately by reading an account given
in the very first number of your Journal si the care the Danes have taken
in preserving a local knowledge of their ancient monuments, and of the
success which has attended their efforts. With your permission I will
read a few extracts from the observations contained in this Journal. They
are as follows : — " In the course of an admirable address, delivered to the
members of the lloyal Irish Academy, by that eminent Danish antiquary,
Mr. J. A. Worsaae, it was stated that amongst the other methods used
in order to awaken the people of Denmark to a sense of the importance
of national antiquities, the lloyal Society of Northern Antiquaries in
Copenhagen had published illustrated tracts explanatory of popular
antiquities, with instructions as to the best way of preserving them,
many thousand copies of which were spread gratuitously over the face
of the country, amongst the clergy, schoolmasters, and peasants. This
measure has been attended with the most ample success. The importance
and interest of the ancient monuments of Denmark are now universally
acknowledged, and the formation of a museum of national antiquities un-
equalled in Europe has been the result." Your Council at that day,
nearly fifty years ago, went on to say : "It was much to be wished that
this admirable example had long ere now been followed in this country.
The Kilkenny Society feels that it would ill discharge one of the chief
ends of its formation did it not endeavour, as far as its limited means and
humble sphere of operations will admit, to diffuse amongst the people a
spirit similar to that so successfully excited in Denmark, and by the
means there found to be so effective." " Neither let it be said that such
subjects as fairy lore and the traditions of the peasantry are trivial and
unimportant ; on the contrary, the most eminently learned men of this
and other nations have acknowledged their great value in connexion with
the study of the early history of mankind, and in assisting to unravel
the tangled web of primeval mythology." Being at that time only in
their infancy, they go on to suggest a number of most searching and
useful queries to be distributed throughout the country with the object
of obtaining all possible local information as to the existence, situation,
and condition of the various ancient monuments scattered over the king-
dom. Nearly fifty years have passed since the lines which 1 have read to
you were penned, and since those queries were drawn out for distribution.
During those years a vast amount of information has been collected. Most
valuable papers have been from time to time prepared and read at the
various meetings of the Association, but the information contained in
these papers for the most part lies buried here, there, and everywhere in
your volumes, and if anyone wants to find out what information the
Association has succeeded in obtaining with regard to the historical
monuments of any particular portion or district of the country, thousands
of pages have to be gone over, with perhaps an unsatisfactory result in
the end. Have we not now arrived at a period when something more
might be done to utilise the information already gathered together, and
to make it more generally diffused amongst our people ? It seems to me
that if our funds permitted it, much might be done by a reprint of many
of these papers to which I have alluded, locally arranged, so that all
dealing with a particular district or locality might be placed together ;
and if such were published in pamphlet form and distributed through the
teachers to different schools in country places, a lively interest might
be created in the monuments daily seen by the pupils, and local knowledge,
which is so slight at present, might be revived. I throw this out merely
<is a suggestion for the consideration of those better informed than I am
•as to the possibilities of carrying it out. But certainly I am of opinion
that some steps should be taken to revive that local interest which is fast
disappearing, and which if not revived will soon be extinct. I said in
the beginning this evening that my remarks should be brief, and I must
keep to that engagement. We shall soon, I trust, be celebrating the
jubilee of this Association, and let us endeavour in the short time that
JOUR. K.S.A.I., VOL. VII., PT. I., 5'1'H SER. H
will elapse before that event to do everything that we can to show that
the Association has accomplished some of the objects for which it was
founded, and that it can worthily and with pride enter on such celebration.
The following Papers were read, and referred to the Council for
publication : —
"The Tomb of Baine and the Inscribed-stones at Knockmaney, Co. Tyrone."
Illustrated with Lantern Slides. By Mr. George Coffey, M.R.I. A., Fellow.
" St. Maiy's Cathedral, Limerick : its Plans and Canopied Tombs," by Mr. T. J.
"Westropp, M.A., M.K.I. A., Fellow.
The Meeting adjourned until the 19th of April, 1897, at Kilkenny.
WEDNESDAY, 13th January, 1897.
LEAVING the railway station, in a few minutes ST. MARY'S CHURCH was
reached. The present church, founded 1807, occupies the site of
an older church, which took the place of the Carmelite Monastery, of
which a small portion is still standing. The oldest tombstone is dated
1525, and bears the names of Delahoyd and Hill. A very well-preserved
portion of the old town-wall of Drogheda bounds the churchyard on the
southern side. On the eastern side, and overlooking " the Dale," the
portion of the wall representing "Cromwell's Breach" is seen.
" Cromwell's Mound " stood on the opposite side of the Dale.
Not far from St. Mary's is "the MILLMOUNT." A martello tower
stands on an ancient tumulus, usually classed along with Dowth and New
Grange, and believed to be "the grave of the wife of Gobban." It is
conjectured that Turgesius, the Dane, made this his headquarters (in the
ninth century). Here Cromwell put the garrison to the sword, llth
September, 1649.
THE CASTLE OF DROGHEDA, erected in the twelfth century, shortly
after the English invasion, stood in the "Bull King." In 1234 a
murage charter was granted. Further subsidies were granted in 1279,
1296, and 1316, for repairs of walls and towers.
On the north side of the town, and close to " Sunday's Gate," is the
" MAGDALENE STEEPLE," remnant of the Dominican Abbey of St. Mary
Magdalene, founded in 1224 by Lucas de Netterville.
Here, in 1395, the four Ulster chieftains, O'Neill, O'Donnell,
O'Hanlon, and Mac Mahon did homage to Richard II. In 1494
" Poynings' Law " was enacted here by the Parliament of the Pale.
In the COURTHOUSE there were seen :- —
number : the largest, ti modern round steel seal, worked by a lever, has
a portion of the arms of the town, with the legend, "Municipal
Corporation of Drogheda." The second is one beautiful piece of corne-
1 By the llev. Herbert Sandford, M.A., the Rev. E, B. Fitzmaurice, O.S.F., and
the Rev. Alexander Hall, K.A.
I 1
lian, about 3 inches long by £-inch square ; it has the whole of the arms
of the Corporation of Drogheda, with the motto: "Deus Praesidium.
Mercatura Decus." The engraving of this seal is exquisite. It is small,
yet every line and letter of arms and motto are most distinct. The third
and smallest seal is likewise one piece of cornelian ; it has the cres t of
the town (a crescent, with a star between the horns), and the ino tto,
" Deus Praesidium," etc.
2. THE MAPS. — These are two. The better one, dated 1778, made
by Taylor and Skinner, is very clear in every detail. The second one,
which may be a century older, is the celebrated " Newcomen " map,
which D' Alton has roughly sketched in his "History of Drogheda."
3. THE SWORD (Civic). — This in itself is not remarkable as a work of
art. The blade is fastened by rust into the scabbard, which is of leather,
with silver-gilt mountings, bearing, at intervals, the arms of the Order of
the Garter, with the motto " Honi soit qui mal y pense." The boss of the
hilt is of silver gilt ; the bar is a piece of silver gilt, with some wretched
attempts at line-engraving. No date can be assigned to this sword, but
the right of the Mayor of Drogheda to have it borne before him, dates
back to the year 1463 or thereabouts, when Edward IV. was king.
4. THE MACE. — This bears its date upon itself in the letters W R,
which mean, of course, WilJielmus Rex, or William III. This mace,
which is one of the finest in Ireland, is of very pure silver and of Irish
manufacture. The ornamentation about the knob is in repousse work,
and along the shaft in bad engraving. Portions of the mace which were
broken, probably by some former careless mace-bearer returning to the
Tholsel after some banquet at the Mayoralty House, were cleverly replaced
in lead by some local smith, whether silver, black, or tin smith, history
sayeth not.
5. THE CHARTERS. — These are two : — One, by King James II., in the
year 1687 ; the other by King William III. soon after the Battle of the
ST. PETER'S CHURCH is approached through very massive and handsome
wrought-iron gates of modern date. The churchyard is an old cemetery
containing several interesting tombs, notably, those bearing the nam es of
Goldynge, Darditz, and Elcock. The church itself (1748) is, externally,
rather distinguished for massiveness than beauty, the architecture being
of the mixed style characteristic of many of the churches of that date.
The interior of the church is fine, with pillars, galleries, and wainscoting
of oak. It contains several objects of antiquarian interest.
The Communion Plate is very fine, having been presented by Sir
Henry Tichbourne in the year 1667. The most interesting monuments
in the church are those of Francis Leigh, the Right Hon. Henry
Singleton, Rev. John Magee, and Bishop Pullen.
Lunch was served at 2 p.m., in the Mayoralty Rooms (by permission of
the Mayor), who was present as a guest, and in the afternoon, before leaving,
the Members had tea in the Rectory, kindly provided by Mrs. Sandford.
earliest mention of Dromiskin, or, as it would be more correctly
spelt now, Drumiskin, is the establishment there of a church, or
monastery, by St. Patrick : —
" Extruxit etiam ecclesiam, postea celebrem, quae Druim-Inisclainn,1 ap-
pellatuv, in regione de Delbna ; in qua etiam duo ex ejus discipulis, nempe Da-
Luanus de Croebheach et Lugadius ^Enghusio, Natfraichi filio, Mumoniae Rege,
natus." 2
to which Colgan appends this note :• —
" Nobile Monasterium de Druim inis clinn (Canonicorum, ut puto, Regula-
rium) est in ea Comitatus Luthensis parte quse hie Delbna appellatur, et est
juxta civitatem Pontanam" —
a remark which, evidently, misled Archdall, Lanigan, and others, as to
its position, which they assigned to Drumshallon, within four miles of
the municipal bounds of Drogheda.3
1 Druim-Ineasglainn . . . The place is now called in English Drumiskin, but
always Druminisklin by the natives of the Fews and Cuailgne, who speak the Irish
very 'fluently.— " Ann. Q. M.," A.D. 788, Note.
2 Trias Thaum. Sept. Vita XII. The name Delvin is now limited to a barony in
the north part of tbe county Westmeath.
3 The word "juxta," used by Colgan, might be applied to a place fourteen
statute miles distant. He evidently means it was somewhere near the civil limits of
JOUlt. U.S. A. I., VOL. VII., I'T. II., OTH SKK.
The neighbouring- abbey of Louth maintained its ecclesiastical posi-
tion much longer than did that of Dromiskin. It may appear improbable
that two churches, eacji in tended. -to-^ena centre of missionary work in a
c ountry on ly diml^ illuminated by a glimmer of Christianity, should have-
been established and built about the same time, at Dromiskin and at Louth,
within six miles of each other, but it is really not so. The fertile plain
of Muirtheimhne was a granary for the marsh and forest country on its-
west, which grew ' comparatively little corn, and for the mountainous
districts to the north, which mostly reared cattle. The beauty of its
gently undulating surface attracted the notice of the apostle as he
travelled northwards from Munster, after his seven years' sojourn there.
Dromiskin lay close to the high road leading to Ulster, along the shore
of Dundalk bay. It seems evident that the founding of a church at
Dromiskin must be assigned to this time, for the first presiding bishop or
abbot of the establishment was Lugaidh, son of ^Enghus, King of
Munster, who had been baptized by St. Patrick, at Cashel, while he was-
in the South of Ireland. Colgan mentions another disciple of the saint
as being at Dromiskin at the same time, Dalua, or Molua of Creevah,1
but of him we know nothing further here. Lugaidh is numbered among
the saints of Ireland. He died A.D. 515 or 516, and his festival is
November 2nd.2
Many suppose that the monastery at Louth was senior, in point of
time, to that at Dromiskin ; but, as St. Patrick seems to have left Ard
Patrick3 for Armagh, while Mochta was engaged in building it, there is
every reason to conclude that Dromiskin abbey was then already built,
and the fact that a son of the royal house of Munster was appointed to
1 "Do-Lue of Croibech, and Lugaid, son of Oengus, son of Natfraech, it is they
who, of Patrick's household, are in Druim Inisclaind in Delbna." — " Tripartite Life,'*
p. 77. Colgan Latinizes tlie name as Da-luanus.
2 Colgan, in giving a list of those saints who had enlightened Ireland by the-
sanctity of their lives, mentions Lugadius, and says he hud two festival days — May
12th (Menologium Geneal. Martyr. Tallaght : Marian 0' Gorman) ; and November 2nd
(Marian O'Gorman), the latter being the day celebrated at Drumiskin. — " Acta SS.,""
p. 162, Note 1.
3 This may, I think, be gathered from that part of the "Tripartite Life " (Trias.
Thaum., chaps. 65- 67) where it is stated that St. Patrick came to the people of Fer-
Ross (Carrickmacross), and proposed building a church at Druimmor, near to which a
church, afterwards called Cluain Chaoin (Clunkeen), was subsequently built, when an
angel admonished him that not there, but at another place towards the north, com-
monly named Macha, the Lord was pleased that his church should be. But that as
Clonkeen was a pleasant spot, a foreign saint, native of Britain, would eivct one
there. " On hearing this, Patrick gave thanks, and retired to a certain hill not
far distant, towards the east, ' where he founded a church, called Ard Patrick.' " While-
there, at "the monastery of Ard, St. Mocteus, by nation a Briton, built a monastery
in a neighbouring place, commonly called Lugnjha. . f . They were wont to meet
each other often near a certain flagstone, called Leach Mocth, and to discourse of
things relative to God." St. Patrick, in obedience to a second celestial messenger,
left Louth for Armagh, consigning to the care of St. Mochta twelve lepers. So far
the "Tripartite" account. Nothing is said .about the monastery at Dromiskin, but
this seems to show that it was then an established centre of work. It never, how-
ever, was as large as Louth, under St. Mochta, seems to have become. An ancient
rule over it, seems to show that it was intended to he a place of some
importance. There could not, however, as far as the records tell us,
have "been much difference, in point of time, between the founding of
the two monasteries.
The next abbot at Dromiskin, of whom we have any account, though
he was not the next in succession, was Ronan, son of Berach. Berach
was a disciple of St. Dagceus, bishop of Inis Chaoin (Iniskeen), about the
middle of the sixth century.1 A miracle, performed by him, similar to
Elisha's, in 2 Kings iv. 42-44, as we are told, caused his master to say
he was unworthy of such a pupil ; and on his leaving, Dagceus gave him
a short staff (Bacull gearr), and a bell, which, under the name of Clog-
beraigh, was preserved, as a relic, at Cluan da lochia.2 However this
may be, after leaving Iniskeen, he entered into the monastic state at
Glendalough, and died Abbot of Cluain-Cairpthe,8 in Roscommon.
St. Ronan was a more remarkable character than his predecessor,
St. Lugaidh, of whom we have but little more than his name and royal
pedigree. His name occurs in history ; he was venerated for a long
time after his death, and is still remembered by a holy well at Dromiskin
bearing his name. He is said to have suffered an indignity at the hands
of Suibhne, son of Colman Cuar, prince of Dalaradia, whom he denounced;
in consequence of which Suibhne went mad after the battle of Magh
Rath (Moira).4 If, according to Tighernach, this battle was fought in
A.D. 637, St. Ronan must have been abbot before that year, and the period
of his rule must have been a long one.
In the year 664 a pestilence, which broke out first in England,5 made
poem, quoted by the Q. M. (A.D. 534) and by Colgan ("Acta Sanct.," page 734),
describes it as very wealthy : —
" Not poor was the family of Mochta, of Louth's fort,
Three hundred priests and one hundred bishops along with him,
Sixty singing elders composed his royal noble household,
They ploughed not, they reaped not, they dried not corn,
They laboured not, save at learning only."
Another reading for Seanoir, elders, is Searclaun, youths. Ard Patrick is 1200 yards
S.E. ot the Abbey. It never was a parish, and the church, a small building, the walls
of which are only a foot or two high, completely hidden now by vegetation, on the edge
of an abrupt slope on a hill, is evidently very ancient.
We must recollect that a monastery or an abbey does not represent a sixth-century
fact, as we understand the mediaeval term. A roughly-built stone church of moderate
dimensions, a refectory, cells, built of stones or mud, for the brothers, multiplied
as their numbers increased, and an oratory for their superior, enclosed with a
stone wall, constituted, piobably, the whole. The illustration 011 next page, of the
Oratory of St. Mochta, close to the Louth Abbey, gives a fair idea of such a building.
It is, I grieve to say, still unenclosed, and cattle make sad havoc of one of the most
interesting relics of St. Patrick's time. Lord Louth told me he would endeavour
to have it railed in, bnt the farmer on whose land it is should not require either
inducement or instruction to have this done.
"ActaSS.,"pp. 348 and 374.
! Trias Thaum. Now Glendalough, in the county of Wicklow.
3 Now Kilbarry, parish of Termonbarry. — Lanigan, xiv. 6.
" Battle of Magh Rath," note, p. 175.
5 Lanigan, xvii., note 162, quoting Bede, L 3, c. 27.
I 2
St. Mochtv's Oratory at Loutl).
its appearance in Ireland. Irish writers call it Buidhe Chonnuil, or the
Yellow Jaundice. Among its numerous victims, St. Ronan's name is
recorded. He died, November 18th.1 His relics, which we may presume
had been carefully preserved at Dromiskin, were, one hundred and
thirty-two years afterwards, placed in a shrine of gold and silver.2 But
the Danes were even then coming into Ireland ; forty -three years after
that they had begun plundering in Louth, and it must have fallen into
their hands soon after.
The names of only five other abbots are recorded in the Annals as
belonging to Dromiskin, viz : —
Muirchiu, . . , . . Died 826.
Tighernach, son of Muireadhach, . ,, 876 [878].3
Cormac, son of Fionamhail, . . ,, 887.
Muireadhach, son of Cormac, . . ,, 90S.4
Maenach, son of Muireadhach, . . ,,978.
The last-mentioned must have lived in very troublous times, depend-
ent as he was for his existence upon the Danes, who seem to have held
the place for many years. He was probably in office in the year 968,
when both Dromiskin and Louth, then in their hands, were attacked and
plundered ; first by Muircheartach, son of Domhnall ua Niall, king of
Ireland, and then by Murchadh ua Flaithbheartaigh, surnamed Glunillar
(of the eagle-knee).
The subsequent history of Dromiskin as a monastery does not appear
in any of the Annals. No more abbots are recorded. Its position
rendered it specially liable to be overrun and plundered. The buildings
could hardly have been otherwise than in a ruinous condition by the end
of the tenth century, and the monks who outlived the troubles probably
did not consider it advisable to restore them, and we may suppose
dispersed themselves among other places which afforded them better
shelter and more security. Whatever revenues this abbey had become
possessed of lapsed, as we will presently see, to that of Louth, which
managed to preserve its ecclesiastical possessions till all such foundations
were dissolved.
The accompanying plan, p. 106, will show the relative positions of the
Cloigthc ach or bell-tower at Dromiskin, and the remains of the old church,
which stands on a part of the ancient abbey, probably the chancel end.
1 " Acta SS.," p. 141. 2 " Ann. Q. M.," sub anno 796.
3 "Extenso dolore pausavit." — "Ann. Q. M."
4 He was killed in the refectory of Dromiskin along with Gairbhith, son of
faelmoidha, Tanist of Conaille Muirtheimhne by Conghalach, lord of that district.
" this Abbot it was said : —
"Muireadhach, who does not lament him, 0 ye learned,
It is a cause of human plague, it is a cloud to sacred heaven,
Great loss is the illustrious man, sou of Cormac, of a thousand charms,
The great and well tested relic, who was the lamp of every choir "
Maps of the Parish of Droinislcin and places adjoining.
Not long ago, some men in digging for a grave came upon some masonry
which, from the description given to me, seemed to be part of a wall at
the junction of the chancel with the main building, but it was covered
up before I could get down to examine it. A spot connected with
associations of the great Apostle of Ireland is, naturally enough, sought
after as a burial-place by all who can establish even the most distant
Round Tower, Dromiskin, Co. Louth. (From a Photograph by Miss Chamney.)
right to interment there. So that it is not likely that any excavations
will bring to light much of the ancient building.
The tower, of the ninth century, is unique in its proportion, being
not more than about 55 feet high, with a diameter of nearly 17 feet,
and a height sufficient to overlook the bay and surrounding country.
Above, the four large openings command views, northward towards
Dundalk ; southward, and across the bay eastward, from which points
Danish foes might be expected; and westward towards Louth. A little
below the western one, facing W.N.W., is a small angular-headed
opening like that in the Tower of Kells, figured at p. 414, Petrie's
" Round Towers of Ireland." The conical top had lost some few
stones, which were replaced by the Public Works Department in 1879.
A cabin built against it was removed about 1840, and a doorway had at
that time been broken into it, and it was used as a dwelling-place ; but
when my father came as rector to the parish, he evicted the tenant, and
the opening was since then built up. The doorway, 4 feet 3 inches in
height, was originally flanked by two pillars, but no trace of these has
been found. A fragment of a spiral pillar in the graveyard, part of the
original building perhaps, does not belong to the tower. Two projecting*
stones, on either side of the doorway, level with the spring of the arch,
must have once been carved, but they are too much weather-worn to
judge what form they bore.
Next to the tower, the most ancient object is a broken cross, of
which an illustration is given. Only the arms remain. It is of granite,
brought, I should think, from the quarries, still worked at Goraghwood,
a junction on the line of railway, north of Dundalk. It was said to
have been brought from the seaside at a place formerly known as Baltray,
which will be presently adverted to. This is probable, as there was a
burial-place there many
hundred years ago. I
cannot but think from
the figures carved upon
it, which represent war
on one arm, the chase of
a deer on the other, that
it was set up to mark
the spot where Aedh
Pinnliath, son of Mall
Caille, King of Temhair,
and Monarch of Ireland,
was laid to rest : — '* He
died at Druim - inas-
glainn, in the territory
of Conaille, on the 12th
of the Kalends of De-
cember, on the 6th day
of the week."1 This
. , . n , m would have been the
Doorway of Dromiskin Round lower.
21st of December, 8/9.
The cross certainly was not put up for an abbot, and Hugh of the fair beard
1 "Chronicon Scot.," p. 167.
is the only very eminent warrior of whose death here we are told. What
we know of him shows that his character was a devout one, and a cross
Front of Cross, Dromiskin Churchyard, Co. Louth.
the appropriate monument for him.1 I offered a reward for the other
portions of the cross, but unsuccessfully. It lias for three or four
generations been used as a headstone by a family of the name of Lawless
Keverse Side of Celtic Cross, Dromiskin, Co. Louth. (With broken parts restored.)
in the neighbouring parish of Killincoole. The Public Works Depart-
ment offered to set it up, but nothing more than this fragment could be
1 His victory over the Danes at Cill ui-n-Daighre (Killineer) is described as due to
his piety ("Wars G. G.," p. Ixxxviii) ; and his eldest son, Domhnall, went on a
pilgrimage in 906 (" Ann. Q. M.," hut 910 by Ann. Ult.).
found ; the family which had appropriated it did not seem very anxious
about it, and the proposal fell through.
I have put down on the map of the abbey and its vicinity two spots
where there may have been cells of the monks. Only an examination
of them by excavation, they being all now underground, could ascertain
the truth of this. I proceeded on a merely verbal and hearsay descrip-
tion of what were evidently small square stone buildings, some con-
nected together by a passage.
Round the larger centres of church-work other smaller centres
gathered themselves. Independent though, in some instances, they may
have been, they naturally became, in time, portions of a common district.
It would be difficult, if not impossible, to assign a date for the formation,
or to fix the exact limits, of a diocese or a parish. They were not
created by the act of any one body, or of any one person, but grew up by
degrees. Some clue, however, is given in the records of title of abbeys
and churches to the tithes and other ecclesiastical dues of different
places. They indicate a connexion which has existed between them
from a very early date.
Nearly a mile from the village of Dromiskin there yet remains
the portion of a wall, 3 feet thick, and many hundreds of years
old. It forms part of the out-building of a farm-house, belonging to
a Mrs. M'Ginnis. It is part of a building said to have been once a
chapel; legend called it a " penitentiary." It may be seen on the
Down Survey Map, as a ruined castle, and it may have also served as a
watch-tower to give notice of the approach of a Danish fleet sailing into
the bay. The field adjoining it was certainly a place of burial, bones
having been frequently turned up by the plough. Here, if old reports
were true, once stood the granite cross before described. This place was
once known as Baltray.1 Its ecclesiastical dues are recorded separately
from those of Dromiskin, to which, however, they belonged.
Nearly three miles north-west from Dromiskin, in a picturesque
spot in Rossuuakay townland, and overlooking the river Fane,2
stands the remains of what is marked on the Ordnance Map as an
" Abbey," once a parish, but as far as can be known, not a separate
1 i. e. Strand-town, called "Seatowne" in an Inquisition taken at Termon-
feckin, 6th September, 20 James I. ; and in another taken at Gernonstown, 6th
September, 1694. — Guild, et Mar.
a The name "Fane" for this river is modern. Below it was sometimes called
"Dunduggan river" (see note, page 112). It seems to be derived from Affane-
Ath-mheadhon. (See Joyce's "Names of Places," 1st Series, p. 355.) Three prin-
cipal roads from Dundalk crossed the river, leading to Louth, Ardee, and Drogheda.
The " Middle Ford" appears on Taylor and Skinner's Map as " Affane Bridge."
cure. Rosmacha was always, from the time it ceased to belong to the
priory of Louth, wholly impropriate. Its original status appears rather
in the name "Urney" (Urnaidhe, a prayer-house), by which it is
recorded in an Inquisition, 13 James I. The existing remains are
the eastern side, and part of the gables of a building, nearly 80 feet in
length. A large open fire-place near the centre seems to indicate that it
was a refectory, capable of containing a large number of persons. It
certainly was not a place of worship. There was, however, a church
and burial ground a short distance north of this building. No name has
been recorded as having ever been in charge of the parish. It may,
therefore, be concluded that here was a place of prayer, originally con-
nected with the monastery of Dromiskin.
About three miles along the shore, S.S.E. from Dromiskin, the rivers
Glyde and Dee uniting fall into the bay of Dundalk, at the village of
Annagassan.1 The small townland lying between the Glyde and the
shore is " The Linns" ; till a few years ago part of the parish of Dro-
miskin, though separated from it by that of Gernonstown (Castlebelling-
harn), and to it the ecclesiastical dues belonged from a very early period.
While the site of the village was called Casan-Linne, another spot, close
to or identical with the meeting of the waters, is mentioned frequently
in the "Annals, Q. M.," as Linn Duachail, the demon's pool.2 Early
legend gave the place an evil reputation as the haunt of a mischievous
demon named Uachall.3 Here, however, St. Colman, son of Luachan,
of the house of JSiall of the Nine Hostages came : a man eminent, not
only on account of his descent, but also for his sanctity, which in legend
gave him the credit of subduing the demon.
It is said that he founded a monastery here. No trace of it remains,
not even a legend as to its position. Only a holy well in the townland
of Salterstown, about two and a-half miles further along the shore, and
in the old impropriate parish of the same name, named in the Ordnance
Map Tober Hullamog,4 exists to attest his former residence here. He
died March 30th, 699.
1 Ath-na-gCasan, « Ford of the Paths."— Joyce, 1st Series, p. 372 ; 2nd Series,
p. 408.
2 The late Bishop of Down, Dr. Reeves, identified this place with Annagassan.
Dr. O'Donovan at first assigned it to Magheralin, county Down. The connexion of
the Linns with Dromiskin has not baen made so evident, even the Ordnance Maps and
Name Ho >ks record it as in Gernonstown parish ; but as the rentcharge, amounting to
£12 15s. 2d., is at this moment (1896) calculated in the income of the Rector of
Dromiskin, and the people of the townland claim burial on the site of the monastery,
the connexion of the two places, back to monastic times, does not admit of doubt.
3 Quod erat nomen doemonis in Cassan Linnequi nocebat multisante Colemannum.
" Acta SS.," p. 793; note 10.
4 Persons still occasionally make pilgrimages to this well for the cure of detective
The names of the six following abbots of this place are recorded in
the "Annals":
Siadhail, Abbot of Linn, . . Died 752.
Anfadan, Abbot, . . . „ 758.
Suairleach, Abbot, , . . ,, 770.
Thomas, Bishop and Abbot, . . ,, 803 [808].
Clemens, Abbot, . . ,. „ 826.
Caemhan, killed and burned by the Danes, ,, 841 [842].
Now it is an important and remarkable fact that the first four of
these names are not contemporary with any of the abbots recorded, as of
Dromiskin, but that they, with* St. Colman, fill up the gap between the
deaths of St. Ronan, in 664, and of Muirchiu, in 826. This would seem
to imply some connexion between the two places ; the names of the
fourth and fifth being Latin ones, and not Irish, is to be noted.
Two years before the martyrdom of the last abbot, Kevin, the
Danes had constructed a fortress at Linn Duachail,1 whence they made
raids into all the country round ; and here they retained their footing
till the year 925 [927], when they left it. During these eighty-six
years they seem to have obliterated every trace of a religious institution
in and about Dromiskin, except what the ruined walls could show.
The places of which we find the tithes were afterwards in the hands
of the Prior of St. Mary, at Louth, seem to include all that belonged to
the abbey at Dromiskin, and the order in which these are set down in
two inquisitions taken during the reign of James I., shows clearly enough
what ecclesiastical possessions must have been held by the latter. They
are as follows :
Inq. 4 James I.
Milltown.2 6
Newtown.2 7
Inq. 13 James I.
le Lynn (waste).
Baltra (waste).
Moreton, or Bosgravile's Rath.8 Moreton (waste).
Mill of Dundogin.-
Walterstown, with 15 acres of
glebe in the Urney.
1 Probably the one now known as Lis-na-rann.
3 Inq. 34 Henry VIII. has these only. The tithes, Mary-gallons, and altarages of
Dromiskin and Newtown are expressly added.
3 Evidently intended for Drumleck.
4 Newrath on the Ordnance Map. Neagra, pronounced like Nyagra, was the Iri>h
It thus appears that though the monastery of Dronriskin ceased as
such, the ecclesiastical dues of these places passed either by gift or by a
natural process of gravitation into the hands of the prior and monks of
St. Mary of Louth.
Dromiskin, with a considerable extent of land about, became one of
the manors of the archbishops of Armagh, to whom the right of presenta-
tion to the parish belonged down to the year 1870.
form within my recollection. After the battle of Criona, A.D. 248, Tadhg Mac Cian
received from Cormac Mac Art a territory, afterwards called Cianaclita, extending from
the river Liffey as far as " Glais Neara, near Druim-in-eas-cluinn." This, I hold, is
the present Newrath, surviving modern corruption, and the mispronunciation of Irish
which Dr. O'Donovan said (" Ordnance Name Book") was habitual in Louth. He
could say so now for a very sufficient reason. [The same corruption of the same
name is found in Wicklow.]
5 Townland of Killincoole, now a group of houses bordering on Dromiskin parish,
once, perhaps, included in it, Inq., 9th April, 1624. Nic. Gernon gives the name
Terpott. Tarpod is the present pronunciation.
6 Probably the present townland of Milltown Old.
7 Probably the present townland of Milltown.
8 Moretown is the present Mooretown, a name derived from tbe family of Brent
Moore, last representatives of whom were the late John and William Armitage Moore.
Bosgravile is a corrupted form of Baskerville, a family who held it and Dunduggan.
9 Otherwise Dundugan. The mill was close to the road (see map) on the river.
A tumulus, bearing the same name, about half a mile up the river, is figured in
Wright's " Louthiana," Book i., plate v. There was also, in 1622, an impropriate
cure of Dundugan somewhere hereabouts, but ils limits cannot be ascertained, as it
never had any other status, and does not form a townland of itself.
HPjEE Crannoge of Carncoagh is the same as that frequently described
as " Lisnacroghera " in the Journal of this Society; but, strange
to say, some mistakes, have been made regarding this crannoge. In
the first place there is no townland in the district known as Lis-
nacroghera, and if any one went to the neighbourhood in question
and inquired for
would either be told
place, or, perhaps,
whom the inquiry
the sound, might ask
Lisnacrogher. The
is sometimes called
Lisnacroghera may
be spelled, but in
documents ; and on
name and townland
spelling is Lisna-
again the crannoge
Lisnacrogher is only
land. How these mis-
Li snacroghera " he
there was no such
the persons from
was made, guided by
him if he meant
bog in that townland
" Croghery bog," and
be the way it should
all legal and public
farmers' carts where
have to appear the
crogher. But, then,
is in Carncoagh, and
a neighbouring town-
takes occurred I cim-
they uudoubtedl y are,
not tell, but mistakes
and should be corrected. I paid little attention to this crannoge
during the lifetime of our lamented friend and fellow member, Canon
Grainger, except when he took me there himself; as he called it his
crannoge, and was very jealous of anyone interfering with it. It appears
to be exhausted of its treasures now, but in neighbouring tenements of
bog an occasional " find " turns up. Two objects were found during the
past year, one of which I believe is a portion of a harp. Just as we find
many country fiddlers making their own violins in a homely sort of way,
so these early inhabitants of Carncoagh must have made their own harps
at their own crannoge fireside, as the marks of the knife by which it was
wrought into shape are very visible on several parts of it. It was found
in the next tenement of bog to that in which the crannoge is situated,
but quite close to it. The portion found, if I am correct in my view,
is evidently the top of the instrument, and is 13 inches long, by
If inches broad, and fully 1 inch thick. It has a peg
wrought at one end for fitting into a hole on top of one
of the sides, and a hole at the other to admit a peg from
the top of the third leg. There are 13 holes for the
strings. The peat-spade of the finder cut into it in the
centre causing it to be nearly severed, and it has shrunk
very greatly in size since it came into my possession,
which was immediately after being found. I kept it for
a considerable time in a solution of alum and water, during
which time it remained in its original shape and size, and
I had a drawing of it made in that state which is shown
in fig. 1. I also give an imaginary restoration which is
shown in fig. 2.
In the Introductory volume of O'Curry's " Manners
and Customs of the Ancient Irish," a harp is shown
(see fig. 72, on page dxviii.) It is taken from a manu-
script of St. Blaise, considered to belong to the 9th century.
The author says, so far as there is any certain evidence
at all on the subject, the precise form of instrument now
called a harp, seems to have originated in the British
Isles. The figure given in 0' Curry is plain in the part
corresponding to that found at Carncoagh, but as the
legs of the former are ornamented those of the latter
may have been so likewise, and therefore it may not
have been so poor an instrument as one would think judging from the
portion found. The specimen figured by 0' Curry is represented as having
twelve strings. I have requested the owner of the tenement of bog to
be on the look-out next season for the remaining portions. 0' Sullivan,
in the Introduction, refers to a rude specimen of a harp of the ninth
century sculptured on the cross of Ullard, and figured by Dr. Ferguson
in his Essay.
A second obj.ect was found during the past season, this time in the
neighbouring townland of Lisnacrogher. It is the butt of a spear of
bronze with 9 inches of shaft remaining in it. I had this object also drawn
while the wood was damp and of full size. It is shown in fig. 3.
It was perfectly cylindrical and smoothed all over, showing that it had
been cut out of a large branch or trunk, and that the rings of annual
growth had been cut through as we would see in an ashen spade-shaft
in the present day. Several similar objects were procured by Canon
Grainger, and have been figured and described in the Journal by Mr.
"W. F. Wakeman. (See vol. vi., Fourth Series, p. 393.)
Fig. 3.
(Continued from page 369, Vol. VI., 1896.)
IV"OTTGH:A.VAL (Ord. Sheet 9). — Along the desolate ridges between
Noughaval and Ballyganner lie a group of forts so numerous
and implying so much labour that we may conclude that an actual
city and considerable population occupied this lonely site.1
" Their raths are not dwelt in —
Their ancient cathairs —
"Whereon great duration was wrought —
They are waste . . . like Lugaid's House."2
Six " forts" and two cromlechs run in line nearly N. and S. towards
Fig. 1. — Plan of Noughaval and Ballyganner.
the summit of Ballygunner-hill. Prom Cahernaspekee, and the last of
these, five more lie eastward with four cromlechs. Small " caves," cairns,
circles, and hut-sites abound ; and near the N. end are the venerable
1 Ten fine forts stand near St. Abb's Head, Scotland, where only three farm-
houses are now inhabited.— Proc. Soc. Ant., Scot., 1895, p. 171. "The battle of
Mugh Leana," p. 79, also mentions a group of " three strong duns . . . three lofty
inurs of assembly, and three strong cathairs."
'- "Calendar of Oengus," p. 18.
church of Noughaval1 with two crosses, the " O'Davoren's chapel" and
the well of St. Mogua with its uncouth and ancient ash tree.
At the south end are the huge cromlech, castle, and three cahers of
Bally gamier. The ridge has a wide view over Kilfenora, while Liscan-
nor Bay is visible through a gap in the hills, from the gate of Cahercut-
tine. The whole site abounds in beautiful crag flowers.
Fig. 2. — Cahercuttine— Fort aud Cromlech, from south.
CAHEB.KYLETAAN (105 feet x 120 feet). — A straight-sided fort, walls
4 feet or 5 feet high and 10 feet thick, of large slabs; it has a cross
wall and some prostrate pillar stones, but no trace of a gateway.
Fig. 3. — Plan of Entrance, Cahercuttine.
CAHKRCUTTINE (137 feet x 130 feet). — A well preserved fort on the
summit of the ridge, commanding a view of most of the other cahers of the
, the latter word one of our oldest terms for a monastery,
" Tripartite Life," p. civ. A " Mughain, virgin, of Cluain Boirenn," is given under
Dec. loth, in Calendar of Oengus. A description of Noughaval Church appears
in the " Report of the Society for the Preservation of Memorials of the Dead
.(Ireland), 1896."
group and those of Boon and Bally kin varga. Its wall is 11 feet 4 inches
to 12 feet 6 inches thick, and up to 10 feet high, very well built, of large
stones, with two faces, the inner having a plinth 9 inches wide.1 The
gateway had comer posts and large lintels, removed to admit cattle, the
main lintel was 8 ft. 6 in x 2 ft. x 1 foot ; the passage, 5 ft. 8 in. within,
widens outward ; it faces S.S.E.2 ; near it to the west is a fine flight of
six steps, 3 feet 9 inches x 10 inches x 4 inches to 6 inches tread and
2 feet deep. This fort is a veritable garden of ferns, harebells, and cranes' -
bills. In the field to the west are a small cromlech 8 ft. x 6 ft., a ring wall
of large slabs 24 feet diameter, with walls 3 feet 6 inches thick, and a
miniature souterraiii. A cairn,3 semicircle, and pile of large blocks occur
Fig. 4. — Steps and Gate, Cahercuttine.
in the same field, while in that south of the fort are another cairn and an
overthrown cromlech 7 feet x 12 feet. A small oval fort stands about
200 yards to the east. It is featureless and defaced, with coarse walls
9 feet thick, and an enclosure about 85 feet long, tapering to the south.4
CAHERWALSH (162 feet x 156 feet), an irregular enclosure of large
stretchers, 9 feet thick. It is late, and much levelled, and several house-
sites remain in the garth. A slab enclosure, nearly 16 feet square, stands
1 A similar feature occurs at Morbihan, Brittany, "Revue Archeologique," 1895,.
p. 64, and at Cahergrillaun, in the parish of Carran, county Clare.
3 Canon Philip Dwyer describes this caher of " Knickknocktheen" (Knockcottine),
in 1876, as having an entrance with a " flat single stone lintel" in excellent preserva-
tion.— "Handbook to Lisdoonvarna," p. 57.
3 Small cairns abound near the stone fort of Cair Conan, Cornwall (Roytil Inst. of
Cornwall, 1862, p. 56), also at Chun Castle in same shire.
4 Compare plans, Journal, 1896, p. 147, fig. 19 to 23.
outside the fort to the west. There seems to he part of a small caher
farther south, hut it is evidently rebuilt.
CAHERNASPEKEE (105 feet), a circular caher, its walls 8 feet thick,
with a terrace " veneered" with flat slabs, and much dug up by rabbit
and treasure seekers. The gate faced the south, in which direction lie
an oblong garth, coarsely built, a small cairn, and a ring of stones, the
latter perhaps was set to mark out the ground for an intended fort.
We now turn eastward, and meet two rude enclosures, with a grassy
valley between ; the western surrounds a much defaced oblong slab-hut,
and is "veneered" with most fantastic water-fretted blocks. Beyond
these is a very fine cromlech, 25 feet x 6 feet, of three chambers, the
central marked by four pillars, the eastern pair being 5 feet high ; they
supported a lintel now fallen.
Fig. 5. — Plans of Forts near Nougbaval.
CAHERANEDEN (100 feet), a fort fairly built of large blocks, often
5 feet long, stands eastward on a low ridge, whence it is named. The
wall is 8 feet thick, with very small filling ; the face towards the south
is removed, and only three courses remain along the ridge. An oblong
slab-hut stands to the east; it is 12 feet x 6 feet, with a little annexe 3 feet
square. A green road,1 formed by the removal of the top strata of the
crag, leads from the caher southward to a fallen cromlech ; two of its
slabs are 9 feet 6 inches x 6 feet.
We then ascend a slightly rising ground to the east ; on the summit,
near a large strangely-shaped boulder, are a late and badly built, oval
iclosure (140 feet north and south) a small ring wall surrounding a
>rt of cairn, and lower down the slope a CAHER (111 feet). A large
1 Cormac's " Glossary " gives Ramhat " an open space or street which is in front
of the fort of Kings " ; every neighbour was bound to clean it.
cromlech stands inside, partly embedded in its wall. Probably the
followers of some chief laid him (like Joab) "in his own house in the
Eastward in the valley a perfect cromlech stands in a levelled cairn.
Turningfrom it, towards Ballyganner hill and castle, we pass a curious rock
basin, forming a well, and reach the small and broken castle embedded in
the ring of a caher (115 feet) ; the wall of the latter is 12 feet thick, and
in it stands a late-looking house-site, 41 feet x 24 feet, and two other
enclosures. Two cahers on the hill top, near the seventh cromlech (one
slab of which is 18 feet 6 inches x 6 feet), and a large caher on the
southern slope, are greatly broken and nearly levelled ; nor are three or
four others between it and Lemeneagh, nor Cahermore and Caheraclarig,
in Sheshy, near Caherscrebeen, in much better condition. The unusual
Fig. 6.— Caheraneden — Fort and Slab Hut.2
number of early remains in this district, and the pains taken by the
present staff of the Ordnance Survey to mark the same accurately on the
large scale maps, lead me to give a fuller account and list than I should
otherwise have thought of doing.
CAHEUMACNAUGHTKN (Ord. Surv. Sheet 9), 127 feet x 130 feet. Two
miles north from Noughaval stands this fine caher, noteworthy as being
the place where our great scholar, Duald Mac Firbis, studied the Brehon
law under Donald O'Davoren, who was hirasolf (in the earlier years of
Elizabeth's reign) author of a glossary of Irish terms.3 We have also
the rare but welcome aid of a full description of the place when it
1 "A fort, in this again a colossal sepulchre."— " Silva Gadelica," ii., p. 131. Hely
Button, in 1808, when describing Ballyganner, mentions " the remains of a stone rath
in which part of a covered passage is still visible." — "Statistical Survey of Clare,"
p. 317.
2 The forts in the background are — 1. The oblong garth; 2. Cahernaspekee ;
S. Cahercuttine ; and 4 (extreme right), Caher, with side enclosure.
3 O'Curry, "Manners and Customs," iii., p. 322. O'Donovan sensibly asks (in
the " Ordnance Survey Letters," E.I. A., p. 187) "who built Caher mac Naughten?
Did the Firbolgs erect all the Cahers in Bun-en ? Never." (See " Ordnance Survey
Letters," vol. i., for ensuing deed.— MSS., R.LA.)
formed the centre of the O'Davoren's " town " in 1675. The sons of
Gillananeave O'Davoren in that year made a deed of family arrange-
ment which their father confirmed as his will.
"The following is the partition of the ' keannait,' or village of
Cahermacnaughten, viz., the site of the large house of the caher within,
and the site of the kitchen-house, which belongs to the house within the
caher, and the site of the house of the churchyard on the west side of the
caher and all the gardens, extending westward from the road of the
garden of Teig roe mac Gillapheen (not including Teig roe's garden), and
the house site hetween the front of the large house and the door of the
caher, at the north-west (sic) side and the large house which is outside
the door of the caher." The " green of the hooley," water supply,
and several townlands are also distributed. We find a very similar
arrangement recorded in the " Tripartite Life of St. Patrick." A "caher"
' fortified monastery being surrounded by a vallum, and having a "tech
rnor " or " great house," a church, an " aregal," a kitchen, a " pranntech"
or refectory, a guest-house, and a graveyard.
The caher consists of a nearly circular wall 10 feet high and thick,
nearly perfect, and of massive blocks, many 4 feet 6 inches x 1 foot
3 inches, the longest being laid as headers, bonding into the filling for
> feet. The gate faces E.S.E , and is a late medieval porch, two side
walls with roof corbels ; it has a batter of 1 in 8 ; this is not apparent in
the dry stone wall. The foundations of the houses rise but little above
the dark earth and rich grass of the interior. A large house (48 feet
N.E. and S.W. x 15 feet 6 inches internally, the walls 3 feet thick)
occupies the southern segment ; another building with three rooms lies
in the northern. There are traces of two other small huts inside and of
some others outside the caher, but no " churchyard " is visible. A well
lies a few hundred feet to the S.W.
CAHEBYHOOLAGH (Cathair Ui Dhualachta, O'Douloughty's fort, probably
the " caherwooly " of 1641) lies in a state of great dilapidation on the
western edge of the townland of Cahermacnaughten.
KILFENORA (Ord. Surv. Sheet 9).
BALLYEINVARGA ("of the head of the market"), 135 feet x 155 feet.
This very fine fort, possibly the " Cathair Fhionnabhrach," reserved to
the King of Cashel in the "Book of Eights," appears in O'Brien's
Rental,1 about 1380, as " bmle cin mapsaft." It is first described by
Eugene O'Curry, 1839, as "a very large caher . . . around which were
formerly a great number of stones forming a circle about it." S. F.
(? Ferguson) notices it thus : — " Close to Kilfenora is one of those stone
plashed cyclopean fortresses . . . Caherflaherty. Its dimensions are not
comparable to those of the great Arran citadel, but the arrangement of
1 Trans. R.I.A., xv. (1828, p. 37).
the ramparts and the distribution of the stone caltrops in the space
between the body of the fortress and the outer circumvallation are the
same."1 Lord Dunraven's description is equally misleading, as he omits
any account of its cfievaux de fHse, monoliths, and hut sites, and says
its wall is double and its passage curved, which is not the case ; he
Fig. 7. — 1. Cahermacnaughten. 2. Glenquin. 3. Ballykinvarga. 4. Boon Fort.
only calls it "one (fort) near Kilfenora." Mr. T. Foote also alludes to
it in a letter to DuNoyer, 1862, " a fort that has pointed stones planted
upright all around it."2
1 Dublin Univernti/ Magazine, Jan. 1853, vol. xli., p. 505, «< Caherflaherty "is, I
suppose, the name " Caherlahertagh "; besides this mistake we have " the outer cir-
cumvallation " which never existed. The writer seems not to have seen the 6-inch
2 " Ord. Survey Letters, Clare," vol. i., p. 287. Dunraven's " Notes," vol. i., p. 18.
" Du Noyer's Sketches," B.S.A.I., vol. vii.
When perfect it must have been a beautiful specimen; now the
vandal country lads, rabbit -hunting and tearing blocks out of its wall,
must soon bring it to complete ruin. It is well built of large blocks,
3 feet to 5 feet long, and where most perfect to the east, is 15 feet high.
The wall consists of three sections ; the central 4 feet thick, the others
5 feet ; it probably had another terrace, 4 feet 6 inches thick, as it is
19 feet 6 inches thick in other parts. The gate faces S.S.E., its lintel,
7 feet 9 inches x 1 foot 4 inches x 3 feet, resting on side walls and
corner posts j1 its outer face was blocked ; and, as I saw it, the space was
occupied by a colony of hedgehogs. A walled and sunken passage led
eastward through the cJievaux de frise, probably, as in the Greek and
Esthonian forts,2 to compel assailants to advance with their shield arm
Fig. 8. — View of Ballykinvarga Cater, near Kilfeuo'-a.
away from the wall. The inner enclosures extend in a fairly regular
band round the western edge, where the wall is 7 feet high. They recall
the still more even compartments in Castle Chun.8 The chevaux de/rise*
1 The (alleged) poem by Flan Mainistrech given in the " Book of Fenagh," p. 121,
mentions "the pillar stone in the principal door of the cathair,1' circa 1050. Caher
gates were sufficiently familiar to furnish illustrations, even in legendary literature,
e.g., " The Hunt of Sliab Truim," p. 115, for a " piast (monster) with ears as large as
the gate of a caker"
2 At Tiryns, but not at Mycenae. Also at Mohne in the Baltic.
3 Compare plans, page 147, Nos. 7, 8, Journal, 1896, and 1893, page 288. Possibly
these were botn enclosures for wooden huts and to pen cattle. Juchna the Firbolg
kept herds of cows in his /».*« (" Silva Gadelica," ii., p. 131), and each of the stone
forts, stormed and burned near Ventry, harboured 150 men, besides women, children,
horses, and dogs. ('< Cath Fintraga," edited by Dr. Kuno Meyer, p. 5.)
4 (Jhevaujc de frise also occur at Dun Aenghus and Dubh Caher, Aran
(Dunraven's "Notes," I. pp. 6, 10. Our Journal, 1895, pp. 257, 258, and 266);
Dunamoe, Mayo (Journal, 1889, p. 182); Pen Caer Helen, Caernarvon ("Archseo-
logia Cambrensis," series iv., vol. 12, p. 345, and vol. 14, p. 192, with tine views),
" large stones, with sharp slate splinters, set between" (" Archaeolog. Journal,"
xxv., p. 228. The writer considers this fort earlier than an adjoining Roman
camp). Cademuir and Dreva, Peebleshire (Proc. Soc. Ant., Scot., 1866, pp. 21,
24). The "monumental theory," in "Pagan Ireland," p. 186, is very improbable.
" Archseologia Cambrensis," 1870, p. 286, describes one at Castel coz, Finistere,
France, a pre-Roman fort on a headland.
is in two sections ; the inner, about 46 feet wide, thickly set with pillnrs
about 3 feet high, with smaller spikes between, and still nearly impas-
sible, save to the south. A second band extends for 50 feet more, but
is less thickly set with stones ; it has a border mound set with large
blocks,1 one nearly 7 feet x 2 feet 7 inches x 1 foot.2 A Inrge hoard of
silver coins "of Edward II." were found at the foot of a pillar and,
much more precious to the occupants, a streamlet wells out on the
southern side.3 Several groups of blocks remain in the adjoining field.
Fig. 9. — Gateway, Ballykinvarga Caher.
I am not satisfied that any one was a cromlech. A small rude fort,,
overthrown for 95 feet, crowns the ridge 235 feet to the N.E. Two
curved walls cross its garth, and a two-doored cloghaim stood in the
1 This feature occurs in a prehistoric fort, or " baueiberge,"in the Island of Mb'hne,
in the Gulf of Riga, where also a passage runs slantwise to the gate.
2 In old Irish works note " a pillar-stone on the green before a rath" (Tain Bo
Cuailgne). Fergus fights a battle in this very district of Burren from " cloch comuir
to the stone of meeting by the three mounds of walled fortresses " (Poem of Seanchan,
circa A.D. 647, in " Book of Lecan "). Pillar-stones were erected to celebrate victories,
and cairns heaped to commemorate slaughters (" Leabhar na h-Uidhri," p. 86), &c., &c.
3 This is not unusual, e.g. Inismurray (our Journal, 1885, p. 98), Hillsborough,
Devon (Gentleman's Magazine, 1865, Part n., pp. 715, 716), and several Cornish
i'orts (Royal Inst. Cornwall, 1863, p. 60). "We also find it in old MF liters as Adamnan,
where Columba prophesies the well near a fort will be defiled with blood ; and
" Colloquy of the Ancients" for a hidden well on the south side of a fort (" Silva
Gadelica," p. 195, also pp. 103, 131). Capt. O'Callaghan Westropp (Member] suggests
that the well was excluded to preserve it from pollution.
northern loop. From its roughness and choice site it may be the older
fort of the two. There must have been some danger apprehended from
this direction as an addition seems to have been made to the cJievaux de
frise at the same side.
Five more cahers stand within 2000 feet east of the great fort.
KiLCAMEKN is quite levelled, and is now a burial place for children.
It stands on a knoll, and has a few rude pillars and cairns, and two
ancient graves marked out by a kerb of great slabs, like the sides of
a cromlech ; the western is 6 feet long, the. eastern 9 feet, and traces of
,a third adjoin . Tobercameeii well lies in the depression southward, and is
dry in summer. Beyond, on a grassy knoll, a few scattered stones mark
another small fort. It had a sharp angle to the S.E., and 12 hollows
pit its eastern slope.1 A circular fort, also in CAHERMIFANE (100 feet),
Fig. 10. — Pillar-stone and chevaux-de-frise, Ballykinvarga.
has a well-built wall, with two faces, 8 feet high and 9 feet thick. They
are, I think, hammer dressed2 in places to take angles of other stones.
The gate faced S.E., and had corner posts and lintels 7 feet long ; near
it, to the south, two steps remain in the inner face of the wall.
CAHEKLAHERTAGH (130 feet), on a low hillock, near the road. About
5 feet of the finely built wall rises over the heaps of fallen blocks, its
top level with the garth, which was divided into three by a T-shaped
1 Possibly hut sites, as at Caherconree, Kerry (Ulster Journal, viii., p. 118) ; Eildon
Hill (Proc. Soc. Ant., Scot., 1895, p. 128, and " Blackhill," p. 143) ; and early British
villages (Brit. Archseol. Assoc., 184<>, p. 155; Prehistoric "Annals of Scotland," and
Soc. Ant., Normandy, 1835, p. 317). They also occur in Pen-y-ddinasahove Llandudno
and Penselwood on the borders of Dorset, Somerset, and Wiltshire, where many
hundreds occur round a circular fort.
I believe that traces of the hammer occur at Cahermore-Koughan, Ballykinvarga,
and Caherminane, all border forts of Burren.
wall ; an oval cloghaun stood in the north section. There is no trace of a
gateway.1 Beyond the road is a cromlech, the top slab now removed.
BALLYSHANNY (137 feet x 132 feet), much defaced, and standing on
a rocky knoll to the west. The wall is 7 feet thick. There are some
traces of a souterrain inside, and of steps, probably leading up to a gate,
on the south-east.
CAHEREMON, near Kilfenora, described by Petrie as "a fine remain,"
is now levelled with the field; it was of no great size.
DOON- (296 ft. x 310 ft., or, with fosse, about 350 ft. each way, Ord.
Surv. Sheet 16). A fine fort,2 on a hill 450 feet above the sea ; it is of
pear-shaped plan, surrounded by a fosse cut in the shale, with a regular
curve and batter to each side, 25 ft. to 20 ft. wide, and 5 ft. deep. A fence
crosses the fort, and west of it the ramparts are better preserved, and in
parts faced with stone, rising 20 feet above the fosse, and 12 and 15 feet
over the field. They have three gaps : the middle one has a mound
across the fosse ; the southern faces a rectangular block of shale, probably
for a plank. The only feature to the east is a flight of seven steps, cut
in the rock ; the entire circuit of the rampart is about 970 feet. From
this bold outpost of the Old World we see Liscannor Cliffs and castle,
and the boundless sea, with its fringe of dazzling foam ; Kilfenora, one of
the earliest villages of Clare, and Lisdoonvarna, one of the latest ; the
castles of Smithstown and Lemeneagh, recorded by the Four Masters ;
and the inland barriers of Callan and Glasgeivnagh, with Elva, the
legendary battlefield of the Firbolg with the great King Cormac
mac Airt, closing the view on the north.
This Paper having far outgrown my original design, I must for the
present omit the forts of more northern Burren, and conclude it by a
brief statement of the facts which more especially forced themselves on me
during my researches. (1) The key to the origin of our Irish forts lies
as much in their congeners over the rest of Europe as in our own records.
(2) The Firbolg legend, hitherto so unreservedly adopted to account for
their origin, is (if not entirely mythical) only of value for two or three
forts. It does not even touch on the cahers- of Kerry, Cork, Mayo, and
Ulster, still less on the British and Continental examples. (3) The
evidence (so far as it goes) shows that such structures were built and
rebuilt from a period long before the introduction of Christianity to
(probably) the 14th century. (4) Very few of our forts were defen-
sive in a military sense. (5) Their arrangement on lines and in groups
1 This is not uncommon in the forts of Clare, and even occurs in the ancient stone
fort on a peninsula near Sebenico, in Dalmatia (" Land of the Bora," p. 56).
2 Mac Liag's poem, as translated by Ossianic Society (vol. v., p. 287), says : " They
placed Daelach at Dael, Aenach constructed a dan in his neighbourhood." Two
tributaries of the Daelach rise at the foot of this ridge, so perhaps this fort is the " Tech
nEnnach," see supra, our Journal, 1896, p. 143.
also occurs all across Europe. (6) The question of masonry depends on
geological, not racial conditions. (7) The features are stereotyped by the
materials. (8) There seem to be traces of the work of the hammer but
not of the chisel. (9) Wood was probably used for steps and lintels in a
few forts.1 (10) Water supply was deliberately excluded from the fort
for sanitary reasons. (11.) This and most other features existing in
our forts appear in the body of Irish literature as commonplace pheno-
mena of the buildings of the earlier middle ages.
It is greatly to be hoped that some of these cahers2 may soon be vested
as National monuments, not for rebuilding but for their preservation ;
this is of urgent need, for indescribable destruction is carried out every
year. It is a reproach to us, as a nation, that we treat these priceless
ruins as mere valueless jetsam of the sea of time. We make the forts
our quarries and cattle-pens, the cromlechs our hovels and pig- styes,
defacing and destroying for our sordid gains or mischievous pastimes.
Would that we could utilise our pride in that past, whose glories we
exaggerate, to the more practical purpose of preserving its relics, which
we are helping, by direct injury or inexcusable apathy, to sweep with
unsparing hands into the limbo of forgetf ulness.3
1 Cahermackirilla and Cahergrillaun, near Carran, have ancient gates too wide for
stone lintels : and Mullach, in Dabrien, has recesses in its wall and terrace only
suitable for short ladders. See also Journal, 1896, pp. 153 and 157.
2 Ballykinvarga, Ballynllaban, Caherahoagh, Cahercornniane, Cahercuttine, Caher-
muc.naughten, Cahershaughnessy, Cashlaungar, Glenquin, Moghaue, and Langough ;
all of the greatest interest.
3 I here thank Dr. George MacNamara (Local Secretary] , my sister, Mrs. O'Callaghan
(Member], and the Rev. J. B. Greer, who never grudged giving their time, researches,
or personal trouble to enable me to work up the Clare forts, Dr. W. Grazer (Vice-
President], Mr. Standish Hayes O'Grady, and Mr. "W. Borlase, of London, who gave
me many valuable suggestions and references, and Captains Pery and Sloggett of the
Ordnance Survey, who gave me tracings of the plans of the forts of Doon, Bally -
gunner, and Cahercuttine.
F SUPPOSE most of us are familiar with the quaint lines which are in-
scribed on an old tombstone in Melrose Abbey :—
" The earth goeth on the earth
Glistering like gold,
The earth goes to the earth
Sooner than it wold.
The earth builds on the earth
Castles and towers,
The earth says to the earth
All shall be ours."
These words which harmonise so well with their surroundings in
Xelrose where one is afraid almost to touch the soft stone for fear of
hastening the decay which is proceeding so rapidly, seem likewise to
suit the subject with which I have now to deal. The old buildings
which formerly helped to make Burrow famous have long since passed
uway, so that scarcely a vestige of them now remains. Petrie thought
that he had sufficient evidence to prove that formerly there was a round
tower there, and he believed he had the authority of Adamnan to support
this theory.1 But it is at this time made a question as to whether
such a round tower ever existed. The castle built there by the celebrated
Sir Hugh de Lacie has long since crumbled away, so that even with
respect to it a question has been raised, and some have even ventured to
assert that the murder of Sir Hugh was not perpetrated in Burrow at all,
but at another castle which stood about a mile away, and which is known
by the name of Shancourt Castle (of. O'Connor on Durrow Parish in 1837,
and Lanigan's "Church History"). Even when we come down to
modern times we find that the old house which stood on the demesne
where the Stepneys lived when they were proprietors of Durrow, has
been destroyed by fire.2
• oee reme s •• itounu lowers, p. doi ; also Aaamnan s •• JL,ne 01
cap. xv. : — " De Angelo Domini qui alicui fratii, lapso de monasterii
in Roboreti Campo, opportune tam cito subvenerat." Apparently very s
2 O'Connor, in las correspondence about Durrow, tells how one
1 See Petrie's " Round Towers," p. 384 ; also Adamnan's "Life of St. Columba,"
ciilmine rohuidl
3ry strong evidence,
one John Daly, of
Kilbeggan, related to him, when on his death-bed, that "about sixty or sixty-two
years ago" (i.e. about the year 1780), " extensive; ruins of the castle of Durrow were
extant immediately to the north of the moat, but that these walls were pulled down
by the Stepney family to build a mansion-house, which still exists, but much enlarged
and amplified, by the present proprietor, Lord .Norbury." This house, which O'Connor
speaks of, was afterwards destroyed by fire, one wall of it only remaining, where it
was connected with the amplifications which O'Connor speaks of as being effected by
Lord Norbury, which amplifications now form the present mansion-house of Durrow
Abbey. I regret to say that the Stepneys have a bad record in archaeology, as they
also demolished the tine Cistercian Abbey of Owney, to build AbingUm House,
county Limerick.
O'Connor, in his Ordnance Survey Correspondence written in 1838,
t(41s how he visited Durrow, and " viewed it with anxious care border-
ing upon pain," but could find nothing there but St. Columba's Cross,
and the Holy "Well. Having read such a description one is almost
precipitated into a feeling of pessimism like that which is expressed on
the tomb of Alderman John Bowers of Gloucester fame, who, notwith-
standing the fact that he had nine sons and seven daughters, has these
words recorded on his tomb: — " VAYNE, VANITIH — ALL is BUT VATNE."
And yet notwithstanding the devastation wrought by the hands of man,
as well as by the hands of time; though the round tower is almost
a myth ; l though the last vestige of the monastery has long since been
obliterated, and the strong castle of the valiant Norman been levelled
with the ground, there is still in the records of the past, and in the
few remains which still exist, something to cause the visitor who views
Durrow with anxious care some feelings of pleasure, even though they
be mingled with pain for the glories of the past that have faded, and
are no more with us.
1 shall, however, begin first with Temple Kieran. Some of us visited
it last summer, in connexion with the Durrow Excursion, on August 3rd,
1896. It is situated about three miles from Tullamore, and an equal
distance from Clara, and it lies at a distance of about a mile and
a-half as the crow would fly from the site where the monastery once
stood at Durrow. I have called the place by the name given on the
Ordnance Survey Maps, but why it is so called I have never been able to
find out, and 1 firmly believe that the place is there misnamed. No one
in the neighbourhood calls it by this name, or knows it by any other
name than Tihilly, or as they pronounce it Teely. This, too, is the name
by which it is called in the church books for nearly 300 years. In
Archdale's " Monasticon," Tytylle is mentioned in connexion with an
inquisition made in the twelfth year of Queen Elizabeth. It formed one
1 In O'Connor's Ordnance Survey Correspondence for Westmeath in 1837, the
following strange story is referred to as having occurred in Rosdeala, in the parish of
Durrow, in the 1 1th century : — " A cloigtheach of fire (he says) appeared at night, and
round it flew, and on the top of it perched, a number of birds, and among them ap-
peared a bird of extra size, under whose wings the smaller ones, scared at the sight of
the glowing pillar of fire, hid their heads. These birds, after having amused themselves
with this fiery pillar (as butterflies fly around a lighted candle), were observed by the>
astonished inhabitants to fly from it suddenly, and to perch on the branches of the
oaks of a neighbouring roboretum, of which the large bird tore the largest of them
from the roots, after which he seized upon a greyhound and, flying with him to a
sublime height, let him suddenly drop down, and killed him. Soon after these birds
(devils, to be sure) and the fiery pillar disappeared. This phenomenon is set down in
the ' Book of Ballymote ' as one of the thirteen wonders of the world, and is referred
toby 'John Dalton, Esq., ablest antiquary in Ireland,' as a proof that the round
towers of Ireland were fire pillars." See also "Annals Four Masters," 1054, and.
" Chronicon Scotorum," 1052.
of the townlands in the parish of Burrow, and consisted of two mes-
suages, four cottages, 24 acres of arable land, 60 of pasture and bog, and
29 of wood and copse. Its valuation was 26s. Sd,
Tradition in the neighbourhood speaks of Tihilly as being quite as
old a place as Durrow, but it must be many years since there was any
religious house here, or since its ancient church was used. No inter-
ment has been made in the graveyard for many years ; its fence has been
long since levelled. A holy well was once here, but it has been filled
up. The old cross with its quaint figures and beautiful ornamentation is
left uncared for and broken. One of the old inscribed tombstones,
of which I give an illustration, I found in three pieces, lying in
different parts of the field which once was a churchyard. There is
near at hand the remains of an old mill which, no doubt, was long ago
connected with the establishment, and just behind it is a high mound full
of human bones, which I was told were supposed to be the bones of
people slain in a battle, but my informant (who seemed to be about forty
years of age) added that the battle took place long; ago, before she was
born ! Now as regards the old church I regret to say that it is very
much defaced, so that there is- not much to go upon to fix its date.
Two features, however, are interesting ; one is the great size of some of
the stones which are used ; one very long one, which I measured, was
over 12 feet in length. Another interesting feature in its architecture
is the fact that its walls have two faces, one for the inside of the build-
ing, and the other for its outside. So that this long stone which I
speak of as on the outside face does not appear on the inside of the
building. The church itself was about 40 or 45 feet long, and 15 feet
wide. Near its west end stands, in a very dilapidated condition, an old
cross. The shrine-like head and the south arm have vanished, but the
north arm, with fragments of the ring, remains broken from the head.
This cross was about 7 feet high, 14 in. broad, and 7 in. thick. The
following are the figures carved on it : — The Crucifixion, with lance
and sponge ; Adam and Eve, and the forbidden fruit; a griffin ; and on
the corresponding panel two birds with their necks entwined in a
very peculiar way. Indeed, each of the sides displays panels with
skilfully interlaced monsters, and very classic fretwork — the back of
the head, however, was only ornamented by a circular boss, and the
base is also quite plain.1 Now, as regards the tombstones, I have
only been able to find two, and unfortunately the inscriptions are almost
gone, only a trace of some letters remaining. The crosses, however, are
exquisitely cut, and the design is particularly beautiful on the one which
1 Since writing the above, I have "been told of some very interesting examples of
carvings of animals with interlaced necks. On a pre-Norman fort at Oughtmama,
in the county Clare, stags are shown in this way ; and at Limerick Cathedral there is
a representation of animals, in a like position, on some late oak seats belonging to the
15th century. It also occurs in some English romanesque churches as, e.g. Canter-
Fig. i._View of Cross at Tihilly, King's County, South, East, and North faces.
is broken. I may mention that I found another stone which evidently had
once been a tombstone, but all engravings of any kind which ever had
been cut on it were worn away. A story is told in the neighbourhood to
Fig. 2.
(1) Tombstone in Tihilly Churchyard. (3) Tombstone found in ploughed field.
(2) West face of Tihilly Cross. ' (4) Detail of south face of Cross.
the effect that at one time a great number of these old Irish tombstones
existed, but the owner of the mill required a new kiln for drying his
grain, and so he took these stones which seemed so suitable for his
purpose, and broke them up and laid, as he thought, a good and durable
floor. But lo ! a strange thing happened ! He lighted his fire, but the kiln
would not work. At length his neighbours persuaded him to take up
.the floor, and leave back the hallowed stones in their place, and obtain
fresh stones suitable for his purpose. This he did, and then the kiln
worked again as usual.
Now all these legends and facts taken together convey something to us.
The fact of the old church, neglected and in ruins, the desecrated grave-
yard, the holy well filled up, the sacred cross left to be a scratching post
for the cattle that graze around it — all seem to tell us that this is not only
an ancient place, but one well nigh forgotten — so much neglected that
many, many years must have elapsed since any religious house or church
existed there, since all its hallowed associations are gone. I find notices
of Tihilly, however, from the following authorities: — In Dr. Todd's
•edition of the " Martyrology of Donegal," p. 179, occurs, under June
25, the following notice : — " Telle, son of Seigin, of Tigh-Telle, in West-
rneath. He is of the race of Colla-Da." Reeves also, in his edition of
Adamnan's "Life of St. Columba," p. 21, in a note, says " St. Fintan
founded Teach-Telli, now Tihilly, near Durrow " ; and he then refers
us to Codd. Marsh, fol. 127, b. b., where we get an account of St. Fintan.
Colgan also, to whom Bishop Reeves refers, speaks of Tihilly. telling us
how the Holy Virgin, Cera, used to live there. Lanigan, in his " Eccle-
siastical History," also refers to St. Fintan (vol. iii., p. 129). He tells
us that the Holy Virgin, Cera, who was said to be the daughter of Dubhe,
and of an illustrious family of Muskerry, in the now county of Cork,
applied to St. Fintan for a situation on which to establish a nunnery, and
he is said to have assigned to her the place where he had been himself,
afterwards called Teach-Telli. This St. Cera died in the year 670. Her
memory is commemorated on January 5th.
In the "Annals of Clonmacnoise " we are told of the death of "St.
Moylerwayn, in the year 884, who was Abbot of Dysart Dermott,
Killeaghie, and Tihellie," and respecting his reputation it is added that
""he prophesied many things." From Rev. D. Murphy's edition we also
learn that, in 741, M'Mdeferty, Abbot of Tihilly, died, but, in a note,
the editor says Tihilly is near Clonmacnoise.
In the " Annals of the Four Masters " we are told that Teagh-Telli
was burned in the year 670. On this O'Donovan gives the following
interesting note: — "Teagh-Telli, i.e. the House of Telli, the son of
Segienus, who was contemporary with St. Fintan of Taghmon, in county
Wexford. In O'Clery's 'Irish Calendar' the festival of St. Telli is
marked 25th of June ; and it is stated that his church, called Teagh-
Teilli, is situated in Westmeath." I may remark, in passing, that Tehelly
is not more than half-a-mile, at the furthest, from the border of West-
meath, although it is in the King's County, so that this is not a very
serious geographical mistake.1 " In the Gloss on the Feilire • JEnguis,"
O'Donovan adds, "it is described as in the vicinity of Daurmagh, now
Durrew. Archdale says it is Telltown ; but this is very incorrect, because
Telltown is not in Westmeath, but in the celebrated place in East Meath
called Tailtin by the Irish writers. Lanigan ("Eccles. Hist.," vol. iii.,
p. 130) states that Tech-Teille is in the now King's County, but he does
not tell us where. It is the place now called Tehelly, situated in the
parish of Durrow, in the north of the King's County."
In 7232 we read of the death of Rubyn, chief scribe of Minister. He-
was the son of Bryan of Tihill, and was a good preacher and divine.
In 865 we are told of the death of Cosgrach, scribe and anchorite, of
Teach-Teilli. In 884 of Maelruain, Abbot of Desert (castle) dermot,
and Cill Achaiadh, and Teach Theille, and in 898 that of Scannall, of
Teach Teille.
The last notice I can find is in 936, when we read that Robhar-
tach, of Teach-Teilli, died in the same year that Dubthach, successor
of Columcille and Adamnan, in Ireland and Alba, died.
These notices, it is true, are brief; but they, nevertheless, give us
some information. Tehilly evidently did good work in its day as a centre
of light and learning. Like many other religious houses, it had its
anchorite cell. In its day its scribes, no doubt, gave the world manu-
scripts like the " Book of Durrow." It sent forth missionaries who were
not only full of zeal, but men of erudition, whose theological training
gave good material on which, to base their fervid eloquence.
And now I think it is time for me to pass on to the second ancient
graveyard in my parish. The
first object of interest which
meets us there is the old church,
which continued to be used for
divine service until about sixteen
years ago, and which stands on
a site full of historic interest.
Over the west door, as you enter,
you see a curious little head
carved in stone, which may pos-
sibly be old. There are, also,
over the door some imitations of
Fig. 3. — Cross on gable of Durrow Church.
loaves of bread, &c., in stone, which, however, are too Georgian in their
1 How little importance may be attached to a mere geographical mistake may bo
inferred from the fact that, in our Museum of Irish Antiquities in Dublin, I saw a notice
last year, underneath the Durrow crozier, which informed visitors that Durrow is
situated in county Meath.
2A.D. 724, in "Annals of Ulster," " Rubin Mac Conad scriba Muman jft»
Brocain (de) Thaigh Theille qui magister bonus Evangelii Christi erat."
appearance to allow us to attribute any great age to them. On the east
gable is a very curious cross, with a representation of the crucifixion on
it (fig. 3, p. 134). It is very short; the legs seem to be broken across;
and it may possibly have once stood in the socket of an old cross which
is outside the graveyard in a plantation, to the S.E., and which is
known as "the headache stone." I have taken the measurements of the
base of the cross and the socket of the headache stone, and the two
correspond exactly. I, therefore, think it not unreasonable to suppose
that this cross may have been placed there originally, and, after it had
been broken, was removed to its present position at some time when
the church was being restored.
"We have also, I think, good reason for concluding that the present
church stands on the very site that a church has stood on for over a
thousand years. Probably the foundations are the same foundations as those
which were first laid there for a stone church consecrated for the service
of God. The " Chronicon Scotorum " tells us that, in the year 833, the
terrnon of Durrow was burned to the church door. If the church was then
built of wattles or wood, one can hardly think it would have escaped.
The " Annals of Lough Ce " again tell us that the stone church of Durrow
\vas broken into in the year, 1018, and Molloye, King of Fearceall, who
seems to have sought there the right of asylum, was taken out of it by
force and afterwards slain. The " Annals of Clonmacnoise " give a
record of the same deed of violence, but make the date of the profanation
of the sanctuary of Durrow five years earlier — 1013.
In Archdale's " Monasticon " we are told of an inquisition held on
28th December, and the twelfth year of Queen Elizabeth, i.e. 1570,
which found that the Abbot of Durrow was seized of the abbey and the
village of Durrow, containing the site of the abbey, being half-an.-acre,
on which were a church, hall, and other buildings. It is interesting to
observe, with reference to this, that the church and churchyard, at present
enclosed by a wall, just occupies about the same space ; also that, beside
the old church, there is a space where no interments have been made,
but which is taken up with broken fragments of stone and pieces of
mortar, which seems to testify that some structure once stood there. The
graveyard seems to be raised above it by reason of frequent interments ;
but it is strange to find that, in a graveyard which is so much over-
crowded, this space, which was available, was never used.
In my account I have skipped over a period of five hundred years ;
but 1 need not, I think, at the present time, draw your attention to the
many notices of Durrow given by the annalists during this time, which
show that it continued all along a centre of religious life and learning.
I pass on to more recent times.
Prom its hall-mark I find that the chalice belonging to our com-
munion plate bears the date 1631-1632 ; this brings us on sixty years
further ; and it seems natural to think that some restoration was effected
in the church when this piece of plate was given to it. The period just
antecedent to this date seems, indeed, to have been the time when things
in Burrow were at their worst.
In 1623 we are told that the "Book of Durrow" was kept in tlio
possession of an ignorant peasant, who used to pour water upon it. which
was given as a cure for cattle which were ill.1 The "Book of Durrow''
was, at this time, taken possession of hy Henry Jones, who was then
Bishop of Meath, and presented to Trinity College, Dublin.
After the lapse of seventy years more, \ve find another interesting
reference to the church of Durrow in Bishop Dopping's return to the
Lord Lieutenant in the year 1694. After stating that Durrow was n
cure with a salary of £20, which, at that time, was not paid " by reason
of ye waste of ye country," he goes on to say that there is a church ami
chancel, which was lately in repair, but much out of order by reason of
" ye troubles of Sir George Herberte." My vestry-book carries on the
history of the church from this date forward ; telling the story first
of its dilapidated condition, and then of its gradually being provided,
year after year, with the requisites for the proper conduct of Divine
Service, until, the year 1880, when the Hon. Otway Toler, the
father of the present proprietor of Durrow Abbey, built a new church
and provided a new graveyard, for the use of members of the Church
of Ireland, in memory of his father, Lord JS'orbury. This was the
Lord Norbury who, on January 1st, 1839, was murdered at Durrow ; as
a mural tablet in the old church informs us, " when he was spending
his large means for the benefit of the people amongst whom he had
fixed his residence, and when all his useful projects and beneficent
intentions were suddenly cut off, not in the ordinary course of God's
providence; for, as a man falleth before wicked men, so he fell."2
But I must not take up too much of your time with the old church
of Durrow, lest I should pass over other objects of interest that are
in its immediate vicinity. The records of the churchyard of Durrow
1 See "Annals of Clonmaonoise," where, speaking of " The Book of Durrow," the
writer says : — " He [St. Columba] wrote 300 books with his own hand. They
were all New Testaments. He left a hook to each of his churches in the kingdom,
which hooks have a strange property, which is, that if they, or any of them, had sunk to
the bottom of the deepest waters, they would not lose one letter, sign, or character
of them, which I have seen partly by myself of that hook of them which is at
Dorow [Durrow], in the King's County; for I saw the ignorant man who had the
same in his oustodie, when sickness came on cattle, for their remedy, put water on the
book and suffer it to rest there a while ; and saw also cattle return thereby to their
former state, and the book to receive no loss."
2 The Most Rev. Dr. Healy, from his language in comparing the character of Lord
Norbury to that of Hugh de Lacie, seems to confuse the Lord Nor bury who was
murdered, with his father, the celebrated judge. In illustration of the kind and
charitable disposition of the second Lord Norbury (who was murdered), an amusing story
is told in the neighbourhood of an old shoemaker, whom his lordship used to employ to
make boots for his poor people, and who, after his death, used to say with much
emphasis : — "Them that shot Lord Norbury, shot me through the heart."
involve the history of the principal families connected with it.
Let me first, then, call your attention to a rude old tombstone
which lies on the threshold of the entrance to the old church. It bears
the following inscription : —
Underneath, the coat-of-arms is half cut ; but, for some reason, is left un-
finished. Perhaps the sculptor himself died before he had accomplished his
work. Perhaps the next-of-kiu of Francis de Renci were dissatisfied with
the work, and would not have it completed. I have, however, obtained
an illustration of it, as I think it both curious and interesting. You will
observe the curious formation of the stags on the crest, the initial
W. across the foremost of them ; also the curious knot and lozenge-
shaped shield. To a theologian, also, the inscription will be of interest
as showing that the relatives of Francis de Renci, of Tinicros, were
thoroughly orthodox in their belief in the divinity of our Lord. I have
not been able to find out, though I have been at some pains to do so,
who this Francis de Renci
was ; but there can be little
doubt that he was a relation,
perhaps son, of the celebrated
Sir Matthew deRenzi, to whose
memory there is a mural tablet
placed in the church at Ath-
lone, which tells us that the
" Right Worshipful Mathew de Renzi, Knight, departed this life
the 29 Aug., 1634"; also that he was "Borne at Cullen (sic), in
Germany, and descended from that famous renowned warrior, George
Castriott, als. Scanderberge (who, in the Christian war, fought 52 Bat-
tailes, with great conquest and honour, against the Great Turke)."
If our de Renci, of Durrow, had any of the talent of his illustrious
kinsman, his tombstone fitly occupies a prominent position in Durrow
amongst the remains of the illustrious dead who rest there. For this
Sir Matthew de Renzi laid claim to be "a great traveller, and a general
linguist." He " kept correspondency with most nations in many weighty
affairs, and, in three years, gave great perfection to this nation by com-
posing a grammar, dictionary, and chronicle, in the Irish tongue.'7
Then, again, the mortal remains of a number of heroes must have
been laid to rest in the cemetery at Durrow, though we cannot identify
the exact spot. The annalists telt us of many celebrities who died at
Durrow, though they do not say in so many words, that they were
interred there. But there are others to whom I must refer. The
" Annals of the Four Masters" tell us that, in 758, Domhnall, son of
Fig. 4. — De Renci Arms.
Murchadh of Diarmid, after he had been King of Ireland, died. He was
first King of Ireland of the Clan Colrnain, and he was buried with honour
and veneration. Of him was said : —
" Until that Domhnall was brought to Dearmhagh
There was no avenging conflict or battle on the plain of Breamhagh."
The death of another Domhnall, who was son of Magilla-Patrick, is
mentioned in the " Annals of Lough Ce," which tell us that he was
killed in Dearmhagh of Columbkille by the Conchobhair Failghe in the
year 1582. In connexion with this I wish to show you an illus-
tration of an old tombstone which I found in Durrow a couple of years
ago. The top is broken off it, and unfortunately I have been unable to
find it. The tombstone, however, has an interesting cross on it, and an
inscription so much defaced, that I have not been able to make it out
Fig. 6. — Tombstone, south of Durrow Church.
further than to get the letters D, o, M. It is merely a conjecture; but
as from examining the inscription it does not appear to be part of tlir
word Domini, I think, perhaps, it may belong to this Domhnall. It
would not be surprising to find that he was buried in Durrow, since the
Annalist tells us he died there, nor would it be very wonderful to find
his tombstone still remaining since the year 1582.
In 1068, the " Annals of the Four Masters " tell us that Murchadh,
i.e. of the Short-Shield, Ua Brian, son of Donchadh, son of Brian
Borumha, royal heir of Munster, was slain by the men of Teathbha in
revenge of their having been plundered and preyed, and his head was
taken to Clonmacnoise and his body to Dearmhagh. This record will,
no doubt, remind you of the murder of the celebrated Hugh de Lacie,
who, we all know, was slain at Durrow by the foster-son of Fox, "in
revenge of Columbkille." He, too, it would seem, was, fora time, buried
in the cemetery of Durrow ; but, as we are told (<?/. " Graves' Annals "
and other authorities), in the year 1195 the Archbishop' of Cashel and
Dublin removed it from the Irish territory, and buried the body in the
Abbey of Bective in Meath, and the head in St. Thomas's Abbey in
Dublin. Something similar is also recorded of another celebrity. In
1452 Farrell Roe Oge, the son of Farrell Iloe, son of Donough, son of
Murtagh More Mac Geoghegan, a captain of great repute and celebrity,
was killed and beheaded at Cruagh-abhall (now Croughool, in the parish
of Churchtown) by the son of the Baron of Delvin and the grandsons of
Pierce Dalton. They carried his head to Trim, and from thence to
Dublin for exhibition ; but it was afterwards brought back, and buried
along with his body in Durrow Colum-Chille.1
Once more the same authority records the fact that, in 1448, Dermot,
the son of Owen, son of Mahon O'Daly, ollave of all Meath, a learned
poet, died, and was interred in Durrow Coluui-Cbille.
I have traced for you, as briefly and concisely as I could, the history
and continuity of the Church at Durrow since its foundation by St.
Coluinba; but ere I conclude I must likewise say something of the
history of the great families which have been connected with the lands of
Durrow. To refer you once again to the annalists, we are told by them
that, in or about the year 685, Hugh Mac Brenayn, King of the country
of Teffia, died, and they add, it was he that granted Durrow to St. Columb-
Now, it is worthy of note that this illustrious prince was not content
with presenting St. Columba with a site for his monastery, but that he
and his descendants seem to have always taken an interest in its welfare,
and regarded it as a kind of right and duty to watch over, help and
protect, the monastery of Durrow. Thus the Sinnach. or Fox, who
brought about the murder of Hugh de Lacie, was a descendant of the
muii who presented Durrow to St. Columba. No doubt that murder had
its agrarian as well as its religious aspect, and was prompted quite as
much by reason of the jealousy of The Fox, that property which had
belonged to his ancestors should pass into the hands of the Norman de
Lucie, as for any religious reason ; but if there was this agrarian motive,
1 The Mageoghegans were, in former times, the custodians of the Durrow Crozier,
which is now to be seen in the Museum of Irish Antiquities iu Dublin.
- The original name of Durrow was itosgrencha. It received its name of Durrow
from St. Columba, on account of the number of oak trees which were found in its
woods. It is interesting to find an evidence of the conservatism for which the Irish
have ever been famous, in sticking to the old names of places, in the fact that one
portion of the demesne is still called Grancha, so that the older name is still preserved
iu the place, notwithstanding the origin of its change of name, and the fact that this
change of name is associated with Durrow's patron saint.
there was the other as well ; and no doubt the historians are correct
when they assert, as a reason for it, that it was in revenge of Columkille.1
In the old churchyard of Durrow are two very remarkable inscribed
tombstones. One of them, at least, is very well known ; it bears the
inscription, op bo Qi^ibiu. I give an illustration of it to remind you how
beautifully the work is executed. Indeed, we can see that the note in
Dr. Petrie's book of Christian inscriptions is true, and that "the cross is
of singularly beautiful design, and that no other has been found exactly
similar in form." The other tombstone, of which I also give an
illustration bears the inscription, -f op bo Chachalcm. When I became
incumbent of Durrow parish some years ago I found it after some trouble,
Fig. 6. — Aigide's Tombstone, Durrow.
as it was nearly buried, being almost entirely covered to the depth of 6
or 8 inches with mould. A curious mistake with reference to it is pub-
lished in more than one book, which, I suppose, owes its origin to one
who seldom made a mistake of the kind — I mean Dr. Petrie, who, we
read, saw the stone in 1845. In his book of "Christian Inscriptions,"
edited by Miss Stokes, in Plate No. 31, it is represented as a fragment
1 The same motive is ascribed by several writers for the murder of Lord Norbury in
1839. But the parallel between the murder of Lord Norbury in 1839, and that of Hugh
de Lncie in 1186, does not, in this respect, hold good. It is true, indeed, that they were
both building castles on Durrow when they were killed, but I hardly think anyone in
the neighbourhood would assert that Lord Norbury 's murder was in revenge of
Columkille. The character of the Lord Norbury who was murdered, was, I under-
stand, the very opposite of that of the tierce de Lacie — and people in the neighbourhood
will still tell you how, when he was murdered, not Lord Norbury only, but the
country, was slain. He seems to have been widely esteemed fer his genial disposi-
tion and kindly manners, as well as for his liberality. On referring to the newspapers
of January, 1839, I find that the accounts then given of Lord Norbury correspond
exactly with the traditions of the place. The Evening Packet, speaking of him as a
large employer, says that by his death 1000 people were deprived of their means of
suppoit. The Morning Post asks, " Why should any human being desire to imbrue
his hands in the blood of Lord Norbury ? why, especially, should any of the neigh-
bours of the noble lord \vish to put an end to a life spent in doing good ? "
of a broken stone ; and in the notes on page 56, vol. ii., we read — " A
fragment, six inches in length,1 is all that now remains of this monu-
ment."2 The Most Rev. Dr. Healy, in his book on " Ireland's Ancient
Schools and Scholars," falls into the same mistake. On page 305 he-
says, writing about Durrow — " There are also two ancient inscribed
stones, one unfortunately broken, but the inscription remains, + o? b°
Chachalom. This fragment is now only six inches long." I have an
Fig. 7. — Cathalan's Tombstone, Durrow.
illustration of the stone here, and the stone itself may be seen, I am
happy to say, at Durrow in as good a state of preservation as one could
expect. It measures something like 2 ft. 9 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. I am
particularly interested in the well-being of these stones, because of an
interesting note of Dr. Petrie's in his " Round Towers," which connects
1 From the fragment of the stone given in Miss Stokes' illustration it is evident that
she meant two feet six inches.
2 It is right to notice also that the plates in Dr. Petrie's " Christian Inscriptions "
do not give an accurate representation of the knots, either on the Aigidiu or Cathalan
them with the history of D arrow parish, and also with some of our
King's County families. On page 326, writing of an inscribed stone
found at Clournacnoise, op t>o Cat^cm, he says — " This is probably that
Tadgan who was chief of Teffia, from whose eldest son, Catharnach, are
descended the ancient family of O'Catharnaigh of Kilcoursey, now Pox."
But he observes further on (page 328) — " It is probable that this ancient
family ordinarily had their burial-place at the great rival monastery of
Durrow, which was anciently within their own territory, and originally
endowed by their ancestor, Aed, the son of Brendan, who died in the
year 589. One of this family, Flann O'Tadhgain, was erenach of Durrow,
where he died in 1022 — a clear proof of the continued influence of this
family in this monastery. And it is worthy of observation, that of the
two monumental inscriptions yet remaining above ground in Durrow,
both apparently belong to chiefs of this family ; of these, one bears the
name Cathalan, who was probably the son of Catharnach, from whom the
name of O'Catharnaigh, the true family name of the Poxes, was derived."
" The second," Petrie says, " may be ascribed with greater certainty to a
chief of this family named Aigidiu." In Lyons' " Grand Juries of West-
meath," a very interesting account of the Pox family is given, in which
he tells us that the descent of this family from Niall of the .Nine Hos-
tages, monarch of all Ireland, is traced in a MS. which is in Trinity
College, Dublin. And he then gives at full length a translation oi it,
which is in the " Irish Arenas ological Miscellany." The pedigree is
traced down from Niall of the Nine Hostages to 1536, when Breasal
Pox was living. This account tells us how the family of O'Caharney,
who afterwards took the name Sinnach, or Pox, were originally chiefs
of all Teffia, and previously to the English invasion far more powerful
than the Mageoghegans, but how shortly after that event they were sub-
dued by the de Lacys. It goes on to show how their territory was then
confined to one small barony, which originally was named Hunter Tadh-
gain, but which is now called Kilcoursey, taking its name, I believe,
from some member of the de Courcy family. He then gives a list of
the names of the heads of the family in regular succession. The first
on the list is, of course, Niall of the Nine Hostages. The second is
Maine, fourth son of Niall, and ancestor of the men of Teffia, who died in
425. The fourth is Brendan, king of Teffia, who (he says) granted the
site of Durrow to St. Coluinba in 550, and died in 569. The eleventh
is Tadhgan, a quo Munter Tadhgan — the name given to the country of
the O'Caharneys, or Poxes. The sixteenth on the list is Cathalan, whose
inscribed tombstone we have here; and the seventeenth is Catharnac,
from whom corner O'Caharney, the real name of the Poxes.
.Now as these authorities testify to the continued influence and close
connexion of the Pox family with the monastery of Durrow, so can 1
with even greater certainty testify to their influence and interest in
the church at later times. On the 18th of October, in the fourth year
of Queen Elizabeth, we are told that Nicholas Herbert obtained a grant
of Durrow Abbey for a term of twenty-one years, at the annual rent of
£10. In after yeiirs, Major Patrick Fox, of Foxhall, married the last
representative of the Durrow Herberts, i.e., Frances, daughter and
heiress of Sir Edward Herbert, Bart. This Patrick Fox died in 1734.
His name is found several times in our vestry-book ; and the interest
taken by the Foxes in the church is shown from the account of the
Diocese of Meath made by Bishop Mant in 17.33. It tells us that the
church was out of re-pair, " but ye said Mrs. Fox pulled it down and
rebuilt it at her own expense." To me, however, it seems strange, that
while our vestry -book keeps regular minutes during those years, that
yet there is no record of the fact, or reference to Mrs. Fox's munificence.
We have, however, two pieces of plate, a paten and a flagon, which were
presented to the church by Francis and Mrs. Frances Fox in 1732,
just at the time, I suppose, that the church was restored. Our chalice,
1 have already observed, dates back to the years 1631-1632. We do not
know who presented it ; but with reference to it I have the following
interesting minute in the vestry-book: — "We, Patrick Hynes and
James Bamber, churchwardens for the parish of Durrow, do acknow-
ledge to have received from the churchwardens for the preceding year
the utensils belonging to the said church, viz. : one silver chalice, one
bible, one common prayer-book, one worked carpet, one velvet cushion,
with case to it ; 2 diaper table cloths, two damask napkins, the commu-
nion table, with drawer to it, and lock and key. May 24th, 1717. 5>1
I fear my Paper has already extended itself to undue limits, so that I
cannot speak at any length of the great names connected with Durrow in
modern times ; but there is in Durrow churchyard one other historic
monument to which 1 must at least allude before concluding. I can hardly
now attempt to do more than show one or two illustrations of it, and allude
to some of its most interesting features. I, of course, speak of the High
Cross. At the outset one cannot help expressing regret that so little
did antiquaries concern themselves with it in the past, that no one
seems to have ever noticed or taken any record of the inscription with
which its base was covered, but of which a few letters only can now be
deciphered — nor did anyone ever know that such an inscription existed
until about a year and a-hulf ago, when Miss Margaret Stokes was examin-
1 On the death of Mrs. Frances Fox, the last of the Durrow Herberts, Herbert
Rawson succeeded to Durrow, in light of his descent from Bridget Bygoe, daughter of
Jsir George Herbert, and sister of Sir Edward Herbert, second baronet. His son, Philip
Ravvfcon, married Martha Stepney, who inherited, from her brother, Abington, in
couniy Limerick, and took the name of Stepney in addition to her own. In this way
Burrow passed into the hands of the Stepneys, in whose possession it remained until
it was purchased by the celebrated Lord JSorbury. Professor Stokes has called my
attention to the interesting fact that about the same time that the Durrow property
passed into the hands of the Stepneys, of Abington, in the county Limerick, the
Moore property at Tullamore also passed from the hands of a King's County family to
the Burys of county Limerick.
Fig. 8.— View of High Cross, West Face and Sides. £
WHST FACK.— i. Trinity, and The Dove. 2. (across the arms) Figure with bird and horn, sitting figure, cruc
fixion, doubtful. 3. Christ mocked. 4. Doubtful. =;. Soldiers at the Tomb. 6. Inscription.
SOUTH. — i. Horseman. 2. Arm underneath section of circle (three heads with serpents twining round then
3. Chief with dogs. 4. Perhaps Cain killing Abel. 5. Adam and Eve and f< rbidden fruit. 6. Griffins.
ISoRTH.— -i. Crouching figure. 2. Arm underneath section of circle (serpents twining round heads). 3. Perba]
flight into Egypt. 4. Scroll work. 5. Wrestlers, perhaps Jacob and Angel. 6. Inscription.
Fig. 9.— High Cross of Durrow. 1. Detail of West Face, Northern Arm ; 2. Upper]Panel,
South Face ; 3. East Face.
EAST FACE.— i. Ornamental, scroll work. 2. (across the arms) David with harp, The Last Judgment, David
rescuing the lamb from^the lion. 3. Abraham's sacrifice. 4. Interlacing. 5. Doubtful. 6. Defaced.
ing the cross ; and Mr. M. O'Connor Morris, when taking a rubbing of its
base, made out some letters which seem to indicate that in the inscrip-
tion on the west side the name Dubthach. occurs. In connexion with
this it is interesting to observe, that in the year 1010 " The Annals of
the Four Masters " tell us that Dubthach, son of Tamain, erenach of
Durrow, died ; and this date would correspond with the time which is,
I think, generally regarded as about the best period of Irish art. And
perhaps it may not be unreasonable to suppose that it may have been in
his honour or by him that the cross itself was erected. Miss Stokes (I
think very rightly) holds that these crosses were not strictly sepulchral,
and that some of the inscriptions name the rankers, as at Monasterboice
and Clonmacnoise. On the north side of the cross there is also some remains
of an inscription ; but I have only been able to make out a few letters
here and there. The " OR DO" is very plain, also the initial M seems
sufficiently clear to make one tolerably sure about the first line. On the
second line underneath, on the right hand side as you face the cross, one
can decipher the last three let-
ters on the line i, R, o, and on
the third line underneath them
again in the same position, the
letters c, R, T. I have thought
the prayer might be for Mael-
moire, who was Abbot of Dear-
mhagh, and was drowned in Eas
Ruaidh in 971. My surmise
seems to be strengthened by the
old custom of erecting a cross,
and asking for prayers for those
Fig. 10. — View of Interlaced Work. who have met their deaths by
an accident. This very year a
death by drowning occurred near Durrow, and I observe already a
wooden cross has been set up in the place.
Then, as regards the subject of the cross, it seems, as in the case of some
others, on the one side to represent Christ suffering, on the other Christ
triumphant. On the west side, as on one of the crosses at Clonmacnois, we
have a panel which seems to represent the betrayal and seizure of Christ,
and the soldiers guarding the tomb. On one arm of the cross there is a
person blowing a trumpet, with some bird in his hand ; perhaps repre-
senting the trumpet to be blown at Christ's second coming, and indicating
the uncertainty of the time, in the allusion, to the Son of Man coming
perhaps at cock-crowing or in the morning. Another panel which inte-
rests me very much shows a group of three figures. The person in tho
centre stands and appears to preside over a book which is held by the
others, who are seated on either side of him ; over the head of these
seated figures an angel is represented.; There is, a panel at Clonmacnoise
very similar to this, but the angels over the heads of the side figures are
wanting. There is also another panel on Muiredach's cross at Monaster-
boice which very much resembles it. It is curious, too, how an element
of the world, with its pomps and pleasures, seems to enter into the
thoughts of the designer, and connected with such sacred pictures as The
Death of Our Lord and His Triumph at the Last Judgment, The Fall of
Man and Our Redemption, we have the Irish king, with his shield and
sword and his wolf hounds at his feet,1 and the knight on horseback,
equipped and ready for the field of battle. An interesting type of The
Redemption is represented in the Lamb delivered by David from the
Lion, and also an equally interesting example of an artist giving a piece
of local colouring to a Scriptural picture where we find David playing on
a six-stringed Irish harp.2 It is difficult for us to imagine the beautiful
finish of our tenth and eleventh century crosses when they left trie
sculptor's hands. Traces of delicate beaded work and embroidery are
apparent on the robes of some of the figures (and even on the mouldings)
of this cross, although the surface has been worn down at least one-eighth
of an inch (as shown by the projecting veins of quartz, &c.) The head
and segments of its circle are uneven, but the former does not lean over
as shown in some sketches, and even photographs. Besides these remains,
a block of fine interlaced work, possibly a fragment of a third cross, lies
not far from the High Cross, and in the graveyard wall, near the latter,
is the head of a window of one round-headed light with bold mouldings,
and a rose of late design.3
1 A very similar figure appears on the west cross of Monasterboice.
2 O'Connor, in his correspondence about Durrow, in 1838, particularly alludes to
this. " The cross at Durrow," he says, " is elaborately sculptured in the same style
as the cross at Kells and Moone, but the cross at Durrow exhibits a figure wrath I did
not observe on any of the others, viz., a man playing on a small six-stringed Iri^hbarp,
which rested on his left knee. This perfectly agrees with the figure of Mr. Petrie's
Shrine of Madoc." Those who are familiar with the Cross of Kells will see that
O'Connor's faculties of observation were not very keen.
3 The illustrations of the Crosses of Durrow and Tihilly are from measured drawings
and rubbings made on the spot. The tombstones are from rubbings only, but have
been compared and corrected by Mr. "Williams. — T. J. WESTROPP.
stand for King of Teffia : —
I. Niall of the Nine Hostages, monarch
of All Ireland,
ii. Maine, ancestors of the men of Teffia.
called Tirmany, died 425.
HI. Brecan.
iv. Brendan, K. T. (who granted the
site of Durrow to St. Columb-
kill in 550, died 5G9).
v. Aedh (Augustus, Hugh), K. T., liv-
ing, 590.
vi. Blathmac, K. T., died 691.
vn. Congalagh.
vm. Calla, or Conla, K. T., died 738.
ix. Braite Bee, K. T., died 764.
x. Maelbeannachta.
xi. Tadhgan, a quo Munter Tadhgan,
the tribe-name of the O'Cahar-
neys',or Foxes', country. (Tadh
is Thaddeus, Thady.)
xii. Bee.
xiii. Conchobar.
xiv. Breasal.
xv. Cenrnachan.
xvn. Catharnac, a quo O'Caharney, the
real name of the Foxes,
xvin. Fogartagh.
xix. Ruaidhri, or Rory (Ruadh is red-
xx. Tadhg Sinnach O'Caharney,
K. T., slain 1084, by Melagh-
lin Mac Connor Melaghlin .
xxi. Ruaidhri.
xxn. Niall, Chief of Teffia, 1233.
xxin. Mac Leachrainne.
xxiv. Connor, K. T., slain 1226.
xxv. Congalach.
xxvi. Ruaidhri.
xxvu. Niall.
" By comparing this Pedigree with that of Mageoghegan (as given in
the same manuscript), we must conclude, from the number of generations,
that this Niall was contemporary with Congalach More Mageoghegan,
who nourished in the 13th century. He was probably the Niall
Sinnach, or Fox chief, Munter Phadgan, who was killed in the battle
of Athenry, 1316. It is quite clear that there were four or five
generations between this N"iall and Breassal, who made the covenant "
(of which Lyons gives a full extract), " in 1536, with Mageoghegan."
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HPHE three drawings befor^ us represent three inscribed- stones, which
have engaged the attention of some of the leading specialists in
deciphering such mysterious matters, and as it appears to me that there
is still room for further investigation as to these inscriptions, I have
ventured to bring them under the notice of the Society.
Fig. 1 is a representation,' from a rubbing, of the inscription on what
is known as " the Baginbun: Stone." The size, and other particulars
of it, will be given later on. j
Fig. 2 represents the stone itself.
Figs. 3 and 4 represent a stone built into the wall of an outhouse in
the yard of Fethard Castle, which is situated about one mile from where
the Baginbun stone is. Both are in the county Wexford.
The stone shown in fig. 5 is at Carew Castle, in Pembrokeshire,
South Wales, and is taken from a rubbing kindly sent me by Mr. Romilly
About two years since, considerable discussion was carried on in the
pages of the Academy respecting the interpretation of the very curious
lettering on these three stones, and as opinions were expressed much at
variance one from another, I shall endeavour to bring before you the
several opinions of those who took part in this discussion, leaving to the
judgment of each person, on fully weighing the evidence, to adopt the
views of the writers, or to propound new ones of his own.
That a resemblance exists between the lettering of the three stones
is self-evident to anyone who views them together.
Mr. Romilly Allen considers the Baginbun inscription the most
modern of the three, placing the Welsh inscription as the oldest, and the
Fethard Castle as intermediate, giving certain reasons connected with
the formation of the letters for having formed this opinion.
The first letter I shall notice is one dated London, 6th October,
1894, and signed " Edmund M'Clure." In it the writer gives the
printer of the Baginbun inscription, as given by Mr. 11. A. S. Macalister,
of Cambridge, in his letter of the previous month, credit for having
printed it '* upside down"! and having thus arranged it to his liking,
he considers the majority of the letters as "intelligible," with the
assistance of the inscriptions on the Kilmalkedar stone in this country,
and of those in Westwood's " Lapidarium Walliae."
He reads the first letter as a compound one (having reversed the
inscription), as ORA, and the two following as DI.
The last letter of the line, he says, is the Kilmalkedar B.
He calls the first letter of the second line an L, after the same stone,
and then an o and a B.
The third line he reads thus —
the whole reading —
says the meaning seems easy if we could determine the name LOB
[LOBAR] or the LOIBA of the " Martyrology of Donegal." He considers
it has " no aspect of a forgery," and the agreement of many of its letters
with those on the Kilmalkedar stone (conjectured to be of the 6th or
7th century), makes it an object of great interest.
He adds that " the dash in the o may also be i in the o of LOB, giving
Mr. Macalister, of Cambridge, who appears to have opened the
•correspondence about these stones, speaks of Baginbun as traditionally
the landing-place of Strongbow, while " Bannow Bay possesses the true
claims to that distinction." He names the ancient trenches on Baginbun
Head as being pointed out by the inhabitants as Strongbow's work,
while they are generally believed by antiquaries to be of much more
ancient times.
Of the inscribed. stone, he says : — " On the top of the sea-cliff will
be found & prostrate stone lying partly buried in the earth. The upper
surface of this stone measures 45 by 33 inches, and bears inscribed upon
it an inscription in three lines, of which the following is a copy from a
careful tracing" : —
Fig. 1. — The Baginbun Inscription, from a rubbing.
He draws attention to the jumble of extraordinary nondescript characters
here brought together — Greek, Roman, Irish, £W«M-Runic, &c., and'
classes it with the inscriptions on the Lennon cromlech, and the Lough^-
crew stones, county Meath, as " a hopeless puzzle." He then alludes
to the idea of its being a " fraud," intentional or unintentional.
He draws attention to a slight error in the inscription as printed in
the first letter of the second line, where the horizontal hooked character
should be oblique, • I thus, and furnished with a dot. He says he ha&
compared the printed copy with his original, and finds it otherwise
In a subsequent letter, dated November 3rd, 1894, Mr. Macalisterr
in referring to certain points mentioned by me in a letter, dated 18th
October, 1894, with reference to the Baginbun stone, and to his printed
copy of the inscription on it, says : — " I took four rubbings ; I also went
over my transcript, comparing it, letter by letter, with the original" ;.
and he feels certain that the short line in the fifth letter of line one does
not go the whole way across the circular portion of the character. He
a(Jds : — " Two of my rubbings show a distinct bar between the horizontal
stroke and the circle of the third letter of line three."
He expresses doubt about the first letter of the third line of the
Fethard stone, and writes it a T ; it is, no doubt, a c, judging from my
own observations and from Du foyer's drawing, taken some thirty -three
years since, when the inscription was in good preservation.
Professor Nicholson, of Oxford, in commenting on this inscription,
which he described as "more uncanny even than the Newton stone,"
says "all that is needed for the inscription's elucidation is a moderate
acquaintance with early mediaeval writing (especially Celtic), and a
proper knowledge of the language," and then he gives the following
as the reading : —
and says : — " Except the Q'S, which are fortunately unmistakable, almost
every form used may be found on plate 53 of vol. ii. of Petrie and
Stokes's ' Christian Inscriptions in the Irish Language.'
" The v in line one, tailed like a Y, resembles the v's on the Newton
stone. The right-hand stroke of this v is also made to serve as the first
stroke of the M, to which there is an exact parallel in the final VM of the
Newton stone. . . ." He adds : —
" I am confident that line two begins with an A. I take AOI to be a
genitive of AUE, ' grandson.'
" The three oi's in the inscription are all like the Greek 0, i.e. an o
with an i inside it. . . ."
Whether the E in line 2, is E, or a combination of E and i, he says,
is doubtful, and he thinks the reproduction is imperfect here, but says
both VEQ and VEIQ are correct.
"In line three the N is H -shaped, like one on the Newton stone, and
has a dot underneath to show, like the modern Irish hyphen, that it
' eclipses ' the following consonant^ and the stroke on the top of the D is
apparently another aspirating apostrophe, and the final Q has over it the
aspirating sign |_."
He sees no reason that the meaning should not he " Little son of
Sib, grandson of Maq Oil, five days old."
For further remarks on this inscription. I must refer you to Professor
Nicholson's letter of the above date. He attributes the stone to " not
•earlier than the end of the 9th century," and draws attention to
Hiibner's mistake in publishing this as a duplicate of the Carew Castle
In a further communication, dated October 1st, 1894, he gives what
he calls approximately correct transcripts of the Fethard and Welsh
inscriptions, which will be noticed later on under their respective heads ;
and in another letter he gives the following amazing decipherment and
translation, from a Scotch University town : —
A<£Sico/cw e<£ £c(f>vp et Iltor <&OIVL£.
" I hasten on towards north-western [parts], Pytheas, a Phoenician " ! ! !
In reviewing these letters and others, I brought under notice certain
minor differences which I observed in Mr. Macalister's print of this
inscription, on comparing it with my rubbing of the inscription, and
first, the diagonal stroke near the second letter of the top line is so
indistinct and irregular, that I doubt its being any part of that letter,
but rather a natural flaw, or mark, in the stone.
In the fifth letter of this line, the stroke Mr. Macalister represents as
going only half way across the bottom portion of this letter, appears to
me to go apparently across the whole space.
Mr. Macalister corrects his first drawing of the first letter of the
second line. To me there appears here to be the outline of an Irish a
(A). In the sixth letter of this line the bar extends, as I have
shown it, from side to side of the circle, and not as represented by
Mr. Macalister.
I did not observe the mark Mr. Macalister gives over the third letter
of the last line joining the bar over it, with the circle under it ; and in
the sixth and seventh letter, as given here, there appears to be a line
joining these two letters by continuing the loop-line till it meets the
sixth letter ; nor have I found any depression to justify the turn to the
right at the bottom of the sixth letter, as given in Mr. Macalister's
drawing. I have marked what I consider as the doubtful parts of the
inscription in dotted lines ; and while one is sorely puzzled over the
jumble of nondescript letters, I would yet be very sorry to endorse
Mr. Macalister's opinion that the reading and interpretation is "a
hopeless puzzle."
Hiibner, in giving the Baginbun inscription as a duplicate of the
Welsh one, probably confused it with the Fethard stone. As to either
of the county Wexford inscriptions being forgeries, or meaningless, the
idea appears to be too absurd to be entertained for a moment. As I said
in my letter to the Academy, I would as soon consider the famous
Eosetta stone, in the British Museum, a forgery, as I would one or other
of these. How such an experienced antiquary as our late distinguished
Secretary, the Rev. James Graves, came to the conclusion that these two
inscriptions were forgeries, I know not ; but I feel certain, were lie now
alive, he would no longer retain such an opinion. I failed to discover
in either inscription, in any one point, the smallest appearance of any
modern work, or interference with the lettering.
Fig. 2. — Inscribed Stone at Baginbun Bay.
The Rev. Mr. M'Clure's theory that the inscription, as given in the
Academy of 10th October, 1894, is printed "upside down," appears to me
to have no legs to stand on. By reference to a sketch of the stone which
I have (see fig. 2), and also a photograph taken two years since by Fleet-
Surgeon R. W. Brereton, K.N., and kindly given to me, it will be seen
that it begins at the upper rounded edge of the stone, and ends about
the middle, leaving room for about three additional lines of writing had
they been required. The stone slopes gradually till it enters the earth,
but its dimensions underground have not been ascertained by me. I
may, however, say, that its weight must be several tons at least, and
that I consider it is in its original position, and never stood upright.
As to this stone being an Ogham-inscribed memorial, the idea may, I
think, be at once abandoned.
With reference to the letters of this inscription, the first letter may,
I think, be described as " Gaulish," and the sixth as an Irish S ; while
those like the Greek ® resemble the Welsh Q or QI. The last letter in
the inscription must, I think, be a compound one, containing two or
more letters.
Like the Carew Castle stone, there is here also only " one dot" —
that shown in the third line — while in the Fethard Castle inscription
there are two, if not three.
There are no signs of " tooling" on this stone excepting, of course,
the lettering. The edges of the stone are rounded, not square. It at
present stands about 10 feet from the edge of the cliff, which is here
about 25 feet in height, and appears to be fast falling away from
climatic causes.
It would be interesting to have the earth cleared from about this
stone, to enable a better examination of it to be made. At present a
large portion of it is under ground.
What appears to be a horizontal line may be noticed some 2 inches
below the letters of the bottom line, and extending about 3 inches in
length, with a " dot" near the right-hand end.
Mr. Macalister mentions his having been told, when at Baginbun,
about two years since, by an old man of 60 or 70, that he was aware
" that some local magnate had engaged a stone-mason to sharpen up the
letters" [of this inscription]. He may have engaged him, but, I think,
an inspection of the stone is sufficient to show that no such work has
been done.
Lord Southesk gives an analysis of the letters in this inscription in
a letter dated 1st January, 1895. He makes the first letter of the
inscription to be an L, and compares it to the L in the early Irish
inscription, " Lie Colum," at Gallarus ; he says z would be meaning-
less. The second letter he calls M, preceded by an oblique stroke (that
which, I think, is a flaw in the stone), to mark abbreviation and
The 3rd letter he calls A; the 4th, Q, agreeing here with Mr.
Nicholson; No. 5, G; Nos. 6 and 7, i and T, and says "similar com-
binations of i and T are found in numerous examples."
No. 8, beginning the second line, he calls damaged, but apparently
i, if not, perhaps, an H, and considers it peculiar to this inscription.
No. 9, E, occurs, he says, in Pictish (?), Welsh, and Irish inscrip^
No. 10, u ; No. 11, T, and adds this could hardly be anything else.
No. 12, Q, same letter as No. 2. If not Q, it must be F, PH, or P ;
No. 13, E; No. 14, N, unrepresented in the two other inscriptions. I
cannot myself see why he calls this letter by a different name from the one
at the beginning of this inscription, with which it appears to correspond.
He says it might be L, but could hardly be z ; he calls it an N set on end.
No. 15, commencing the third line, he Considers to be Q, and to
correspond with c in the Carew inscription.
No. 16, E, he thinks unimportant, the bar not crossing the circle in
this letter.
No. 17, T, perhaps D; but T corresponds, he says, with Carew and
No. 18, H, a peculiar form; it resembles A reversed, and cannot, he
thinks, be the Runic K. He asks is the point beneath it significant ?
No. 19, T. " The tail is curled up into a circle, which seems a
tendency in this inscription" (see Nos. 5, 17, and 22).
Nos. 20 and 21 he reads i E, a compound letter; he says it corre-
sponds with E in the Carew inscription, and with what seems to be an E
in the Fethard inscription.
No. 22, at the end of this line he calls GH, and says it is " hard to
determine," and that Professor Nicholson's rendering seems most
I shall next ask your attention for the Fethard Castle stone,
represented in the annexed drawing, from a rubbing taken by me
in 1894. It is, as I have already stated, built into the wall of
Fig. 3.— The Fethard Castle Stone.
an out-house in the yard of Fethard Castle. It is about 3 feet
above the ground level, and has lately been whitewashed with the wall
around it. A hole (as shown in the drawing) has been drilled into it
near the second letter from the end, apparently to allow the end of the?
spindle of a grinding-stone to revolve in it.
No doubt this ancient stone is no longer in situ, but I failed to find
any information as to whence or when it had come to its present un-
dignified position.
The Castle of Fethard is about 40 yards from the present church,
which was built on the site of an ancient church, or cell, and it is
possible this stone may have had some connexion with the old church.
We'stwood, in speaking of the Carew Castle stone, says: — " It is
remarkable that a not quite correct copy of this inscription has been
found in Ireland on a block of sandstone at Fethard Castle, belonging to
the Carew family" (the italics are my own). With our present informa-
tion, I scarcely think he is justified in calling the Fethard inscription
a copy of the Welsh one, and still less in his statement that Fethard
Castle is or was the property of the Carew family. I have inquired in
vain for any authority to support this assertion. A correspondent
writing to me some time since, says : — " I never saw it stated anywhere
that Fethard was a Carew Castle, and I know no reason for saying so."
The town of Fethard, it is true, is said to have been one of the
earliest birilt towns of the Anglo-Norman colony in Wexford county.
The castle belonged, at an early period, to the See of Ferns, in which
diocese it is situated.
Lewis says that the castle was built by llayrnund-le-Gros, and the
place given to him by Strongbow ; but Mr. Gr. H. Orpen considers this
an error on the part of Lewis, and that Fothard, a place in the barony
of Forth, county Carlow, is the place Raymond received f rom Strongbow,
and not Fethard in the county Wexford. On this subject Mr. Orpen
writes : — " Fethard was probably included in the grant to Hervey de
Mont Maurice, consisting of two cantreds next the sea, between Wex-
ford and Waterford. Hervey gave some of these lands, including,
apparently, Fethard, to the monks of Christ's Church, Canterbury, who,
in the year 1245, transferred them to the Cistercian Monastery De Voto
[Tintern, Comerford]."
Mr. Orpen considers it as "very probable" that this castle was
erected by one of the bishops of Ferns. Hervey de Mont Maurice was
not a Carew.
In comparing this inscription with th.it of Carew Castle, now before
you, and marked No. 3, I notice the following differences : — The first
letter of the Fethard inscription (M) differs in the first stroke from that
in the Welsh inscription, the third letter differs very considerably, and
the fourth slightly, but both would appear to be intendel to represent
the same letter.
The first letter of the second line his generally b3on taken to be
an E, but I think it right to point out that there is what appears to be
a nearly horizontal stroke at the head which, if it really balongs to the
letter, would cause it to resemble a T, like the third letter in this line,
more than E. The present defective surface of the stone makes it very
uncertain whether this stroke, or mark, is intentional or accidental.
I would also draw your attention to the heads of the T'S in this
inscription, they are all well curved, while those of the "Welsh stone are
strictly horizontal and straight.
There is a much larger space hetween the two T'S in the last line of
this inscription than on the Carew stone, and the two " dots" in this
line are altogether absent in the Welsh stone. The final letter in the
Pethard inscription appears to he much hetter formed, and more distinct,
than the corresponding letter in the Carew Castle stone.
I would also draw attention to the fifth letter in this line — on the
Welsh stone it appears to be an E, while on the Fethard stone it partakes
more of the character of an F.
Fig. 4. — The Fethara tttone. From a Drawing by the late G. V. Du Noyer.
You will also observe the entire absence of the two parallel lines
at the end of the second line in the "Welsh inscription, which are well
defined on our stone.
There is no " dot " under the third letter of the Fethard inscription,
as is seen in the Carew stone.
The late Mr. G. V. Du Noyer made a sketch of this stone about
thirty-three years since ; it appears in vol. ix., p. 7, of his drawings in
our Library, and it will be found to correspond most accurately with
that now before you, taken from my rubbing. He makes the letter, at
the beginning of the second line, an E ; the hole for the axle does not
appear, showing that it has been made since 1863 when he copied it.
Du Noyer's reading of this inscription,1 I may as well here mention>
together with those of Professor Nicholson and Mr. Komilly Allen,
shows that antiquaries, like doctors, differ at times.
1 Du Noyer evidently considered the inscription to be Anglo-Norman. The letters,
lie says, are about 2 inches in height.
Du Noyer gives —
MAQ . . . for Magister.
GIT . . . ,, lies.
GI ... ,, here (ici).
TEE . . . ,, Trefoncier [the owner].
CET . . . ,, This — T for tomb ; and
FX ... ,, fecit.
Professor Nicholson reads it thus : —
He divides the words as I have here given them, and appears to agree
with Du Noyer as to the name of the occupier being inscribed, followed
by that of the holding.
Mr. Romilly Allen's remarks and interpretations are as follows : —
" The Fethard inscription has the same number of letters as that at
Carew, namely, six in the first line, five in the second, and six in the
third." He also draws attention to the curved tops of the T'S, "the
conversion of two K'S into mongrel <£'s, and the prolongation of certain
vertical stokes."
He attributes the Fethard stone to the 13th or 14th century, while
he places the Welsh inscription in the 9th or 10th, and Baginbun to a
still later date than that of Fethard, and he hopes the Irish antiquaries
will follow up the investigation of these inscriptions, a hope in which I
heartily participate.
To quote him further, he says : — " If the views put forward in his
letter [3rd July, 1895] are correct, what are we to say of Mr. W.
de Gray Birch, F.S.A., who, by some pala3ographical hocus-pocus, trans-
forms the ' Margiteut ' of Carew inscription into Maquy-Gilteut = the
son of St. Iltyd — (or) of Kev. E. M'Clure, who turns it upside down,
and sees in it a prayer for the soul of Forcus Boichil." He also refers
to Professor Nicholson's, Lord Southesk's, and Du Noyer's readings.
Lord Southesk considers that " all three inscriptions are identical, or,
at least, are intended to convey an identical meaning," and he places
them in point of date thus : — " Baginbun, the fullest inscription, is the
earliest ; Fethard, once nearly identical with it comes next ; and the
Carew inscription the latest." Thus it will be seen he completely
reverses Mr. Allen's opinion as to the respective ages of these inscrip-
tions. He also considers "that subsequently to its appearance, the
Fethard inscription was altered, so as to assimilate it to that of Carew."
He reads the Fethard inscription thus : —
123 456
MAQ [or P] G I T
7 8 9 10 11 12
E U T Q [or P] E
13 14 15 16 17 18
.G E T — T — E en
He says, " Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, GITEUT, closely resemble the correspond-
ing letters at Carew," which is very evident. The two " fine horizontal
strokes, answering in place to the N at Baginbun, have no counterpart
at Carew. Paint markings appear, he says, above .these well-defined
strokes, but as these hardly seem significant, I am inclined to think that
the strokes represent an abbreviation, caused by the erasure of a letter
that once corresponded with No. 14r N, at Baginbun."
"With respect to the first letter of the third line, which, I think,
certainly was a c, he says : — there are " slight indications of a vertical
line between the horns of the c, suggesting a minuscule Q." The two
next letters, E T, agree with those on the Welsh stone.
No. 16 [T] he says : — " Preceding this letter there is a space, occu-
pied by a point, which exactly leaves room for a form equivalent to
No. 18 (H?) at Baginbun."
No. 17 he calls E.
The last letter he calls GH, and adds: — tf moderate changes in its
form would assimilate it to the final letter at Baginbun and Carew —
additions in the former case, subtractions in the latter."
His lordship then reasons on the name as he reads it, " Giteut," and
translates the inscription thus : —
" [Stone] of Mac-Giteut, chief of the Catti, or chief of the warriors."
He mentions a Catti tribe in North Britain, and also one in Somerset-
shire. Space will not permit me to refer further to his elaborate and
curious remarks on this inscription.
The representation of this inscription as given in plate 57 of either
Westwood, or Hiibner, is not correct, as can be seen by comparing it
with Du Noyer's drawing, or my rubbing.
Professor Nicholson, in writing of this stone, says it " almost cer-
tainly" reads —
He divides it into words as I have here given them. He says it is a
march-stone, like the Abayne one, and consists of the name of the
occupier, followed by that of the holding, and, as in the St. Vigean's
.stone, the holding is called by the name of the family to whom it
belonged, or had belonged. He also says, "The idea of the Irish stone
being copied from the Welsh must, of course, be dismissed for ever, and
the idea of its being a modern forgery is not worth a parting kick " !
Westwood thus speaks of it in his work, " Lapidarium Wallia3,"
p. 120, after mentioning the cross near the base of the shaft of which is
the inscription, he adds : — "In the lower part, on the west side, is a
fexia enclosing a very classical fret, and below the middle are two
transverse spaces, each measuring 11 inches by 6, the right-hand one
being quite plain, and the left-hand one having an inscription, which
has not hitherto been satisfactorily explained. . . . The letters are
incised, whilst the ornamental patterns are in relief. The .letters of this
inscription are very irregular, and seem to represent —
but several of them are so ill-shaped, especially the third in the top-
line, the fourth in the second line, and the terminal portion of the third
line, that nothing positive can be said of them "
He then says that "not quite a correct copy of this inscription has
been found in Ireland on a block of sandstone at Fethard Castle belong-
ing to the Carew family."
He gives the dimensions of the Eethard stone [23 inches by 13] and
the inscription : —
CET . T . FX
The lower sides of the terminal x being curved up to the left, the outer
one uniting to the lower limb of the left-hand stroke like an 8.
We shall now proceed to consider the Welsh stone, represented by
drawin g No. 3, of which the annexed drawing is a copy, on a reduced
Fig. 5.— The Carew Castle Stone.
Professor Nicholson says it almost certainly reads —
The above division of the words are his. He says : — " The final H is
formed as in the Fethard stone, but the R and first Q are of totally
different type. A photograph will, doubtless, show another (aspirating)
dot after the last T," &c.
He adds: — " This is obviously a monument (giving his name and
that of the place in Ireland from which he came) of one of the same
family, and being on the same property. Whether he was the same
man mentioned in the Fethard stone [inscription] depends partly on
whether MAQV = MAQ, or signifies some more distant relationship."
He appears here to agree with Du N"oyer as to the name of the
occupier being inscribed on the Fethard stone.
He further says that "if the dot under the first v is not a mere
natural mark in the stone, it is meant as a cancel-point, either to strike
out the letter altogether, or to show that it was not to be sounded
separately from the Q."
Lord Southesk, in writing about this stone, reads the inscription the
same as Professor Rhys and Mr. Romilly Allen, except in the following
letters. He makes Mr. Rhys's R'S, in the first and third lines, p's, and
the two last letters in the inscription he makes E and Y in place of r, and
a blank, as given by Mr. Rhys, and says most of the letters are unmis-
takable, only Nos. 3, 10, and 17, leaving room for doubt. The import
of the angled form, at the back of No. 3, he considers uncertain ; it is
absent in No. 10. Both of these letters have been read as R. He doubts
the correctness of this reading, and remarks that the corresponding
letters on the Bagiubun stone, and at Fethard, could not represent R.
The upcurved form beneath the well-defined Y, at the end of this inscrip-
tion, he says, " must have some significance."
Mr. Romilly Allen, who also appears to have given much attention
to these inscriptions, speaks of the identity of the three inscriptions,
and that the abnormal forms of the letters have been evolved by succes-
sive copyings by ignorant persons. How much of this theory we may
accept or reject, I think, requires further consideration. He throws
over the idea that this stone begins with the letters MAQ, and substitutes
for them MAR. He says the deviations from the original (the Carew
inscription) are greater in the Baginbun than in the Fethard stone ;
hence he considers the Welsh stone to be the oldest, and that the
Baginbun inscription has been copied from that at Fethard.
He considers that Professor Rhys' s reading of this inscription is
correct ; it is as follows : —
CETT P . . .,
and interprets it to mean : —
"Margiteut Recett fecit," or " Meredyd of Rheged made it."
Professor Rhys, in a former Paper, read this inscription as —
"Margeteud f[ilius] Ecettey " ;
but he finds now he was wrong, and says " there are several marks and
points among the letters which I am inclined to regard as meaningless,
and as forming probably no part of the original." 'Recett' is more
usually written ' Rheged,' and he calls it a district in Wales. He seems
to find in the abbreviation at the end "the elements of Fejt," and adds it
may be worth while considering whether it was intended for fecit rather
than some French form of that verb.
Finally we have Professor Sayce reading this inscription thus : —
and thus rendering it —
" Margiteut Decett fecit Crucem " ;
and, I understand, he attributes it to the 9th century.1
I have now concluded my notes, &c., on these inscriptions. I trust
sufficient has been said to show they are worthy of further consideration,
and that that may be by some of those who hail from Ireland is not
unreasonable to expect. Hitherto what has been done in the matter
appears to have been done across the water. May I not hope that the
next step towards the confirmation of one of the numerous and varied
interpretations I have brought under your notice, or else that a new
and truthful one may be suggested, at no distant date, by some
Member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.
1 I may here observe that I forwarded the rubbings of the two Irish inscriptions to
Professor \Vhitley Stokes, hoping that he would have given us the aid of his valuable
help, but, I regret to say, he expressed no opinion on them whatever.
- (Continued from Vol. III. (1893), page 320.)
561. " "William, Count of Pembroke, grants to Church of Dublin, his
rights in the lands of Inverheli."
561. " William, Count of Pembroke, grants to William, Bishop of Glenda-
lough, Clarthyaun, and Bogeryn, with ten carucatcs of land.
"Witnesses, Hugh, Bishop of Ossory, and others." Possibly this
was Begerin, an island in "Wexford Harbour, used A.D. 1172 as
a prison by the Irish : cf. " Song of Dermot," ed. Orpen, p. 131,
and " Crede Mihi," ed. Gilbert, p. 53.
563. " "William, Count of Pembroke, gives to the Church of the Holy
Trinity^ and to H., Archbishop of Dublin, five carucates of land
in Pothered, called Strabo."
564. " John de Curcy grants to John, the Archbishop, a carucate of land
in Offaly."
565. " "Walter de Sernesfielde grants to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,
the tithes of Crosgort."2
566. " Henry III. grants to Church of the Holy Trinity, in exchange for
O'Conaghe, three carucates in Ballyscadan." The Crown gave
eighty-nine acres in exchange in Baliscadan, formerly Paslowy's-
town. This deed mentions the Paslews as tenants.
568. " King John grants to the Church of the Holy Trinity, and to Henry,
the Archbishop, the cantred of O'Konagh, and the town of
569. " Hugh de Lacy grants to the Church of the Holy Trinity and to
John the Archbishop, the town of Liskilli, with ten carucates."
Archbishop Alan adds a note to, the effect that this place is
situated in Meath.
1 The reference is to the pages of the copy of the " Liber Niger," made by Dr.
Reeves, late Bishop of Down and Connor, now in Trinity College Library.
2 The Church of the Holy Sepulchre had been founded in the lands, called by the
Irish, Crosgort. Where \vere this church and these lands ?
570. " Richard de la Peche grants to the See and to John, the Archbishop,
5 carucates in Odrone."
571. " William, son of Adelin, on the king's part, confirms Daglun to
Aldred Gulafre."
571. "John de Clahule grants to the Church of the Holy Trinity and to
the Archbishop, the lands of Thacney, or Taney."
Alan adds a note here, in which he identifies this place with Dun-
drum, county Dublin, and points out that the Fitzwilliams held land in
Dundrum in the time of Edward III. Page 572 is taken up with a
memorandum about the lands near Dundrum, which is important for
Taney and its inhabitants, tenants, and proprietors, viz. Hacketts, Fitz-
williams, and place-names in that neighbourhood, such as.Eenviles, in
the time of Edward III. On the subject of John and Hugh de Clahule,
the first Norman settler in Dimdrum and Taney, see Ball's "Parish of
Taney," pp. 6, 7 ; and the Paper of Mr. James Mills on lt The Norman
Settlement in Leinster," in this Journal for 1894, p. 161. The owners
of the Pembroke estate printed, some time ago, an account of their title-
deeds, but they keep this volume rigorously secluded from the public eye,
refusing all access to them, even for literary purposes. "We are, there-
fore, unable to see how the estates of the Clahules passed to the
Fitzwilliams of this century.
•573. "Statute of Archbishop Luke about the prebendal Canons of St.
Patrick's, who were about to swear allegiance to the Arch-
bishop. Date, 1247."
-575. " Walter, son of Aldred Gulafre, quit claims the whole right he had
in Daclap or Daclan."
575. " Eva, the Countess, heir of King Dermot, confirms a donation made
to the Church of the Holy Trinity."
576. "Richard de Burgh grants to H., the Archbishop, the cantred of
Meneby, in Connaught."
577. " John, the Archbishop, has instituted Turstin the Clerk into a
moiety of the under written churches in that vacant diocese of
-578. "Henry, the Archbishop, grants to Helyas Coytyf, one carucate in
Derroth and Scovath in the tenement of St. Kevin."
579. " The citizens of Limerick grant to H., the Archbishop, one of the
forty carucates granted them by King John, and the Castle of
•580. " Laurence Utothan confirms to the convent of the Desert of St.
Kevin, the land which is called Tirimeice."
This deed gives the boundaries of the lands so granted, which maybe
useful for Wicklow place-names. The Desert of St. Kevin was other-
wise called St. Saviour's, and was in the Glendalough Valley.
581. " R., Abbot of St. Mary's, and the whole convent grants to H., th&
Archbishop, a rent of xx shillings in Dublin in exchange for the
land which is called Rathuskena,"
Archbishop Alan, in an added note, identifies this land as lying
between Ballyhachul (Ballybogldll), Balilugan, near Killyn, and
Rolleston Lispodel. This deed and its notes are very important, as
settling the locality of the first Norman settlers and their estates. It
deals with lands in the modern parishes of Clonmethan and Swords :
cf. Dr. Walsh's "Fingal and its Churches," pp. 237, 246. It gives,
too, information about the state of affairs in Danish times, as, for
instance, telling that St. Nicholas's Gate used then to he called Hasculf's
583. " Division of the churches in the land of O'Kadesi between the Arch-
bishop and the Prior of Llanthony, at Gloucester." Date about
1200 A.D. This deed is very important for the history of Fingal
and its state before the Norman Conquest. Among the churches
mentioned are those of Palmerston, Garristown, Holy wood, Naul,
&c. The district mentioned corresponds with the modern barony
of Ealrothery West, whose chief was called O'Cadesi, or O'Casey.
See Orpen's " Song of Dermot and the Earl," p. 324, and Dr.
Walsh's " Fingal," p. 205. The claim of Llanthony upon the
churches of this district is often referred to in the Repertorium
Yiride of Archbishop Alan, Cf. O'Donovan, " Four Masters,"
A.D. 1017. The whole document gives us a glimpse into the
state of Fingal in Danish times.
584. " Peter, Abbot of Theokisbere (Tewkesbury), grants to H., the
Archbishop, Theod de Ottach in the port of Lismori."
See Sir J. Gilbert's edition of " Crede Mihi." [The document refers
to a Charter from an Abbot of Tewkesbury, about 1215. He had got a
grant of Irish property, but he did not care for Irish tenants, and so got
rid of it and them.]
586. " William of Cavesham grants to the Prior of St. Ulstan's ( ? Wool-
stan's) the lands of Tristeldelan."
586. "Here follows a list of the Obits of post-Keformation archbishops."
The obits entered are —
(1) Adam Loftus, ob. April 5, 1605.
(2) Thomas Jones, of Lancaster, consecrated Bishop of
Meath, May 12, 1584, translated to Dublin, Nov. 8, 1605,
ob. April 10, 1619.
(3) Lancelot Buckeley, consecrated for Dublin, Oct. 3, 1619,
ob. Sep. 7th, 1650, aged 82 years. These entries prove that
the " Liber Niger" was used for entries down to the middle
of the 17th centurv.
587-590. " This is an original article by Archbishop Alan, setting forth
the points which he noted as specially worthy of attention in
his Metropolitan Visitation. The following are some of them —
(1) " The convent of All Saints (now Trinity College) is in
the patronage of the Archbishop. Cf. Dean Butler's Preface
to the * Register of All Saints,' p. vii. The Prior is appointed
with the honour of an abbot." The Bull of Urban II. gave
the appointment of Prior to the brotherhood.
This is interesting, as showing that the Provost of Trinity College,
or the official who corresponded with him, always occupied a high
position in Duhlin. As a matter of fact the Augustinian Prior of All
Saints ranked as a mitred ahhot, and had a seat in the Irish House of
Peers, as had also the Augustinian Prior of the Holy Trinity, now the
Dean oi' Christ Church. They were both spiritual peers.
(2) Alan states that "the city of Dublin and its suburbs
had, from antiquity, twenty parish churches, and eleven
monastic churches, of which five belonged to the Mendicants ;
while 'the parish Churches of St. George and St. Paul are
united to the Priory of All Saints, but are accounted of little
(3) " All Saints' Priory has seven impropriate churches."
It should he observed here that Alan seems to use the word "im-
propriate " in the modern sense. Dr. Ball, in his " Reformed Church,"
p. 89, distinguishes between impropriate and appropriate tithes thus: —
Appropriate tithes were those conferred or appropriated to monasteries ;
Impropriate tithes those bestowed on individuals. Bishop Mant, in his
" Irish Church History." vol. ii., p. 300, tells us that impropriate was
a post- Reformation term. Alan's use of it seems to show otherwise :
cf., however, Stopford's "Handbook of Church Law," pp. 59, 60; and
Oswald Reichel's " Elements of Canon Law," pp. 214, 215.
(4) "Alan gives an account of All Saints' Priory, its
foundation, cells, &c., and of Hoggin Green."
This article is important for the history of Dublin and of Trinity
College, and should be compared with Dean Butler's Introduction to the
" Register of All Saints."
591. "Luke the Archbishop grants to Waleran de Welesley two mes-
suages in Patrick-street."
This is a very early instance of the use of the names Wesley or
Wellesley. It seems that the Mornington family, in changing Wesley
to Wellesley, were only recurring to the earliest form of the name.
This Waleran de Wellesley was an itinerant Justice in the reign of
Henry III. (See "Register of All Saints' Priory," ed. Butler, p. 136 :
' cf. Dean Butler's "Introduction," p. xvi.)
The language of this note shows that the omission of the prefix
'.' saint " in the names of streets called after the saints is very ancient in
Dublin. I am afraid that St. Patrick's was called " Patrick's" in 1296
as well as in 1896. Reverence, however, never flourished among the
592. " Nicholas de llenville granted to John de Kennedy lands in the
suburbs of Dublin.
593. " Alexander the Archbishop grants to John de Evesham a tenement
in the suburbs of Dublin."
594. " Thomas the Archbishop grants to Thomas Locus a messuage and
24 acres in Tawney for 50 years."
597. " William Brigi grants to Thomas de Hathingley and Nicholas de
Sueterby six acres under the wood of Colon (Cullenswood)."
598. " Peter, son of Edmund de Ledwyche, remits to Nicholas Brown,
merchant, his right in Nekokestown and other lands men-
599. " Concerning six acres in Culecroftyn."
600-612. " Concerning the Deanery of Penkridge." ,_
This is a very long and important article. It treats of the Decanal
Church, its prebendal stalls, and its taxation. Concerning the Deanery
of Penkridge, see G. T. Stokes's " Ireland and the Anglo-Norman
Church," pp. 265, 266. Penkridge is in Staffordshire.
613. "Bull of Pope Alexander dealing with Penkridge, and a decree
issued by Alan himself as touching the Deanery in March,
615-619. " Inquisition made at Castle Kevin about the rights of the
Archbishop in Castle Kevin in the 13th century." The names
of the jurors on this occasion were, Thomas, Prior of St. Saviour's ;
the Prior of the Great Church of Glendalough ; Prior de Eupe
juxta Glendalough ; William, an Englishman ; Richard Law-
less ; William Doggett ; Elias O'Toole ; John Crumpe, and
This Inquisition is very important for the place-names and residents
of Wicklow and the neighbourhood of Glendalough in the fourteenth
century. The Crumpe mentioned as one of the jurors may have been a
brother, or some other connexion, of Henry Crumpe, a monk of Baltin-
glass, who was a great opponent of the Mendicants, and as such was cen-
sured by Archbishop Courtenay, of Canterbury, about the year 1360 :
cf. Ussher's Works, vol. iv., p. 303, Ellington's edition. It would seem
that, as in the case of other Celtic foundations, the Augustinian rule had
been here introduced under priors instead of abbots. This article shows
that Glendalough had not been abandoned to desolation in tbe fourteenth
century, though so described by the Archbishop of Tuam in 1214 :
cf. Dean Butler's Introduction to "Register of All Saints," page ix;
and Sir J. Gilbert's " Municipal Documents," pp. 140-162.
620. " David de St. Michaele, and Agatha his wife, give Archbishop Luke
lands in Tipper Kevin."
The family of St. Michael seems to have possessed considerable
possessions in the ancient estates of the See and Abbey of Glendalough :
cf. (< Register of All Saints" (ed. Butler), p. 136.
621. " John Count Moreton grants to the Church of St. Patrick, Trum
Crumlin, as a prebend."
621. " Matilda and Gladosa, daughters of Aldred Golaf re, quit claim to
Henry the Archbishop the land of Daclan."
622. " Kichard, son of John, grants to John de Sandford, five villatae,
viz. Turlochogenath, Rathmolony, Corbally, Eiegkillbryde, and
Clony, in Connaught."
624-630. " This document is another inquisition similar to that made at
Castlekevin, p. 615." It investigates the archiepiscopal rights
at Ballymore Eustace in the times of Archbishop Luke, that is,
between 1230 and 1240. It gives many illustrations of the
life and customs of the thirteenth century, names of persons,
630-634. "Inquisition at Clondolcan and Rathcoole." Interesting for
names of jurors, place-names, &c.
635. "Nicholas, son of John de Wyte, and Alicia, daughter of Laurence,
son of Roger his wife, grant Eulk, the Archbishop, the land
of William of "Worcester at Ballirothegane." Cf. the article on
p. 377 for another notice of this place.
636. " Yvo de Dunlewan grants to Henry de Wygonia, parson of Cre-
velphi, the villa or town of Ballerothegan."
637. " Sarah and Elena, daughters and heirs of Yvo of Dunlewan (or
Dunlavin) grant to Archbishop E. the land in Ballirothegane,
formerly held by William of Worcester."
639. " Amivra, daughter of Laurence, son of Roger, grants to Arch-
bishop E., land in Ballirothegane."
640. " Mabilia, daughter of Philip, relict of Laurence, son of Roger,
grants to Archbishop E. the claim she has in Ballirothegane by
reason of dowry."
640. " Nicholas Ruffus, and Agnes daughter of Laurence, son of Roger,
his wife, grunt Archbishop E., land in Ballerothegane which
William of Worcester held." There is a note in Alan's hand
signifying that xiid was to be paid at Beltane, and at the feast of
St. Philip and St. James (May 1st).
642. "John Castleburghe, and Margaret, his* wife; Thomas, son of
William, and Matilda, his wife, grant to F. Archbishop his
claim on the service of Ardkipp, which William Le Bas their
ancestor had by gift of L. the Archbishop."
643. "E. Archbishop grants to Thomas Indas, son of Adam Indas, three
carucatesof land in Ballymacronane alias Indastone.
645. " John Hall remits to Nicholas Fitz Eustace of Donard his rights
in Blakistone."
646. " Robert Puphius grants Audoen Brune two carucates in Arclkipp
which he held of the Archbishop."
Audoen Brun appears in the ''Register of All Saints" (ed. Butler),
p. 31, as a donor of rents to that convent. The grant was made probably
before 1240. He may have been of the family of the clerk of Archbishop
Comyn, to whom that prelate made various grants.
647. "Maurice, son of Geoffrey, at the prayer of his nephew Richard,
secures eight marks of rent in Donard to John de Sandford the
648. " L., the Archbishop, confirms to W. Le Bas and to Dominic
Hellerie, heirs of Audoen Brown, one carucate in Attekipe,
saving the rights of Milo of Attekipe." This Attekipe is spelt
a different way every time the name occurs.
650. "Pleas about Ballymore."
652. "L., the Archbishop, grants to Thomas Indas, son of Adam Indas,
three carucates in Bally macron an."
654-663. " Exemplification of the extent of Ballymore, made xix.
This is a very long deed, filling more than ten pages. It is very
important for the whole district, comprising Ballymore, Donard, Holy-
wood, Dunlavin, Tipper Kevin, Rathsallagh. The place-names here
mentioned can still be recognised. Rathsallagh, for instance, occurs,
and we still find Rathsallagh House, near Dunlavin, and Tynte Park.
It is, in fact, the name of one of the parishes forming the union of
Dunlavin. Alan adds a great many notes on the names of this district,
now forming the barony of Upper Tfdbotstown. Rathsallagh is often
mentioned in the grants of Elizabeth : see Index to Fiants.
663. "Lands which the Earl of Kildaro seeks by right of the Lords
663. " Henry of Worcester grants to William of Worcester the town of
665. "William Russell, son of Richard de Dunlavan, grants to F., the
Archbishop, the lands of the town of Crake and Dunlavan."
666. "F., the Archbishop, grants to Geoffrey de Marisco the land of
Dounboke, saving the tenants' rights."
667-670. " The Pleas of Blakestowne in the lordship of Ballymore."
Useful for place-names in the lordship of Ballymore-Eustace.
670. "Philip de Staunton, a knight, grants to F., the Archbishop, his
rights in the towns of Walinge, Bally Ionian, and Corbali."
43 Hen. III. •
Corbali is now Corbally, near Celbridge, mentioned in " Fiants of
Elizabeth," Nos. 421, 3833 ; or else Corbally, county Dublin, mentibned
in Nos. 1286, 1328, 1390, and 3126.
671. " Robert, Prior of the Holy Trinity, grants to H., the Archbishop,
two marks of Staglohe in Coillagh." 1248.
672. "Richard Blund of Wicklow grants to F., the Archbishop, a bur-
gage of Wicklow." This deed mentions Queen-st. in Wicklow
town, and goes into detail about the locality. Its date was
cent. xiii.
>674. " The Bishop and clergy of Leighlin protest that the relaxation of
proxies made by F., the Archbishop, when visiting, shall not
be made to prejudice the rights of his successors." 1257.
£75. "L., the Archbishop, demits for xx years O'Konaghe in Munster
to Maurice, son of Gerald." Alan follows up this with a note
on the Kildare descent."
677. " About the tenement of Robert Joyce in the parish of St. Michael
on the Hill." This deed is dated in the third year of Edward II.
£77-680. "Agreement between H., the Archbishop of Dublin, and the
citizens about Common lands used for pasture."
There is a note here which seems lo show that there were then fields
near the church of St. Nicholas Within. This might show the limits
of Dublin about A.D. 1200.
•680. " Convention between H., Archbishop of Dublin, and the citizens
as touching all questions at issue between them."
682. " Citizens of Dublin quit claim to J,, the Archbishop, the lands in
the city and suburbs, and make a convention between them."
683. "Edanus, Bishop of Louth, quit claims to J., the Archbishop, the
Church of All Saints." Alan refers in a note to the fact that
Edanus was Confessor to King Dermot of Leinster. He had a
controversy with John Coniyn about the Church and Priory of
, All Saints. This deed is important for the history of the
Church of Dublin in the twelf tli century. Cf. about Edanus,
Bishop of Louth, Dean Butler's " Introduction to the Register
of All Saints Priory," p. vii.
684. "Adam, son of Hugh of Newtown, grants to F., the Archbishop, 35
acres in Newtown."
685. " Luke, the Archbishop, confirms to the burgesses of Rathcoole the
liberties of Bristol and its burgages." See the article on Rath-
coole in Lewis's " Topographical Dictionary." Date of this
deed about 1240.
686. The Canons of St. Kevin's Desert grant the under written lands to
F., the Archbishop, for xx years." The Church of St. Saviour's
was the Church so designated. The Prior of that Church signed
this deed at Castle Kevin, Aug. 23rd, 1263.
This deed is interesting, as showing that St. Saviour's Monastery
was then flourishing. It would seem to have adopted the Reformed
Augustinian rule: cf. the "Register of All Saints Prioiy" for much
about the Gleiidalough churches, specially about St. Saviour's, in the
Introduction, p. ix.
687. " "William Waspeylle and Emily, his wife, quit claim to F;, the-
Archbishop, about 410 acres in the town of Trussell, alias
Wymbelton, near Gracedieu."
688. " P., the Archbishop, on the presentation of the Prior and Convent
of the Holy Trinity, institutes Philip of Cerney, Chaplain, into
the Vicarage of Kilcullen."
Alan has a long note on the history of this church of Kilcullen : see
Index to " Fiants of Elizaheth " for numerous references to Kilcullen.
689. " "William "Waspayle and Emma his wife confess that they are bound
to give security to P., the Archbishop, for 34 acres in the town
of Trussell, belonging to the heirs of Adam de St. John. Cf+
deed on p. 687."
690. "Muriaurtach O'Tochell grants to P., the Archbishop, Garstlon,.
Clondangan, Clonahadone, and Blenlared."
692. " Richard de St. Martin certifies to the dean of St. Patrick's a letter
of P., the Archbishop, granting the Church of Donoughmore in
augmentation of the common fund of the Canons."
696. Octoban, the Papal legate, orders the Bishop of Lismore and
"Waterford to denounce the men of Dublin as excommunicated."
The date of this interdict and excommunication of Dublin was 1267,
when Octoban was Papal Legate. Cotton's "Fasti," vol. ii., p. 12,
says, " In the time of Archbishop Fulk de Sandford, 1256-1271, great
quarrels took place between the Ecclesiastical and • Civil powers of
698. " Henry of London grants to P., the Archbishop, a messuage in
699. " Richard, the Archbishop, his Statute concerning the prebendaries
of St. Patrick's."
701. " Robert de Lynel confirms to William, Bishop of Glendalough, and
to the Abbot of St. Thomas's, the Church of St. Nicholas near
the Barrow." Alan adds a note that this was the last bishop
of Glendalough.
702. "William Marshal, Count of Pembroke, confirms to JL, the
Archbishop, 5 carucates granted by Richard de la Peche."
703. 4< The Prior and Canons of the great Church of Glendalough recognise
that P., the Archbishop, concedes of his free grace pasture and
fire out of the old wood."
This deed throws light upon the .history of Glendalough in the
thirteenth century. The- great church referred to in this deed was, of
course, the cathedral pf Glendalough, which would seem to have
adopted the Eeformed Augustiuian rule, like the Church of the Holy
Trinity in Dublin, Durrow, and other ancient Celtic societies. The
community of the great church does not seem to have retained any of
the great wealth with which Glendalough was endowed about the year
1200. This wealth was the dominant cause of the union of Glendalough
with Dublin. A comparison of this deed with that relating to the
canons of St. Kevin's Desert, on p. 686, prove that half a century after
the Papal Legate declared that Glendalough was a den of thieves, and
utterly waste, two, at least, of its monasteries were flourishing : cf.
about the "Ancient Celtic Organisation of Glendalough," Ussher,
opp. xi., 428, 435.
704. " Henry, the Archbishop, grants to "W. Gaston, his servant, xvi acresr
in exchange for the burgage which he had near the Palace."
Alan here adds a long note, in which he points out that St.
Sepulchre's Palace is situated in two parishes — St. Patrick's and St.
Kevin's, confirming the tradition that St. Patrick's was a parish church
before it bei-ame a cathedral. In ancient times cathedrals had no
parishes attached to them. This note is full of topographical details
about the ground and streets round St. Patrick's, giving abundant place-
names, tenants' names, &c. This should be compared with Alan's rental
of St. Patrick-street, which Mr. Mills published, in 1889, in this
Journal, from the original.
705. " William Gascoing sells to the poor of St. John Extra Novarn
Portarn, two burgages in the parish of St. Kevin."
706. "Luke, the Archbishop, confirms to the poor of St. John of New-
gate, two burgages."
708. " Memorandum about the same two burgages." All these docu-
ments about St. John of Newgate are very important for Dublin
names and topography."
709. " H., Archbishop, confirms to Reginald llamesber half a carucate in
Killescopsantane, alias Kilnasantan." Alan has here abundant
notes, with many important topographical details about the
upper reaches of the Dodder."
710. " Prior and Convent of St. John of Newgate demise to William,.
the Archbishop, xxx acres at Kilnasautan for 50 years."
711. "Maurice, son of Gerald, confirms burgages and liberties of Bristol
to burgesses of Rathmore."
The notes of Alan about Rathmore and its place -names are important.
He notices at the end that the rectory of Rathmore was vacated by
death, Nov. xvi., 1530. It is situated about 4 miles from Naas.
713. " Walter, the Archbishop, institutes John O'Coynginto the rectory
of Dromkee with the rectory of Castle Ade annexed." The
date of this document is 1504. It terminates with a reference
to the " Crede Mihi " as the " Ancient Register."
714. " Convention between John de Sandford, acting for Fulk, the
Archbishop, and Richard, son of Richard, about the custody
of Thomas, son of Roger, of Ledwich, till he arrive at lawful
716. " Richard Nists, and Johanna, his wife, sell to F., Archbishop, their
right in the dowry of Johanna, formerly the wife of William,
of Surdwale."
717. " William, of Oldburne, grants Alexander, Archbishop, a messuage
and ten acres in Haroldstown, in Ballymore."
Could Oldburne here be a mistake for Oldbawn, near Tallaght,
mentioned in "Fiants of Elizabeth," No. 4516?
718. "Peter Harold, son of Geoffrey Harold, constitutes R. Westum
and T. Sampson his attorneys for putting Geoffrey le Bret, and
Isabella, his wife, in possession of three parts of the lands of
G. Harold." 12 Edward II.
This land was situated in Villa Elye Haroldi, at Coillacht, about the
Three Rock, or Tibradden mountains. (See Index to " Fiants of
Elizabeth, under Harold, for many references to these bounds and
limits, specially Nos. 1591 and 5810.) The plain near St. Columba's,
now called Harold's Grange, is still a relic of these limits and bounds.
No. 1591 of the Elizabethan Fiants gives a description of Cruagh Rectory.
The ruined Church still stands near Rockbrook.
719. " H., the Archbishop, grants that when Richard de Wermenyff:
departs, the church of Holywood, with the chapel of Grathe-
lache and the land of Regredy, shall turn to the use of the
Canons of Llanthony."
720. " Concerning the Manor of Swords taken into the King's hand."
722. "Adam le Petit grants to P., the Archbishop, his rights in the
tenement of D erne skill."
723. "Adam le Petit quit claims to P., the Archbishop, his right in the
tenement of Derneskylle."
724. "William Mareschallus, Count of Pembroke, grants to P., the
Archbishop, his lights in the wood of Sannekeyun" (? St. Kevin).
724. " Augustin, son of Michael M'Clerihach, grants to P., the Arch-
bishop, Ballyocroylf, which he held by the gift of William de
726. " Robert, son of Richard, grants to John, the Archbishop, a Knight's
fee in Carabria," " where the Abbey of May stands."
726. "John Gerrard, of Ballidude, quit claims P., the Archbishop, in
xxxix acres, which he held in Tavelache, by demise from W.
727. "P., the Archbishop, grants to Alan, of Mohaund, 68 acres, which
Padinus O'Kenlisse held in Tavelaugh."
728-737. " Extent of the Manors of Tavelaugh, and of Rathcoole, taken in
the 19th year of Edward, son of Edward." There are two long,
but most interesting documents touching the west of the county
Dublin. They cover more than ten closely written pages, and
are full of details about persons and places. In the names of the
jurors we have lists of the principal residents of the the four-
teenth century. Among the Tallaght jurors the name White
occurs frequently. The Tallaght jurors report that almost all
the buildings have been burned down. As to the lands, they
report, that in time of war they 'are worth nothing, they are so
near the Irish. Among the place-names in Tallaght manor are
the following : — Ballymacarran, Colagh (evidently the name of
the wood, otherwise called Coillaght), Thastolman, Bullnuach,
Bally slator, Keltipe, Ballironan, Kilmasentan, Rathminten.
The names of the Rathcoole jurors are — John Marshal, John
Rollrune, "William Passavante, Adam Howe, (cf. "Keg. of All
Saints," pp. 44, 49, 50), John Browne, Philip Browne, David
Camilford, Robert Garthe, Walter J)evenish. Among the Rath-
coole place-names are — Flagges, Grenolmede, Fiveacres, Les-
mourmede, The Curragh. It is curious that mauy of them have
the French article Le before them.
737-743. " A similar exemplification of the extent of Clondalkin Manor,
dated xxx of Edward II."
743—748. UA similar extent of the manor of Shankill, made in the
same year." The names of the Shankill jurors were —
John Danwe, Nicholas Comyn, William Crompe, John Kendale,
John Browning, John White, Roger Comyn, Robert Crompe,
Nicholas Douse, Richard Grloster, Walter Wreby, Henry Hunte,
Robert de Porta, Walter Nagle. They report that there were
no edifices, as all have been ruined by the Irish felons. Some
lands were set at three pence an acre in time of peace, which,
in time of war, are worth nothing. Other parts of the Arch-
bishop's lands are waste, because too near the Irish male-
factors, specially near Kilmacberin. They describe a grove
of oaks as standing near Shankill, covering 30 acres, xv
acres of pasture near Le Loughe, and another wood on Kil-
macoil. They further report, that a certain island in the
sea, near Dalkey, is let at I2d. a year, and 111 acres, called
Rathingale. In Caraghe there are 12 acres of land, 15 acres in
Bally skillane " Apud le Fyrres," and 9 acres in Colenaghe,
which the English and the Irish tenants were accustomed to
hold ; in Kilmacberin there were 60 acres of land held by
betasii, or betaghs. They further report that Robert, the
Englishman, held a carucate of land in Kilconwill, William
Finglas held two carucatesin Ballyro'thye, which belonged to
John Itellon. W. Fiuglas, Thomas Carryke, and Hugh
Lawless held four carucates of land in Ballyronan. Robert
Lawless held half a carucate in Waryneston, and a similar
amount in Relote. Reginald de Barnwall held eleven carucates
in Stagonil. The Prior of Kilmainham has one carucate of
land in Carrickladane. The same Prior and the Prior of the
Holy Trinity have one curacate in Killeger. Other place-names
which occur in the Shankill extent are Stanelyn, Killregel,
and Eallydonenaghe.
748. " Extent of the Archiepiscopal lands in Kildare."
749. " Extent of the Archiepiscopal lands in Meath."
751. "Reduction of rent paid by John Fitz William, of Tallaght, for
Tipperstowne, alias Rathmynlan."
753. " Henry, the Archbishop, grants to Laurence Caretario, 12 acres
in Tallaght." The witnesses' names are given in full, with the
boundaries of the lands.
754. " Alexander, the Archbishop, grants to Eichard de la Eotillere 25
acres in Tallaght."
755-757. "Reply of , the Archdeacon to the mandate of William de
Rodiere,Y.G., about the patronage of the Church of Adderke."
The date of this deed is 1328. It is interesting for its informa-
tion about ancient church law and customs.
758-760. "Inquisition about the Church of Adderke, in the diocese of
Dublin, taken before W. de Roddyerde."
William Roddy ard was Treasurer of St. Patrick's, and was elected
Dean in 1312, and continued to occupy that position till about 1340.
He was a good lawyer ; was a Judge of the Common Pleas and King's
Bench, and was Chancellor, in 1320, of the University established in
St. Patrick's. He seems to have been a man much engaged in business :
cf. Cotton's "Fasti," vol. ii., p. 92. In Mr. Mills' "Norman Settle-
ment," Adderke is called Athderg. The church was situated S.W. of
Lucan. It is mentioned amongst the Churches of Taney Deanery in the
" Crede Mihi," p. 137, as published by Sir John Gilbert.
760. " A genealogical inquiry into the family history of the De Lacys."
761-765. " Composition made between the Archbishop and the Chapter
of St. Patrick."
765. "Fromundus le Erun grants four marks of rent, in Carrickdolgin,
near Shankill." This appears to be the same as the hill,
popularly called the Chimney Hill, or Carrick Galiighan.
766. " Office of Constable of Eallymore Castle, granted by Thomas, the
Archbishop, to Thomas Fitz Eustace.
(2'o be continued.)
( 177 )
Siobhan na " Geela." — Who was this lady ? An Ogham inscription
at Emalough East, near Dingle, has been called the stone of Siobhan-
na-Geela (Leac Siobdme, &c.) by the Ordnance Survey, Mr. Brash, and
Sir S. Ferguson.
Last summer, when examining this stone, I was positively assured
by two inhabitants independently that this was not Siobhan' s stone.
The true stone so called is a small pointed rock standing up a few paces
from the ogham ; it is quite insignificant in appearance. The ogham
lies on a strip of shingle (most unfortunately, below high-water mark) ;
the Leac Siobchne stands in the sandy expanse below the shingle. A
man called Fitzgerald, who lives close by, told me that the local name
for the ogham is Cloc na cr-a^apc, a name no doubt suggested by the
cross cut on the stone. But my friend Mr. Curran, of Ventry, gives me
another and very interesting name by which the people call the stone,
the Cloc bpupcuip. It is important to record the latter fact. This
name is not a true ancient tradition of the person commemorated by the
stone ; it has simply been picked up from oghamists, who, though widely
divergent in their treatment of the end of the inscription, are all agreed
in commencing with BRUSCCOS. The evolution of the secondary genitive
bpupcuip from the ancient genitive BRUSCCOS is not without some philo-
logical interest.
As to Siobhan, I was told that she lived on the Iveragh side of Dingle
Bay ; that her daughter was carried off to Corkaguiney by force ; she
followed the fugitives, but was stricken with cholera (which was raging
in Corkaguiney at the time), and died at the stone which bears her name —
a truly prosaic ending to a romantic story ! A somewhat similar story is
told in the 0. S. Letters, which, however, I had no time to copy ; if I
recollect aright, she was caught by the tide and drowned at this place,
according to the version there given ; a much more satisfactory conclu-
sion. Mr. Curran has, however, unearthed quite a different story, which
he has kindly imparted to me. It is to the effect that Siobhan had a
lover on the opposite side of the bay which lies between Emalough and
Kinard, whom she was in the habit of visiting frequently when opportunity
offered, regardless of the state of the tide. She used this rock to enable
her to mount her white horse when she went to ride across that
treacherous little inlet. (The stone in question is well suited for such a
purpose.) Yet another tale is told by Brash in his " Ogham Monuments,"
under the article " Trabeg" (pp. 170-4). He says : — " Tradition states
-she was the sister of Donal-na-Geelagh who is in enchantment under one
of the Killarney lakes, and that she was drowned while bathing near the
dallan (i.e. the ogham), from which circumstance it takes its name."
I have spelt the concluding portion of this name phonetically, as I do
not feel certain of the correct form of it. O'Douovan made Siobcm na
ngimleac ; the infection of the m seems to prevent our connecting this
word with " ^imleac, s.m. one in fetters" (O'R.), and I do not see what
other meaning it could have. Mr. Curran's version is Siobcm na
geilleic,1 which he refers to the white horse (^eall-eac) ridden by
Siobhan. Further information about this mythic heroine would be
valuable, and I hope some member will be able to supply references, or
(better still) popular tradition concerning her from some other part of the
country. — R. A. S. MACAUSTER.
Cup-and-Ring Sculptured Stones from the County Donegal. —
Mr. M'Nulty in forwarding two drawings, says : —
" I have discovered a few of these stones in this neighbourhood. I
send you sketches of those on a rock-surface near this town (Raphoe),
and on what I believe to be an overturned table-stone of a cromlech
which I noticed near Castlefin, a few miles from Raphoe.
" On another cromlech, still standing, I found the covering block to be
marked with similar cups and rings ; the form of one of those on the
natural rock is peculiar. Mr. "Wakeman, who saw a sketch of it, thinks
it is a rare, if not unique, form.
" I have seen many other marked stones, particularly a number in
connexion with a stone circle at Tops, Raphoe."
Primitive Burial at Rylane, County Clare. — This townland, lying in
the barony of Upper Bunratty, not far from the nearly obliterated
Lough of Coolasluasta (see our Journal, 1895, p. 179), deserves the
attention of archaBologists. Even its Giants' Graves were unmarked on
the 1839 Ordnance Survey, and only for the happy chance of one of our
members, Mr. Arthur Gethin Creagh, residing in its neighbourhood, the
interesting "find" in the lake might have gone without record. He
now writes to me of another discovery made in Rylane of a primitive
burial-place, ' ' a few hundred yards north of the Giants' Graves." " It was
about 10. feet long, but there does not seem to have been any end slab,
the northern extremity being only closed with earth and small stones.
The breadth is 2 feet 6 inches, and the end is circular, its sides, and those
of the grave are neatly lined with small blocks where they do not con-
sist of solid rock." It lies N.N.W. and S.S.E. " The whole grave was
neatly covered with stout nagging, the circular portion having a roof of
1 In this case grammatical strictness would, of course, require the name to be
stated "Siobdn an geilleiG." Another conceivable (but unlikely) form is na
geallaise, as though she were a lunar heroine. The objections to this are the
pronunciation of the name, and the fact that T'ae> n°t 5"ealla6, is the word for
" moon " in Corkaguiny.
overlapping slabs, and, as a security against fracture, a flat stone about
15 inches high was placed in one spot where the thinness of the over-
lapping flags rendered it necessary.
" At the N.W. end of the grave lay the skull of its occupant in a
fragmentary condition; portions of the under jaw also remained, with five
or six teeth (probably of an old person as they were much worn), and a few
vertebra?. Strange to say around the skull and jaw were marks of fierce
fire, shown by the burnt earth, pieces of charred wood, and marks on the
side stones. "We found no remains of any kind in the circular chamber,
nor any metal or potteiy anywhere about the grave. On the top of the
covering flags lay a portion of a horse's skull, and the bones of a goat
(or pig) under 2 feet 6 inches of earth ; the floor of the grave was formed
of the native rock ; none of the stones give any sign of having been
cut or dressed.
" Lying south of the grave was an oval space, not more than 14 inches
below the surface, floored with scabbled limestones, 6 inches in depth.
It was roofed with gritstone flags, and half of a gritstone quern lay in it
in good preservation. This space lies 14 in. from the grave, and about 4 ft.
higher than its floor. Besides the quern no other remains were found.
" It lies about 500 yards from Maghera cross in the same field as
John Donoho's house." — (A. Gethin Creagh, Carrahane, Feb. 8th).
The find took place on Feb. 4th. "When I visited it at the end of
April it had been entirely demolished, and its stones stacked along the
fence, the field being all in tillage.
The Giants' Graves are much defaced, the eastern faces E.N.E., and
has three (if not four) chambers, being 23 feet long, and 11 feet 7 inches
wide at the west end ; the covering slabs of the west and third chambers
remain. The largest slab (south side of third chamber) is 6 feet long, and
9 inches thick, but nearly buried.
The second one lies north-east from the first. It was evidently
larger, but is now too hopelessly defaced to understand the plan. Like
the first, it tapered eastward, its south side pointing to the east (by
compass) ; a somewhat circular patch of stones, bushes, and mounds,
with a few large blocks 5 feet to 6 feet long, alone remains. Near it is
the nearly-levelled ring of a circular enclosure. Both are figured in
Mr. Borlase's ''Dolmens of Ireland," vol. i., page 82. On the hill to
the KW. is a well-preserved earthen fort, with a deep moat frequently
containing water.
I have found no mention of the townland in the medieval records of
the district. — T. JOHNSON WESTROPP.
The Stolen Fountain and Rutland Monument of Merrion-Square,
Dublin. — What Mr. P. Kenny writes of as the PRINCIPAL GATEWAY OF
MEREION SQUARE, is no gateway, but a public fountain, once a public
monument, to the Duke of Rutland, dedicated to the public, and especially
to the use of the poor, which must at some time have been illegally
appropriated and suppressed by the Commissioners of Merrion-square, or
some "authority."
Reference to Dublin newspapers of 1787-8 would, no doubt, revive
the memory of a benevolent Free Fountain Association in the Vice-
royalty of the Duke of Rutland. Sir John Blaquiere was the moving
spirit, and moved by the wretched condition of the poor of Dublin, and
especially "by their want of the supply of free water, a necessary of
life, which most of them could only obtain in miserable quantity, by
buying it at the huxter's pipe," Sir John succeeded, with the Viceroy's
hearty encouragement, in establishing free conduits and fountains
throughout the city. Where are they now ?
I know of the surviving remains of one only — what is left of an
elaborate architectural and monumental structure on the west side of
Merrion-square. It was probably designed by Sir William Chambers,
architect, who was at the time, 1787, architect of the new Front and
Parliament Square Buildings of Trinity College, and of Lord Charle-
mont's Casino at Clontarf.
The Duke of Rutland met his premature death, and the projected
Fountain of Merrion-square was turned into a public memorial of him.
Carvings and bas-reliefs which adorned it have disappeared, and inscrip-
tions have gone or been obliterated, but in 1805 this was surviving : —
A contemporary writer says that it was "embellished with some
excellent sculpture in lasso -relievo, and busts of the Duke and Duchess
of Rutland ; and
" * Sad for her loss, Hibernia weeps to raise
This mournful record to her Rutland's praise.' "
Wright's Guide of 1821 says that at that time this monument, but
thirty years after its erection, was little better than a ruin, and thus
describes it : —
" In the centre is an arch, within which reclines the fountain-nymph
leaning on an urn, from which water is represented as flowing in an
uninterrupted stream into a shell-formed reservoir beneath. On the
frieze of the entablature above is a beautifully-executed medallion, on
which is represented the story of the Marquis of Granby relieving a
soldier's family in distress; and on one side is an inscription setting
forth the life and conduct of the Duke of Rutland, while on the other,
above the orifice of one of the fountains, is this inscription : — ' His saltern
.accumulem donis et fungar inani munere.' "
The stone and workmanship of the monument appears to have been
very bad — hence its ruinous condition. The vase-terminals which remain
-are said to have come from Wedgwood's famous works at Etruria.
Whatever the condition of the public fountain may have been in
1821, it seems hard to understand by what authority such a public
monument could be appropriated and enclosed and planted with shrubs
to hide it. — THOMAS DREW, v.p.
[This replies to " A. P.'s" inquiry.]
The Fountain at Merrion Square. — With respect to Mr. P. Kenny's
note as to the above in vol. vii., Part 1, of the Journal, which he
-describes as "The Principal Gateway, Merrion- square" — if he refers to
the description of it in Whitelaw and Walsh's "History of Dublin"
(p. 462), he will find that it was never a gateway, but was a fountain
erected to the memory of Charles Manners, Duke of Rutland, Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland (1784 to 1787). It would appear that although
only erected in 1791, the fountain was in 1818 (when Whitelaw and
Walsh's History was published), " cracked and bulged in several places."
Prussia-street, Dublin. — It may be interesting to some of our
members to learn the origin of the name of the above street, which
is explained by the following extracts from " Pue's Occurrences,"
" Thursday, January 24th. — Being the birthday of His Prussian
Majesty, who then entered into the 49th year of his age, the same was
-observed here with great demonstrations of joy. A black stone flag,
with the words ' Prussia- street' in gold letters, was put up on a house
in Cabragh-lane, which for the future is to be called by that name."
"Monday, March 31st. — Last week an elegant metal bust of His
Prussian Majesty, allowed by connoisseurs to have been extremely well-
executed by Mr. Cunningham, who served his time to Mr. Van Nost,
was erected, on the niche over the black marble in Prussia- street, at the
•sole expense of the principal inhabitants thereof."
The King of Prussia, above referred to, was Frederick the Great.
Van Nost was the designer of the statue of George II. in St. Stephen's
It would be interesting to ascertain if the metal bust referred to is
still in existence. There is no trace of it on the fronts of any of the
houses now in existence in Prussia-street. — ANTHONY R. CARROLL.
JOUK. U.S. A. I., VOL. VII., PT. II., OTH 8F.K. 0
Mr. Samuel Guilbride. — This gentleman joined the Society in 1886r
and became a most ardent member. Of late the state of his health pre-
vented his attendance at our meetings, or sharing in our excursions; andhe
was little known as an archaeologist outside his own town and neighbour-
hood : u but his known love for the antiquarian lore of his native land,
and his strong personality in seeking out and preserving objects of
interest, aroused a wide-spread regard amongst the people of his vicinity
for everything of an antiquarian nature, and, in a marked degree, a
desire for the preservation of such." He has left several Papers on the
local antiquities of Newtownbarry, and a valuable collection. He died
in February last, much regretted, at the age of 46.
Wooden Vessel found at "The Boon," near Athlone.— Mrs. Tarleton,
Hon. Local Secretary of our Society in King's County, reports a find of
some interest as having been made by Mr. George Enraght Mooney,
near his residence " The Doon." It is a wooden vessel of the shape usual
in iron pots, with one small handle at the side. It was found about
8 feet under the surface of the bog, close to the interesting ancient
paved way known as " The Pilgrims' Road," the remains of which
can be traced through the bog, and which leads to the churches of
The Duke of Tetuan — " Tew persons know," says the New York Sun,
11 that the sternest enemy of American interference in Spanish colonial
affairs, the present powerful holder of the Spanish portfolio of Foreign
Affairs, is an Irish chieftain in his own right, and the owner of a name
famous in the history of Ireland. His Grace the Duke of Tetuan, Spanish
Minister of Foreign Affairs, claims to be Lord of Donegal, in Ireland,
and rejoices in the Milesian patronymic of Charles O'Donnell. . . . The
duke is very proud of his name and Irish descent ; but, apart from this,
the distinguished services which his ancestors have rendered to Spain
since their exile from the mother country, might well give him cause-
for gratification."
In the reign of James I., Nial Garv O'Donnell was Prince of Tyrcon-
nell, lord of the mountainous county of Donegal, and chief of his name
and race. He warred valiantly against the English, but at length was
taken prisoner. He died in the Tower of London. From the brother of
this chief, Charles Oge O'Donnell, descended the two young exiles,
Henry and Joseph O'Donnell, younger brothers of Manus O'Donnel},
of Wilford Lodge, county Mayo.
Henry entered the Austrian service, and rose to be a baron, and
a major-general. Joseph settled in Spain about 1750, and became a
lieutenant-general. There was no need to ennoble him, as in Spain all
the Irish exiles were recognised as nobles ready-made. This lieutenant-
general, Don Joseph, left four sons — all distinguished in the army, of
their adopted country. The eldest, Don Jose O'Donnell, was Captain-
General of Castile, and the youngest, Don Enrique, was a famous lieu-
tenant-general ; O'Donnell, Count of Abisbad, Regent of Spain in 1812,
and Captain-General of Andalusia. The second of the four, Don
Carlos, also a lieutenant-general, and a knight of St. Ferdinand, died in
1830, leaving two children, of whom the eldest, Don Carlos O'Donnell,
was father of the present Duke of Tetuan, while the second was Field-
Marshal Don Leopoldo O'Donnell, first duke of that name.
The Duke of Tetuan was married in 1863, and had three sons, Don
Juan Patricio O'Donnell, born 1864 ; Don Carlos Alfonso O'Donnell, born
1869 ; and Don Leopoldo Patricio O'Donnell, born 1874. One of these
young men is aide-de-camp to Gen. Weyler in Cuba.
Kenagh (Co. Longford) Old Church. — When passing the ruins of the
above, some short time ago, I stopped and took some photographs of it.
There are the remains, in fairly good repair, of what must once have been
a handsome church ; but so overgrown with ivy, that its very outline is
hard to distinguish. The date on the oldest grave that I could decipher
was 1710 ; but, no doubt, there are many of a prior date to this. The
graveyard is tidily kept, and a good wall built round it — a great contrast
to so many others in this county and elsewhere.
What chiefly, however, attracted my attention was the fact that two
inscribed slabs of limestone, apparently bearing a later superscription, had
been built into the modern gate-posts of the graveyard. I had not time,
nor, I fear, would I have been able, to decipher these ; but the late Vicar
of the parish (Rev. W. Welwood), now removed to Co. Leitrim, has
kindly sent me the translation, which runs as follows, viz. : —
A.D. 1649."
These slabs were found by a labourer built into the wall by the road-
side, and were put into their present position by the guardians. The vicar
informs me that no records exist prior to about 1830; so that there are
at least 200 years, if not more, of the life of this parish during which
no records are to be had. Is it not a matter for great regret that
so many cases of this scandalous neglect are to be found in Ireland in all
directions ?
0 2
I have always looked upon the part of the county in which this old
ruin is situate as most interesting from an antiquarian point of view. —
The Cumins Ogham (Journal, 1896, p. 393).— I am indebted to the
Rev. Frederick Foster, of Bally McElligott. Tralee, for kindly informing
me that the Kerry Sentinel, my only authority on this monument, was
in error in two points regarding it. The true discoverer is Mr. Adrian
Peet, and the inscription is incorrectly given. The Bishop of Limerick
is, I understand, preparing a detailed account of the stone. — R. A. S.
Ancient Otter-Traps. — The following Paper on the above subject,
by Mr. Kinahan, Fellow, was read at the Evening Meeting of the Society
at Kilkenny, on Monday, 19th April, 1897. " The wooden implements
figured in the Journal of the Society (Part iv., vol. vi., p. 380) are evidently
snares to catch a water animal that consistently travels in one direction.
They could not be for fish, which dart about every way, except salmon
and sea trout when ascending a river or stream. Eels when going up
in the summer possibly may go straight, but our knowledge in connexion
with the ascent of the eel at that season seems to be nil. Some people
would even go so far as to wish us to believe they never come up from
the salt water. Those who have studied the otter must be aware that
these traps are admirably suited to meet its habits, and ought to be
most effective snares. Unfortunately the photograph of the traps of
Larkhillis calculated to mislead. The traps were found in "an upright
position," not, however, on end as represented in the figure, but on their
sides. When set, the hing side should be uppermost, the side with
bevels leading to the open should face down-stream, and the back with
the springs should look up-stream. This trap, besides being simple arid
ingenious, seems to be well adapted for catching the otter. As to the
habits of the otter — when fishing it invariably, except under adverse
circumstances (the adverse circumstances are when fishing a pool with
perpendicular sides, when it will have to go back again to get out ; when
fishing a ' tail race,' or when fishing a stream through a town, when it
will have to go back down the stream) — goes up-stream,' and returns by
a land path, never when coming down taking the water except in case of
danger. Even when hunted with hounds it will try to go back by the
path. Often when hunting up a stream thfe otter has passed us going
down on the land ; a good master, therefore, will make a side cast to see
if the otter is i trying back.' Of course, when the hounds are close,
the otter has to take the deep water, in which he goes backward and
forward, but always if he thinks he sees his chance he will take to land
and make a run for the next pool. As the otter always fishes up the
stream, it is easy to see how the traps were set. A place in a reedy stream
was chosen that a trap could just span ; the ope in it, if possible, being on
the otter's run. To set the trap the door was forced open, and kept open
by a trigger, which was probably a short bit of stick ; when the otter saw
the ope he tried to push through, but the moment his shoulders pressed
a gainst the door the trigger was let loose, and the springs jammed down
the door on his neck and held him fast. It can be easily seen that the
double traps were for wide streams that the single trap would not span ;
or possibly they were for streams in which the otter had to return, such
as a stream into a pool with perpendicular sides. In such a case the
doors ought to open different ways. This is quite a surmise, as I have not
seen a double trap. It seems to me unlikely that the nine traps in the
diagram (page 379) were set in a lake. In fact I do not see how they
could have been effectively set therein, as there would be no runs to set
them in, the otter swimming everywhere about. It is more natural to
suppose they were set in one of the marshes, or sloughs, so common in
the Irish bogs, and so generally the fishing haunts of the otter. Such
marshy places are fished from the bottom to the top, and I would
suggest that the traps were not set in the regular form as represented in
the diagram, but more or less irregularly according to the shape of the
slough. Sloughs usually are wider at the lower than at the upper end.
This evidently was the case in the Larkhill slough, as these traps were
set — three across the wide end, and the rest along or near each margin
of the slough, in compliance with the courses of the little surface streams
which usually are more or less near each edge ; in fact often along the
margin between the soft slough and the bog. These streams are evidently
in a great measure due to the otter paths, which run near the margin
where the eels are principally to be found, eels being the fish usually
found in the slough, as proved by the remains left at the otter stands, and
by the contents of the dropping. Frogs, however, seem also sometimes
caught ; fishes, except, perhaps, in some places, a few species, rarely
frequent these bog sloughs.
Inscribed Pillar-Stones, County Mayo. — I was lately on the west
coast of Mayo with Mr. Patrick O'Dowd, a gentleman who has a consi-
derable knowledge of the antiquities of the county, and he showed me
two standing stones which I have not seen mentioned in any book,
though one is shown on the Ordnance Map (No. 95). I made rough
sketches of them on the spot. No. 1 is near the sea, in the townland of
Dooghmakeon. A farmer, Austin Tiernan, who livee close by, told me
that it was lying flat on the sandhills, nearly covered ; but that about
fifty years ago a Catholic clergyman, Father M'Manus, had it raised.
Tiernan said that more than half the stone is buried in the sand.
There are some incised marks on one corner, near the base, which
probably are part of an Ogham inscription, the rest of which is buried
beneath the sands. Close by, just north of Lough Cahasy, is a so-called
grave, consisting of a low pile of stones, many of which are of a peculiar
shape, mostly resembling dumb-bells. The balls seem to be light-
coloured sandstone, shaped by sea-action ; but they are joined by a
blue slaty stone, which must have united them subsequently. This
grave is about 9 feet long, and many stories are told about it. Any one
praying there at midnight gets his wish, provided his rival does not
arrive before him ; disputes are settled there by both parties swearing
over one of these stones. It is evidently in repute still, as it 'is half
covered with rags, bits of iron, &c. Several of the neighbouring tenants
No. 1.
Diameter of Circle, 1 foot 2| inches.
Pillar, 5 ft. 6 in. above ground.
No. 2.
say that a number of coins, long bronze-pins, &c., have been found
there; and that about 100 years ago, a Father Lyons broke several
bronze swords that were lying on it, and threw them into Lough
Cahasy. There is another celebrated grave in the middle of this lake ;
but I was unable to get out to it.
The standing stone, No. 2, is in Killeen graveyard, in the townland
of Cloonlaur (Ordnance Map, 95). The ornamentation on it is very
similar to No. 1, but with the addition of the oval cup-holes and grooves.
The stone is much weathered, and I could ascertain nothing about its
This stone is leaning at an angle of 35°, and would appear much
taller if upright. The small cup-marks are indistinct, and now average
only about 1 inch in depth. The grooves, or gutters, running from
them to the centre of the circle, are only just visible, owing to growth
of lichen. There is a second outer circle, but only traceable on the
lower half of the circle. It will be seen from the sketch that the
segments of inscribed circles do not intersect as in stone No. 1.
In the adjoining townland of Cross there is a standing stone about
12 feet high, but without any markings that I could detect. A
few feet from it is another standing stone, about 4% feet high, without
markings, and apparently much broken. There is a cromlech about
a mile away in the townland of Aillemore ; but 1 had not time to
visit it.
If these stones have not been described before, perhaps a short
•description of them may be suitable for the Journal of the Society. —
W. E. KELLY, C.E., J.P., Hon. Local Secretary, South Mayo.
Holed Stones found in France. — A Paper by Mons. F. Poly,
published in the "Rev. de 1'Ecole d'Anthropologie," 1896, describes
seven " Pierres-Percees " found in the Department of Haute-Saone, and
figures five of these interesting objects. To this list M. Mortillet has
-added a memorandum concerning two or three additional instances from
other departments on the Swiss frontier, and gives a figure of one of
these. I have not seen the original communication, and extract this
note from "Bulletins de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris" for
September, 1896, where a woodcut illustration is shown of a perforated
stone from Poulaincourt, Haute-Saone. Further inquiries into the
distribution of these " stones with perforations " in France would be of
great interest ; also if they are associated with any of the traditional
uses with which tliev are identified in Ireland. — W. FEAZER.
" The Kilkenny Museum."— The Irish Builder, of April 15th, has
-an article on this subject, from which the following are extracts : —
"The question of housing the objects of antiquarian interest collected in Kilkenny
has occupied considerable attention for some time past, and a rather painful contro-
versy appears to have arisen in that city over the proposed appropriation of a certain
building known as ' The Shoe Alms-house,' which has been suggested by some local
persons as a fitting receptacle for the collection, which proposal has been very stoutly
icsisted — and so far successfully^ — by some influential residents, who are anxious that
the building should not be diverted from the charitable purposes to which, for some
time past, it had been devoted. The quarrel bids fair to become a second edition of
the story of ' The Kilkenny Cats,' and it is just possible that it may result in the
removal of the objects from the ' faire citie.'
" The Alms-house is considered by those best acquainted with the building to be
very badly suited for the suggested purpose ; it is very dark, and has not been kept
in a good state of repair; and though the rent asked for it is only £5 per annum, it
seems that it would be dear even at that figure. The proposal to light it by skylights
in the roof would be expensive, and would only prove effective for the attic story ;.
the principal floor would still remain in darkness, and as the building was erected
upwards of three centuries ago, it may be difficult and expensive to effect the necessary
structural alterations. ... It may not be out of place to say that these objects were
brought together solely by the energy and ability of three men. The first, who was
the founder of the Society, Rev. James Graves; the second, Mr. J. G. A. Prim ; and
the third, Mr. J. G. Robertson, who looked after the collection from the foundation
of the Society until his removal to Dublin in 1888. The Rev. James Graves having
died in 1885, the Society fell into decay; it had no funds, the Members would not
pay, and, having neither men nor money to carry on the work in Kilkenny, the local
Members decided to dispose of the objects to the Science and Art Museum. It is well
to mark that this was decided on while the headquarters of the Society were still at
" Shortly after this the management was taken up in Dublin, and a new Council
was formed, and the almost defunct Society became, in a few years, transformed into-
the most extensive and prosperous Archaeological Society in the United Kingdom,
under the name of ' The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland,' and to the credit
of the new management, it must be said, that they did not sell the Kilkenny Museum,
but kept it up in the same house, paid the rent and other expenses, exactly as the old
Society did. At the meeting at Kilkenny last year, some local Members, who did not
understand the history of the case, proposed that the Council should undertake a large
expenditure in improving the rented apartments. It is not to be wondered at that the
Council, acting for all the Members as well as for those in Kilkenny (the Members
outside of that city numbering about 100 for every one residing in it), did not see
their way to spend in Kilkenny money subscribed elsewhere for the other purposes of
the Society. An elected Council must follow the directions of the majority — there are
1376 Members in all, of whom considerably less than a score reside in Kilkenny. . . .
A great opportunity was lost when the Society, founded by Rev. James Graves,
was allowed to dwindle down and finally disappear. Another Society, founded by
Cardinal Moran, when Bishop of Ossory, also died out in Kilkenny, for want of the
necessary local support. A valuable collection of antiquities was made by the last-
named Society, now housed, free of cost, at the College of St. Kieran, and the sugges-
tion which has been made as to the amalgamation of the two collections, is worthy of
"One thing is evident, that, while the (Royal) Society of Antiquaries, now a
National Society, cannot allow money subscribed elsewhere, and for another purpose,
to be spent in Kilkenny, they cannot allow the objects to remain as before. The
local Members alone are to blume for the present block, and it devolves on them now
to come forward and, after counting the cost, say if there is public spirit enough in
Kilkenny to establish a public museum, and to give guarantees that the objects will
be properly cared for and exhibited. . . . Turning for a moment to the objects in the
museum, the collection is a very heterogeneous one; no system seems to have been
adopted, and the result is that it presents more the appearance <>f an ' Old Curiosity
Shop' than a properly -arranged museum. Stones, and fragments of stained glass
from St. Canice's Cathedral, roof timbers from Callan, crannog logs from Enniskillen,
rough beams from Rothe's House, and a great variety of pieces of timber, most of
which should not have been moved from their original habitat, have now become a
difficulty as to disposal, as they are of no archaeological interest whatever. There still
remains a good deal of general and local interest, but there are some objects of a,
fictile character, others rust-eaten, not much to look at, but rapidly disintegrating,
which should be at once removed, and placed in the hands of an expert for preser-
vation in dust-proof cases ; and for the safe custody of such special items it is not
likely any satisfactory provision could be made in Kilkenny."
Celtic Crosses. — The latest theory formulated to explain the pecu-
liarities of the ancient crosses which are found in Great Britain and
Ireland, was explained in a Paper which was 'read in Edinburgh on the
10th of May, hy Mr. Eomilly Allen, P.S.A., Fellow, who has devoted
much attention to the subject. Keferring to the peculiar style of deco-
ration of the period known as Celtic, which was by some assumed to-
have had its origin in Ireland, Mr. Allen said it was no doubt true that
Celtic art attained its highest excellence in Irish illuminated manuscripts,
such as the Books of Kells, Armagh, and Burrow ; but it was a relevant
inquiry to what extent the illuminators were indebted to foreign sources,
and whether the similarities of design on the monuments of the eighth
to the eleventh centuries in Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales,
might not be accounted for by development on parallel lines rather than
by direct derivation. Instancing a series of rubbings taken by Mr.
Griffith -Bavies, Member, from cross-shafts and fragments at Clonmacnoise,
which closely resemble the slabs of Perthshire and Eorfarshire, he pro-
ceeded to point out other resemblances between the Irish and the
Scottish monuments generally, alike in their decoration and in the
groups of Scriptural figure-subjects which appear on both. The Irish
crosses are chiefly found in Leinster and Ulster, and are absent from the
counties of Kerry, Cork, and Waterford, which contain the Ogham-
inscribed pillar- stones of the earliest Christian period, and the total
number of crosses in Ireland, amounting to about fifty, was extremely
small as compared with the 300 localities in Scotland, 250 in England,
40 in Wales, and 15 in the Isle of Man. that were now on record. The
conclusion seemed to be that the pre-Norman crosses of Ireland were
later than those of Scotland, England, and Wales, and that this phase of
early Christian sculpture had its origin in Northumbria. The scrolls of
foliage on the Irish crosses, and the bird and leaf motives in the Book of
Kells, indicated North umbri an influence. Scandinavian influence had
not been detected on the Irish crosses, but was found on the metal-work.
In conclusion, he considered that the Celtic style was a variety of the
Lombardo-Byzantine style, from which its figure subjects, interlaced
work, scrolls of foliage, and many of its nondescript animals were
obviously derived.
Prehistoric Burial. — On May 18th, 1897, when breaking up a grass-
field on Mr. Sutton's farm near Newcastle, a few miles from Greystones,
county Wicklow, the plough struck against a granite block, about 6 feet
long, and 4 feet in width. Later, when preparing to blast this with
gunpowder, it was discovered to be the roof of a stone cist, formed of
schist slabs, measuring 5 feet x 2 feet 4 inches wide, and lying E.S.E.
and W.N.W., within which the remains of a body lay, apparently on its
side, with the legs drawn up or bent. There were also fragments of a
neatly-decorated urn. The skull was well formed, with no very ab-
normal features in the bones, the skeleton being that of a man of
ordinary size, about forty years old. The remains were placed in
the hands of Dr. C. Browne, and have been described (as well as the
grave and its other contents) in a joint report to the Royal Irish
Academy, by him and Messrs. Coffey and Westropp.
Cams in Co. Tyrone. — The Rev. F. Rapmund (Member) lately
described in the Derry «70wrw«£(21stMay) two remarkable earns which he
examined in the vicinity of Clogher. That of Carnagat was oblong ;
90 feet in length, 30 in width, and 10 feet high. It contained four
chambers. No bones or implements were discovered ; a small stone
" ornament" was the only find. Carnafadrig is somewhat smaller
than the other. It is 86 by 38 by 7 feet. Two pillar-stones stand
at the eastern end. It contained one chamber, in which a flint-knife
was found : also some fragments of rudely baked un glazed pottery
were picked up. There was no trace of interment here. Three cham-
bers, in line at right angles to long axis of earn, were discovered at the
western end ; and here some fragments of bones were found — one of them
an uncalcined portion of a skull ; and in the same cist two flint im-
" Spanish Armada Chests." — The following letter appeared in the
Irish Builder : — Wo amount of ridicule seems to explode the figment about
'•'Armada Chests." According to Dublin superstition it might be inferred
that the Spanish Armada's particular mission to this country was to im-
port church organs and iron chests ; and, considering how many ships
were wrecked, it would be marvellous how so many organs and chests
got to land. There are, at least, three organs in Dublin, which, of
course, " came over with the Spanish Armada" ; and as for the chests,
there are literally scores of them up and down Dublin !
These iron chests are no rarities at all, and their origin is perfectly
well known, and their relation to the Spanish Armada about as near
as to Noah's Ark. They are to be found by scores in old-established
solicitors' offices, in banks, private houses, and marine stores. They
were imported from Holland, where their name of Coffres du Privilege is
perfectly well known, and they came probably as handy ballast for ships
in the end of the seventeenth and throughout the eighteenth century.
No doubt every one of the 24 Guilds of the Corporation possessed one,
with its three keys, up to 1843. There is one at Christchurch, and the
entry of the payment for it in 1689. I have one that belonged to the
General Post, and the date on it 1753.
A Belfast man, with becoming modesty, lately claimed for Ulster, in.
the Ulster Journal of Archceology, the only three genuine and " unques-
tionable relics of the ill-fated Armada." " Every ship of it carried two
such bullion chests — a big one for the common sailors' silver, and a little
one for the officers' gold" ; but, unfortunately for romance, the bill paid
prosaically for one of them in 1780, turned up.
There was a "real relic of the Spanish Armada" discovered at Bath
last month, and it was presented to the Museum, and local newspapers
made much " copy" of "the most interesting discovery." Of course it
was but another of the innumerable Dutch boxes of the last century ; but,
of course, an " Armada Chest " it will be, as long as Bath has a Museum.
Nonsensical figments like this die hard. — THOMAS DKEW, V. P.
Interesting Find in Moyntaghs, Co. Armagh. — We learn from the
Belfast News-Letter that while a number of persons were engaged in May
this year cutting turf in Derrymacash, about 2 miles from Lurgan, and
within 100 yards of Lough JSeagh shore, a large urn-shaped bronze
vessel was unearthed at a depth of nearly 10 feet. The vessel is now
in the possession of Mr. AVilliam Livingston, and a detailed description
has been prepared for the Journal by Mr. Winston C. Dugan (Member),
with illustrations, which will appear in next issue. The body of the urn
is formed of two plates, neatly shaped, and rivetted on each side. The
bottom is formed out of a third piece, shaped to fit the lower part of the
body, to which it is similarly rivetted. Around the bottom edge are
rivetted six corner pieces, thickened below, evidently for the purpose of
strengthening and protecting the bottom from contact with the ground.
The handles are formed of rings of solid bronze, angular in section, and
about 3^ inches in diameter. The height of the vessel is 13£ inches ;
diameter, 14 and 11 J inches at widest and narrowest parts; weight,
of Ibs. The surface of the interior is of a dark colour ; the exterior has
a peculiarly dull, yellowish tint like oxidised brass. Mr. Magurran is
the owner of the moss in which the discovery was made, and the " find "
is considered extremely interesting owing to the legends associated with
the district and the southern shores of Lough Neagh.
An Old School in Gralway.— The Records of the Irish Privy Council
are now being published, and they contain some quaint entries. Thus
we find the following concerning the opening of a school in Gralway in
the sixteenth century : —
" The erection of a school at Gal way, at the expense of ' one Dominicke
Linche,' was the subject of a letter to the English Privy Council in the
year 1569. The letter is a long one, but it affords some rather interest-
ing extracts illustrative of the state of learning in the West at the time.
The writer, after referring to "the greate honestie of the peticioner
(Lynch), together with the rareness of Ids request," pleaded for the
grant of Crown property, valued at £8 11s. Sd. per annum for the
purposes of the school, and proceeded : —
" So consideringe that he and the inhabitants are contented that the
schole shall take erection from her majestie, and her highnes and her
successors to have the nominacion of the schole-m aster, the honour of
the godly foundacion, especially in this rude and barberowse countiie,
may be a sufficient pourchase to her highnes to alienate from herself so
small a revenew likely to confer unto her hereafter an infinite number
of lerned honest and dewtifull subjectes of all sortes.
" Sure, my lordes, the great want of civilitie, espeeiallie in those
partes where this towne is planted and in whose walles is conteined all
the dew subjection of the province of Conaught, is a cawse that might
move your lordshippes to a comiseracion of this estate and to compell
you to use mediation to the queenes majestie for her charitie to be ex-
tended to so good and Godlie a pourpose, whereby also religion should
be greatly advanced, for throughe lacke thereof I see the discommoditie
growings by the careles education of the nobilitie and gentilmen of
those partes where even thei of the best bowses, the brothers of the
erle of Clanricarde, yea, and one of his uncles and he a bysshop, can
neither speake nor understand e in maner any thinge of ther princes
language, which language by the old statutes of Galwey everie man
ought to learne and must speake before he can be admitted to any office
within ther corporacion.
" What marvell is it then that where there is nether religion, lern-
inge, understandings, nor civilitie, there want also dew obedience and
conformitie to thelawes. All which by this meanes may take encrease,
if it please her most excellent majestie to become, with this small
charge, the founder and beginner of this well-intended enterprise, the
honour whereof shal be as perpetuall as the worke, and the commoditie
greate to her people but most to her excellencie that of barberous
uncivill and undewtifull men shall reigne over a nomber of lerned dew-
tifull arid reformed subjectes hereafter.
" And this I thoughte my parte to communicate to your lordshippes,
desiringe that this private sute for a common benefite may receive your
commendacions to the queenes most excellent majestie and that 1 may
have answere of her highnes resolucion herein. And so 1 humbly take
my leave. At Dublin, the xxth of May, 1569."- RICHARD J. KELLY,
Hon. Secretary North Galway.
St. Patrick's Bells. — The following paragraph, which appeared in
Trellarfs Dublin Journal for October 26th to 29th, 1751, possesses
some interest at the present time, and may be thought not unworthy of
insertion in our " Miscellanea" : —
" We hear that the fine-toned rings of bells belonging to St. Patrick's
Cathedral, Dublin, which that ever memorable patriot, the Rev. Dean
Swift, so much admired, and which were always held in high estima-
tion among all true lovers of harmony, will be rung out on some solemn
occasion. It is to be noted that these bells were cast very near to St.
Patrick's steeple, wherein they now hang, and that, in the opinion
of the most knowing in the art of ringing they are equal in a
melodious and tuneable sound to any that were ever imported into this
kingdom. As they are of Irish manufacture, it is not doubted that the
ringers will exert the utmost of their skill which will give great satis-
faction to all who delight in that exhilarating music." — F. ELRINGTON
Milk Adulteration. — Prosecutions for the adulteration of milk were
not unknown in Dublin more than one hundred and fifty years ago.
In looking over Pue's Occurrences, I came across the following paragraph
in the issue for October 10 to 14, 1732: — " Mary Barrett was found
guilty for putting 22 quarts of water to 44 quarts of milk, and this day
stood in the pillory opposite to the Tholsel for the same." — F. ELTUNGTON
An Irish Easter Legend. — Being in the north-west of Ireland last
summer, on the borders of Sligo and Donegal, I chanced upon a famous
Shanachie, or story-teller, an Irish- speaking peasant, who possessed an
almost inexhaustible fund of traditional, historical, and legendary lore,
and whose manner of relating his stories was so graphic that each scene
seemed to pass before his own and his listeners' eyes. Amongst the
legends he told was one which is now very rare, being, as far as I am
aware, known only to Irish- speaking people, and even to few amongst
these, though the sculptured tomb bearing the pictured representation of
the story being found in Kilree churchyard, almost in the extreme
farthest part of Ireland from Donegal, would seem to show that in
olden times the legend was popular throughout Ireland.
The old story represented by " a cock in a pot, crowing," was told
me by the STianachie as follows : —
" It was at the time when our Saviour was in the grave, and that
the soldiers who were set to watch the tomb were sitting round a fire
they had lighted. They had killed a cock and put it in a pot on the
fire to boil for their supper; and, as they sat arounJ, they spoke together
of the story that was told — how He that was in the tomb they were
guarding had prophesied that before three days were passed He would
rise again from the dead. And one of the men said, in mockery : « He
will rise as sure as the cock that is in that boiling pot will crow again.'
No sooner were the words spoken than the lid of the pot burst open, the
•cock flew on to the edge, flapped his wings, sprinkling the soldiers with
the boiling Avater, then crowed three times, and what he said each
time was :—
' Moc an o-o-o-ye, slaun !
Moc an o-o-o-ye, slaun ! ' l
That is, ' Son of the Virgin, Hail ! ' and ever since that hour this is
what the cock crows : this is what we hear him say, and if you listen
you, too, can hear the very words : —
' Moc an o-o-o-ye, slaun ! ' '
I spell the sound of the Irish phonetically to try and imitate the
peculiar softening of the words as an Irish speaker softens them, the
prolonging out of the o-o-o sounding almost precisely like the bird's
crow heard from a distance. At least so it has always sounded in
my ears since I heard this beautiful legend. — M."B.
1 "ITIac an Oig, r-ldn!"
[NOTE. — Those marked * are by Members of the Society.^
* Prehistoric Problems : being a selection of Essays on the Evolution of Man
and other controverted problems in Anthropology and Archeology. By
Robert Munro, M.D., Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland ; Hon. Member of the Royal Irish Academy and of the
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, &c.
THIS is another valuable contribution from our esteemed Hon. Fellow,
Dr. Munro, to antiquarian knowledge. His recent visit to Bosnia,
Herzegovina, and Dalmatia, so vividly described, will be remembered
by many readers with lasting interest from its conYbination of research,
keen observation, and picturesque sketches; and this "Prehistoric
Problems," if more strictly scientific, will equally repay attentive
The central Paper of the present volume to the allied studies of
Anthropology and Archeology, illustrates Dr. Munro' s views respecting
human development in prehistoric times, attributing to the acquisition
of erect posture, at some admittedly very remote epoch, all subsequent
advances that have taken place in the growth of brain tissue, and con-
sequent progress of .our race from higher-class apes to the highest grade
reached by modern civilization. In following up his train of reasoning, he
discusses the principal examples of crania found in sedimentary deposits,
caves, &c., from Canstatt, Cromagnou, Engis, Clichy, Spy, and elsewhere,
up to the very recent observations of Dubois on the Java specimen, termed
" Pithecanthropus erectus," which was shown by its discoverer recently
in this city, as well as at many scientific centres in England and on the
Continent, and fully examined by scientists, together with the thigh-
bone and large-sized tooth, considered by Dubois to belong to the same
individual, and, at least, found in the same geologic positions. Dr.
Munro has given brief but accurate available summaries of the reliable
facts bearing on each of these finds, which can be studied by those who
desire to approach the investigation of this difficult question in full
possession of all the reliable circumstances yet ascertained, from which
they may form their own deductions. Thus it becomes serviceable alike
for advanced thinkers, and for that wider section of readers who desire
to keep their stores of information abreast of modern investigations
lespecting the abstruse problem of how man obtained his distinctive
characteristics, and gained his admitted pre-eminence over other animals.
The preliminary pages are devoted to a history of Palaeolithic Man,
and all that is yet ascertained of his special progress towards civilization ;
his geographical distribution and environments, such as contemporaneous
existence with tribes of animals known to be long extinct, especially
in Europe. This, likewise, may be described as a summary of facts
and observations relating to such subjects scattered over many works,
British and foreign, the result of long continued researches, under
varying circumstances, by numerous scientists, brought up to date by
Dr. Munro's investigations; for he enjoyed tbe advantage of being able
to visit, and personally study, every important find bearing on Prehistoric
Man, in almost every museum of Europe.
Nor must his other essays be overlooked, such as one on the curious
subject of " Skull Trephining," removing during life, or after death,
portions of the bony covering of the human brain, possibly attempts
to cure diseases, or to relieve the consequences of injuries ; and, strange
.as it may seem, it is suggested, with much probability, employing these
detached pieces of human bone for amulets and charms. In pursuit of
this investigation, Dr. Munro has, for several years, collected scattered
facts from various sources, and added to them, by his own inquiries,
several important additional observations, so that at present a new
chapter on the past history of our race has resulted. Up to the present
no such artifically perforated skulls are known in Ireland referable to
prehistoric or early historic times, though cranial injuries are not
unfrequent, and a large number of perforating wounds of the skull were
found in the remains of the great Donnybrook massacre amongst its 700
or 800 victims.
Respecting another Paper, describing the wooden implements pro-
visionally called " Otters." It contains an exhaustive summary of all
yet ascertained about their archeology. This country had the merit of
contributing the first published example of these objects, one of which
was figured and described in an early volume of the first series of the
Ulster Journal of Archaeology, found in the parish of Aghadowey, county
Deny. The description and drawing there given are alike valuable, but
the conflicting opinions about its probable uses are amusing. By some it
was supposed to be designed to catch fish, which is, indeed, we believe,
its real intention ; again it was thought to form some kind of pump ; to
be intended to mould "sods of turf," a material better known out of
Ireland as "peat"; or even applicable for a " cheese-press." Since
this time several examples were found imbedded deep in peaty deposits
in many continental countries from Germany to Italy. One, which was
found in Wales, was supposed to be a " musical instrument," for what
reason it is difficult to surmise.
Dr. Munro has long devoted his studies to these traps, and, finally,
Ireland has topped the record, no less than nine specimens being recently
got imbedded in peaty bog, at Larkhill, county Fermanagh, near Castle-
caldwell, on the estate of the late J. C. Bloomfield, Esq.
Mr. Hugh Allingham, of Ballyshannon, deserves the credit of
thoroughly working out the history of these finds, of which he has
published an account in this Journal for 1896, p. 379. They have, thanks
to him, found a resting-place in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy.
Another specimen of one of these traps is preserved in the collection of
the late Canon Grainger. We call attention to these Irish specimens,
for it settles the suggestion that they were used to snare " beavers,"
for the beaver was at no time an inhabitant of this country. It
would be almost as difficult to understand how otters, or wild fowl,
could be caught with such affairs. We are disposed to the simpler
conclusion of their being intended to catch pike of large size by
night-lines. If we are informed aright, somewhat similar arrangements
of baited hooks attached to a board were used in the English lakes, and
in some parts of Ireland not many years since, by poachers ; if so, the
name "Otter" would signify something equally destructive to fish at
night, as that quadruped or the poacher himself.
Two other Papers, on Bone Skates and on Prehistoric Saws and
Sickles, are deserving of mention, the latter possessing for us local
claims, for whilst bone skates are undescribed here, and in England
confined to a small coast district, extending along the eastern shoreland
from London to York, they are abundant in Holland, Denmark, and
North Germany. On the other hand, Ulster has yielded, in comparative
abundance, knives with serrated edges, made from flint ; and flakes of the
same material, " so serrated at the edge, that a person at once comes to
the conclusion that they had been prepared as saws," as our Fellow,
W. J. Knowles, has stated; and also these " hollow scrapers," with
neatly- worked edges in the form of a semicircle, which appear to belong
specially to our flint districts, with rare exceptions, together with those
Dr. Munro groups, the well-known toothed flint weapons from Scandi-
navia, bronze saws (very rare with us), and sickles of bronze and iron.
It will appear, from this brief notice, that a series of articles, requiring
patient study, and abounding in archgeologic research, are placed at our
disposal in these pages, for which we thank its author, and would ask
for more at his hands.
W. F.
JOUR. R.S.A.I., VOL. VII., *"T. II., 5lH SEH.
THE SECOND GENERAL MEETING of the Society for the year 1897 was
held (by permission of the Mayor) in the Council Chamber of the
Tholsel, Kilkenny, on Monday, 19th April, 1897, at 1 o'clock, p.m. ;
COLONEL PHILIP DOYNE VIGORS, J.P., Vice-President, in the Chair.
The following took part in the proceedings : —
Felloivs :— The Rev. J. F. M. ffrench, M.R.I.A., Vice- President ; Robert Cochrane,
F.S.A., M.R.I. A., Hon. General Secretary and Treasurer ; G. D. Burtchaell, M.A.,
M.R.I. A., Assistant Secretary and Treasurer ; Richard Colles, B.A. ; John Cooke, M.A. ;
Patrick M. Egan; Richard Langrishe, F.R.I.A.I. ; the Rev. Patrick Power; Edward
Perceval Wright, M.A., M.D., M.R.I. A.
Members: — J. St. Clair Boyd, M.D. ; M. J. C. Buckley; Miss Byrne; John
Carolan, J.P. ; Major J. H. Connellan, J.P., D.L. ; John Commins ; Miss Field;
Arthur Hade, C.E. ; the Rev. Canon Hewson, B.A. ; M. W. Lalor ; E. W. Love-
grove, M.A. ; Mrs. M'Donnell; Patrick O'Leary ; P. J. O'Reilly ; N. Power O'Shee,
J.P., D.L. ; Thomas Rice; P. Shannon; the Rev. T. R. Walsh, P.P. ; R. Blah-
White ; W. Grove White, LL.B. ; Miss K. E. Younge.
The Hon. Secretary read a letter from the Right Hon. 0' Conor Don,
President of the Society, regretting his inability to be present.
The Chairman said that, before they commenced the proceedings, he
should like to give expression to their regret at the enforced absence of
their President, 0' Conor Don. The utmost importance was attached to
these local meetings, as, owing to them, the increased interest taken in
archaeology through the country had been very marked ; and he thought
they might attribute the non-destruction of a large number of our old
buildings and the preservation of others, as well as the recovery of a
great many articles of immense value to the spread of the light that was
now taking place throughout the land. They had also, within quite a
recent period, new local societies in connexion with their society, started,
such as in Waterford, Cork, Belfast, and, coming nearer home, Kildare ;
and last, but not least, he saw that one had recently been started in
Limerick. There were other counties rich in archaeological interest, such
as Galway and Londonderry, and he hoped that they would follow the
good example set by those places he had mentioned. He attached much
importance to local museums, and he was glad to see the work that had
been done in this direction. His own county town (Carlow), amongst
the number, had started a museum in the town hall, for which a grant
was made by the town commissioners. He thought that the work in
which they were engaged did not rest solely with Members. Outsiders,
who did not belong to the Society, might assist a great deal in carrying
out the objects they had in view. There was no one who was not aware
of the injury that had been done to castles and abbeys, in which this
country was so rich. Now, that should be put a stop to if possible, and
objects of interest should be brought under the notice of the Secretary
of the Society, or a local Member where possible. He was sure the
Council would be only too glad to receive information from any person
relating to any object of interest, or dealing with injuries to existing
ancient buildings. In conclusion the Chairman said that the Society
was especially indebted to the Press for spreading the light.
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting were then read and
The following Candidates, recommended by the Council, were
unanimously elected : —
Frost, James, M.R.I. A.., j. p. (Member, 1871), 54, George-street, Limerick: pro-
posed by Robert Cochrane, F.S.A., Hon. General Secretary and Treasurer.
M'Chesney, Joseph (Member, 1890), Holywood, Co. Down : proposed by Francis
Joseph Bigger, M.U.I. A., Fellow.
O'Donoghue, Charles, J.P., Ballinahown Court, Athlone : proposed by W. P.
Kelly, Fellow.
Archdall, Right Rev. Mervyn, D.D., Bishop of Killaloe, Clarisford House,
Killaloe : proposed by the Very Rev. Robert Humphreys, M.A., Dean of Killaloe,
Bain, Andrew, D.I.,R.I.C., Newcastle "West, Co. Limerick : proposed by Thomas
Hayes, c.i., R.I.C.
Berry, Hugh F., B.A., 16, Trinity College, Dublin, and Mourne House, Fortwilliam
Park, Belfast: proposed by the Rev. Professor Stokes, D.D., M.R.I. A.
Burke, Rev. Thomas, P.P., Ballindereen, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway : proposed by
the Very Rev. J. Fahey, P.P., V.F.
Burke, Rev. W. P., Catherine- street, Waterford: proposed by the Rev. P. Power,
Campbell, A. Albert, Solicitor, 2, Lawrence-street, Belfast : proposed by D. J.
Caruth, 'Norman C., Solicitor, Ballymena : proposed by W. J. Knowles, Vice-
Crosthwait, Rev. Edward, B.A., The Lodge, Bagnalstown : proposed by Colonel
P. D. Vigors, Vice- President.
Cummins, John, Desart, Cuffe's Grange, Kilkenny : proposed by the Rev. Canon
Hewson, B.A.
Drummond, Michael, M.A., Q.C., 51, Lower Baggot-street, Dublin : proposed by
G. A. P. Kelly, M.A., Fellow.
Fenton, Rev. C. O'Connor, B.A., 105, Botanic-road, Liverpool: proposed by Mrs.
Fletcher, Rev. Victor J., it. A., Malahide : proposed by the Rev. Professor Stokes,
D.D., M.R.I. A.
Frewen, William, Solicitor, Nelson-street, Tipperary : proposed by the Rev.
Denis Hanan, D.D.
Gleeson, Michael, Crown Solicitor, Nenagh : proposed by the Very Rev. Robert
Humphreys, M.A., Dean of Killaloe, Fellow.
Glynn, William, J.P., Kilrush : proposed by Bartholomew O'Hennessy.
Greer, Thomas Mac Gregor, Solicitor, Ballymoney : proposed by W. Grove
White, LL.B.
Hartigan, P., Castleconnell : proposed by O'Donovan, Fellow.
Hennessy, Bryan, South-street, New Ross: proposed by P. A. Pope, Fellow.
Kiernan, Mrs., Leitrim Lodge, Dalkey : proposed by Miss Banim.
Kiernan, Thomas, Leitrim Lodge, Dalkey : proposed by Miss Banim.
Limerick Institution, The Hon. Secretary of, 99, George -street, Limerick : pro-
posed by P. J. Lynch, Fellow.
M'Cann, David, Manager, National Bank, Kilkenny : proposed by M. M.
Murphy, M.R.I. A., Fellow.
M'Cormick, "William, M.A., Ardnaree, Monkstown, Co. Dublin : proposed by the
Rev. J. W. R. Campbell, M.A.
M'Donnell, Mrs., 68, Rathgar-road, Dublin: proposed by John Carolan, J.P.
Molony, Henry G., M.D., Odellville, Ballingarry : proposed by George James
Hewson, M.A., Fellow.
Mulqueen, John T., Inspector, Inland Revenue, Nairn, N.B. : proposed by
Samuel Scott.
Munce, James, ASSOC. M. INST. C.E, Alexandra Park, Holywood, Co. Down : pro-
posed by Joseph M 'Cheney.
Murphy, Miss, 77, Ulverton-road, Dalkey : proposed by Miss Banim.
Murray, J. W. Brady, B.A., Barrister-at- Law, J.P., Northampton House, Kinvara :
proposed by R. J. Kelly, B.L., J.P.
Nason, William H., M. A., 42, Dawson-street, Dublin: proposed by George D.
Burtchaell, M.A., M.R.I. A., Fellow.
O'Connell, Rev. Daniel, B.D., c.c., 81, Quay, "Waterford : proposed by the Rev.
P. Power, Fellow.
O'Connor, M. J., Solicitor, 2, George -street, Wexford : proposed by G. E. J.-
Greene, M.A., sc. D., Fellow.
O'Duffy, John, Dental Surgeon, 54, Rutland -square, Dublin : proposed by
G. D. Burtchaell, M.A., M.R.I.A., Fellow.
Rice, Thomas, 5, Carlisle-street, Dublin: proposed by George Healy, J.P.
Roberts, Edward, M.A., H. M. Inspector of Schools, Plas Maesinda, Carnarvon :
proposed by the Rev. Canon D. Jones, M.A.
Russell, William, c/o Foster, Green, & Co., High-street, Belfast : proposed by
S. F. Milligan, Vice -President.
Smyth, Thomas, 2, Lower Ormond-quay, Dublin : proposed by George Healy, J.P.
Spaight, Colonel W. F., Union Hall, Leap, Co. Cork : proposed by 0' Donovan,
Thomas, W. J., Mullingar: proposed by the Rev. Sterling de Courcy "Williams, M.A.
The Auditors' Report and Statement of Accounts for the year 1896
was read, showing a balance to credit for the year ended December last
of £38 Us. 6d. The capital account now amounts to £1,000 invested
in 2f Consols in the name of the trustees.
Mr. Cooke, one of the Auditors, moved the adoption of the Report.
He had examined the accounts of the Society for several years, and there
was no doubt of the highly satisfactory state in which they now were.
There was not only a balance to credit, but they had also a capital sum
£1,000. The Society, they knew, published a Journal, which ranked
amongst the best of the journals in the United Kingdom, and was cheaper
than any other journal he knew. In addition to that they brought out
an annual volume. Although the Members had increased slightly, the
expenses of supplying the Journal and the annual volume kept up a
heavy expenditure. He had only to say in conclusion that the accounts
of the Society could not possibly be better kept. From the way the
financial statement, vouchers, and documents, were presented to him and
his colleague, they had the highest appreciation of the manner in which
Mr. Cochrane did his duty, ably seconded by Mr. Burtchaell.
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Mr. Egan seconded the motion. He said that the large sum to the
capital account was a very fair indication of the stability of the Society,
and, he thought, was a reason for congratulation on behalf of the Society,
and a source of thanks to the officials and to the Council. If the trans-
actions of the Society had not been very well managed such a creditable
state of affairs would not exist.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Mr. M. M. Murphy, Fellow, whose name was down on the notice to
read a Paper on " Sir Biehard Shee's Alms-house, Kilkenny," wrote as
follows : —
"It is stated in the Programme that I will read a Paper on 'Sir Richard
Shee's Alms-house.' I did say I would read a Paper on 'The Museum and
Sir Richard Shee's Alms-house,' of a purely historical, character, but owing to
the correspondence which recently appeared in the newspapers, I consider it
advisable to hold over this Paper until our next Meeting."
Mr. Burtchaell, Fellow, explained that, owing to pressure of business,
he had not time to prepare his promised Paper on "Kells in Ossory."
The following Paper was read (by Mr. Burtchaell), and referred to
the Council : —
" The Rangers of the Curragh of Kildare," by Lord Walter Fitz Gerald, M.K.I.A.,
Vice- President.
The following Paper, on the list, was referred to the Council : —
"Ardfert Friary and the Fitz Maurices, Lords of Kerry" (concluded], by
Miss Hickson.
The following notice of motion was handed in by Mr. Langrishe, to
be submitted to the next General Meeting to be held at Lismore, county
Waterford, on the 12th of June next : —
" That as the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council for
Education have, by their letter of the 10th day of April, intimated that they will
not accept the care of the collection of objects now placed in the Museum at
Kilkenny, the care of the said collection be vested in a Committee of not more
than nine Fellows or Members of this Society, to be hereafter named, with power
to appoint one of their number as Secretary, such Committee to be elected
annually at the General Meeting in January of each year ; and that the sum of
£10 per annum be paid to such Committee by the Treasurer on or before the 1st
day of February in each year, provided that suitable rooms, for housing the said
collection, shall have been obtained in Kilkenny, and proper arrangements for
conserving and exhibiting the same shall have been made by the said Committee
to the satisfaction of the Council of this Society."
The Meeting then adjourned for luncheon, at two o'clock ; and, at
three o'clock, various places of interest in the city were visited, under
the guidance of Mr. Egan. The Members then returned to the Club
House Hotel, where dinner was served at 6.30.
Ten Members of the Society dined at the Club House Hotel at
7 o'clock, after which the Evening Meeting was held at 8 o'clock.
The Chairman mentioned that the Eight Rev. W. Pakenham
Walsh, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, had asked him to express his regret at
not being able to be present at their meeting, and to say that, were it not
for the state of his health, it would have afforded him great pleasure
to be there
Dr. Wright read a Paper by Mr. G. H. Kinahan, M.E.I.A., Fellow,
on "Ancient Otter-traps," which was referred to the Council for
Mr. Cochrane read a Paper by Mr. H. T. Knox, M.R.I. A., on " Castle
Hag, in Lough Mask," which was also referred to the Council for
Some interesting exhibits were laid on the table for the inspection of
the Members.
Mr. W. F. Budds, J.P., sent the following : — Long bronze ear-ring date
unknown, found at Courtstown Castle ; Caraccas silver coin, 1 oz. in
weight; coins of the reign of James II., 1689; bronze axe, 9 oz. in
weight, found in a bog near Athy.
Mr. Langrishe exhibited some documents, one being a patent of
George II., dated 1739, to Robert Langrishe as sheriff of the county
Kilkenny, also the appointment of Samuel Millbank as sub-sheriff by
Robert Langrishe, same date, and Samuel Millbank's bond to Robert
Langrishe for £2,000 for performing the duties, and a deed with three
impressions of the seal of John Langrishe, who was the county high
sheriff in 1696.
Mr. !N". Power O'Shee exhibited an original patent for the O'Shee
coat-of-arms dated 1582, and a Bull of Pope Urban VIII., dated 1636,
to Peter Archer, Pastor of the Blessed Virgin Church, Kilkenny, to erect
a cathedral church in Kilkenny under the patronage of the O'Shee
family, and which was never built. He also showed the cartulary of
Sir Richard Shee, containing an interesting record of some of the great
families in the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary who were pursued as
rebels by Lord Thomas de Rokeby in 1346, the expenses of the expedi-
tion being stated, and also contains, under the sign manual of Sir William
Drury, Queen Elizabeth's Lieutenant in Ireland at the time, a certificate
as to the authenticity of each of the documents. Another exhibit was
an index to the foregoing, containing the genealogy of the O'Shee family.
Mr. O'Shee further showed an original duplicate of the will of Sir
Richard Shee, dated 1604, one of the three copies made for Sir Richard's
three sons ; a lament, in Irish, for Richard Power of Gardenmorris,
composed by one of his female relatives ; a deed of sale of Sir Richard
Shee's hospital, as the almshouse in Rose Inn-street was then called, to
a merchant in Waterford, by Edmond Shee, and another deed of its
repurchase, in 1779, by the present Mr. O'Shee's grandfather, John
O'Shee, who bought it for £20 when it was in ruins.
Mr. Blair White proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Langrishe, Mr.
Power O'Shee, and Mr. Budds, for their interesting and instructive
Mr. O'Reilly seconded the vote of thanks, which was passed.
The Chairman said that it gave a zest to their meetings to have such
exhibits as those which they had seen brought forward, and he hoped
that, on future occasions, local gentlemen who had objects of this kind
under a bushel, as it were, would produce them for the inspection of
The Society then adjourned until its next Meeting, at Lismore, on
12th June.
On Tuesday morning, April 20th, several Members started from the
Club House Hotel on the Excursion which had been arranged in con-
nexion with the Kilkenny Meeting. They first visited Kells and the Priory,
where Mr. Egan gave a short account of the history of the Canons Regular
of St. Augustine at Kells, after which some time was spent in examining
the ruins and monuments. Luncheon was provided under the shelter of
the central tower. The party left at two o'clock for Kilree, where they
visited the ruined Celtic church, which contains amongst other tombs an
elaborately sculptured one of Richard Cornerford, of Danganmore, who
died in 1612, on the side slab of which are sculptured the emblems of
our Lord's Passion, and a representation of a cock with extended wings
crowing on the edge of a pot, somewhat similar to that depicted on the
tomb of Edmond Purcell in St. Canice's Cathedral. Mr. Langrishe here
read an account sent to him by Miss Banim, Member, of a legend
referring to this which she had heard from an old Irish-speaking story-
teller in county Donegal last year. After examining this very interesting
church with its later chancel, the round tower standing to the north-west
of which within the graveyard, and the ancient Celtic cross standing
about fifty yards to the west in the adjoining field, the party proceeded
to Aghaviller, situate in the demesne of Castle Morres, where they
inspected the fourteenth-century house and the remains of the round
tower standing in the graveyard. Proceeding by Sheepstown, they
visited the ancient church which has been illustrated in the Journal of
the Society, and here a Paper by Mr. Murphy was read giving the
references to this church in the " Annals of the Four Masters" and other
documents. The excursion party returned by way of Kells, arriving at
6 p.m., completing the whole programme, notwithstanding the wetness
of the day.
(JouR. R.S.A.I., VOL. VII., FIFTH SERIES, 1897.;
In description of Plates I., II., III., and IV., pages 3, 5, 7, and 9, for
"one-fourth size," read " half linear. "
In Plates V. and VI., pages 11 and 13, for "two-fifths natural size," read
' ' three-fourths linear. ' '
For " one-fourth size," under figure 50, p. 15, read "natural size."
"17" ILLY VILLA LAKH, in which this crannoge is situated, takes its name
from the townland in which part of it lies. Killy villa is the
Anglicised form of the Irish name Coill-a* -bhile, the wood of the bile, or
old tree. This I learnt from an old man, one of the last speakers of Irish
now remaining in the neighbourhood, and I subsequently verified his
translation by the help of Dr. Joyce's work, "Irish Names of Places."
The name is an inappropriate one for the townland at the present day,
as the place is bare enough of trees, but doubtless was accurately de-
scriptive of it at one time, as numy relics of bygone vegetation, in the
shape of large trunks of black oak, are to be seen lying in the moory soil
which surrounds the lake. Bog-oak is also largely used by the farmers
in the neighbourhood for gate-posts, supports for out-houses, &c. No
doubt also the trees (oak, birch, hazel, and fir), which formed the frame-
work of the crannoge, grew in its immediate vicinity ; and I have spoken
with old men who remember to have been told by their fathers of the fir
woods which once existed there. The lake, which forms one of a
cluster of four, is a small one. It is evident that its proportions have
shrunk considerably, as white shell marl forms the substratum of the
surrounding bog, showing that it was formerly part of the lake bottom,
the water having been displaced by the gradual growth of peat. This
shrinkage, however, must have taken place at a very remote period, as
roots and portions of the stems of black oak, and of other trees, may be
seen in situ, just at the present margin of the lake. It is obvious that the
water must have reached its present level before the seeds of these trees
could have been deposited there. I think it probable also that the
crannoge was built when the lake was of about the same depth as at
present, for the water at its ancient level would (as far as can be roughly
gauged by the eye) have submerged it, even should the structure then
have stood many feet higher than is the case at present, which hypothesis
however may be dismissed as an impossibility ; for the elevation of the
island at the time when it ceased to be occupied, must of course have
been much the same as it is to-day, plus some depth of mould derived
from the decayed vegetable matter of centuries. No doubt some degree
of subsidence took place in all fascine-dwellings, yet this must, from the
nature of its causation, have been at its maximum comparatively soon
after their construction, or at all events before they were abandoned ;
and instances have been brought to light of crannoges having had
additions made to their height at various times.1 This lake, which is
situated about five and a half miles from Clones, and nearly a mile from
the village of Eosslea, county Fermanagh, four hundred yards distant
from the right-hand side of the county road, leading from the latter place
to Scotstown, is (as I see by the Indices to the Townland Surveys of the
counties of Fermanagh and Monaghan) bisected by the boundary line
between these counties ; the Fermanagh half lying in the townland of
Killyvilla, and the Monaghan in that of Kilcorran. In the latter half is
the crannoge. It presents the appearance of a small island, slightly
oval in shape, sloping gradually on all sides, from about the centre
downwards to the water's edge, and measuring 65 feet in length by
52£ feet in breadth. The water which surrounds it is from 8 to 10 feet
in depth round the margin, except on its eastern aspect, where the
crannoge is distant only a few feet from the lake-shore, A,2 and where
the water averages about 2 feet in depth at the winter level of the lake,
and in very dry summers almost disappears. The crannoge, prior to-
excavation, was covered with a dense vegetation, the most notable
feature of which was a broad belt of the garden black currant, the
bushes extending round the structure, from the water's edge inwards.
These must of course have been planted in comparatively recent times ;.
in fact the old lake-dwelling, its origin forgotten, was converted
into a sort of garden. Strange to say, however, before I began to
excavate, I learnt that a vague impression existed in the vicinity, to the
1 " The Lake Dwellings of Ireland," by W. 0. Wood-Martin, p. 31 ; and Journal,
K.H.A.A.I., vol. vii. (4th Ser.), No. 65, pp. 374 and 375.
2 The letters in the text refer to the plan of the crannoge on opposite page.
effect that " the island was made with stuff carried in from a neighbour-
ing field," at an indefinite but comparatively modern date, by a former
local landowner. Whether there is a grain of genuine tradition in this,
incorporated, with modern additions, or whether, as is probable, some
soil may have been deposited on the crannoge at the time of the gardening
operations, thus giving rise to the story in its entirety, it would be hard
to say. Others had an idea that the place was a kind of cemetery, and
that "a man had been buried there." Whitethorn bushes, elders, and
sallows, also flourished in rank luxuriance, and the prostrate trunks of
several tall poplars were to be seen, lying on the surface in process of
slow decay, their branches trailing into the surrounding water; a plentiful
crop of ivy, nettles, and reeds, &c., growing breast high, added to the
difficulty of clearing for excavation. Hound the shelving margin of the
island, lying in the shallow water, many bones could be seen, most of
them broken and splintered for the purpose of extracting the marrow,
and covered with a white concretion of lime salts derived from the lake
water. Bones, more or less broken, are also found by the turf-cutters,
in the bog lying east of the crannoge. On careful inspection round the
margin of the structure, on the western and southern sides, the heads of
a row of encircling oak piles B, just projecting above the mud, could be
detected. A breakwater, composed of stones, c, also exists here. It is
worthy of remark that the crannoge was much more strongly and solidly
constructed at the south and west than at any other point, as it was here
comparatively unsheltered, and had to withstand the heavy wash of the
lake in a gale : stiff clay, D, stones, and the heaviest timber, E, laid bare
in the whole structure, were employed, outside of which, as before
mentioned, were the piles in some places two or three deep, and the stone
breakwater. The northern and eastern sides, on the other hand, being
near the land, and sheltered by high hills, were not nearly so carefully
constructed, and no perpendicular piles could be detected. About ten
yards from the north-eastern shore of the island, and close to the belt of
bullrushes which fringes the lake margin, a solitary stake, F, was observed,
rising about two feet above the surface of the water, which is here about
six feet in depth. On pulling it up it proved to be an oak sapling,
sharpened at the lower end, evidently by a metal instrument. Its use is
conjectural : it is almost certainly coeval with the period of occupation
of the crannoge, as no timber of the kind now grows within some miles
of the locality. The country people here at the present day occasionally
make use of similar stakes, usually fir saplings, driving them into the
mud at the bottom of a lake at certain places where the fishing is known
to be good ; to these their boats are moored, and such stakes go by the
name of " anchors." The one near the crannoge may have been used for
a similar purpose by its inhabitants, or it may perhaps be one of the
supporting piles of a gangway connecting the crannoge with the main-
land, A, the others having either sunk down into the lake-bed, or been re-
moved. The planks of black oak roughly dressed with an axe or adze,
lying near the margin of the island, and seen at G, may possibly also be
the remnants of such a gangway ; the direction in which they lay with
regard to the stake, lends some colour to this theory.
If a gangway existed, the reason why communication with the land
was made in this direction, and not in that where the shore was nearer,
appears to have been that whereas at the latter point there was a soft
peat bog, now cut away, at the former the ground rises slightly, and is
firm. Gangways and causeways have been frequently noticed in con-
nexion with Irish crannoges.1 About 150 yards to the south-east of the
1 " The Lake-Dwellings of Ireland," pp. 43-45, 166, 167, 172, 190, 193, 194,
199, 207, 220, 224, 226, 234.
erannoge, on the summit of a small round hill, is a circular rath of small
size. This juxtaposition of rath and crannoge might, perhaps, give some
support to the theory that crannoges were merely temporary refuges.1
This rath has been used as a cemetery for a number of years by some
members of the Society of Friends, and is surrounded by what I believe to
be modern rubble- work, in which is an entrance closed by a small iron
gate ; some trees, chiefly firs, have also been planted round it. Similar
instances of ancient structures being used as modern burying-grounds
appear not to be very rare in Ireland.2 I know of one other instance of
the kind in this neighbourhood. Besides the fort above-mentioned, three
other lisses (in two cases this word " lis" being prefixed to the names of
their respective townlands) and four crannoges lie within a radius of one
mile from the crannoge in Killyvilla Lake, the nearest lake-dwelling to it
being situated within view, in the next lake but one. These remains
give evidence of an extensive ancient settlement. I have been informed
that twenty or thirty years ago some weapons (variety unspecified) and
two copper vessels, one very large, and the other smaller, were accidentally
discovered through the removal of stuff for top-dressing to the depth of
about two feet, presumably from one of the above-mentioned crannoges,
which is situated in the marsh, at the southern end of Drumacrittin
Lake. The weapons are said to have been " sent to a museum," and the
vessels " sold in Clones" ; but there are no means of verifying the tale
after such a lapse of time. An iron sword, however, with a wooden
handle, and bronze mountings, has come into my possession. It is said
to have been found many years ago in the same (Drumacrittin) crannoge,
but it differs in many respects from the usual type of crannoge sword.
There is a legend current among the peasantry concerning Killyvilla
Lake which, as such folklore is fast dying out, is worthy of being re-
corded. The lake (so the tale runs) is, or was, inhabited by water-horses.
These steeds, it is alleged, were seen at various times, grazing on the
shore, but immediately disappeared into the water on the slightest alarm.
It is also related that one of their foals was once captured, taken away
to a distant place, and in course of time trained for use. It was a beautiful
animal, and proved most docile, till one day it happened to be passing the
lake of its birth, into which, despite the efforts of its rider, it plunged,
both horse and man disappearing from view ; the mangled corpse of the
horseman rose to the surface some time afterwards, but the horse was
never seen more. As bones of the horse, and an iron horseshoe, were
among the " finds" in the crannoge, one might ask, is there any
connexion between them and the legend which is probably identical, if
somewhat altered in detail, with that common throughout Ireland,
1 "The Lake-Dwellings of Ireland," p. 35.
2 "Irish Names of Places" (Joyce), vol. i., p. 316; and Journal R.H.A.A.I.>
vol. viii. (4th Ser.), Nos. 73 and 74, p. 275.
concerning lake monsters ?l Exactly the same legend appears to occur
also in " Manx Folklore."2
But to turn from legend to fact — an old man, who resides in the
townland, told me (and I have no reason to doubt his statement) that many
years ago, while dragging the lake at its southern extremity, near the
shore, in order to clear the aquatic weeds out of the mouth of a drain, he
drew up a human skeleton, with the skull attached. This, he says, startled
him so much, that he threw the bones back again into the water, and de-
sisted from further dragging. I persuaded him to drag the place over again
in my presence, but with negative results. This, however, might be due to
his having missed the exact spot, or, as he observed, to the accumulation
of mud and decaying vegetable matter having, in the course of years,
covered the remains, which may or may not have been those of one of
the original inhabitants of the crannoge, or their contemporaries. I may
here mention that the island, as well as some of the neighbouring cran-
noges, is said to have been frequented, in the early part of the present
century, for the purpose of poteen distillation; and it was, and still con-
tinues to be, a favourite vantage-ground for disciples of Izaak Walton.
My excavations were carried on sporadically during the summers of
1893, 1894, and the summer and autumn of 1895, when the work was
finished. Every spadeful of stuff was carefully broken down by hand,
so that, if possible, not the smallest relic should escape notice ; but the
welling-up of water, as the trenches were cut down to the lake level,
was a serious impediment. The excavations, when completed, disclosed
the following particulars as to the construction of the crannoge : namely,
that it was a fascine-dwelling, lying partially on a small natural shoal of
marl, H, which had evidently been selected as a suitable site, but was
not of sufficient extent to accommodate more than about one-third of the
structure. This portion, however, was the most solidly built part of the
island, being formed of large tree trunks, E, some of them quite 18 inches
in diameter, lying in parallel rows, each one in contact with the other.
There were three, and in some places four, superimposed layers of these
logs, chiefly birch, the silvery bark looking as fresh as when the trees
were cut ; the wood, however, could be sliced with the spade as easily as
cheese is cut with a knife. Many of the logs, especially in the lower
layers, had been charred, no doubt to enable them the better to resist
decay. Oak and fir timber was also observed. The lowest layer of logs
lay directly on the marl, which was tolerably hard, and on which their
impress could be seen, after they had been raised. Above the wood was
a thick layer of earth and stones ; the latter for the most part small,
though occasional large boulders of sandstone occurred, especially near
1 " Irish Names of Places" (Joyce), vol. i., p. 197 and following.
2 " Further Notes on Manx Folk-lore," by A. W. Moore, M.A. — Z%* Antiquary,
August, 1895, pp. 230, 231.
the margin. Here also a particularly tenacious kind of clay, D, was
found to exist in certain places ; when this was reached, the pick was
in constant requisition. Outside of all was the perpendicular piling, B,
and the breakwater of stones, c, before referred to. The central part of
this section of the crannoge was higher above the water-level than any
other in the whole structure, the trench cut here measuring about 5 feet
in depth from the surface to the marl below.
Here also, I think, in all probability, was the principal house site,
since it would naturally be the driest, and would afford the firmest foun-
dation ; and also because at this place was unearthed a large hearth, i,
consisting of a heap of fire-marked rubble- stone, covered with a great
quantity of ashes, the earth underneath and around being burnt almost
to the consistence of brick. Several large flags of sandstone, K, were
found about a foot below the surface, near the centre of the island, three
paces to the north of the hearth. They may have been adjuncts to it,
subsequently disturbed, but bore no marks of fire. Small heaps of ashes
and charcoal were occasionally found, at various depths, in different
parts of the island ; they probably served as temporary cooking places, as
a few small pieces of calcined bone were generally found mixed with
them. A short distance to the west of the hearth was an extensive
kitchen midden, L, broken bones, and small fragments of pottery, being
abundant there. The remaining portion of the crannoge, M, rested on
the soft mud of the lake-bed. It was somewhat lower than the part
first described, measuring at its highest point about 4 feet from the
surface to the bottom. The lowest layer consisted generally of quantities
of bracken, fern, and moss, compressed almost to the consistence of peat
by the weight of the superincumbent mass ; in some places, however,
peat itself had been used. Above this was a thick stratum, composed of
branches of oak, hazel, and blackthorn. On the branches large stones
had been deposited in many places, to assist in consolidating the mass
below. In some places, too, horizontal rows of logs were met with on
top of the branches ; they were chiefly cut from young oak trees of
no great thickness. Perpendicular oak piles were also of frequent occur-
rence, driven downwards through the strata, evidently for the purpose
of, as it were, nailing them together, into the mud below. The upper-
most layer consisted of clay and gravel. At one place, N, an immense
quantity of bark and wood-chips, chiefly of oak, was found, such as
would be struck off with an axe ; this lay deep down within a few inches
of the mud. It is evident that this was the place where many of the piles
for the building of the crannoge were dressed and sharpened. I was
struck by a curious point as to the time of year at which the foundations
of this crannoge were probably laid, from observing that the hazels and
blackthorns had evidently been covered with nuts and sloes at the time
when they were placed in their present position ; quantities of these
(the nuts brown and ripe-looking) being present among the twigs. But
for these evidences one would naturally have thought that such a work
would have heen begun in spring or early summer, so as to have all
completed before the storms and floods of the ensuing winter. On the
other hand, of course, with a large number of men engaged in the work,
the crannoge may have been erected in a short time. None of the
timbers showed any mortice and tenon arrangement, such as I have seen
so often mentioned in descriptions of Irish lake-dwellings, neither were
any of the logs split or squared in nny way. The trees, as they came
from the forest, were simply denuded of their branches, and cut into
convenient lengths of about 5 or 6 feet. Such of the perpendicular
piles as could be drawn up entire had their lower ends well sharpened,
'with long, clean cuts, evidently of a sharp metallic hatchet. In fact
it was quite clear that metallic tools had been used in preparing all
the wood-work of the structure. None of the cuts, however, showed
evidence of the saw ; even the largest trees, at the cutting of which its
use would have saved some labour, having been chopped into logs. The
only portions of the wood-work on which any extra attention had been
bestowed were the planks of bog-oak, G, before referred to ; these had
been roughly dressed, probably with an adze, and lay about a foot below
the present surface. The way in which they were arranged suggested a
gangway, or landing-stage ; for if they were used here merely in lieu of
the ordinary horizontal logs, why was so much extra labour expended in
dressing and splitting tough black oak into planks, especially when this
was not thought necessary in the case of any of the other crannoge
timbers? One of these boards, however, had not, in my opinion, been
originally intended for the purpose to which it was here put ; it will be
described when treating of the articles discovered formed of wood.
One or two logs of bog-oak were also found in the lowest stratum of the
foundation, which shows that at whatever date the crannoge was built
this wood was then as much a relic of bygone vegetation as it is at the
present time. The relics discovered were unimportant and few (with
the exception of pottery fragments) in comparison with the magnificent
" finds " recorded in many Irish crannoges, yet some of them possess
features which I believe are unique in their way.
The following articles were found : — A hammer-head, or pounder. It
is exactly 5 inches in length, and is quadrangular, each of its four faces
measuring about 2^- inches at the broadest point. Composed of an
exceedingly fine-grained, hard variety of sandstone, which occurs natu-
rally in the district, this implement has been shaped by the process
technically known as "pecking."1 When thus blocked into shape the
hammer was smoothed or polished to a certain extent, but not sufficiently
to entirely obliterate the minute pitting due to the former process. The
1 " Flint Chips," pp. 572 and 573.
broader or hammering end shows marks of considerable wear and tear.
This implement may simply have been a hand-tool for smashing marrow-
bearing bones, and the like; but I think, from its shape, that most
probably it was at one time furnished with a handle, for, being both
four-sided and conical, if a tough piece of wood was chosen, and a
quadrangular aperture cut in it of sufficient size to grip the head firmly
at the centre, the whole being strengthened by being bound round with
a thong, every blow on the working end would then serve to tighten the
head in its place. The fact that the smaller end bears practically no
marks of use favours the theory that there was a haft ; for, of course,
any forcible blow on this end would obviously have at once dislodged
head from handle. If, also, the implement was merely intended for
a hand-tool, it is improbable that it would have been shaped in this way }
or, in fact, that it would have received any artificial shaping at all, as
all the other hammer- stones found, nine in number, wei e merely natural
pebbles, a few being slightly smoothed. They had evidently never been
hafted, and, moreover, bore marks of use on both ends as a rule, which,
no doubt would be the case with the specimen under consideration also,
but that some strong reason existed for avoiding the use of the smaller
end. This hammer, hafted in some such way as described, would be
very suitable for driving down piles, as well as for fracturing the larger
marrow-bones, &c. It was found about 2 feet below the surface, among
the broken bones and pottery of the midden. L.
A couple of those relics, known as "tracked stones," were found.
Though not particularly rare in Ireland, they are so in Irish crannoges.
I at present only know of two other Irish lake-dwellings where such
stones have occurred ; and in all the lists of "finds" appearing in
" The Lake-Dwellings of Ireland " I can see no mention made of them,
unless the reference to "two weapon-sharpeners of a remarkably hard
stone resembling quartz," at p. 199, note( giving list of articles discovered
in the large crannoge, in the townland of Cloneygonnell, otherwise
Tonymore, county Cavan), could have anything to say to them. The
first specimen, fig. 1 (p. 215), is a quartz pebble, about £ inch in thick-
ness. On each face is to be seen a well-marked groove, running in a
direction diagonal to the long axis of the stone ; the two grooves also*
run in opposite diagonal directions to each other ; beside the end of one
of them, the beginning of a third groove may be seen. This stone was
found in the lowest stratum of the foundation, at least 4 feet from the
surface, in the midst of the mass of chips and bark, IT. Here also wa&
found the knife-blade of iron, fig. 5 (p. 215), and the leather sheuth,
illustrated by fig. 9 (page 215). The second specimen is 3 inches long,
by 2£ broad. Strange to say, it is composed of soft sandstone. I am not
aware that many other specimens of the kind have been found formed of
such a friable substance. The grooves on each face also run diagonally,
as in the case of fig. 1 ; but they are much larger in every way, being.
nearly the full length of the stone, and quite i- inch broad. This is, no
doubt, due to the soft consistence of the stone, which wore away much
more rapidly than the hard quartz. .In the centre of one groove is
a well-marked pit. This stone was found near the surface, to the west
of the midden, L. It seems an undecided point what purpose these relics
served, some regarding them as " point-sharpeners " for sharpening
small tools of metal, others as strike-a-lights for striking fire with flint;
but the specimens found in this crannoge were certainly not used for the
latter purpose. I speak from experience ; for being a firm believer in
the adage, that a very minute quantity of practice is worth an immense
amount of theory, I chose a suitable quartz pebble, and with a piece of
flint tried to convert it into a ''tracked stone," as nearly resembling
fig. 1 as possible. The attempt, however, was a complete failure. I
produced enough fire to cause a respectable conflagration had the sparks
fallen on anything combustible ; but had little else to show for my
pains, except a wide white streak parallel to the long axis of the
pebble, composed of minute scores, and very unlike the smoothly-made
grooves on fig. 1. Anyone who carefully examines this specimen must
see that these grooves were evidently formed, not by anything having
been struck against the stone, but by friction, some hard substance
having been rubbed on it for a considerable length of time, or on frequent
occasions, always exactly at the same place. The only places where a
few small scores exist are in two spaces extending from the correspond-
ing ends of both grooves to the extremity of the stone ; otherwise, the
grooves themselves and the surfaces of the stone in their immediate
neighbourhood are smooth and show no scores or peckings, which I have
no doubt, from my own experience, would be the case had the main
''tracks" been made by percussion with flint, unless it were possible
to strike with the accuracy of some kind of iron automaton, so that the
flint would always impinge on exactly the same spot. .Besides, is there
any reason to suppose that the users of these stones, even if by dint of
long practice they could strike with this accuracy, would see any parti-
cular utility in doing so every time they wanted to strike a light? The
fact that the "tracks" in this, as well as in all other specimens of
which I have read descriptions, run diagonally, is not easily explained.
It certainly, however, militates against the strike-a-light theory ; for
unless one wished to do a purposely inconvenient thing, one would never
attempt to hold the pebble as striker in the right hand in such a way as
to strike the flint diagonally. I found that this could be far more
easily accomplished by holding the stone in the left hand, and striking
the flint diagonally across it. Plenty of sparks were produced by this
plan ; but it seems rather an unnatural method of doing things, the
holding of the stone as striker in the right hand being undoubtedly the
usual mode of procedure. I think the only way that the apparent
universality of the diagonal groove in connexion with these relics can
Objects found in Killyvilla Crannoge, near Clones. (The scale shown does not apply to the leather
knife-case, fig. 9, which is 53 inches long.)
be accounted for is, that it may have resulted from some " tip " or small
trade secret known, and in use, among these ancient craftsmen, carpen-
ters, and others, when sharpening their tools, hut now as much forgotten
as themselves. In fact, since there is no smoke without fire, these men
must have ground their tools in such a way as to make grooves in this
particular direction, because it was the most convenient plan.
The fact that fig. 1 was found not far from an iron knife-blade is
suggestive, as is also the fact that a blackish coloumation is visible in
the neighbourhood of the grooves, which is evidently foreign to the
stone and superficial. I believe this to be due to the conversion of a film
of iron deposited on the quartz, from constant friction with tools of that
metal, into the black tannate of iron, by the action of the tannic acid
contained in the oak bark in which the stone was found lying.
I may here mention, that I tried the experiment of rubbing an awl.
on a quartz pebble, and I found no difficulty in making a pretty smooth
groove, which was covered with a film of iron. Another thing that
tells against the strike-a-light theory is, that no flint was found near
the stone, which, judging from the place where it was found, must have
been used for sharpening some of the tools with which the piling, &c.,
of the crannoge was being made. The implement was doubtless lost
among the debris of chips and bark, and in due course was covered over by
the successive layers that went to form the structure. Even had flint
been found in proximity to the pebble, it is scarcely likely that the
slush of the lake-bed would have been chosen as a suitable place for a
fire, nor would one naturally suppose that objects found in such a place
had anything to do with producing fire. The material, also, of which
the second specimen is composed affords, I think, strong evidence of
the uses to which both were put. It is just possible, as I found, to
strike a few sparks with flint and a piece of sandstone, greatly at the
expense of the softer substance ; but the utter improbability of an unsuit-
able material, like sandstone, having been used for such a purpose, when
quartz was abundant, is obvious, nor are the grooves on this specimen
such as would be made by flint. They have been worn by rubbing ; and, as
everyone knows, sandstone is a very suitable material for sharpening a
metallic tool. Fig. 1, as well as being "tracked," is also a hammer-
stone, both ends showing four well-marked facets separated by slight
ridges. "What more natural than that the long, narrow, weak blade
of the knife found near it might often have become bent ; and, when
this occurred, might not the instrument have been laid on a log, and
the convexity then hammered straight with this stone.
The late Sir William Wilde, in the " Catalogue of the Museum of the
Koyal Irish Academy," pp. 74, 75, 76, and 77, gives a description of
several " tracked stones," under the heading of " sling- stones." Of one
specimen he remarks: — "In the centre of each flat surface may be
observed a slight indentation, such as might be effected by rubbing
with a metal tool." And of two others : — " They both bear the indented
line on each side. This mark is sometimes polished like the rest of the
surface, hut more frequently hears the mark of a tool, as if worked in
hy sharpening the point of a knife or dagger, for which use they may
have "been occasionally employed." Of the nine specimens of these
" sling-stones," then in the collection of the Academy, all were composed
of quartz rock, except Nos. 1 and 9, which were formed of sandstone,
and No. 2 of limestone. Three examples are figured at p. 75 of the Cata-
logue, one of them, fig. 56, No. 3, showing the characteristic oblique groove.
An object formed of black chert, beautifully polished. It is 3|-
inches long by 1 inch broadband in shape exactly resembles a bean
pod ; two or three nicks have been worn on its edges, and, when viewed
in certain lights, some slight striae are plainly perceptible" on all its
surfaces. From these indications I have no doubt that it was used as a
burnisher. It would" equally well have served as a touchstone for
testing the purity of gold, and it is possible that it may have been put
to both these uses. It was found about 2 feet below the surface, in the
midden, L, close to the hammer-head already described.
A whetstone, quadrangular in shape, and composed of sandstone. ' It
is 5 inches long by •£ inch broad ; the extremities are conical. The
object closely resembles a cigar which has been tightly compressed by
its fellows in a box. It bears little or no marks of wear, and was found
2 or 3 feet below the surface, to the north of the midden, L. Two other
whetstones were found, and portion of a fourth. The perfect specimens
are oblong in shape ; one is composed of rather coarse sandstone, the
other of soft whet-slate. The fragment is formed of sandstone, and is
An oval hammer-stone, one of nine discovered, and the most typical
of them. It is composed of a hard, light-green coloured stone, and has
been artificially smoothed. It measures 4 inches in length by 2£ in
breadth ; a flattened facet appears on both ends. This object was found
near the surface, just at the water's edge, at the western side of the
island. In addition to the oval hammer-stones, some smooth oval pebbles,
composed chiefly of quartz, were found; and although they bear no
marks of use, they had evidently been brought to the crannoge with the
intention of using them as hammer-stones.
A round object composed of soft sandstone. It is about the shape
and size of a small orange, and is covered with minute pits, probably due
to hammering. There were seven others discovered of various sizes ;
none, however, quite so accurately shaped or pitted in the same way as
this one.
Two flint implements. The first specimen, from its notched edge,
looks as though it had been used as a strike -a-light with a piece of
steel; certainly no "tracked stone" ever made such marks. A small
flint core found is shown in one of the illustrations to be included in the
second part of this Paper. Twenty- seven fragments of flint, exclusive
of these, were found. They are all very small ; and although one or two
of them may possibly he imperfect or unfinished implements, I think
they are chiefly chips, such as would be struck off in making strike-a-
lights. In fact, I am inclined to believe that all the flint found in the
crannoge was used in producing fire.
Eighteen pieces of querns were found, chiefly lower stones, as far as
could be judged from the fragments ; they were of the ordinary kind, and
composed of sandstone. All were found near the surface, at the western
side of the island, with the exception of one lower stone, the most perfect
portion discovered, measuring 16 inches in diameter, which lay near the
centre of the crannoge, deep down on top of the stratum of branches.
Having been rendered useless from a slight fracture, it had been placed
there to assist in consolidating them. The querns had all been formed by
"pecking," the tool-marks appearing very distinctly on all the fragments.
Fig. 3 (page 215) illustrates a fine specimen of a bronze ring-pin
six inches long, the metal of which it is composed being of a golden colour.
The ring consists of a piece of bronze wire tapering slightly from the
centre to both extremities, the upper surface of the head, not seen in
the illustration, is quadrilateral, and is crossed by two diagonal grooves,
which form a design resembling the letter X. The hole in the head for the
ring is slightly smaller at one side than at the other, and has been drilled,
for on looking through the aperture in a good light, a slight circular ridge
left by t-he tool may be seen. From certain mould-marks which have
not been obliterated, it is plain that the whole shank was originally cast
quadrangular, and a small portion, afterwards slightly decorated with a
graver, having been allowed to retain this shape in order to serve as a
head, the rest was rounded off at the edges by a process of hammering
and grinding, the marks of which are plainly visible. The burnisher
(the fourth object of stone before described) would have been very
useful here for giving the finishing touches. This pin was not
found during the period of the excavations. The way in which I
obtained it is rather peculiar. I was called one night to see a patient,
who had formerly been for a long time a Member of the Royal His-
torical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. We got into conver-
sation about this crannoge, when he informed me that over twenty years
ago, a man, since deceased, had shown him a bronze pin, which he said he
had found on the shore of the island in Killyvilla Lake while fishing.
My friend told him to keep the pin safe as it was well worth preserving,
and suggested to me that possibly it might still be in the house of the
finder's brother, who resides in the village of Rosslea. To him I hastened
next day, and was fortunate enough to find the pin hanging from a nail
in the wall. The owner seeing that I evidently would appreciate it,
very kindly presented it to me. When one takes into consideration the
number of fishermen, poteen makers, and casual visitors, who have fre-
quented this, as well as probably most other ancient structures of the
kind during the centuries that have elapsed since they ceased to be in-
habited, it seems highly probable that our crannoges have been gradually
rifled of any objects left lying on the surface, as in addition to the pin
so strangely recovered, I was told by a neighbouring farmer who came
one day to view the excavations that a few years ago having had occasion
to visit the island, he picked up " a small black square stone that looked
like a sharpening-stone," which, however, had unfortunately been since
Fig. 4 (p. 215) is a piece of bronze. It is about as thick as a
sixpence, and is of a pale yellow colour. This object has been cast in
its present shape, as the condition of the edges, which are rough, and
slightly rounded, does not appear to show that it was cut from a larger
sheet. Two dumb-bell shaped holes (not represented), which I believe
to be rivet holes, would seem to show that the object was at one time
attached to something else, perhaps a handle. It may, however, have
simply served as a patch.
There was also found a circular piece of bronze, slightly shorter in
diameter than a halfpenny of the present currency, and about as thick as a
well-worn sixpence. The colour of the metal is rather remarkable ; it
evidently contains a much larger percentage of copper, and is therefore
redder than the ordinary antique bronze. When first found, this object
was as bright as the day it was cast, and before the mud was rubbed off,
resembled a coin so much that the workmen became greatly excited,
thinking that we had at last " struck" the " crock of goold," a search
for which many of the country people thought, was the object of the
excavations. The surfaces of this object are not burnished or smoothed
in any way ; it has evidently been cut from a larger sheet of metal, and
is I think in an unfinished state, having been possibly designed for some
such purpose as the head of a pin. Both this and the preceding piece of
bronze were found within a short distance of each other, near the northern
shore of the crannoge, in the midst of a mass of oak branches and bracken
fern, which here formed the first stratum above the mud. It has since
struck me that these objects owed their brightness when found to the
fact that they had lain steeping in an acidulous solution, produced by the
acid contained in these vegetable substances diluted with water. They
have since become somewhat tarnished from exposure to the atmosphere.
The following articles were discovered : — A dagger or short sword, so
much corroded that, with the exception of the tang, it is almost a mass
of rust, and it consequently broke into fragments the moment it was
touched. These pieces, however, I carefully collected, and I think
recovered them all, so that the total length of the weapon, 17 inches, can
be pretty well ascertained. The tang measures 4f inches long, and the
blade If inches broad, at its widest part. Most crannoge swords are
described as having remarkably small handles, and hence it has been
inferred that the users of them must have been a diminutive race.
Judging from the tang, however, the handle of this specimen would have
afforded a comfortable grip for the hand of any ordinary sized man. A
groove can be traced on the fragments of the blade on both sides, for a
distance of 4^- inches downwards from the line of junction of blade and
tang. The shape of the point is the most remarkable feature about this
weapon, its outlines being concave. This object was found lying just
.under the surface sod, towards the western side of the crannoge.
Fig. 5 (p. 215) is a knife blade 5 inches long, including the tang;
it is about £ inch broad at the widest part, and was found near the
" tracked stone," fig. 1 (p. 215), and the sheath illustrated by fig. 9
(p. 215).
Another knife-blade, judging from its shape, seems a more modern
specimen than the foregoing ; and it possibly may be a modern article
dropped perhaps by some fisherman, as it was found just at the surface,
under a heap of withered leaves, almost at the water's edge, at the
eastern side of the crannoge. The object may, however, get the benefit
of the doubt : it is S-^V inches long, by nearly £ inch broad.
A large nail, or spike, 7 inches long. It was found among the stones
of the hearth i.
<•; '.A swivel ring, measuring 2 inches in the clear; what appear to be
the remnants of a chain link are attached to the lower end of the stud.
This object was found a couple of feet below the surface, near the centre
of the island : it may have been used for tethering cattle.
That portion of a small axe-head which projected in front of the
handle, the hinder part having been broken off. It is 3^ inches lon<r by
3 inches wide at the cutting edge, and was found near the surface, at
the western side of the crannoge.
A horse-shoe of medium size ; one of the extremities has been broken
off, but the other shows that there were no raised heels. It was found
on the inner side of the mass of stiff clay, D, at the eastern side of the
island, about a foot below the surface.
A staple, found near the surface, at the western side of the island.
A conical object 4 inches long, by about 3 inches broad at the top.
It is clearly broken off something else, and bears some resemblance to
the small end of an anvil, or to the leg of a massive pot. It was found
close to the surface, near the midden L. Twelve other pieces of iron
were found, some of them evidently mere fragments, perhaps of the same
article, and all of them so much corroded, that their use could not be
determined. One is a rough shapeless lump weighing 7£ Ibs., found near
the surface, close to the sword. I may add that all the objects of iron
were in a very corroded state, and, with the exception of the knife-blade,
fig. 5 (p. 215), lay near the surface.
(To le continued.}
TN July of last year (1896), while enjoying the hospitality of the
Rev. E. F. Hewson, I had an opportunity of examining the Gowran
stone for the third and fourth time, and of paying my first visit to the
comparatively recent discoveries at Legan and Lamogue. The Kilkenny
Oghams having been lately the subject of discussion, the present seems
to be a favourable opportunity for recording some observations then
made by me upon these monuments.
Two or three years ago, when open-air epigraphy was to some extent
a new subject to me, I visited Gowran, taking with me copies of the
transcripts published in their respective books by Mr. Brash and Sir S.
Ferguson. I then thought I had made out IQADIERACIAS MAQI ... D ...
QO MUCOI . . . , a reading which nearly agrees in number and position of
scores with Sir S. Ferguson's, though he has read it in the reverse direc-
tion. I published this reading in the Academy for 29th December
1894, marking as obscure the initial IQ, and suggesting that EEACIAS
might be a form of the more common EKCIAS. This reading, however, I
must withdraw, as there are several errors in it.
When I revisited the stone last year I had, in addition to the two
copies mentioned above and my own, the copy made by the Rev. E. Barry,
and published by him at p. 350 of the Journal, ser. v., vol. v. I went
very carefully over the whole inscription — a process much easier than it
formerly was, as Canon Hewson has brought the stone out of the ruined
nave of his fine church, to the chancel, where it is under cover and in a
more diffused light — and compared it with these copies. I came to the
conclusion that all four transcripts were more or less inaccurate.
Mr. Brash is the most correct, but he errs on the side of incomplete-
ness. He has, moreover, taken two accidental flaws on the top of the
stone as a G (" Og. Mon.," p. 281).
Sir S. Ferguson, as well as myself, was misled by some chisel-marks
before the IE on the left-angle ; these are not Oghmic. He also assumed
the existence of antitheticals, reading LASICAEEIGNI when he must have
seen LACISAKEIGNI ; and he also read MAQI MUCOI on the other angle
("Ogh. Inscr.," pp. 74-5).
I cannot satisfy myself that the word LI, read by Father Barry, is on
the stone ; in the place indicated I see nothing but scratches, to me
meaningless. His DALO, too, I regard as impossible, for reasons to
be presently noted.
I do not think that the inscription was cut on more than two arrises,
or that anything is gained by inverting the old-established order of read-
ing. I now read —
Maqi E KAC 1 A S M A
11— ««. /
... D.I MA Q AMU C O 1 ...
Except in one point this reading agrees with that of Canon Hewson ;
and as he has exceptional opportunities for examining the stone, this
fact affords no small presumptive evidence of accuracy.
The right angle is the more easily disposed of, and we shall accord-
ingly discuss it first. It commences with a name whose only certain
letter is the penultimate D. The H-side of the arris is here smooth and
uninjured ; the B-side is chipped away by a series of flakes. The damaged
surface is triangular in shape, the apex meeting the arris before the two
vowel points. Diagramatically this may be thus represented —
— 11 _
Now it is obvious to anyone inspecting the stone (1) that no over-
scores (HDTCQ, scores) except the D could have existed in this name ; (2)
that under-scores (BLVSN scores) might have existed before the D, but
none could have existed after it, for their ends would have appeared
below the line of chipping (this places Mr. Brash's DEGO and Father
Barry's DALO out of court) ; (3) that the name must have been very short.
From (1) and (2) it follows that vowel-points alone followed the D ;
there is just room for five in all, so I read i. Some such name as BLADI
or BODI would satisfy all the conditions.
This, however, leads us to an anacoluthon, for ... DI would be
genitive, and MAQA seemingly nominative. Such a grammatical error
does not surprise us in Latin inscriptions Avritten by Celts, as in TALOEI
ADVENTI MAQERAGI FiLivs at Pant y Polion, Caermarthen. In Professor
Rhys' s tentative treatment of the Bressay stone a similar anacoluthon
is postulated —
the cross of Nahhtvvddaftft's daughter (gen.} wife (now.) of Maqqddrroann
;~0 .' F~
But, as we shall see in considering the Legan stone, we need not
assume that the Kilkenny engravers could not write their vernacular
The stone has been treated as a building-stone ; to adapt it as such,
the entire surface has been spalled, and no respect has been paid to the
inscription. The history of the stone 'is precisely the same as that of
the Seskinan and Kilmolash monuments. A vicious series of spalls has
completely carried off the name which followed HTTCOI, and not a score
of it is now recoverable.
Returning now to the left angle we may note, first of all, that it is
quite beyond question that the termination of the name here written
was IAS, not os, as Mr. Brash gives it.
The principal crux in the whole inscription is the initial lacuna.
Here again a rough diagram may be employed to point out in what the
difficulty of the reading lies : —
Before the i the arris on both surfaces is chipped away. At just the
proper distance from the i to allow of the insertion of AQ, is the end of the
tail of an M ; but immediately before the i is the top of a single score,
startlingly like an H. This cannot be taken as the last score of the Q,
for an inspection of the angle will show that the ends of the companion
scores would have survived if any had existed. There are only two
alternatives— to reject the M as one of the many flaws in the stone, and
read HIERACIAS ; or to reject the H, and read MAQIERACIAS. From a mere
inspection of the stone alone, either course might be followed ; but argu-
ment may be brought to bear strongly in favour of the latter alternative.
In the first place MAQIERACIAS, in the form MAQIERCIAS, is a well-
established Oghmic name. We find it at Roovesmore and Coumeenoole ;
a somewhat later form, MAQQIERCCTA, occurs on a stone now at Burnham.
The interpolated A is merely an auxiliary vowel, such as is interpolated
into words like " arm," "helm," in Ireland to-day.
Secondly, the seeming H score would, if complete, be somewhat
longer than the other consonantal side scores in the inscription. On the
other hand the hypothetical Q scores would be somewhat shorter. There
is a spall knocked off the angle, slightly to the left of H, which would
exactly account for them.
Thirdly, -IAS is a feminine genitive termination, and a prefixed MAQI is
required to masculinise the name and make it stand in proper apposition
with the following MAQI. The masculine form, corresponding to ERCIAS,
is *ERCAS, later ERCA, which is given us at Bally eightragh.
Fourthly, for anything analogous to HIERACIAS we should have to
(1) go to Greece, (2) assume the existence of a digraph IE in Oghams,
(3) assume a Greek with a father whose name made a genitive in i, and
whose parentage was sufficiently well-known in Ireland to be traced at
least to a grandfather.
Fifthly, the letter H has not yet been found in a Celtic Ogham of the
Ogham period, and perhaps we may he almost safe in saying will not.
Of course in late revivals of the Ogham, written after H had been adopted
as a symbol of the " aspiration" of consonants, wo naturally find H ;
thus the Clonmacnoise stone gives us BOCHT, the Kilmallock ink-bottle
MOCHOLMOG, and the St. Gall Priscian MINCHASC. These, however, do not
date from the " classical " Ogham period. All instances of its use in what
may be called true Oghams, given by Brash and others, are erroneous. Thus
SAHATTOS, at Colbinstown, ought to be IVACATTOS ; FAUAHG, at Tullaherin,
should be viu . . .or possibly VIAR . . . ; while the mysterious HABAM, at
Ross Hill, I have found to be merely a set of scratches without any
meaning whatever. The letter occurs freely in the Pictish stones ; but
these can hardly be brought in as evidence in a question of Celtic use.
It might be asked why, if it was never used, this letter was provided
with a place in the alphabet. The same might be asked of -//ft ,
which occurs once only. This would lead us too far out of our way to
discuss at present, as it involves the whole question of the origin of the
Ogham alphabet — a subject which is, to say the least, obscure. But
one little hint might be given. It is generally assumed that the Ogham
is a Celtic invention ; but is this so ? Judging from the frequency with
which these two characters are used in the few inscriptions in the Pictish
tongue which we have, it certainly seems to fit that language better than
the Celtic.1
Leaving this question thus at the threshold, and returning to the
Gowran stone, we must now examine an important problem connected
with it — namely, the relative date of the cross and the writing.
Here we find ourselves on the horns of several dilemmas at once ; but
the questions involved can be reduced to two : was the stone intended to
stand upright or lie flat ? and, is the sibilant genitive a proof oi early date ?
1. If the stone was meant to stand upright, cadit quaestio ; the
cross is later than the Ogham : for I have too much confidence in the
common sense of the inhabitants of Ireland during the Ogham period to
believe in the intentional burial of either one or the other. Here I will,
no doubt, be reminded of the Fothad Airgthech story in the " Lebor
na h-Uidre" ; but (1) this story is from its nature obviously mythical,
and of less value archa3ologically than from the point of view of the
folklorist : (2) the writer of the tale in its present form clearly knew
little or nothing of actual Ogham inscriptions, for otherwise he would
not have cast his legend in a formula entirely foreign to their usual
purport (the change from Fothad to Eoehaid, of which much has been
made, merely shows that the scribe was sleepy, or his exemplar damaged) :
•(3) the burial of the inscription is, I suspect, introduced for dramatic
1 The scribe of the "Book of Ballymote" seems to have had an inkling of a
possible non-Aryan origin for the Ogham script: for he assigns it to the Tuatha De
Dunann, whatever the exact meaning of this ascription may be.
effect merely ; how tame it would have been had Cailte read the inscrip-
tion straight off, instead of prophesying that certain specified words
would he found underground!
But it is not certain that the Gowran stone was not regarded as
a flag, meant to lie with its cross-signed surface uppermost. The smooth-
ness of this face renders this conceivable, and I hardly think the blank
butt is long enough to have held the stone firmly in the ground. But
possibly the masons have shortened it.
2. If, again, we could assign a certain fixed date before which to
place inscriptions with sibilant genitives, and after which to place the
remainder of our monuments, we might hope to settle this and many
other questions. But it seems to me impossible to do so. I do not
think we can go further than to say that given two inscriptions in the
same district, of which one displays sibilant genitives and the other does
not, then the former may be regarded as the older. Thus, Ardmore I
may be regarded as older, perhaps considerably so, than Kilgrovane I ;
but I should be very sorry to regard all stones with s-genitives as being
as old as the Ardmore stone. We do not know whether, in that non-
literary age, the changes of language took place at equal rates all
over Ireland; and allowance must be made (1) for the revival of the
s in one or two late stones as a kind of affectation of archaism, and
(2) for the retention of the s by some names longer than others. The
Arraglen stone is, perhaps, the best example of the first. Here we have
QBIMITIEEOS, associated with COMOGANN, a form which (compared with
COIMAGNI at the neighbouring Ballinvoher) shows the former stone to
be somewhat later than the latter — itself by no means an early inscrip-
tion. Of names which retained the s later than others, one example is
EECE, the very name which we have here at Gowran. We have IVTAQI-
ERCIAS associated with BOVINIA[S] at Coumeenooie,
The Leg an stone is difficult to read ; my copy differs in two places
from Father Barry's —
The first difficulty in this inscription is -^--#*-**M+-. I have no
theory to proffer as to its meaning ; but some obvious general state-
ments can be made concerning it.
1 . It cannot be a verb, for it is never at the commencement of the
sentence, and is always constructed with genitives.
2. It cannot be a noun in the nominative case, for Celtic syntax
would require it to precede the word which would depend on it — here
3. It might be a noun in the genitive, in apposition to LOEBI, with
MAQQU-MUCCOI depending on it ; but this does not seem probable.
4. It invariably follows the principal name, therefore probably
qualifies it in some way, and is -therefore probably an adjective in the
genitive case.
The nominative would most likely be *KOOS, or perhaps *KOE, like
KOSTECE, LUGUVVE, ivvENE ; and the word KOI would of course be dis-
syllabic, just as MUCOI is trisyllabic (mucoi).
Adjectives, or their equivalents, are common enough in MSS. as
qualifying adjuncts to proper names : e.g. Bodb Derg, Brian Borama.
But they are extremely rare in Oghams — one, equally obscure in mean-
ing, occurs in the Whitefield (?) inscription —
It follows, from the frequency of the word, that KOI must represent
some elementary attribute, probably introduced to distinguish the person
so qualified from some co-parental namesake : the case of the three
Collas is a well-known example of the inconvenient practice of calling-
several brothers by the same name. Some such meaning as "young"
would suit requirements, though it should go without saying that I do
not desire to suggest analogies between KOI and 65.
The next words, MAQQU-MUCCOI, recall the MAQA-MOCOI in a similar
position at Gowran. In both places the construction seems to me
analogous to that quasi- agglutination which Prof. Ilhys has detected
in some Irish Oghams. Thus we have —
BIR MAQI MUCOI ROTTAis, ;/•••. . . , Drumloghan,
and several others, where BIR-MAQ and similar combinations are treated
as one word with a common genitive ending ; BIR-MAQI for BIRI MAQI.
Before applying this principle to the stone before us, it will be neces-
sary to determine what meaning we are to assign to MUCOI. Here I
must confess myself unable to follow Father Barry. At p. 351, in his
first paper on the Kilkenny stones, he says: — "In texts of the Old
Irish period, MOCCU-, MOCU-, and MAcetf-, in the sense of remote descen-
dant, are found in compound family names," and gives a series of
examples ; further on he alludes to the confusion which subsequently
arose between this element and mac ui. Yet on Oghams he simply
takes MUCOI to be a variant of MAQI, to distinguish a common noun from
a member of a proper name. This, so far as I know, is unsubstantiated,
and seems to me to be strained ; and one important item in his argument
is not quite accurate : namely, that " in perfect inscriptions MUCOI, with
or without an intervening proper name, is ever preceded by a MAQI."
1 The nominative form -AC shows that the inscription must be divided as thus
given, and not into GOSOCTEAS MOSAC MAKI M, as analogies with Lugnagappul, &c.,
would lead us to suppose.
THe italics are mine. That there are exceptions to the rule the following
list will show: —
FEQEEQ MOQOI GLUNLEGGET, . . . Monataggart I, Cork,
CONUNETT MOQI coNUEi, . . . Camp, Kerry [F.],
GOSOCT . s MUCOI MAQiE . . ., . . . Garranmillon I, Water-
ford [H.],,
... GNI MUCOI GUN ... . . . Kilgrovane IV, Water-
(?)BIVODON MUCOI ATAK, . . . Kilbeg, Waterford,
all in the genitive ; and—
CATABAR MOCO FiMiQOEB, . . . Ballyquin, "Waterford
[*•], .
LUGUVVE MOCCO MAQIMEQ . . ., . . . Aghacarrible III,
in the nominative.
Bearing in mind Father Barry's quotations, from the " Book of
Armagh," which is as near to the Ogham period as our MS. literature
can bring us, there is nothing in these inscriptions to prevent our trans-
lating MOCO as " descendant." And we are justified in this, when we
remember how MUCOI is associated in three groups of stones, with appa-
rently tribal or eponymic names ; DOVINIA(S), four times in Corkaguiney ;
TOICAC(I), thrice at Dunloe ; KETASEGAMONAS, twice (? thrice) in the Decies.
The Dunloe stones are especially instructive. I have not seen them, but
the latest copies are : —
Here, if MUCOI = son, No. 2, with all its s-genitives, must be contemporary
with 1, and only a generation older than 3. It is fair to compare stones
of the same group thus together,- and to pronounce this impossible.2
1 [F.] denotes that Sir S. Ferguson, and [H.] that Canon Hewson, is responsible
for the reading selected ; those unmarked are all from my own notes. One reading
would bring Drumloghan VI into this list ; on the other hand, a variant lection would
strike Garranmillon 1 out of it. I have queried the Kilbeg reading, on which Brash,
Professor Rhys, and myself were agreed, on account of the revolutionary transcript
of it published by Father Barry. The Kilgrovane stone, even if it did begin with
MAQI, is in place here, for the MAQI, being at the commencement of the inscription,
^was part of the name which followed. I am not quite certain of the two last names in
the Dromore inscription ; but of the essential portion — its formula — I have no doubt.
2 DEGOS lost its s in the genitive . later than some other names, as is shown by
Drumloghan X, DEAGOS MAQI MUCOI . . . ENAI (for . . . ENAIS). This fact lends
additional weight to the argument as far as the relative date of Nos. 1 and 2- are
concerned. No. 3 is supposed later than No. 2, because TOICACI has shed its final i:
but perhaps an i has been lost from the stone.
MTJCO must, however, mean something more than "descendant";
for then we should be unable to distinguish between A. MTJCOI B. and
A. MAQI MTJCOI B. The descendant, i.e. the head of the clan descended
from the ancestor named, seems best to fit the sense required. This
would give MUCO a kind of honourable sense ; and it is not irrelevant to
notice that the majority of stones commemorating a MUCO are of large size,
as though by their barbaric grandeur to do increased honour to the memory
of the chief. The Roovesmore, Monataggart, Camp, Garranmillon, and
Ballyquin stones are exceptionally large ; the others are of respect-
able dimensions ; the Dromore stone seems to be the surviving member
of a once remarkable and elaborate monument. If Professor Rhys*
brilliant equation of the name TOBANIAS, on the Ballycrovane stone,
to the name of the Gaulish goddess, TUEANIS, be accepted, AVI on that
stone must be equivalent to MTJCOI, and its colossal dimensions may also
be used as an illustration of this general principle.
The formula MAQA-MUCOI would then assume a definite meaning, " son
of the chief," not unlike the modern " heir apparent " ; l and its occa-
sional treatment as one simple word would be natural. The Legan stone
gives us a later, but almost identical form ; for as QU = Q, and QQU = QQ
= Q, and cc = c in Oghams, MAQQU-MUCCOI = MAQMUCOT.
I read the eponymic name EEINI, though with some little doubt about
the last three letters ; the N is badly cut, and is not at right angles to
the stem line. The doubled E seems certain to me ; compare ERUANAN
at Aghadoe and MAQI-EEEODAGNI at Ballyknock, and with the whole
name, BINT at Fardell, Devonshire.
The Lamogue stones are very interesting additions to our epigraphic
record. Jn accordance with the practice which I usually follow, I shall
treat the SEVEREIT stone as Lamogue I, that being the order adopted by
the first published (Canon Hewson's) copy, though having regard to the
relative importance of the two I should have been inclined to commence
with the other.
At the stone itself I made —
the penultimate E being four broken notches in the stone, and my rubbing
shows the same thing; but philological considerations as well as the
careful examination of a photograph, which I took, makes me think that
Father Barry is probably right in reading AIS. There is no such termi-
nation in Oghams as -ES,* and this fact struck me at the time of my
1 This modern instance is merely quoted as a rough parallel : of course the chief's
son was by no means always the heir apparent.
2 Brash's CAKKICES is wrong, being properly, as well as I can make out, CARUICAI.
In AVITTORIGES the termination is not -ES, but -GES, a variant of -IAS, just as is -GAS
•in the very interesting Dingle fragment, where we have [AV FJETORIGAS. Compare
examination of the stone, but stupidly enough it did not occur to me to
look for an alternative reading.
I cannot, however, agree with Father Barry's restoration of the
missing part of the inscription : there is not room for it. The T of
SEVERRIT is just under the shoulder of the stone, which is, I think,
original, not formed by fracture. The letters that once were on the top
are lost, not by fracture of the upper part of the stone, but by extensive
spalling. Canon Hewson, in whose company I visited Lamogue, agreed
with me that there was hardly room even for MAQI.
The termination -AIS I am inclined to regard rather as an early form
of -AI (as -AS is of -A), than of a genitive by attenuation of a nominative
-AS. We find it in the name DOLATIBIGAIS, on the Ardmore stone, in
company with unquestionably early genitives, while the seemingly late
form BIK, at Drtimloghan, has already been explained as an example of
£w<m-agglutmation, and, therefore, probably rather early.
Lamogue II is more interesting and even more perplexing. I
make —
--m-lL+H-^-ilL- ,-
"When I saw Canon Hewson's description of this monument, at p. 27
of the Journal for 1896, I at once suspected that AVI had a place in the
inscription. But at the spot I could not identify any such word. It
seemed to me then that there never had been any characters in the five
inches between the end of DOVATTJCI and the commencement of VTJD,
&c. ; in fact, that the former, an obvious and well-known name, was
separated from the rest of the legend, as is FEQREQ on the Monataggart
stone. Nor could I find more than three points between the second v and
the D : the first and third are marked in my note as faint. The third
character of the second group of letters I made D, not T. I remember
considering the possibility of this character having three scores, but
rejecting it. The sixth, like the eighth, I make to consist of one
vowel-point only, in the centre of a space unusually long — 3£ in. I
also recollect reading this sixth character as o at first, but making A in
a second reading. The vowels are drilled out, not punched. I accepted
the final A, but Father Barry seems to have disposed of it.
As to the interpretation of the inscription, I cannot claim to have
made much progress j but I take it the verbation would be —
in which word-division I am largely influenced by a mysterious inscrip-
tion at Kinard in Kerry, near Dingle. Here we have
A tentative analysis of this inscription claims a short digression. In
the first place I gather from what appears, to be an incidental reference to
it in Professor Rhys' analysis of the inscriptions seen at the Joint Meeting
of the R. S. A. I. and the Cambrian Archseological Society, in Kerry,
and from Father Barry's inclusion of it in a list of inscriptions show-
ing the word AFI (AVI), that both these authorities read it in the
inverse direction ; and certainly part of it, so read, yields the satisfactory
sequence of letters LLOTJTI AVI. But I examined this stone with all
possible care last summer, considering especially its interpretation when
read thus ; I failed, however, to find anything intelligible in the
SANGATU which certainly precedes the LLOTITI, or the equally embarrass-
ing SEUSA, which follows the AVI. Moreover, the transcript above set
forth follows the ordinary course of reading : the reader stands with
the inscribed angle to his left, commences from the bottom (in this
prostrate stone satisfactorily marked out by the blank end that once
stood in the ground) and reads up to the top along the top arris.
The initial A is probably some separate vocable, and possibly an
abbreviation for ANM — though it is always objectionable to take a diffi-
cult letter or series of letters in an inscription for an abbreviation till all
other possibilities have been excluded. At any rate an inscription at
Ballintaggart seems to show the same phenomenon of a prosthetic A:
here we have A XEVEITTI, where KEV is apparently a phonetic expression
of the sound of Q (= QV) ; the name being, as I take it, the same as the
<IRITTI that the Ballyneanig stone gives us. CUECITAIVI recalls CUKO-
CEiwivi, found at Trallong, according to one reading ; it is, no doubt,
equivalent to the CURCITTI of another of the Ballintaggart group, and
both are clearly derivatives (diminutives ?) from CURC. The concluding
word DUVANGAC may possibly be a derivative adjective from the name
Duben, the genitive of which we have in the form DOVINIA(S) several
times in the barony of Corkaguiney, and which was the name of the
eponymous ancestress of the race which inhabited that district ; the N I
regard as gutturalised into NG by the attraction of the c. The residual
VOD, which also appears at Lamogue, is very puzzling. One interpreta-
tion only has occurred to me, which I do not regard as other than a wild
piece of guesswork, almost overstepping the bounds of legitimate con-
jecture : namely, that VO-D = fui-t = Old Irish ba, bu. The most that
can be said for this rendering is that it makes sense on the Kinard stone,
especially having regard to the seemingly nominative form of DUVANGAC :
but the genitives on the Lamogue stone are in the way of such an inter-
A word about the transliteration of -j|y in conclusion. The only
authority for rendering this F universally is the Bally mote and similar
keys ; but these, with every respect to their authors, were written at a
non-critical time, long after Ogham had ceased as a medium of communi-
cation ; and the puerilities of which the scribes were guilty in their
" variations " on the Ogham theme considerably weaken their evidence.
Contemporary documents, on the other hand, unanimously render the
letter by v, both medially and initially : I allude, of course, to the
bilinguals of South Britain and Ireland. But Oghmic -jjp passes
initially into Old Irish /, medially into I : and in some late inscriptions
-yyy, in initial position, does apparently equal r ; thus we probably have
FEQEEQ at Monataggart, FUR-DDRANN at Tinnehally. Assuming the cor-
rectness of the published copy of^ Eathcroghan I, which I have not
seen, both transformations are exemplified by it ; for its VEAICCI MAQJ
MEDVVI is certainly " of Fraech, son of Medb "- — quite independently of
the (most improbable) contingency of this being actually the memorial
of the Fraech, who married, or wanted to marry, our great national
heroine's daughter Findabar.
It is with considerable diffidence that I thus venture to question
some of Father Barry's readings and deductions, and I need hardly say
that it is in no cavilling spirit that I do so. I have nothing but admira-
tion for the zeal, learning, and ingenuity he has shown in the interpre-
tation of these ancient epigraphs. But it is only by opposing theory to
theory, and reading to reading, that we can hope ultimately to attain the
truth in a subject beset with so many difficulties.
(Concluded from page 239, Vol. VL, Fifth Series.}
have seen that there is not a particle of trustworthy evidence to
prove that Raymond Le Gros left any issue. On the contrary,
Giraldus, his cousin-german, contemporary, and warm admirer, distinctly
tells us he, Raymond, left no issue by his wife, Basilia ; nor does Giral-
dus say, as he does of some other invaders, that he left illegitimate
children, while the State Papers and old records show that his
nephew, William de Carew, son of his eldest brother, Odo de Carew,
succeeded to his lands in Leinster. It is therefore amongst some of
Raymond's numerous nephews and grand-nephews, living in the thir-
teenth century in Leinster, Munster, and Connaught, that we must look
for the heirs of such lands as he, with the help of his brothers, acquired
in Ireland. To identify and trace with perfect accuracy the descent of
that one of Raymond's nephews, or grand-nephews, who founded the
baronial family at Lixnaw, is an impossibility at present, nor can it
ever be done until all the medieval Irish State Papers have been
calendared on the plan adopted by Mr. Sweetman, by competent Irish
scholars : (see Journal, vol. vi., Fifth Ser., p. 233).
But by a careful study of those mediaeval Irish State Papers which
Mr. Sweetman and Mr. Handcock have calendared so well, and by col-
lating those documents with such portions of the Irish annals and tra-
ditions as are trustworthy in genealogical matters, we may certainly be
able to correct the errors of the modern pedigree-makers, and to form a
reasonable judgment about the origin of this ancient baronial family
whose history for many generations was virtually the history of Kerry.
It is necessary when beginning our researches to bear in mind that,
between 1200 and 1500, surnames, as we understand them, were only in
process of formation, and that the process in Ireland and Wales was
much slower than in England. Lodge and Archdall (Peerage of Ireland,
vol. ii., p. 185, Ed. 1789) say, that the founder of Ardfert Friary, in or
about 1253, was the first to assume the surname of Fitz Maurice. But
the State Papers prove that this was not the case, and that for many
generations after that date the Lords of Kerry used patronymics, as did
their Geraldine cousins of Desmond and Leinster, causing some confusion
in their genealogies before the creation of the Earldoms of Kildare and
Desmond. Raymond Le Gros, as he was nicknamed, signed himself
Raymond Fitz William, as the son of William Fitz Gerald, elder brother
of Maurice Fitz Gerald (v. Giraldus, Book i., chap, xiii., and Journal,
vol. vi., p. 227, Fifth Series) ; and Raymond's younger brother, Griffin,
also used the patronymic ; while Odo, their eldest brother, called him-
self Odo de Carew, from his lordship of Carew Castle in Wales (Ibid.
p. 230). The sons of Griffin called themselves Gilbert, Matthew, Ray-
mond, and Griffin Fitz Griffin ; while their sons and some of the grand-
sons of Odo de Carew used the patronymics of Fitz Raymond, Fitz
Nicholas, and, sometimes, the territorial surname, de Carew, indifferently.
We have seen (ttid. p. 232) that the pedigree of William Fitz Gerald's
descendants drawn up by Anstis, Ulster King, and shown by Mr. Pole
Carew of Anthony, in Cornwall, to the late Sir John Maclean, F.S.A.,
was proved correct by Sir John's exhaustive researches in the unpublished
State Papers of the thirteenth century, so far, that is, as it related to Odo
de Carew, eldest brother and heir of Raymond, and Odo's son, William
de Carew, in 1213 ; and the fact that he, William, was a Geraldine, not
a Montgomery, as some genealogists asserted he was. Anstis also was
correct in stating that Odo had three brothers, viz. Raymond Le Gros,
who died s. p., William, and Griffin ; but Anstis was wrong in stating
that Griffin died s. p.\ and Sir John Maclean followed him in this error,
because when he wrote in 1851, the thirteenth-century State Papers
relating to Ireland had not been arranged and calendared. At page 184
of the third volume, Fifth Series, of this Journal, in a very interesting
Paper on the Kilkenny Geraldines, Mr. G. D. Burtchaell, Fellow,
quotes a register of the monastery at Kells, in Kilkenny, preserved in
Trinity College Library, which states that Griffin Fitz William left
two sons, Matthew and Griffin, and that the last-mentioned left two
sons, Raymond and Gilbert. But Mr. Burtchaell admits, in a foot-
note, that an Inquisition amongst the State Papers of 1290, calen-
dared by Mr. Sweetman, proves that this pedigree in the register of the
Kells monastery is wrong. This register seems to be only a copy of an
original, written probably in the fifteenth century ; and for this and
other good reasons, it cannot be accepted as correct against the legal
evidence of the following Inquisition of 1290. Still, on one point, the
monastic register does supply an omission in the Inquisition by giving
Griffin Fitz William a son named Griffin. This omission, however, is not
an error, but was simply caused by this Griffin Fitz Griffin not being in
any way concerned with the legal proceedings disclosed in the Inqui-
sition. We have full evidence, however, that he existed and was a
magnate of Ireland in 1220. He is mentioned in a Charter of Thomas
Fitz Anthony, Lord of Decies and Desmond, before 1224, granting lands
to the Cistercian monastery of St. Mary's, Dublin. In this Charter,
calendared by Sir J. T. Gilbert, P.S.A., he is called " Griffin filio Griffini
tune Vice-Comite de Dungarvan." In 1218 the Bishop of Waterford
complained to the King and Council that Fitz Anthony and Griffin Fitz
Griffin, had unjustly disseised him of the castle and lands of Lismore,
Ardmore, and Ardfinnan (Calendar, 1. S. P., vol. i., p. 126).
Mr. Sweetman in the third vol. of his Calendars of same, has the fol-
lowing abstract of the above-mentioned Inquisition : —
" DUBLIN, May 6th, 1290.— The jurors upon their oath say, that
Raymond Le Gros enfeoffed his brother Griffin Fitz "William, of
Fynnore and Kells in Fothered, for the service of two knights of
his Court at the Castle of Fothered, and that after Griffin's death,
Gilbert, his son and heir, succeeded to his inheritance, that Gilbert
begot a daughter named Clarice, who was a-half year old when
her father died; nevertheless, after Gilbert's death, Matthew Fitz
Griffin, brother of Gilbert, entered the lands, and held them all his
life, and after Matthew's death Raymond, his brother, entered the
lands, and held them for seven years; then Clarice, aforesaid, went
to William de Dene and Richard of Rochelle, locum tenens of John
Fitz Geoffrey! then Justiciary, and promised to each of them a third
of the lands, provided they would aid her in recovering them. By
their counsel and aid, Clarice recovered the lands in the Court of
the Liberty of Carlow, and having had seisin, she enfeoffed "William
: . de Dene and Richard of Rochelle, respectively, of one-third of them,
rendering each one penny a-year at Easter ; and afterwards Clarice
enfeoffed John Fitz John, her son, of her own third part of them
with the demesne of the said "William and Richard ; and after some
time, John enfeoffed William de Dene aforesaid of his third part
in free socage, yearly rendering at Easter three pence, or a pair of
iron spurs. They further say, that the said William de Dene went
to William de Maleherbe, then Seneschal of Carlow, and gave him
a sum of money to receive suit of Court at the castle of Fothered,
and to render the service aforesaid of two knights to the Earl
Marshal at that castle for the lands of Fynnore and Kells, which
service the said William rendered all his life ( Q. R. Irish Exchequer
Records, 531, No. 9 ; Sweetman's Calendar, L S. P., vol. iii.,
p. 294)."
Here we have legal evidence of the existence of three sons of Griffin
Fitz William, said by Anstis, and others, to have died childless, and
-further the Inquisition shows us that the eldest of the three died first,
leaving only an infant daughter named Clarice. The Inquisition also is
very interesting, as showing us how justice, was bought and sold in those
1 John 0' Donovan, in his notes to the Four Masters, vol. iii., p. 315, and other
writers, have mistaken this John Fitz Geoffrey for a son of Geotirey de Marisco,
Justiciary in 1224. Dugdale shows thait John Fitz Geoffrey was the son of Geoffrey
Fitz Piers, created Earl of Essex, hy King John, a connexion of the De Says and
old days, and how difficult it was for daughters to hold their inheritance,
and how by degrees the descendants of William Fitz Gerald were
" elbowed " out of Leinster by the heirs of Strongbow and Eva. Giraldus
tells us that, at even an earlier date, Raymond Le Gros and Fitz Stephen
were obliged by Fitz Adelm to move westward into "remote and barren
territories" (Giraldus, Book n., chap, xv., p. 276). Odo de Carew's
descendants and representatives, marrying amongst the Digons, and the
De Mohun's connexions, or descendants of Strongbow and Eva's heirs,
continued to hold Idrone, but the youngest branches of William Fitz
Gerald's family, nephews and grand-nephews of Odo and Raymond Le
Gros, and the younger grandsons of Odo, evidently moved westward into
the " remote territories " of Giraldus' history obtained by Fitz Stephen,
De Cogan, and Raymond, in Desmond and Kerry, by the power of the
sword confirmed by royal grants. The brilliant valour of the Irish tribes
in those territories would have proved more than a match for that of
the invaders but for the clan system which the Rev. Dr.Todd in his notes
to the Wars of the Gael with the Gaill, truly said, made an Irish army a
" rope of sand " against an enemy. As it was, the English invaders had
to fight desperately for every acre they obtained west of the Barrow and
the Maine ; and could only hold what they did obtain, by intermarriages
with members of certain Irish clans whom they conciliated by helping
them to fight a rival clan, and by adopting the old Irish usages of fos-
terage, tanistry, gavelkind, tributes in kind, &c.
The history of Matthew Fitz Griffin and his connexion with Carrick-
mac Griffin, or Carrick-on-Suir, will be found in Mr. Burtchaell's before-
mentioned Paper. As this Inquisition states that, at Matthew's death,
his brother Raymond succeeded to the lands unjustly detained from their
niece by both brothers in her minority, we may suppose that the Kells
monastic register in Trinity College is right in stating that Matthew died
S.2)- But we have no good proof that Raymond Fitz Griffin died child-
less. The monastic register seems to say he did, but as it is proved
incorrect respecting Raymond's and Matthew's parentage by the Inquisi-
tion given above, we cannot look on it as trustworthy evidence for the
pedigree of Griffin Fitz William's descendants. We find from the Irish
State Papers that Raymond Fitz Griffin, Clarice's uncle, was living in
July, 1255, and contesting her claims to her father's land, and that he
still held lands in Leinster in 1279 (Calendar, I. S.P., vol. ii., pp. 74,
326). In 1278 and in 1282 a William Fitz Raymond was a juror on im-
portant Inquisitions taken at Clonmel. The inquisition of the latter
year was to ascertain the possessions of John Fitz Thomas (Fitz Gerald)
in Desmond at the time of his death in battle at Callan, near Kenmare, in
1261, when William de Dene, Justiciary, who had aided Clarice as the
Inquisition of 1290 tells us, was also killed by the victorious O'Sullivans,
Mac Carthys, O'Driscolls, and other Munster tribes. Philip Fitz Ray-
mond was an inhabitant of Waterford in 1286 (Calendar, vol. iii., p. 94).
If it be said those Fitz Raymonds may have been sons of a Raymond
<le Carew, I do not doubt that this is probable enough, for there were,
at least, two Raymond de Carews living in Tipperary in 1290 (Ibid.
p. 355) ; and in a schedule of debts of John of Callanin the eleventh and
twelfth years of Edward I. the name of Raymond de Carew of Water-
ford appears, while in 1277 William de Carew held the serjeantry of
the county Waterford in fee (Ibid. pp. 263 and 498). But it is to be
remembered that those Carews, if they were not the descendants of
Griffin Fitz William, and his sons, in the male or female line, were cer-
tainly his nephews or grand-nephews, and the nephews or grand-nephews
of Raymond Le Gros, and sons or grandsons of his brother and heir, Odo
de Carew (v. Journal, Part 3, vol. vi., p. 237). Lodge and Archdall,
writing more than 120 years ago, had, no doubt, access to old papers of
more or less value at Lixnaw Court, and elsewhere now lost or dispersed.
They also carefully noted the Kerry traditions of different branches of
the Fitz Maurice family at that place, and atCosfealy (Duagh) and Bal-
lykealy. I am myself very sceptical of the value of such traditions, and
think Irish writers are generally disposed to depend on them too much.
But not the less do I believe that traditions should never be altogether
disregarded by students of history and genealogy, because they often in-
dicate in a confused, vague way, where the truth lies, and help us to
reach it by patiently collating them with contemporary legal documents.
Now one of the oldest traditions gleaned by Archdall and Lodge in
Kerry, about the first Fitz Maurice, Lord of Kerry, the founder of the
Franciscan friary at Ardfert, was, that he was the son of Maurice Fitz
Raymond by Joanna, daughter (she was really niece) of Meyler Fitz Henry,
Justiciary of Ireland, from 1204 to 1208, and that this Maurice was son
of Raymond Le Gros. The traditions further stated that said Thomas
Fitz Maurice, first Lord of Kerry, son of Maurice Fitz Raymond, married
Grace, daughter of Dermot Mac Murrogh, King of Leinster, in 1170, and
was buried with her circa 1181, under an altar tomb, close to the high
altar of the Ardfert Friary, of which we have had such faithful sketches
from Mr. Wakeman's gifted pencil and pen. (See Journal, vol. v., Fifth
Series, pp. 37 and 38, and 330). Contemporary history, as I have said,
proves, that the first step in those descents is wrong, the vague tradition
that Raymond Le Gros left a son Maurice, has no support in that history.
The Fitz Henry wife, tradition says, brought Rattoo, Ballyheigue, and
Kilbury, as her dowry to her husband Maurice Fitz Raymond, and as
those lands, or some of them, are proved by the State Papers of 1203-10,
to have belonged to Meyler Fitz Henry, and were afterwards amongst
the earliest possessions of the Lords of Kerry, we may accept as true
these traditions of the marriage and the dowry. But as regards the
tradition that Thomas Fitz Maurice, son and heir of Maurice, and his
Fitz Henry wife, married the daughter of King Dermot Mac Murrogh of
1170, chronology and history alike prove that it cannot be correct, and
we must therefore reject it. Dermot Mae Murrogh or Dermot-na-nGall
(i.e. Dermot of the English strangers), as he was called by his country-
men, died in 1171, at the age of eighty one, according to John O'Donovan
in his notes to the Four Masters, vol. ii., page 1182. A daughter of
his, born in 1161, would therefore have been almost a centenarian in
1253, and far too elderly a bride for a grandson of Raymond Le Gros,
who died in 1183 (Four Masters, notes, page 61, vol. iii.). But a grand-
daughter or great-granddaughter of King Dermot would have been
of a suitable age in 1253, for a bride of a grandnephew of Raymond
Le Gros, and we shall presently see that such a marriage did really take
The contemporary accounts of Dermot Mac Murrogh's children are
meagre and contradictory. They give him at least two sons, Connor and
Donald. Giraldus says, the former only was legitimate ; but Maurice Regan,
Dermot's secretary, writes of Donald as a legitimately born prince. Giral-
dus says that Eva, the wife of Strongbow, whom her father King Dermot
made heiress of Leinster, had sworn in England that Donald was illegiti-
mate. But on such a point Giraldus cannot be a trustworthy authority.
Whatever may have been the number of King Dermot' s legitimate
children, the claims of Eva, as heiress of Leinster, were wholly illegiti-
mate according to Irish law. They were invented in face of it, by
Dermot to obtain the aid of Strongbow against his own countrymen, and
were enforced and maintained by the swords of Strongbow and his
English followers. If Dermot left no adult male issue, the heir to his
dominions, according to Irish law and usage, was his tanist brother,
Murrogh-na-nGael (*'. e. Murrogh of the Irish) as he was called, because
he opposed Dermot and his English allies, and under that law and usage
Eva could never be heiress of Leinster. She and her only child Isabel,
wife of the Earl Marshal, probably both fully recognized this fact, and
the latter is said to have predicted that the breach of Irish law by her
Irish grandfather King Dermot, would result in the disappointment of
Strong-bow's hopes, for that her own five sons would die without male
heirs, and that Leinster would again pass away in the female line to
strangers. If Isabel or any one else made such a prediction we know
that it was actually verified before 1320 in a very remarkable manner.
No impartial student of history can doubt that Dermot Mac Murrogh
was a bad king and a bad man, but the evil wrought by such men to
their own confusion and ultimate loss, often results in some good to
generations that come after them. The soul of goodness in things
evil is a mystery, but a powerful witness against a desolating spirit of
Leaving the dreary bloodstained records of the old Leinster king's life,
I believe that the true explanation of the Kerry traditions of a descendant
of his having been buried with her husband in the Friary of St. Francis
at Ardfert, will be found in the following facts. In the Chartulary of
JOUR. R.S.A.I., VOL. YII., PT. III., 5'1'H SER.
St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin, edited by Sir J. T. Gilbert, F.S.A., we find
a document drawn up circa 1230, to settle a dispute concerning the lands
of Glancullen, between the abbot and monks of that community, and
Johannes Gillaholmoc and his wife " Claricia filia Gilbertifilii Griffini"
The husband and wife demised Glancullen for the good of their own, and
their ancestor's souls, to the said abbey, at a rent of one mark yearly,
and after her husband's death Clarice gave a confirmation (also calendared
by Sir J. T. Gilbert) of this grant. John O'Donovan in his notes to the-
Four Masters (vol. ii. p. 847), and Sir J. T. Gilbert in his valuable history
of Dublin, and his edition of the before mentioned Chartulary, have given
an account of the powerful Leinster chief Donnel Mac Gillaholmoge,
servant of St. Mocholmoge, or Gillaholmoc, who is said to have been
the founder of St. Mary's Abbey. He married a daughter of Xing
Dermot Mac Murrogh, and had by her a son Dermot, who was the father
of the above-mentioned John Gillaholmoc, the husband, as proved by the
charter of Glancullen to St. Mary's, of Clarice proved by same, and also by
the Inquisition of 1290, to have been the granddaughter of Griffin Fitz-
William and the grandniece of Raymond Le Gros. It is matter of
history, that the chief invaders of Ireland in 1169-72, and their descen-
dants, were connected by constant intermarriages. Maurice de Carew, a
grandnephew or great-nephew of Raymond Le Gros, claimed as we have
seen (Journal, Part 3, vol. vi., Fifth Series, p. 324, and Lynch's Feudal
Dignities of Ireland, p. 152), lands in Desmond in 1311, in right of his
descent from De Cogan and Fitz Stephen, to whom Henry the Second
had granted all the lands lying between Waterford and Brandon Hill, in
Kerry. His claim as lord paramount of certain lands in this wide district
was allowed by a royal mandate still lying among the Memoranda
Exchequer MSS., fourth and fifth Edward II., in the Dublin Public Record
Office, of which I had an official certified copy made in 1 895. My belief —
subject to correction by the as yet unpublished and unarranged State
Papers of mediaeval times in London and Dublin — is, that a daughter of
John Gillaholmoc (grandson of Dermot Mac Murrogh' s daughter) and his
wife Clarice, granddaughter of Griffin, brother of Raymond Le Gros,
married Thomas Fitz Maurice, first Lord of Kerry, son of a Maurice Fitz
Raymond, whose father, Raymond, was either the Raymond Fitz Griffin
of the Inquisition of 1290, or else his cousin, a Raymond de Carew, and
that the old Kerry tradition recorded, but slightly confused, as usual, the
relationship which did really exist between the wife of Lord Kerry
and the Leinster royal family of 1200-60. She was not of course the
daughter of King Dermot, dead in 1171, at the age of eighty-one, but the
daughter of his great-grandson John Gillaholmoc, living between 1215 and
1245 (v. Sweetman's Calendar I. S. P. vol. i. pp. 88 and 53.) The descents,
in brief, reconciling the traditions and history were as follows : —
Raymond Le Gros,
died*, .p. 1183.
Griffin Fitz William.
Odo de Carew, father of William
and Raymond de Carew.
Gilbert Fitz Griffin.
Clarice, only child, v. Inquisi- = John Gillaholmoc,
tion of 1290— Gal. I. S. P.,
vol. iii., p. 294, and Gilbert's
"Chartulary of St. Mary's."
great grandson of
King Dermot Mac
Grace, or Grany, Gillaholmoc,
great great granddaughter of
King Dermot Mac Murrogh.
Raymond Fitz Griffin.
Maurice Fitz Raymond mar-
ried Joanna Fitz Henry,
heiress of Rattoo, Killury,
and Bally heigue, in Kerry.
Thomas Fitz Maurice, first
Lord of Kerry, buried,
with his wife, in the
Franciscan Friary at Ard-
fert in 1280 (Archdall's
"Lodge," vol. ii.).
I do not insist that this short table of descents, framed, after carefully
collating the thirteenth-century State Papers and monastic chartularies
with the traditions of Kerry, for six hundred years, about the wife of its
first Lord, is indisputably correct. But I maintain that it has reason and
history to support it, and is much more likely to be correct than any
other put forth up to the present time, founded on the mythical traditions
about a supposed son of Raymond Le Gros, whose cousin -german,
contemporary and loving admirer, Giraldus Cambrensis says, left no
children by his wife Basil ia De Clare, and whose illegitimate son, if he
ever existed (we have not a particle of proof he ever did exist), would
assuredly never have been allowed by his De Carew and Fitz Griffin
cousins to seize on the lands of their uncle, which lands they helped him
to acquire in Desmond and Kerry. The Annals of Innisfallen show us
how William, the eldest son of Odo de Carew, after the death of his uncle
Raymond Le Gros, whose heir he was, extended his conquests into Des-
mond, and built castles at Kenmare and other parts of the present county
Kerry, including Lixnaw, according to an ancient Irish MS., which
Florence Mac Carthy Reagh, son in-law of Mac Carthy, Earl of Clancare,
showed to Sir George Carew in 1599 (see Journal, Part 3, vol. vi.,
Fifth Series, p. 233). The heirs of this William de Carew resided at
Mulresford in Devonshire, or in Idrone in Leinster, but we may reasonably
suppose one of his younger sons or grandsons, or one of his younger
nephews, or Fitz Griffin cousins, bearing the favourite Christian name of
Raymond, in memory of their great collateral ancestor, was made by him
Warden of his castles and lands in Desmond and Kerry, doing knightly
service for them, as the Barrys and some of the Geraldines are shown to
have done in 1311, by the before-mentioned royal mandate to Maurice de
Thus Raymond Fitz Griffin, or Raymond de Carew was, I feel sure,
the grandfather of the first Lord Kerry, who used the patronymic of
Thomas Fitz Maurice, and who from being a great feudal tenant on his
Carew cousin's Kerry lands, after the usual Geraldine fashion, soon be-
came the chief lord of the district. The encroachments of the Earl
Marshal's heirs in Leinster, and subsequently the Wars of the Roses in
England, drew the eldest branch of William de Carew's family back to
Devonshire, where their most valuable estates under royal grants lay, so
that the younger branch at Ardfert andLixnaw had nothing to fear from
them. But by degrees, between 1230 and 1330, the descendants of Fitz-
Griffins and Carews at those places found formidable rivals in their kins-
men, the descendants of Thomas Mor Fitz Gerald, father by his wife
Elinor de Marisco of John Fitz Thomas Fitz Gerald, who fell at the
battle of Callan, in 1261, the husband of Fitz Anthony's heiress. Those
powerful and warlike magnates and their descendants the Earls of Des-
mond, slowly but surely encroached on the territories of the old Lords of
Kerry, and waxed so great after 1329, that it is popularly supposed the
latter were originally their vassals. But the reverse was the fact as the
medieval State Papers prove. An Inquisition taken at Kilmallock, on
the 8th of August, 1282, to ascertain what lands and tenements John
Fitz Thomas Fitz Gerald held at the time of his death in the battle of
Callan, just twenty- one years before, says —
" The said John Fitz Thomas held at his death . . . (land) called
Acumkery, in the county of Kerry, of Sir Milo de Courcy, for the
service of two knights, wont to be worth in the time of the said John
£100, but now worth only £50; besides the thirds of the Lady
Matilda de Barry, who was the wife of Maurice Fitz John, the
greater part of which is destroyed by the war of the Irish ; and half
a cantred at Denloyth of Geoffrey Tyrel at 20 marks of rent a-year,
wont to be worth forty pounds, now worth twenty marks ; and one
theodum in Moyhynwyr of William de Coher (query ? Poer) for six-
pence a year, and suit at the Court of Maurice Fitz Thomas at Altry,
and half the service of a knight worth twenty marks a year ; and
three carucates at Ogenathy Donechud wont to be worth in time of
peace forty marks and now worth nothing, for they all lie in the
power of the Irish, etc." (Sweetman's Calendar I. S. P. vol. ii.,
p. 429.)
This and other passages in the enormously long Inquisition of 1282
show us how the Irish tribes had reconquered, at and after the battle of
Callan, almost all Kerry and West Desmond from the English. The
Acumkery of the Inquisition is, as the late eminent Irish scholar, W. M.
Hennessy, M.R.I.A., Assistant Keeper of the Records, told me, a misspelling
by the old English scribe of Aicme Ciarraighe, or the district occupied by
the Aicme, i.e. the tribes of King Ciar, from whom descended the O'Coffeys
(Maelcobha), kings of Kerry, ancestors of the O'Connors Kerry of later
ages(v. O'Donovan's^ZVbtes to the Four Masters, vol. ii., p. 891, A.D. 1067).
Mr. Sweetrmm, in the first volume of his Calendars of the I. S. P., gires
the grants of King John to Meyler Fitz Henry of Aicme Ciarraighe,
Huerba, and other lands in Kerry. The latter district was Hi Feorna (or
as it is written in the Tudor State Papers, Offeriba and Hy Fearba),
which lay around the north-west coasts of Tralee and Ballyheigue
bays, and no doubt those cantreds formed part of the dowry of the
Fitz Henry mother of Thomas, first Lord of Kerry. The De Courcys
were probably sub-feudatories of portions of Fitz Henry's grant ; for
an account of Wardships and Escheats in the Public Record Office,
Dublin, and in the Carew MSS. at Lambeth, says that in 1318 the
Lady Annora De Courcy held in dower, amongst other lands in Munster,
the "rents and issues, warrens, fisheries and perquisites of the Court
of Ballionry (Ballyconry), Glenardule and Fenoad (Fenit) in Kerry."
Moyhynwyr seems to be the modern Meenanare in Clanmaurice, and
the important point in the above Inquisition for our present purpose
is, that it shows us, on the sworn evidence of a jury of Kerry and
Cork gentlemen in 1282, that at the time of his death at Callan, in
1261, John Fitz Thomas Fitz Gerald was not, as is popularly supposed,
chief owner of lands in Kerry, but the feudal tenant of small portions
of the county, under the De Courcys and the Fitz Maurice Lords of
Kerry, and that he not only paid rent to a sub-feudatory of the latter,
but did service at his, Maurice Fitz Thomas Fitz Maurice's (Second
Lord of Kerry) manorial Court at Altry, recte Altraighe, which O'Douo-
van, Dr. Reeves, and other eminent Irish scholars tell us was the district
around Tralee, extending from near Fenit to near Castleisland. After
1290, year by year, the descendants of John of Callan, recovering from
the eifects of that battle, won more than they had lost by it. But even
after the marriage of his grandson Thomas Fitz Maurice Fitz Gerald with
" Margaret the king's cousin," as she is styled in the Charter of Desmond
to husband and wife, calendared by Mr. Sweetman, under February 6th,
1292 (v. Calendar, vol. iii., p. 464), and. the creation of the Earldom of
Desmond in 1329, for their eldest surviving son, the Desmond Geraldines
found it well nigh impossible to maintain even a nominal supremacy, over
their cousins and rivals the Fitz Maurices in Clanmaurice. The old
Lords of Kerry and their descendants were still supreme in that portion
of their inheritance, and held it in spite of all opponents by their here-
ditary valour, as the direct descendants of William Fitz Gerald (elder
brother of Maurice) and his sons Fitz Griffins or Carews, and the
collateral descendants of his son the famous Raymond Le Gros. They,
the Fitz Maurices, further strengthened their position by frequent inter-
marriages with the O'Briaiis, princes of Thomond (chief of the quinyu*
Sanguines in the south), the Mac Carthy chiefs of Desmond, the
O'Connors Kerry, and the Mac Mahons, a branch of the O'Brians in
Thomond. For several generations no Desmond Earl ever married for
a first wife a lady of the old Irish blood, nor did the son of an Irish
wife succeed to the Earldom. On the other hand, twelve out of the
nineteen Fitz Maurice Barons of Kerry, living between 1250 and 1660,
married wives of the old Irish blood, six of the remaining seven,
married Geraldines, Roches, or Cauntons, " Hibernis ipsis Hiberniores "
and only one married an English wife, and died in 1541, leaving no male
issue (v. Journal, part 1, vol. v., p. 40). Ultimately the Desmond Earls,
in this fierce struggle for supremacy with their cousins in the old
kingdom of Kerry, found it necessary to patch up a temporary peace, by
intermarriages with them, and their O'Brian connexions. Maurice Fitz-
Thomas, second Baron (by tenure) of Kerry, did good service in the
Scotch wars of the English king, and married, according to Lodge,
Mary, daughter and heir of Sir John MacLeod of Galway, whose arms,
one of the triple towers of the Macleods of the Hebrides, were hence-
forth quartered by the Lords and Earls of Kerry. But there can be
no doubt that the wife of Maurice Fitz Thomas, second Lord Kerry,
was the descendant of the Mac Elgots, who were Seneschals of Connaught
in 1247, and that her father was owner of Galey in JSToith Kerry, and of
the present Chute Hall, and Obrennan near Tralee, before 1620. In
O'Donovan's Notes to the Four Masters, an account of the Mac Eligots of
Connaught and Kerry will be found, vol. iii., page 325. 1 It is highly
probable or certain that they were of the Gall-Gael race of the Hebrides,
and therefore a branch of the Dunvegan chiefs now called Mac Leods.
The history of the Barons of Kerry, between 1250 and 1691, is full of
historic interest and romantic vicissitudes, but time and the space allotted
to me in these pages prevent my entering on it more fully. I hope, how-
ever to be able to say more on the subject of the Mac Eligots, De
Courcys, Walshes, De Clahulls and Hices hereafter, and to give engrav-
ings of the admirable sketches of the interior and exterior of the curious
old round castle of the De Clahulls, or De Courcys, on Barrow Head,
close to Fenit, which were taken for me by Mr. Wakeman in 1894.
1 There is a Car (Caer or Cahir] Elgi on the Scottish horders (see "Veitch,"
vol. i., p. 36).
( 243 )
Observations of the History of "Holed Stones" in France and
Ireland, by Mons. P. Joly, Lodeve (taken from a communication sent to
Dr. Frazer, Vice-President). — The distinction you make of the Pierced
Stones of Ireland into two categories appears to me logical and judicious,
for, as you well say, the monoliths with large openings can be differenti-
ated from those of small dimensions. Are not the first the remnants of
ancient dolmens, and is not the " Cultus " associated with them, a remi-
niscence of that of the dead. That is my opinion, though it is not that of
M. de Montillet. Open " Prehistoric Man " by Lubbock at page 118,
and suppress all the other stones of the dolmen, and you will have the
pierced stones of the " Haute Saone." There are observable in them, it
is true, only oval openings, but they are of sufficient size to permit, if
necessary, a man passing through them. The stones owe their preser-
vation, I believe, to the special " cultus " of which they have for a long
time been the object. As for the monoliths which you classify in your
second category, and they are the most numerous, there is nothing
analogous to them in our regions.
But the most striking and interesting fact, it appears to me, is that
the pierced stones have been in Ireland, as in France, the objects of a
superstitious cultus. This once more demonstrates that the same race
spread itself over both countries. You are aware of the legend which
peoples Hibernia with a colony from Iberia, whence it follows that tho
nations who inhabited that region, or at least a great part, were of the
same family ; but what is this race ? Allow me to place before you my
ideas on this point. As you are occupied with the study of Archae-
ology? you will perhaps find in them something that may interest you.
What principally struck me in ancient and even modern geographical
names is the frequent occurrence of the root " Seek" and " Sick," some-
times a little modified, but perfectly recognisable, and almost always
associated with another substantive which completes and defines it. For
instance, in Southern Germany I have met with more than 100 names of
localities commencing with the root " Seek" or " Sick" e.g. Seckingen ;
Seckendorf, the village of the Seeks ; Seckhof, the house of the Seeks ;
Sickengen, the field of the Sicks ; Sickenkirch, the church or temple of
the Sicks. From which fact I have been led to think that this root, so
often repeated, and with the suffixes which give it a meaning, may be
that which represents the people whom the ancient authors call Celts,
and which scholars of the present day have nowhere found. This name
of " Seek" is generally applied to the "Sequanes" alone (Seck-an) whose
primitive name would have been altered by the Romans, who, not possess-
ing the latter K, replaced it by Q, which in Latin is always followed by
the vowel u. What further tends to confirm this opinion is that the
" Seckana " or Seck-na has been changed into " Seine." If the root
" Seek " appears to belong, as has often been said, to the " Sequanes," that
of " Sick " seems to have been borne by the " Sickules" (Sick-ur), the
primitive Sicks, who had, from their arrival in Central Gaul, occupied
Italy. If we are to believe scholars, "Sick" ought to be pronounced
" Seuk," which would bring it still nearer " Seek," of which it appears
to me to be only a slight modification. The two peoples " Seck-an " and
" Sick-ur" would then be but two branches of the Aryan family of
"Seeks" derived from Asia (cf. Seeks and Celts). In France we find
the same root under the Roman form of Segondi, Sig more often. Thus
in the valley of the Rhone we meet with the " Secusiani liberi " of Pliny,
the Segalanni, the Segobriges, upon whose territory Marseilles was
founded, and at the mouths of the Rhone, the Secoani. All these
people's names seem to me to have a peculiar analogy with that of the
Sequanes (Seckan) and especially of the Seeks (cf. Sequani and Secoani).
Between the Rhone and Alps we meet again with Segovii (Seek and
Gau, district), the Siconii, and towards the source of the Po the Segusini,
with Segusio (Sux) as their capital (cf. Segusini and Segusiani). Amongst
the towns, let us mention Segobodium (Seveux), Segessera (Bar sur Aube),
Segustero (Sesteron), Segodunum (Rhodes), Segora (Bressiere), SecorPon-
tus (les Sablons d' Olonne), &c.
In Spain, the ancient Iberia, we find Sigobriga (cf. the Segobriges),
Segovia (cf. the Segovii), Segontio, and a dozen localities with the name
Segouria (Seek and Gour). Let us mention further a river named
" Sicanus," which reminds us of the Scianes, who seem to approach near
to the Sequanes.
In England we have the Segonciaci (cf. Segontio), the Selgovii
(cf. Segovii and Segoveas), Segedunum (cf. Segodunum), Seguntium (cf.
Segontio), Segonciaci, and even Seckington.
I have passed by perhaps better examples, but the facts which I have
placed before you seem a confirmation that the customs which are found
alike iu Gaul and Ireland, support the idea that a single race once peopled
the whole of Central and Western Europe. I am led to conclude from
them that this great and ancient race is that of the Seeks which came
there, says Henri Martin, in a condition of social infancy, of which no
recollection is written in human memory. The proof of the high anti-
quity of the Seeks in our regions is not difficult to find ; the ploughshare
(soc de la charrue) has retained in German their name. " Seek " is yet the
name they give in their language to this implement, and sickel is also
applied to the scythe and the sickle. There is a strong probability
that they were the inventors of them, or at least the importers. Let
me add that Secale, the Latin name for Rye, may be analysed into
Seck-cal. Now Cal is a root found in French words, and which, signi-
fies grain in general, from whence Seck-cal would be the grain of the
Seeks. I shall stop here, for the path is slippery, and from Cal to-
Gal or Gall is hut a step ; to-day I should not dare to make it.
Monumental Inscriptions from the Cathedral, Jamaica. — The arm&
given in the Quarterly Part of the Journal for March, 1 897, from the
monument of." Mr. Gerald Bermingham, of the nohle and ancient house
of Athunry," are different from any arms of that family which I have
ever seen, which are, party per pale indented, or and gu. The two spears*
heads in the arms on the monument must he an addition or augmen-
tation of some kind. It would he very interesting to know something
of this Gerald Bermingham, to what branch of the family he belonged,,
and how the spears' heads came to be on his arms. The old Barony
of Athenry was in existence in 1742, the date of the monument, being
then held by Francis, 21st Baron, the first who conformed, whose son
and successor, Thomas, was created Earl of Louth in 1750, on whose
death, in 1799, the earldom became extinct, and the barony went into
abeyance. It has been claimed, I believe, more than once since, though
never successfully. I hope that this note may draw out some informa-
tion on the subject of the branch of the Berminghams of which the
Gerald Bermingham, who died at Jamaica, in 1742, was a member.
There were several branches of the family in existence then, which have
since become extinct in the male line. Lord Leitrim represents one of
them, and quarters the arms.
The arms given as being on the monument of Andrew Arcedeckne
must be wrong; they are " Argent, three chevronels or"; metal on
metal. I think, though of course I cannot be sure, that it should be
argent three chevronels sable; and that the mistake was caused by
the colour being shown on the stone by cross lines for sable, which,
perhaps being worn and in a bad light, may have been mistaken for the
dots representing or. — GEORGE J. HEWSO^, Fellow.
High Cross, Downpatrick. — The old Celtic cross at Downpatrick has
been re-erected there in June this year. The gathering together of the
scattered pieces and their re-erection is due to some of the antiquarian
members of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, assisted by Major
Wallace (Member), and the Yery Rev. P, O'Kane, who had possession of
different fragments.
This cross formerly stood opposite De Courcey's Castle — where the
post-office now is, at the cross-roads, in the centre of the town; and
tradition says it .was brought at a remote time from the Dun, where it
had been erected to the memory of Celtchair, an Irish chieftain. The
old site is now the centre of traffic, and in consequence unsuitable as a
site for its re-erection. The Dean and Chapter of Down Cathedral
have given a site for the cross, and it now stands erected on the grass
triangular plot at the east end of the Cathedral, facing the road leading
up from the town.
The stones of the cross consist of the base, the shaft, and the arms
and circle ; the coping or cap-stone being still undiscovered. These three
stones, with an additional base-stone, which was a necessary insertion
owing to some injuries in the base proper, are now fitted together with
care and precision, and form a cross eleven feet high. No attempt of
any kind has been made to restore the ornament.
The base stone has no trace of ornament left. The shaft on its east
face has four panels, the two centre ones each containing three full-
length figures, and the upper and lower panels, which are only half
the size of the centre ones, contain half-length figures, all evidently being
Scriptural subjects, but now so worn as to be beyond recognition. The
south side of the shaft has one panel its full length, containing a rich
interlacing Celtic pattern closely worked at each end, and expanding to
greater freedom in the centre. This is the most legible ornament on the
cross. The stone above the shaft which extends into the arms bears in
the centre the crucifixion dimly visible on its weatherworn face. The
angles of the cross bear evidence of having once had a round, possibly a
rope moulding. It is to be hoped that the good feeling which prompted
the possessors to give up the stones, and the generosity of those who
contributed to the restoration, will prevail to preserve this cross as a
special attraction to the place where the national saint sleeps after many
years spent amidst the surrounding hills and vales.
The work of re-erection lias been carefully carried out by Mr. Wm.
Hastings, under the supervision of Mr. Wm. J. Fennell, Members of the
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.
The Baginbun Stone. — As Colonel Vigors, in his digest of the
Academy correspondence on this monument (ante, pages 150-163), has
found fault with me for describing it as a "hopeless puzzle," perhaps I
may be allowed to make a brief personal explanation in this matter, and
to give a short account of my present views concerning the stone.
If Colonel Vigors will turn again to my Academy letter of 22nd
September, 1894 (Academy, vol. xlvi., p. 216), which opened the dis-
cussion on the inscription, he will find that I did not use the expression
referred to without some qualification. I said that the inscription, so
far as I could see, was a hopeless puzzle ; which simply means that I
had exhausted all my resources in the vain endeavour to interpret it, but
does not imply that others might not be more fortunate.
As a matter of fact there is no reasonable doubt that the inscription
has actually been deciphered. Though the Academy correspondence,
like most newspaper discussions, was somewhat desultory, and though
some very unlucky shots were made during its course, it led to definite
results, thanks principally to the insight and epigraphic skill of Mr.
Romilly Allen. It may now be regarded as settled that the Baginhun
inscription is an unintelligent copy of the Fethard Castle legend, and
the latter, in its turn, of the writing on the cross at Carew. A further
point has heen noticed by my brother-in-law, Dr. D. Mac Alister, namely,
a gradual rounding of the characters, and an approximation to cursiveness
as we advance from the Carew to the Baginbun stone. This indicates
that a pen-and-ink transcript was taken of each inscription copied, and
slavishly transferred to the next stone of the series. As it happens, the
Baginbun stone, when I last visited it, had in itself the means of study-
ing the degeneration in the form of unknown letters resulting from
unintelligent copying : for some idle person had shortly before been
amusing himself by scratching, on the blank part of the stone, a fairly
accurate, though excessively rude copy of the mysterious writing —
satisfactorily characterising his own mental condition by adding the
letters ASS to his work.
It follows that to interpret the inscription we must go back to the
Carew cross : and if we did not possess that fine monument, I still hold
that the Fethard Castle stone would probably, and the Baginbun stone
certainly, present a ''hopeless puzzle." I have no hesitation in accept-
ing Professor llhys' reading of the Carew inscription so far as the names
MAHGITEUT EECETT — Meredydd of Rheged — is concerned : I prefer to
keep an open mind about the interpretation of the concluding characters
as any form of FECIT, though some such sense must be intended.
The decipherment is, however, only half the enigma. When, by
whom, and, above all, for what purpose the Irish copies were made are
problems which still confront us. For the credit of my country, I
heartily echo Colonel Yigors' hope that these questions (still "hopeless
puzzles" to me) will be attacked, and satisfactorily solved, on the Irish
side of the channel. — 11. A. S. MACALISTER.
" The Dolmens of Ireland," by Mr. Borlase, F.S.A.— At page 841
of the third volume of his new and deeply interesting work, Mr. Borlase,
through an excusable want of time to examine for himself each Irish dis-
trict's prehistoric remains, has fallen into a great error as regards Glenfas,
in AVest Kerry. Writing of the prehistoric cists and menhirs in the glen,
he says, there " is no ruined church near them." Now there is at least
one very remarkable fifth- or sixth-century ruined church, with a stone
circle, pillar- stone with incised cross on it, and bee-hive huts at Kilelton,
still very near the modern Glenfas; but that this primitive church
stands within the bounds of the ancient Glenfas is as certain as anything
can be, for more than one reason already given by me in this Journal.
The main and all-convincing reason of this is, that, from time immemorial,
the tradition of the old Irish -speaking people of the district (familiar to
me from childhood) has been that on the very grave of the pagan
legendary princess Fas, who still gives a name to Glenfas, stands this
little primitive church, now known as Kilelton. In his. account of his
ascent of Cahirconrigh fifty- six years ago, published in the Ulster Journal
of Archeology, Windele tells us that the Irish-speaking people of
Kilelton, and around it, told him that the church stood over the grave
of Fas. The remains of the low tumulus, and the western side of the
stone circle around it, are still distinctly visible, and on the apex is the
ruined church. ISTot examining it for himself, Mr. Borlase has missed
the most striking illustration, perhaps, in Ireland, of the correctness of
his judgment, that the earliest Christian churches in the island were
erected over graves of pagans, venerated by a prehistoric race, where
pagan sacrifices had been offered. — MARY AGNKS HICKSON, Hon. Local
Secretary for Kerry.
Note on the Derivation of the New Grange Spirals.— At the
Meeting of the British Association, Liverpool, 1896, Mr. A. J. Evans,
in his Address as President of the Anthropological Section, briefly
reviewed the argument I have developed regarding the derivation of
the JSTew Grange Spirals. Mr. Evans accepts the evidence of "a direct
connexion between Great Britain and Scandinavia from the end of the
Stone Age onwards"; but asks the question: Ought the prolongation of
the Bronze Age trade-route from Scandinavia to Ireland "to be regarded
as the historic clue to the contemporary appearance of the spiral motive
in the British Islands ? Is it to this earlier intercourse with the land of
the Yikings that we must ascribe the spiral scrolls on the slabs of the
great chambered barrows of the Irish Bronze Age, best seen in the most
imposing of them all, before the portal and on the inner chambers of
New Grange?"
"The possibility of such connexion," Mr. Evans says, "must be
admitted." " The probability," he adds, " is great that the contemporary
appearance of the spiraliform ornament in Ireland and on the continent
of Europe is due to direct derivation." But, he suggests, "it does not
follow that the only alternative is to believe that the spiral decoration of
the Irish monuments necessarily connects itself with the ancient stream
of intercourse flowing from Scandinavia." *
The following is a summary of the leading points of Mr. Evans'
argument in favour of a "West Mediterranean route : — If the spiral had
been a feature of the Scandinavian rock-carvings, the argument for
derivation from that side would have been strong. But they are not
1 In addition to the references to amber "beads found in Ireland, in section vin.,
i-hould be mentioned twenty -seven amber beads found in a tumulus at liella Hill,
Carricki'ergus, county Antrim. — Ulster Journal of Archeology, vol. vi., p. 171.
found in them; and, on the other hand, the sculptures on the dolmens of
the Morbihan equally show certain features common to the Irish stone
chambers, including the primitive ship-figure. The prehistoric stone
buildings of Malta, which show in their primitive conception a great
affinity to the megalithic chambers of the earliest British barrows, bear
witness on this side to the extension of the -3£gean spiral system in a
somewhat advanced stage, and accompanied, as at New Grange, with
intermediate lozenges. In Sardinia there is evidence of the former
existence of monuments of Mycenaean architecture in which the chevron,
the lozenge, and the spiral might have been associated as in Ireland. It
is on this line, rather than on the Danube and the Elbe, that we find in
a continuous zone that Cyclopean tradition of domed chambers which is
equally illustrated at Mycenae and at New Grange. These indications,
Mr. Evans adds, gain additional force from a remarkable find in a British
barrow excavated by Canon Greenwell on Folkton Wold, Yorkshire,
consisting of three chalk objects, resembling round boxes with bossed
lids, The ornaments on the lids show concentric circles of degenerate
spiral form, and upon the sides of two of these chalk objects, associated
with chevrons, saltires, and lozenges, are indications of faces recalling
the early JEgean and Trojan types of Dr. Schliemann ; also some other
forms, which Mr. Evans regards as Mycenaean (" Address," pp. 8 and 9).
With every wish to defer to Mr. Evans' judgment on a subject which
he has made in an especial degree his own, I am unable to accept
the conclusion he has reached. It may be at once conceded that it is
possible, not to say probable, that .ZEgean influence reached the west
coast of Europe, but the gaps in the evidence for the derivation of the
New Grange spirals appear to me to be greater on the west coast route
than on the Scandinavian side. That the spiral motive, which Mr. Evans
has shown can be put back in the JEgean to a period contemporary with
the XII. Dynasty of Egypt, should be found at various points of the
Mediterranean area is to be expected. The spirals at Malta are in relief,
but we may assume them to belong to the same system as those under
consideration. The remarkable fact is not that an occasional example
should be found at Malta, but that examples should be so rare in the
western basin of the Mediterranean.
The influence of the JEgean spiral possibly extended beyond the
Mediterranean to the west. Incised markings have been figured from
the Canary Islands (" Materiaux," 1878, pi. vii.) which would be
absolutely in place at Dowth. They include spirals and zigzags, and
a boat-form. Other examples, also including spirals, resemble in
general character rock-markings in America, and are compared by
Mallery -with examples in California and Brazil ("Mallery," pp. 58,
59, figs. 144 and 145). But proceeding northward we have no station
for the spiral till we come to Gavrinis in Brittany.
The chalk objects from Folkton are a strong point. The face-type
on these " boxes" has been compared with the face-type of sculptured
representations of a female divinity on dolmens in the south of France
(Gard), and found as far north as Marne. Cartailhac refers the type to
Sardinia, and further to Hissarlik ("1'Anthropologie," 1894, p. 155).
But though a line of communication is thus provisionally established
through France to the eastern basin of the Mediterranean, the possi-
bility of such connexions throws into relief the fact that the spiral is not
carried on the dolmens with sculptures of a female divinity ; it is not
found on them, and renders all the more significant the failure of the
spiral in the West. The exceptional nature of the Folkton objects, coupled
with the fact that the Hissarlik face-type has been found on urns in the
north of Germany ("Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic," 1894, p. 53), also the
wide distribution of saltire and lozenge patterns, renders it, I think,
doubtful that these chalk objects can be regarded as evidence for a
west-coast route, to the exclusion of more central lines of communica-
tion. That there are elements in the ornament of New Grange not to
be attributed to northern influence may be readily conceded. The
saltire and lozenge are rare in Scandinavia, and these forms at New
Grange, no doubt, represent the general extension of such ornaments to
the west in the Bronze Age, possibly entering Ireland from the south.
I have indicated so much when discussing the saltire and the lozenge.1
But here, again, as in the case of the face-type, the spiral fails to follow
these patterns westward.
It is true, as Mr. Evans points out, that it is on the western line,
" rather than on the Danube and the Elbe, that we find in a continuous
zone that Cyclopean tradition of domed chambers which is equally
illustrated at Myceme and at New Grange." But we must remember
that this series, if it be a series, is carried up to Scandinavia. Chamber
graves, with passages and encircling stones, are numerous in Scandinavia.
But the spiral has not been carried on these monuments to Scandinavia.
There are differences of types on the way, and it is remarkable that the
examples most closely resembling those at Mycenae and in Caria should
be found so far away as Ireland and the Orkneys. If the form of this
class of monuments represents a primitive and widely spread hut-type,
it is possible that the connexions between the sepulchral monuments
are not so direct as has been generally assumed. That there is evidence
of intercourse between the Iberian West and Britain and Ireland in the
Stone and Bronze Ages, is generally accepted. But the difficulty I find
in regarding the New Grange spirals as having been carried on stone by
the West Mediterranean route is, that the examples in the Canary Islands,
if we venture to include the latter in the group, as also those at Gavrinis,
1 The ornament on an urn of late form found near Joppa, Edinburgh, strongly
recalls the painted geometric patterns of Cypriote pottery.— Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot.,
vol. xvi., p. 423.
show the exhaustion of the motive, and we are compelled, if we take
Gavrinis as an intermediate station, to look on the spirals at New Grange
as an ascending series — in fact, a local development reascending the
higher forms of the motive. It seems to me to be more reasonable to
regard the higher forms of spirals at New Grange as an extension of the
higher forms of the series so widely distributed in the Scandinavian
Mr. Evans is clearly influenced by the consideration that the spiral
first appears on stone. As he remarks, " the important feature to observe
is that here (Egypt), as in the case of the early ^iEgean examples, the
original material on which the spiral ornament appears is stone, and that
so far from being derived from an advanced type of metal work, it goes
back in Egypt to a time when metal was hardly known." I have
already expressed dissent from the inference that the spiral is therefore
original on stone. Professor Petrie's discoveries at Naquada show that
between the VI. and XI. Dynasties, the spiral was a frequent form of
decoration on the pottery of the non-Egyptian race. Professor Petrie
attributes the spiral in this instance to a conventional representation of
blotched limestone breccia used for stone vases. But however the case
may be for the earlier ^Egean spiral, it appears to me that the main
impulse of the Mycenae spirals is derived from the painted decorations of
the XVIIL-XIX. Dynasties of Egypt. But even if this be not
accepted, it is pretty generally agreed that the main body of the spiral
decoration of Mycenae is to be placed between the 15th and the 12th
centuries B.C., and that it is from the spiral ornament of that period
that the spirals of Scandinavia have been derived.1 Now, the fact
that the zone of Cyclopean domed chambers extends to Scandinavia,
and that the spiral has not been carried to the north on these
monuments, together with the fact that the monuments inscribed
with the spiral form numerically a small minority, and, further,
that the spiral and other ornaments are placed on the stones of such
monuments as have them in a most haphazard way, strongly suggest the
idea, I think, that the incised ornaments have not been developed on the
monuments or carried on them as a tradition, but, on the contrary, have
been transferred to the monuments from other objects.
The question has now to be faced of the transference of the Scandi-
navian spirals in metal, to stone in Ireland. I have dealt partly with
this difficulty in section vin. of my Paper in this Journal^ 1896, Part i.
In architecture the transference of painted and textile patterns to
stone is a commonplace. But we can give a particular answer from
Scandinavia. The carvings of ships so numerous on the rock- surf aces of
1 The Scandinavian spirals, in several instances, appear to be closer to the Mycenae
spirals than those of the Hungarian area. It is possible that excavations along the
eastern slopes of the Carpathians would throw some additional light on the subject.
Sweden are rarely found on stone in Denmark. Rock -surf aces do not,
it is true, crop up in the latter country, but the ship motive is frequent
on bronze in Denmark. It is from the examples in bronze that rock-
carvings in Sweden are decided to be Bronze Age. Again, it is an
over- statement to say that the spiral is not found in the Scandinavian
rock-carvings. It is no doubt relatively rare, but its occurrence is
sufficiently marked to be included in the following general description of
rock-carvings near Norrkoping in Sweden — " Ces figures representant
des homines, des chevaux, des epees, des boucliers, des na vires, des
ecuelles, des spirales simples et doubles etc.," and to be used as an
argument for the age of the sculptures — " les epees, les boucliers et les
spirales rapellent tellement 1'age du bronze, que M. Hildebrand croit
avec beaucoup de raison que les sculptures en question appartiennent a
cet age" (Bmzelius, Cong. Prehist. Stockholm, vol. i. p. 475). More-
over, if the spiral is rare on the Swedish rocks, concentric circles are
numerous. The concentric circles cannot here be regarded as the de-
generation of the comparatively rare spiral on the rocks. It must be
considered to represent the degeneration of the bronze spiral which,
towards the close of the early Bronze Period in Scandinavia is constantly
replaced by concentric circles, and it is to this period that the general
evidence of the rock-carvings is related.
This argument gains greatly in force when we take into consideration
the positive evidence concerning the British and Irish monuments. The
carving at New Grange will, I think, be generally conceded to be Bronze
Age. It is not merely a question of the spiral. The manner in which
the lozenges are in several instances halved and quartered, the parts
being contrasted by the picking out of alternate triangles is characteris-
tically Bronze Age, and represents in stone the contrasting of triangular
spaces by hatching, so general in bronze ornament. Now, this feature is
not a stone tradition, it cannot be traced on the monuments. On the
contrary, it seems to be a direct translation from bronze and pottery.
In fact, chevron, triangle, lozenge, and saltire patterns represent the
common stock of Bronze Age ornament in the west of Europe. These
forms have not been carried on stone, but have clearly been transferred
to stone at New Grange from bronze, pottery, and, no doubt, wood-
carving. But the attribution of the British and Irish monuments to the
Bronze Period does not rest on the character of the ornament alone.
The abundant evidence of cremation at Loughcrew, the Calder circle, a
Bronze Age type, the discovery of Bronze Age urns in incised cists (as
at Cunninghar) all point to the same conclusion.
If, then, the spiral in Ireland and Britain is Bronze Age, I do not
see that it is possible to dissociate it from the body of Bronze Age spiral
ornament, and to refer it to the West Mediterranean route along which
the spiral is a failing quantity. Such reference introduces the difficulty,
as I have already said, of having to consider the New Grange spirals as
an ascending series. On the contrary, the spiral series in Ireland is a
descending series; the spiral is going out at Dowth, Loughcrew, and
The absence of the spiral in bronze in Ireland is certainly a gap in
the evidence. But we must recollect that the bronze remains in our
museums are but the merest fraction of what once existed. It would not
be possible from the great collection of the Royal Irish Academy to equip
one hundred men with a full complement of swords and spears, although
the collection represents many centuries of bronze manufacture. I have
already drawn attention to the fact that but for the exception of a
solitary example to the contrary, we might argue that incised concentric
circle ornament was unknown on Irish gold objects. Yet the richness of
the decoration of concentric circles of this solitary Irish example (charac-
teristically Irish in form) is such that we may fairly infer that incised
concentric circle ornament was frequently applied to Irish gold objects.
The conclusive argument for derivation from the Scandinavian side
does not, however, rest on conjectural or negative evidence. It must be
insisted on that the argument does not rest solely, or now mainly, on the
spiral. It cannot be merely a coincidence that the forms outside of the
spiral to which I have drawn attention at New Grange (figs. 60 and 62,
Journal, 1896, pp. 47, 49) cannot be traced on the Mediterranean route,
but are fully in place on the Scandinavian side. ^Moreover, the manner
in which the spiral gives way at Loughcrew simultaneously with the
appearance of rayed concentric circles and wheel forms (which likewise
cannot be traced on the Mediterranean route) furnishes too close a
parallel to the change in ornament from the earlier to the later Bronze
Ages of Scandinavia to be explained on other grounds than that of
influence from the Scandinavian side. — GEORGE COFFEY, M.E.I. A.
Battle of Dysert O'Dea. — Can any of our Members suggest a source
for the legend of the battle of Dysert O'Dea, Co. Clare, which recently
appeared in the Illustrograph ? The Irish are said to have planted bul-
rushes in the marsh to lure the Normans into the quagmire, under the
belief that these plants only grew in firm ground. This legend was not
found by O'Donovan and 0' Curry when they so carefully examined the
district and peasantry in 1839 ;;jior by me in 1891, though I took much
pains to sift the legends of the battle. It does not occur in the written
accounts, and is precluded by the unexpected appearance of De Clare
before Dysert, as recorded in " The Wars of Torlough."
There is a steady growth of sham legends, stimulated by tourists and
by the inquiries made for the recent Ordnance Survey. The results
ought to be carefully guarded against by the antiquary and collector of
folk-lore, and if the "bulrush" legend is a mere modern invention (as
seems probable), it ought to be so noted. — T. J. W.
Currin Crannog, Co. Tyrone. — In the townland of Currin, between
Eglish and Benburb, is a small lough less than a mile in circumference.
It contains an island which, for some time, I have believed to be a
erannog. - To test the truth of my supposition I lately paid it a visit, in
company with Mr. Christopher I. Hobson (Member}. The island is
circular, and is about 45 yards in circumference. It stands in the
centre of the lough, and it rises almost perpendicularly from the bottom,
as the water all around is exceedingly deep. Here and there the soil
has been washed away by the action of the waves, and this enabled us
to see plainly several horizontal logs, which evidently form part of a
number that go all round the outside of the structure, and prove it to
be a crannog. The island is covered with small trees and brambles, and
its surface is less than three feet higher than the level of the lough.
But the lough was once higher than at present, as a drain, which forms
the outlet, has evidently been deepened.
A neighbouring farmer states that, some time ago, a considerable
number of logs were removed from the island. Besides this, a quantity
of bones were found there, among which was a skull with long hair
attached. Moreover, a small quern was discovered in the immediate
vicinity of the lake.
We had no means of digging, and were, therefore, unable to make a
satisfactory examination ; but the horizontal logs and a number of stakes
that we found, which were pointed with a metal instrument, were
enough to satisfy us that the island once contained a lake-dwelling.
We hope, on a future occasion, by favour of Mr. James Bruce, D.L., the
proprietor, to explore the place more thoroughly. — W. T. LATIMER,
Fellow, Hon. Local Secretary, East Tyrone.
Baginbun Inscribed Stone. — About the beginning of September I
visited Fethard and Baginbun. The inscribed stone at Baginbun shows
marks of recent blows of a heavy hammer, and pieces are broken off two
corners. The earth round it had been dug away and put back again.
Apparently the owner of the field wishes to get rid of it. If the stone
is of any real value to antiquaries, something should be done to prevent
its destruction. — W. WARING.
"The Kilkenny Museum.' ' — The following letter has appeared in
The Irish Builder addressed to the Editor of that paper : —
" SIR, — I recently read, while abroad, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Anti-
quaries, an extract from The Irish Builder, under the above heading, stating — (1) That
it had been proposed to * divert' from charitable purposes the small Elizabethan build-
ing known as The Shee Alms- House, for the purpose of housing therein the Kilkenny
Archaeological Collection ; (2) that the building was in bad repair, dark, and other-
wise unfitted for such purposes.
"As its owner, and a thirty-seven years' Member of the Society and of its prede-
cessors, I beg permission to reply. (1) It was never proposed either by myself or by
the Museum Committee— well-known gentlemen of Kilkenny county and city, under
the chairmanship of the Marquis of Ormonde (styled by your contributor ' some local
persons ') — to divert that building from charitable uses. It was, when in ruins, about
twenty years ago, newly rebuilt (all but the walls) by me. It was then given, at a
nominal rent of one shilling a-year for the use of the Lay Ladies' Charitable Associa-
tion, and for the employment in it of distressed needlewomen. In 1885 the manage-
ment was changed. About the same time the. workwomen ceased to be employed, and
thenceforth the building (two empty rooms, each 44 feet by 22 feet) was left unused,
except a portion of one room, for the occasional meetings of some three or four of 'the
Committee. The roof and walls were allowed to be damaged ; blown-off slates were
not replaced ; walls were allowed to be saturated by choked valley gutters, uncleaned
for years, &c. The owner (living forty miles away) now required the new managers
to take out the shilling a-year lease, and to keep in repair. They refused ; demanded
proofs of legal title ; asked for proofs that rent had ever been paid, and, finally, locked
the owner out of the house. Legal proceedings promptly caused their unconditional
surrender, May, 1896. Some months later it was proposed by the (innocent) ladies
that they should re-occupy the building on condition of housing therein the Archaeo-
logical Collection, while retaining in the building sufficient room for their Committee
meetings, and receiving from the Museum Committee a contribution in money for
their charity ; the Museum Committee Undertaking, besides, all charges for insurance,
keeping in repair, &c. This offer being declined, the ladies